Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




The Fate of Naboo

by Rebecca


Disclaimer: The characters, settings, and situations contained within this story with the exception of Xandima, Thoran, Rayon, Zorana, and Nay'ana, were created by and belong to George Lucas and Lucasfilm Ltd. The film title Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace belongs to Lucasfilm Ltd. and 20th Century Fox productions. No infringement is intended.***

Author's Note: Yes, I know this story is a little similar in plot to The Courtship of Princess Leia, but I thought the idea would work well for an Ami/Ani story, and I thought the idea of Amidala having to chose between her heart and her duty would make for some good angsty scenes between her and Anakin. Hope no one is offended by any similarity.



The Republic cruiser Justice IV dropped out of hyperspace and glided smoothly toward the emerald-green orb that was Naboo. Its pilots guided the craft skillfully toward the looming planet, their fingers moving deftly over the control panels, their eyes riveted on the planet beyond the viewshield. They had flown on hundreds of missions all over the galaxy, but were slightly nervous about this one, mainly because of the nature of the passengers they carried. Every so often they would glance back at the robed, hooded figure behind them.

"Land in the capital's main hangar," the figure instructed quietly, and the pilots nodded. The Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi's piercing blue-green eyes narrowed as he took in the huge warship that orbited the planet. The ship was sluggish and large, meant for battle, not speed. It loomed close to the cruiser now, but paid them no heed. Obi-Wan noted this with mild surprise. He'd been expecting the ship to respond to their presence.

"Are we to land in Theed?" Anakin Skywalker's deep voice asked softly from where he stood behind his mentor.

Obi-Wan nodded, still staring at the battleship as they passed it, then turned to his protégé, taking his measure.

Anakin was tall, well over six feet, and powerfully built even at the tender age of nineteen. His dark blond hair was cut short and even, save for a small ponytail in the back and a thin braid that hung over his right shoulder, as was traditional for a human Padawan Apprentice. His face was handsome, with angelic features and blue eyes, shadowed by the hood of the Jedi robe he wore. Like Obi-Wan, he wore the sand-colored tunic, pants, and knee-high brown boots of a Jedi, and his lightsaber hung from his belt, just out of view. He moved to stand beside his teacher, whose handsome face wore a slightly pensive statement instead of its usual seriousness.

Obi-Wan watched the activity around the hangar as the cruiser descended into the Naboo capital of Theed. The city's copper-domed buildings, high archways, and sleek statuary laid claim to the Naboo love of art, and the waterfalls that fell from the rock outcroppings on which the city was built gave the area an extraordinary beauty. The cruiser moved gracefully into Theed Palace's main hangar and slowly lowered to the durasteel floor. A loud clanking noise indicated that docking was complete, and the Jedi exited the ship. They were met by the familiar figure of Captain Panaka, the Queen's head of security. He greeted them warmly and led them from the hangar.

Anakin felt a nervous tremor at the prospect of seeing Queen Amidala again. He'd first met the beautiful young Queen on his homeworld of Tatooine, when he'd been only nine. He'd not known she was a Queen then; she had been disguised as one of her handmaidens and dressed in rough peasant's clothing, but he'd been instantly smitten with her. After the Battle of Naboo, he'd left with Obi-Wan to begin his Jedi training, and hadn't seen her since. Secretly, he'd been counting the days until he'd see her again.

The thoughts left his head as Panaka escorted them into the palace throne room. "Her Highness is in a meeting with her Advisory Council," the Captain said, "but she wishes to see you immediately." He and the Jedi entered the airy, circular room.

Across the vast expanse of marble, twenty-four year-old Queen Amidala of Naboo, a magnificent vision, sat regally on her throne, a round-backed chair set on a raised dais flanked by her ever-present retinue of cloaked and hooded handmaidens. She looked almost exactly the same as he remembered her, her face still as youthful and beautiful as it had been when he'd met her.

She wore an elaborate gown of red velvet with flaring sleeves and wide shoulders meant to emphasize her position as ruler of Naboo. A golden headdress accented her elaborately-styled brown hair. Her face had been painted in its traditional style, pure white with two small perfectly round red dots, one on each cheek. Her upper lip was painted the deepest crimson, and her white lower lip was split down the middle with a vertical slash of red. These were her official robes of office, and Anakin and Obi-Wan both knew that when dressed like this, her large brown eyes would betray almost no emotion, her face would be as still as a statue, and her normally sweet, confident tone would be masked by the low, accented voice she used in formal situations.

"We are honored by your presence here," she stated unemotionally. "It is my hope that this situation can be resolved in a peaceful manner." Her eyes moved from Obi-Wan to Anakin, and widened in shock, probably at his appearance. She still remembered him as a nine-year-old boy, not a grown Jedi Knight.

Obi-Wan bowed respectfully. "It is our hope as well, Your Highness," he said, but inwardly, he was not so sure.

The normally peaceful Naboo system had been invaded several days ago by warships like the one Obi-Wan had seen earlier--ships belonging to one of the most ruthless, evil warlords in the galaxy, Nay'ana, a mysterious Falleen warrior. He was a crime lord worthy of Hutt status, and his crime syndicate was well-known in almost every system. He wanted the riches of Theed Palace to advance his criminal dealings, and had chosen it as his target due to the fact that it was located on the outer rim, far from the protection of Coruscant. It was no secret that Naboo had no armies; their security forces were volunteer. The peaceful people of Naboo were no match for his fleet and deadly droid army, and he knew it. Nay'ana had not yet landed any troops, but it was only a matter of days. Amidala had precious little time to find a solution. She was depending on the Jedi and the Galactic Senate for help, but the outlook was grim.

The only other solution was to receive military aid from Naboo's most powerful ally, the nearby system of Xandima. Pleas for help had been executed, but so far no reply had been made.

Anakin and Obi-Wan stood near the back of the room, while Governor Sio Bibble stepped forward to address Amidala.

He was a tall, aging man with a sharply pointed white beard and an even sharper tongue. As Governor of Naboo, he oversaw all matters brought to the Queen's attention and chaired her Advisory Council. He was, at heart, a philosopher, and was reluctant to even consider the use of military action, even at so serious a threat as Nay'ana.

