Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015


(written pre-AOTC)

(Want to submit a fic?  Read this first.)

A Day's Work, by Aeryn.  Mostly mushy/a smidge angsty scene; Anakin and Amidala the morning after their wedding.

The Anakin Skywalker Diaries, by anakin_girl.  Episode II AU; follow the adventures of Anakin Skywalker, Master Prankster and his master embarking on a mission for the Jedi Council accompanied by Padmé and Sabé.  Semi-adult humor.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4

Anakin's Rose, by BeElleGee.  After years apart, Anakin and Amidala try to come to terms with their deepening feelings for each other as well as address their fears of rejection and unrequited love.

Cloudy Symbols of High Romance, by Angel of Iego.  When Anakin and an engaged Amidala are reunited 10 years after TPM, a slip of the tongue by Obi-Wan leads to developments in A/A's relationship.

Elapsed Moments, by Smudge.  During a bloody Clone Wars battle, Anakin and Amidala fight for their survival and one another.

Episode II: Mandate of Tyranny, by Wendy Dale Smith.  Episode II screenplay, with a strong emphasis on the A/A romance.

Every Second of Every Day, by Someone the First (NarriPatters).  Her rejection of Anakin's proposal makes for a very emotionally conflicted Amidala.

The Fate of Naboo, by Rebecca.  When a warlord threatens Naboo, Amidala must choose between love and the chance to save her world.

Firelight, by Shara82.  A married Anakin and Amidala contemplate their future by firelight.

First Date, by Kittenmommy.  Anakin's romantic plans for a first date go... not as planned.

A Game of Hearts, by Cindé of Naboo.  Episode II romance, without the pesky Obi-Wan plotline.  ;)

Happy Birthday, Amidala!, by Kittenmommy.  Amidala receives a surprise on her birthday.

I gon' and dun wrote a dern fanfic!, by The Irish Jedi.  Love, war, and a hell of a lot of both.  Episode II speculation story, and one of my favorite pre-AotC takes on the A/A romance.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Jealousy, by Kittenmommy.  Anakin and Amidala both believe the other is in love with someone else.  (Perhaps needless to say - Obi-Wan does not figure in that equation.)

Just Once, by ami-padme.  A newly-arrived-at-adulthood Anakin wrestles with a childhood promise to himself.

Invitation to a Royal Wedding, by Kittenmommy.  (Humor.)  What can possibly go wrong during the planning of Anakin and Amidala's wedding?  Absolutely everything.

Naboo's End,  by Spitfire.  Amidala comes to terms with the loss of Naboo with help from Anakin.

Prelude to Destiny, by Gidget aka JediPadme.  Between Episodes II and III.  Anakin's snapped, and only one person can save him from destroying himself and Obi-Wan both.

A Returning, by DBKate.  Ten years after TPM, Naboo tradition dictates Queen Amidala must choose a bondmate.

Scents, by Smudge.  Shorty; Anakin makes a memory as he lays beside his beloved.

Shadows Before Darkness, by ami-padme.  Anakin and Amidala's relationship in the wake of Shmi's death.

Starlight, by Anakin's Angel.  A short A/A point-of-view mush fic, eight years after TPM.  One of the first fics ever posted here.

The Trouble With Balconies, by Melyanna.  Amidala receives a late night visit from an old friend.

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