"Your Highness," he began formally, "I feel we should focus all of our attention on negotiating this conflict--"

Amidala interrupted him, leaning forward, and he could see the fire in her brown eyes. "I will not negotiate with warlords, Governor, nor will I allow us to become mired in the dealings of the Senate. The Jedi will serve as my head council on this unlawful invasion of our system. If they advise the solicitation of assistance from Xandima, it shall be so."

Bibble, along with Panaka and the rest of the Council, was taken aback by her outburst, and visibly miffed at her faith in the Jedi. "Your Highness, please! We have no armies--"

Again, she interrupted him. "If military action becomes necessary, Governor, Xandima will provide it. Until then I cannot afford to eliminate the possibility of a forceful resolution. I will not have my people suffer at the hands of a crime syndicate." She softened her tone slightly. "I will not make the same mistake I did with the Trade Federation, Governor. I will not be unprepared again."

Bibble's face had gone red. "But--Your Highness--Chancellor Palpatine--the Senate--"

Amidala, it seemed, was determined not to allow him to complete a sentence. "I have learned," she stated with cool finality, "that the Senate is of little help in such matters. As for Chancellor Palpatine, he will be of even less help." She had long since lost her faith in her one-time ally; it was becoming clearer to her every day that the higher Palpatine rose in power, the less he heard the pleas of individual systems, much less his own. Amidala's chilly gaze swept the faces of her slightly shocked advisors. "In the meantime, we must not underestimate Nay'ana, or dismiss the possibility of war."

Bibble tried one last time, shooting an angry look at the two Jedi, who outwardly remained expressionless. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I do not feel the Jedi clearly understand our situation."

Amidala was angry, now. Everyone present saw it in her white face. "Forgive me, Governor," she said sarcastically, "But I do not require your opinion on such matters."

"As a member of your council, I am only trying to help you resolve this matter and do what's best for Naboo---"

"I have ruled Naboo for ten years, Governor, and while I am grateful in most cases for your advice I most certainly do not need it to know what's best for my planet. This audience has gone far enough. That will be all."

The Council members stared at her for several moments, then slowly stood and left. When only Panaka, the Jedi, and her handmaidens remained, Amidala shifted her gaze to Obi-Wan. He stared back at her, a neutral statement on his handsome face. She stood and without a word retreated to her chambers, her handmaidens trailing behind.

Anakin turned to Obi-Wan. "Master, do you think Xandima will agree to help?" he asked quietly.

Obi-Wan frowned. "The Xandimians have always had a good relationship with the Naboo, and they have adequate ships to force Nay'ana out of the system, and patrols to secure it, so I suspect they will."

Anakin sensed his master's hesitation. "But..."

Obi-Wan sighed. "I fear they will try to gain something from this." He looked away. "It's probably nothing."

Captain Panaka showed Obi-Wan to the chambers that had been set aside for them, but Anakin stayed. He was anxious to see Amidala informally.

After what seemed like an eternity, Amidala appeared in the throne room again. She'd changed out of her audience robes into a much less elaborate gown of pale green, her long hair held back from her face with two braided sections. "Anakin?!" she cried, hurrying over to him. "I can't believe it! You're...I mean..." She let her voice trail off, at a loss for words.

He gave her a warm smile. "I grew up," he supplied helpfully as they embraced.

She stepped back to look at him, her brown eyes sweeping over his tall form. "I'll say you did," she said, smiling. She hugged him again. "It's so good to have you here, Ani," she said happily, using the nickname of his boyhood. "I want to hear everything you've been doing."

He chuckled softly. "That could take awhile."

Her grin widened. "I've got time."

For the next hour, they walked the Palace grounds as Anakin told Amidala of his training and his experiences at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he'd been living ever since leaving Naboo ten years ago.

"And how is Obi-Wan?" she asked.

"We've grown close," Anakin said. "He's a great teacher. But the slightest mention of Qui-Gon still upsets him."

Amidala nodded, sadness creeping into her eyes. Qui-Gon Jinn had been a wise, powerful Jedi Master, and the most kind-hearted man she'd ever known. He had trained Obi-Wan to Knighthood, practically raising him, and the two men had shared a bond that was deeper even than that of father and son. While protecting Amidala during the Trade Federation's unlawful invasion of Naboo ten years earlier, Qui-Gon had discovered Anakin, a then nine-year-old slave with an exceptionally strong connection to the Force. Had it not been for Qui-Gon's persistence, Anakin would never have been allowed to train as a Jedi.

At first, Obi-Wan had been jealous of Anakin's position of favor with Qui-Gon, and had harbored a grudge against the boy, whom he'd seen as an unnecessary and potentially dangerous risk. But when Qui-Gon had been savagely killed during a battle with the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Maul, Obi-Wan had sworn an oath to train Anakin, letting go of his hard feelings toward the boy. Obi-Wan had been deeply traumatized by the loss of his mentor, but the experience had awakened a newfound maturity in him, as well.

"I miss Qui-Gon," Amidala murmured, her gaze distant as she remembered the warm-hearted Jedi Master.

"Me, too." Anakin's voice was sad.

After a moment of heavy silence, Amidala glanced up at him, her joy at his return overshadowed by her fear for Naboo. "I need your honest opinion-do you think the Senate will do anything about this invasion?"

Anakin stopped and faced her, his vivid blue eyes serious. "There isn't much chance they will, I'm afraid. Or if they do, it won't be in time. You know how much turmoil there is in the Republic right now, and to be honest, the Senate's a mess. It's all the Supreme Chancellor can do to keep the meetings orderly, what with all the arguing going on." His eyes took on a momentary look of disgust. "They're plagued by greed, all of them. None of them are content to simply serve the Republic anymore, they all want to control it."

Amidala lowered her eyes. "Then I'll find another way."

"Perhaps the Xandimians will agree to help," Anakin suggested.

Amidala was silent for a moment. "I guess that's all I can hope for. I've found no other course of action."

"I'm surprised Nay'ana hasn't invaded the city yet," Anakin said thoughtfully. "But it's good that he hasn't. It'll give us time to think of some way to stop him." He glanced over at her again. "I've missed you, Padmè," he said quietly, using the name she'd gone by when he'd first met her, when he'd thought she was a handmaiden.

"Amidala," she corrected automatically, then smiled and faced him. "I've missed you too, Ani. I can't believe it's been ten years."

Anakin suddenly noticed the carved pendant hanging from a frayed leather cord around her neck, half-hidden in the folds of her cloak. "My japor pendant," he murmured in amazement, "the one I made for you on Tatooine. You still wear it?"

A blush crept up her cheeks. "I've never taken it off," she admitted quietly.

He was about to respond when a shout from behind suddenly brought them around. "Your Highness!" Captain Panaka called, striding up to them, bowing as he did so. An statement of extreme relief crossed his dark-skinned face. "Xandima has replied to our plea. King Rayon and Queen Zorana wish to meet with you personally."

"They may arrive in Theed at their convenience, Captain. Make quarters available."

He bowed. "Yes, Your Highness."

Amidala glanced at Anakin, and he smiled at her. "That's a good sign," he said encouragingly.

She sighed. "I suppose. They wouldn't come all this way if they weren't willing to help. But I'm afraid they may have conditions attached."

Anakin wanted to reassure her but could think of nothing to say, for he feared she might be right. 


The King and Queen of Xandima arrived the next day and were immediately escorted to the throne room, where they would meet with Amidala and her Advisory Council.

In her chambers, Amidala nervously awaited them. She wore the most imposing gown her wardrobe had to offer-one made of heavy red silk and trimmed with fur. Hand-stitched golden embroidery decorated the front of the gown, and illuminated oval lights adorned its hem. She wore a large escoffiate headdress with golden faceframes, accented with red lace and a large red jewel set low on her forehead. Her facepaint set off the entire ensemble, which gave her a regal bearing unlike any other she could have chosen.

Taking a deep breath, Amidala entered the throne room, keeping her gaze directed ahead. She regally took her throne, her gaze sweeping the assembled audience. The Queen's advisory council was present, as were King Rayon and Queen Zorana. Captain Panaka stood at attention near the throne, and the Jedi stood in the back like ever-watchful guards, their faces concealed by the hoods of their cloaks. Something told Amidala that they distrusted Rayon and Zorana.

Amidala glanced again at the two Xandimians. Their son, Prince Thoran, who was only a few years older than Amidala herself, had not accompanied his parents, but instead stayed behind to oversee matters of state during his father's absence.

Zorana was a stately, elegant woman, who, even as she neared the age of fifty, retained her beauty. Her long black hair showed no sign of grey, and her features were youthful.

Amidala discretely studied the other Queen. Although she was second in command to her husband, who made all final decisions, she was never content to sit calmly by his side. If she disagreed with a decision, she spoke up, and she was very cunning and a little ruthless. Amidala was inwardly afraid that, as Obi-Wan had said, Zorana might try to gain something from this.

King Rayon reminded her instantly of Chancellor Palpatine; an aging man with kind features, but possessed of a sharply honed political mind, and one not opposed to any arrangement that could benefit him in any way. He stood, his dark green robes less ornate than Amidala's gown, but just as imposing, and faced the young Queen. "Your Highness," Rayon began formally, "we are honored by your faith in the alliance between Naboo and Xandima. We have been made fully aware of the situation, and assure you that we have more than adequate resources to deal with Nay'ana's blockade."

Amidala leaned forward. "I am grateful for your assistance, Your Majesty. But I must ask: you are prepared to take military action against Nay'ana?"

"Of course we intend to offer assistance," Zorana said smoothly, stepping into the conversation. "But only if you accept our son's offer of marriage. If we are to build a more solid alliance with Naboo, we must have something solid to base it on." Zorana leaned back in her chair, her black eyes fixed on Amidala's white face, waiting for a reaction.

She received none. Amidala sat as still as a statue, her gaze steady, but Obi-Wan, standing across the room, could feel her shock and dismay as though it were a tangible thing. Her eyes drifted fleetingly to Anakin's, and this time her shock was visible. His face had remained calm and expressionless, but his blue eyes were glinting strangely as he struggled to control himself.

Amidala faced Zorana and Rayon. "You must give me time to consider your offer," she stated tonelessly.

"Of course, Your Highness," Rayon said, inclining his head slightly. "Thoran regrets that he is unable to make his request in person, but he was unable to accompany us to Theed." Amidala dipped her head fractionally to acknowledge him.

Everyone waited for Amidala's next reaction, and the tensions mounted like a great cloud of smoke. 

*   *   *   * 

Immediately after the audience, Amidala retired to her private chambers, feeling slightly numb at Zorana's ultimatum. What was she supposed to do? How was she supposed to make such a momentous decision?

She was silent as her handmaidens, Eirtaé, Rabé, and Sabé helped her out of her audience robes and into a less imposing gown of maroon velvet.

She dismissed Eirtaé and Rabé, but Sabé remained.

Like all of the Royal Handmaidens, Sabé had been in Amidala's service since her election as Queen ten years ago. As the handmaiden who most closely resembled Amidala, she was first in line to act as a decoy whenever Amidala was in danger. However, she was also Amidala's best friend and most trusted ally.

Amidala turned as Sabé approached her. "You're not going to accept their offer, are you, Queen Amidala?"

The Queen's statement was pensive. "I...I don't know." There was no point in lying to Sabé. She knew of Amidala's love for Naboo, but she also knew of the feelings stirring within her for Anakin.

Sabé said nothing more, quietly leaving her Queen to her thoughts. 

*    *    *   * 

The Xandimians sent Amidala a message that evening, requesting permission for their son to come to Theed himself to meet the Queen. Sabé remarked sarcastically that the foreign rulers were acting as though Amidala had already accepted their proposal.

Amidala didn't reply to her handmaiden's comment, but quietly told the guard outside her chambers to inform the Xandimians that Prince Thoran was welcome to arrive at his convenience.

Sabé stared at her. "You mean you're actually going to consider-"

Amidala cut her off. "I have to consider it, Sabé." She turned to face the other woman. "Our planet has been unlawfully invaded by a criminal warlord," she reminded the handmaiden. "Xandima's assistance is the only solution I can see."

Sabé said nothing more, just bowed and slipped away to her own chambers.

Amidala sighed, then pulled on a dark red velvet cloak. She was too deep in thought to sleep. She slipped out of her chambers, thinking a walk in the palace garden might do her good.

*   *   * 

Anakin Skywalker had never been more miserable in his life. He knew he should have been practicing his Jedi meditation exercises; Obi-Wan would surely give him a stern lecture when he found out they hadn't been done, but Anakin couldn't seem to make himself go back to his chambers. He stood at the edge of the garden, staring down at the waterfalls below, deciding to risk his master's exasperation. A gentle breeze blew, rustling his brown Jedi robe and tugging at his braid, but he didn't feel its chill. He felt nothing but dismay.

Amidala, married to a foreign Prince? The thought made him angry and terribly jealous at the same time.

She can't marry someone else, he thought with conviction. I love her. She's my angel. I can't let this happen! Not for the fist time he found himself wishing that she were the handmaiden Padmè Naberrie instead of Queen Amidala of Naboo. Padmé's decisions didn't effect thousands of Naboo citizens. Padmè would be free to love him.

The sound of footsteps on the stone walkway made him turn, breaking into his thoughts.

Amidala stood before him, her slender, small form swathed in a flowing velvet cloak, its hood pushed back. Strands of hair that had escaped from her braid blew around her beautiful face.

"What are you doing out so late?" she asked, coming up to stand beside him.

"Thinking," he responded, his tone slightly guarded.

She sighed. "Anakin, please don't be angry with me over this. I couldn't stand it if I lost your support."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, brushing her plea aside. "He's coming here, isn't he?"

She looked up, startled. "How did you-"

"I can just tell. When's he coming?"

"He should arrive tomorrow."

"And then what? He courts you for a few days, or do you just marry him when he steps off the ship?" he asked, his voice laced with bitter sarcasm. His eyes glittered intensely.

Her slender brows drew together and her statement grew angry. "Anakin, I can't believe you! Do you actually think I want to do this?"

Anakin set his jaw. "You could have said no."

A look of recognition dawned on her delicate face. "You're jealous!" she accused.

He looked away and didn't answer.

Amidala was furious. She put her hands on her hips and moved into his path, forcing him to look at her. "Say it, Anakin. You're jealous." Her voice was sharp.

He took a step toward her. "Fine, I will! I'm jealous! And I don't think you should be forced into a marriage with some foreign Prince in exchange for your planet's safety!"

"Why are you jealous?" she snapped, ignoring the latter part of his sentence.

"Because I love you! " he yelled.

Her eyes grew huge, and she stared at him in shock. He pivoted on his heel and stalked away, heading for his chambers.

Amidala couldn't find her voice to call after him, but just stood where he'd left her, speechless. 

*   *   *   * 

Anakin strode wearily into his chambers, paling slightly as he remembered the things he'd said to the Queen. He knew he shouldn't have lost his temper with her; it would only make things harder, but there was nothing he could do about it now. And even worse, he thought suddenly, he would have to explain himself to Obi-Wan.

He stepped cautiously into the bedchamber, sensing his master's presence there, waiting for him. Surprisingly, Obi-Wan didn't look angry at all; instead the young Jedi's face was occupied by a look of sympathy. Seated in a chair, Obi-Wan said nothing, instead waiting for his Padawan to speak.

Anakin sighed. "I'm sorry, Master, I know I should have been doing my exercises-"

Obi-Wan gently cut him off. "It doesn't matter, Anakin. I know you're upset by the Xandimians' proposal."

Anakin swallowed hard. "I shouldn't be," he said, angry at himself. "I should never have let myself think I had a chance with her. She's a Queen, and I'm just-"

Again, Obi-Wan interrupted his protégé. "Queen Amidala has cared for you for many years, Anakin. Your destinies are connected. In time, she will see that."

Anakin looked hopefully at him. "Do you really think so?"

Obi-Wan stood and flashed his apprentice a rare smile. "I know so." He dropped a hand on the younger man's shoulder as he passed. "Get some rest, Anakin," he advised.

"Master?" Anakin called as Obi-Wan prepared to leave.

Obi-Wan turned in the doorway.

Anakin took a deep breath. "You don't trust the Xandimians, do you?"

Obi-Wan's face became very serious, and a vague uneasiness was barely visible in his intense green eyes. "No," he admitted. "Something tells me their motives might not be as pure as they would lead the Queen to think." He paused. "And I think they are quick to take advantage of opportunities such as this one when they arise." He shook his head and his lips twisted into a wry half-smile. "Qui-Gon would probably tell me I'm being overly cautious again."

"I don't trust them, either," Anakin offered, hoping to steer his friend away from dismal thoughts of Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan arched an eyebrow at him, the teacher once more. "You're too personally connected to this entire affair to be able to make a clear judgment, young Padawan. Far more connected than you should be," he reminded his protégé, his voice becoming mildly stern. "Remember, Anakin, if you wish to become a Jedi you must be able to maintain a certain aloofness to these type of situations. Your judgments must be impartial. The will of the Force is too easily clouded by passion."

Anakin sighed. "I know, but..."

Obi-Wan sighed. "I'm not being the best teacher by letting you become involved in this," he said. "But I know the Queen is important to you, and she relies on your advice." He shot the younger man a sharp look for emphasis. "Be wary, Anakin. Remember that too much emotion can lead to danger. Listen to the Force. Don't ignore it."

Anakin nodded gravely. "I'll try, Master."

Obi-Wan shook his head. "Not good enough. You haven't been around Master Yoda enough yet to have heard this, but as he is often fond of saying, ‘try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.'"

"Then I will listen to the Force, Master," Anakin said, a hint of impatience in his voice.

Obi-Wan gave him a long look, then turned away.

Anakin decided rest might be a good idea, as Obi-Wan had said. Otherwise, he thought as he unclipped his lightsaber from his belt, he'd never be able to find the patience to be cordial to the Prince tomorrow. 


Amidala didn't see Anakin at all the next day until Captain Panaka informed her that the Prince's ship was approaching Theed. The Jedi were standing behind the Captain as Panaka gave her the message, but she couldn't see their faces beneath the oversized hoods of their cloaks.

She still hadn't come to terms with Anakin's revelation, but didn't want to dwell on it, mainly because she was terrified that deep down, she felt the same way. So she'd cloaked herself in one of her many elaborate gowns and painted her face. It had become a habit for her to avoid all emotion when formally dressed, and it was much easier for her to mask her true feelings.

She didn't let her voice betray the sadness she was feeling. "Thank you, Captain," she replied in her formal tone. "Show him to the throne room when he arrives."

Panaka bowed. "As you wish, Your Highness." He and the Jedi left the room.

With a barely audible sigh, Amidala took her throne, awaiting the Prince's arrival. 

*    *    *   * 

Moments later, the Jedi reentered the throne room, the Captain behind them.  

"Prince Thoran has docked, Your Highness. He and his parents will come before you shortly," Panaka said, moving to take his place at the side of the throne. Amidala acknowledged him with a brief nod, her thoughts still on Anakin.

The heavy footsteps of a squadron of guards caught her ears. She adopted her most regal bearing and emotionless statement as she sat arrow-straight on the throne. The doors opened, and Zorana, Rayon, and Prince Thoran entered.

Amidala found herself caught off-guard by Thoran's good looks. He was tall, though not so tall as Anakin, and he had his mother's black hair and his father's green eyes. His face was very handsome, with chiseled features, and he was slender yet strong-looking. The dark clothes he was wearing only served to enhance his dark handsomeness as he stepped forward to bow. "Queen Amidala," he said formally, "I am honored to be a guest in your beautiful palace, and happy you have decided to consider my proposal."

Amidala inclined her head ever-so-slightly. "I hope you will enjoy your stay in Theed, Prince Thoran, and it is I who am honored to have you as my guest." She finished speaking and shot a glance at the Jedi standing beside the door. Anakin's handsome face retained its neutral statement, but his vibrant blue eyes were narrowed and as cold as ice. The jealousy in his gaze was unmistakable. However, it was his master's face that surprised Amidala. Obi-Wan's usual attentive, serious statement had deepened into a disapproving scowl, and his green eyes were so intense Amidala momentarily felt as though he were accusing her of something. It so unnerved her that she allowed her normally flawless protocol to slip. She felt herself blush under the thick coat of white facepaint as she realized that the Xandimians and the others assembled were waiting for her next words. "Captain Panaka, my head of security, will show you to your quarters," she said. The captain stepped forward.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I look forward to our next meeting." Thoran bowed again and followed the captain and his parents from the room.

Amidala raised a slender hand, and her white-painted nails flashed. The Advisory Council acknowledged her signal that the audience was over and stood, leaving the chamber with humble bows.

Amidala shot another look at the Jedi. Neither one said anything; Anakin, she could see, was too busy fuming, and Obi-Wan was concentrating on some elusive thought, his statement distant. She glanced briefly to her left. "Eirtaè, Rabé," she commanded, still using her accented tone. The handmaidens obediently stepped forward and turned hooded heads to face her.

She rose, gathering her heavy robes as she stepped off the dais, feeling the strain of the heavy escoffiate headpiece she wore. Her neck ached, but she ignored it and, with one last look at the still-silent Jedi, walked gracefully from the throne room, flanked by her handmaidens. 


"Your Highness," Sabé said gently an hour later, "Prince Thoran has requested a meeting with you." Amidala caught a faint glimmer of disapproval on Sabé's delicate features as the handmaiden spoke. Sabé pushed back a strand of light brown hair that had escaped from her braid as she waited for her sovereign to speak.

"Thank you, Sabé," Amidala said, ignoring Sabé's frown. Sabé had made it clear she thought Anakin and Amidala belonged together.

"Which gown do you wish to wear, Highness?"

Amidala thought for a moment. "The burgundy," she said, referring to an informal gown she often wore without facepaint.

Sabé's eyes widened. "Your Highness," she began carefully. "Are you certain you wish to be so...informal with Prince Thoran already?"

Amidala met her friend's eyes. "There is a definite possibility, Sabé, that Prince Thoran and I will be married. I see no need for formalities." She stood.

Sabé frowned again, but bowed and fetched the gown from the wardrobe.

A few minutes later, Amidala was heading down the hall to the main conference room, nervousness gnawing at her stomach. Her thoughts began to drift to Anakin, as they had been doing all morning, and she sternly told herself to stop. Thinking about Anakin would do her no good.

Thoran was waiting for her near a window. He smiled kindly at her, a smile that made her feel as though she'd known him for years. "Tales of your beauty have traveled far and wide, Your Highness, but I see they hardly do you justice."

"Thank you, Prince Thoran," she said in her normal voice. "You're too kind. Please, call me Amidala."

He smiled again and bowed. "Only if you call me Thoran. I wish you no discomfort, and I see no need for formalities." Amidala smiled back.

The Prince turned to her once they had begun their walk of the grounds, his deep green eyes serious. "I know this is a bit of an awkward situation, Amidala, and I'm very distressed about your planet's situation. I don't mean to pressure you at all. It is my mother who has been insisting on this marriage, although I have hardly been unwilling." Amidala blushed. Thoran continued. "I know you must be preoccupied with this dire situation, but I hope we can get to know each other better in the time before you make your decision."

Amidala stopped and faced him. "Thank you for your understanding." She glanced ahead to their destination. "Come, I think you'd enjoy seeing the Palace gardens." They began walking again, and soon stepped out into the sunlit afternoon.

Amidala's breath caught as she saw Anakin and Obi-Wan standing just ahead, deep in conversation. Both men quieted immediately upon seeing them, and an statement of cool, simmering anger crossed Anakin's angelic features as he caught sight of the Prince escorting Amidala.

As they approached the two Jedi, Amidala found that she couldn't take her eyes off of Anakin. Her heart began to pound as she was struck by how handsome he was, with the sunlight playing across his blond hair and his tall, muscular frame tense beneath his Jedi robes. He was not happy to see her, and even less happy to see Thoran.

The Jedi bowed formally to Amidala and the Prince, but the tension in the air was palpable. "Thoran," Amidala said, stepping forward, "these are two very good friends of mine, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker."

Thoran smiled. "If Queen Amidala calls you friends, then I am very happy to meet you." He looked at Anakin. "You are a legend in Naboo and indeed in the entire Galaxy. I've often heard the tale of what you did to save Naboo during the Trade Federation blockade. The Jedi are privileged to have you among their ranks."

"Thank you," Anakin said, but his deep voice was barely civil.

Thoran turned to Obi-Wan. "Weren't you trained by the great Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn?"

Obi-Wan stiffened, his green eyes glittering dangerously at the mention of Qui-Gon. "Yes," he answered, clearly having trouble keeping his voice level.

"Tales of his and your bravery have traveled far, as well. I am sorry I never had the pleasure of knowing your master; he was a great man."

"One of the greatest ever to have lived, and the greatest of the Jedi," Obi-Wan replied through clenched teeth, but Thoran didn't seem to notice.

With the tension growing thicker by the minute, Amidala decided it was time for this meeting to be over. She and Thoran excused themselves and continued on their walk, leaving behind a jealous Anakin and an irritated Obi-Wan.

Anakin narrowed his eyes at their retreating forms. "I can't believe she's falling for that...that..." he let his voice trail off, unable to think of a sufficient adjective to describe the Prince.

"Hopefully she'll see through him," Obi-Wan muttered.

Anakin doubted it, but he didn't say so. 

*   *   *   * 


In the palace corridors, Thoran and Amidala continued their walk, but the Queen had gone strangely silent, upset by Anakin's attitude toward her.

"Amidala," Thoran asked gently, "is something wrong?"

She looked up. "I'm sorry, it's just...." She let her voice trail off.

"Is it the Jedi? The younger one, Skywalker, seemed upset just now."

She sighed. "He doesn't approve of this proposal," she said, telling the truth. "He and his master are my best friends and most trusted advisors. They aren't pleased with my decision to consider your offer."

Thoran faced her and took her hands. "I appreciate the fact that you feel able to be honest with me. But why is it that they disapprove?"

She swallowed. "Anakin and I...we're very close, and we have been since we were both young." She hesitated for a moment and Thoran spoke.

"He feels that he has a claim on you?"

Amidala lowered her eyes again, knowing her confusion toward Anakin would show in her voice. "Yes, I suppose he does. If I choose to accept your offer, it would be very hard on him."

Thoran's voice held a tone she couldn't quite decipher. "Forgive me for being so forward, Amidala, and I won't pressure you for an answer, but do you love him?"

She looked up into Thoran's emerald-green eyes. "I..." she bit her lip.

Thoran saw her discomfort. "I'm sorry, Highness, I shouldn't have asked such a personal question. Please, forgive me." He took one of her hands and raised it to his lips. "I'll see you tonight, at the banquet."

She nodded wordlessly and watched him go, her emotions in turmoil. 



Several hours later, Anakin entered Theed Palace's royal banquet hall with Obi-Wan, struggling very hard to keep the misery he felt from showing on his face. This banquet was demanded by Naboo royal protocol, and as the Queen's guests and advisors, the Jedi were expected to attend.

Anakin paused for a moment on the middle step of the marble staircase leading down into the massive, sunken dining room. All of the other guests were present, but the Queen's place at the head of the table was still unoccupied. Custom dictated that she be the last to enter.

Seated to the left of Amidala's chair were King Rayon and Queen Zorana, and to her right, across from his parents, Prince Thoran. Next to Thoran's parents were two empty places, reserved for the Jedi. The rest of the guests included Sio Bibble, Captain Panaka, Sabé, and the rest of the Royal Advisory Council.

Anakin breathed a heavy sigh, and in response received a sharp look from Obi-Wan. "I know this will be tiresome, Anakin, but we must represent the Jedi. I don't think any more of the Prince or his parents than you do, but we are first and foremost ambassadors to the Galactic Senate. We must uphold our duty. A Jedi never lets personal feelings interfere with that," he said softly.

"I know, Master. I'm sorry."

Obi-Wan dropped a sympathetic hand on Anakin's shoulder, and the two men took their places at the table, nodding in greeting to those assembled. Anakin caught Sabé's eye as he sat down next to her, and something in the handmaiden's gaze told him she thought less of Thoran than he did. She gave him a sympathetic smile, and he smiled back.

Suddenly, Rabé appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed like Sabé in an elegant yet simple cloak of pale beige velvet. "Her Royal Highness, Queen Amidala of Naboo," she said loudly, announcing the Queen's arrival.

Anakin's eyes widened as Amidala appeared, an aloof statement on her white face. She was wearing a magnificent kimono-like gown of deep purple velvet that wrapped her slender form in layers and was bound at the waist with a wide sash of lavender silk. The sleeves were long and full, hanging gracefully from her slender arms. A fan-shaped headdress adorned with pearls and golden ear coverings sat on her head, and her long hair hung down her back in an ornate braid. Her face was painted in its traditional manner. She moved with the majesty and grace of a seasoned monarch.

The guests rose to their feet in a sign of respect as she approached the table, and when she was arranged in her chair they sat down again, bowing from the neck as they did so.

The long strands of pearls hanging from Amidala's headdress rattled softly as she turned her head, her luminous brown eyes seeking Anakin's, her white face expressionless. He met her gaze with a neutral statement, trying not to let the hurt he was feeling show. She stared at him for a moment, then looked away as the guests began to talk quietly amongst themselves.

"You truly are the embodiment of Naboo's beauty, Your Highness," Thoran said smoothly, gazing appraisingly at Amidala as though she were a decorative ornament. Anakin's fists clenched beneath the table, and Obi-Wan rolled his eyes in disgust. Fortunately for the Jedi, their reactions to the Prince's comment went unnoticed.

"Thank you, Prince Thoran," Amidala replied quietly.

For Anakin, the banquet was pure torture. Amidala spent most of it engaged in political conversation with Thoran and his parents. The Jedi were silent, observant, even wary at times. Sabé, who was present as a representative of the Royal Handmaidens, emanated disappointment in her sovereign, and Captain Panaka and the Advisory Council seemed pleased at their Queen's friendship with the foreign rulers.

Suddenly something Thoran said caught Anakin's ears. "Tell me of the Battle of Naboo," he requested of Amidala. "I've often marveled at the tales I've heard." He flashed the Queen a charming smile that made Anakin slightly queasy.

Amidala glanced fleetingly at the Jedi before speaking. "I am not a warrior Queen," she said in the low, accented tone she always adopted in formal situations. "The battle was one I had hoped not to fight. The Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker are the heroes of that situation. All of Naboo owes them its freedom, and will be forever in their debt."

Thoran looked at Anakin. "You were the pilot of the starfighter that destroyed the Federation control ship, weren't you?" he asked.

"Yes," Anakin answered, using the Force to calm his rising temper.

Thoran looked surprised. "Then, as Her Majesty said, Naboo is in your debt. But you must have been very young at the time."

"Nine," Anakin said shortly, clearing his throat and taking a sip of sweet Nubian nectar from the goblet in front of him.

Thoran shook his head in amazement. "How a nine-year-old child could do such a thing..." he said as if Anakin were not present. "You Jedi are quite amazing." The barest hint of scorn was detectable in his tone.

"We try," Obi-Wan snapped abruptly, speaking for the first time that evening. Sarcasm was very rare for Obi-Wan, and his use of it now shocked both Anakin and Amidala.

Thoran appeared not to have noticed. "Your resourcefulness is admirable, Your Highness. I know I would not have been able to make such a momentous decision in the face of such a dire threat as the Trade Federation."

Anakin once again felt queasy at Thoran's flattery. He looked up to find Amidala staring at him, and he stared back. There was a look in her brown eyes that spoke volumes to him. He could feel her indecision and unhappiness through the Force as though they were tangible. He reached out with his spirit, letting it touch hers. Don't listen to him, Amidala, he pleaded mentally. Don't fall for his cheap flattery. She stared at him a beat longer, then looked away.

Anakin sighed softly. Don't let him take you away from me, he added silently to himself.

At last, the laborious meal was over. The guests began to depart, one by one, until only Sabé, the Jedi, and the Xandimians remained in Amidala's presence.

"Good night, Your Highness," Rayon and Zorana said. "The banquet was splendid."

Amidala inclined her head. "I am pleased you enjoyed it." They stepped back to wait for Thoran, who bowed low and kissed Amidala's hand, prompting a jealous glare from Anakin.

"I look forward to our spending more time together tomorrow, Amidala," he said, and Anakin felt shock travel through him at this statement. He was the only one close to the Queen that was permitted to address her by her first name; not even Obi-Wan or Sabé did so. And now Thoran, who'd known her for one day, was doing so and getting away with it...Anakin wished more than ever that he'd been born into privilege instead of slavery. Maybe then he could stand up and fight for her. But realistically, he knew he had no right to her whatsoever. He was only Anakin Skywalker of Tatooine, Jedi Padawan and former slave-worthless in the eyes of royalty like Thoran. Frustrated, Anakin balled his hands into fists as he watched the Xandimians leave, heading toward their quarters with a retinue of guards.

Obi-Wan let out a short, sarcastic laugh, and Amidala stared at him in surprise and disapproval. He said nothing, just frowned and looked away. He and Anakin bowed to her. "Rest well, Your Highness," Obi-Wan said, the quiet, poised Jedi Knight once more. He and Anakin left the Queen and her handmaiden, heading for their chambers. 

*   *   *   * 

Amidala was silent as she and Sabé retreated back into the Queen's private chambers. The silk train on her gown rustled as she walked, seeming to punctuate the silence between Queen and handmaiden.

"Are you alright, Highness?" Sabé asked softly.

"I'm fine, Sabé," she answered softly, speaking in her normal voice. "Just a little tired." They entered the dressing room where the Queen's wardrobe was kept, and Sabé and Eirtaé began the complicated process of helping her undress.

Rabé slipped silently over to the wardrobe and pulled out a simple black velvet undergown, which Amidala changed into. She untwisted her hair and let it fall in a loose, shimmering mass down her back. A few minutes later, with her makeup removed and the gown and headdress safely stored, Amidala was wearily sipping a hot drink on the settee in her main bedchamber. She dismissed and thanked the handmaidens, and they retreated into their own quarters, off the Queen's rooms.

Sabé did not leave, but turned and faced the other woman. "Your Highness, you aren't seriously considering the Xandimian Prince's proposal, are you?"

Amidala met her friend's eyes. "I have to consider it, Sabé. It may be the only way to save Naboo." She recalled having had this conversation with Sabé before, and exasperation began to rise within her.

"What about Anakin?" 

 Amidala sighed wearily. "Sabè..." she began warningly, but the handmaiden held her ground.

"Can't you see how much it hurts him to think of you with Thoran? You won't be happy with the Prince." Sabé's voice was sharp, and her brown eyes flashed.

Amidala felt a sudden anger rise within her. Why couldn't everyone see that she was only trying to do what was best for Naboo? "This is not about my happiness!" she burst out, her voice raised angrily. "This is about my planet, and my people, and what is best for them! I am the Queen of Naboo, and that means I must make sacrifices!"

Sabé looked shocked at Amidala's rare display of temper, but before she could speak Rabé stepped though the door. "Excuse me, Highness," she said meekly, having heard the Queen's outburst. "One of the Jedi wishes to speak to you. He says it's important."

Amidala inhaled sharply, trying to control her temper, and went to the doorway. Anakin was standing there, still in the ceremonial Jedi robes he'd worn to the banquet, a look of combined desperation and resolve on his handsome face.

"I have to talk to you," he said abruptly.

"Now?" She raised an eyebrow. He nodded and she hesitantly pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

He walked to a secluded area of the hallway where they were completely alone, and she followed. "Ani, what's going on?" she asked in a puzzled tone.

He faced her, knowing the emotions were plain on his face. He swallowed hard. "Don't do this," he said hoarsely, searching her eyes with his.

"Don't do what?"

"Don't let Thoran win you over with a few flattering comments."

She sighed wearily. "Anakin," she began, but he rushed ahead, taking her hands in his and forcing her to look at him.

"Amidala, I love you. We belong together. I've known it ever since I met you. I can't lose you now, not after all we've been through! Thoran and his parents aren't concerned with Naboo's welfare, they just want claim to Theed's riches, the same thing Nay'ana's after! If you marry him, you'll be connected with Xandima forever. There's got to be another way to save Naboo." He felt tears well up in his eyes as he took her face in his hands. "Thoran could never love you. Not like I do." He boldly leaned down and kissed her deeply on the lips, desperate to prove the depth of his feelings for her. After a moment of shock, she responded to the kiss, sliding her arms around his neck and moving closer to him as passion momentarily took over.

He pulled back, staring into her large brown eyes that were glistening with tears. "I know I'm not good enough for you," he whispered, still holding her close. His blue eyes took on a hard look. "But neither is he." He ran a hand tremblingly over her perfect face and his eyes softened again. "Please, promise me you'll think about what I've said. That's all I ask."

She nodded, her chin quivering, too shocked to speak. He swallowed hard again, then kissed her hand, his lips burning against her smooth skin. "Thank you," he whispered, then pulled away and left, striding down the hall, blinking back tears.

Amidala stood where he'd left her, shocked and deeply moved, still reeling from the kiss and his words.

She couldn't sleep that night; the decisions she would soon be forced to make were looming before her like ever-present ghosts. She knew that someone in her position would be naturally expected to marry Thoran. He was handsome, charming, and wealthy, and his planet's large army could easily sway all but the most serious threats to Naboo. But there was one thing he was not.

He was not Anakin.

Amidala sighed heavily, shifting beneath the sheets and flopping onto her back to stare up at the unhelpful ceiling, fingering the smooth pendant the young Jedi had given her so long ago. Anakin stirred feelings within her that she never dreamed she could possess. She felt her very soul stand at attention whenever he looked at her, and his touch and kisses sent her spinning off into a world of dizziness and joy. His intelligence rivaled hers, and he made her feel safe and loved and happy. He treated her like an equal and gave her more respect than anyone else ever had. He alone saw the woman beneath the Queen. He was, she believed, the person she was destined to be with.

So why couldn't she make up her mind?

She was split in two. Her heart wanted Anakin, but her people, whom she represented, needed Thoran. Anakin was brave and strong and skilled, but he was only one man. He alone could not save Naboo, not this time. Thoran could, with a simple command to his troops.

She took a deep breath and knew right then and there that she had no alternatives to Xandima's help. Time was running out-Nay'ana would surely invade Theed any day now, and her beloved Naboo would suffer a fate worse than the Trade Federation. She would have to marry the Prince. She owed it to her people, who had suffered before due to her indecision, during the Trade Federation blockade.

She felt tears on her lashes when she thought of breaking the news to Anakin. He would be crushed, and angry. It tore her apart to think of hurting him so badly, but she knew it would be better to tell him herself than to let him hear the formal announcement. She could only hope that in time he might grow to understand why she had no other choice.

Feeling as though she had settled something, she drifted off into an uneasy, troubled sleep.

*    *   *   * 

Alone in his quarters, Obi-Wan closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, attempting to meditate, but not quite succeeding. As a young Padawan under Qui-Gon's gentle scrutiny, meditation had not been his strong point; impatience had always taken over. But as an adult now of thirty-five, Obi-Wan had grown from a headstrong young Padawan into a man who had found his quiet center within the Force, a man who habitually arranged his thoughts and his life in orderly rows. Anakin constantly kicked those rows aside, and had been doing so ever since he'd come into Obi-Wan's life. It was part of his nature to do so. Anakin was gifted beyond belief, but there was still a part of him that could not be controlled or restrained, still so much of him that wanted adventure and freedom rather than the orderly life of a Jedi.

Obi-Wan's eyes snapped open and he stared off into space, thinking of his apprentice. The Jedi Masters at the Temple constantly said Anakin was just a slightly livelier reflection of Obi-Wan in his youth. Thracia, one of the more seasoned Masters-and the more outspoken-disagreed. She had always insisted, with great affection, that Obi-Wan remembered nothing of what it was like to be a child, to which Obi-Wan would always respond dryly, "Qui-Gon would have heartily disagreed with you." But Thracia's words always struck a chord within him. Perhaps he had been too strict with the boy in his early training, too afraid of letting Anakin's anger surface.

Anakin had done well at controlling the anger the Council had sensed in him upon his first examination, but he was still stubborn and extremely passionate. He grew angry at those who caused others to suffer, sad at the fate of those he could not save, and possessed virtually no patience whatsoever.

The last part sounds a lot like I was at that age, Obi-Wan thought ruefully. He'd never been as passionate as Anakin, but he'd been just as reckless, just as eager to plow ahead with more interesting things than meditation or the reading of ancient Jedi texts. Hopefully Anakin would outgrow it, just as he had.

Obi-Wan sighed. He hated having doubts about his student, but as hard as he tried he could not rid himself of them. "Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to train him," he whispered, then shook his head. "No, I promised Qui-Gon, and nothing is going to make me break that promise," he said forcefully. His voice sounded loud in the airy room.

Refusing to let the subject push its way into his thoughts again, he closed his eyes and began trying once again to meditate, this time successfully.




The next morning, Anakin stood alone in the Throne room's foyer, waiting for Amidala. She'd sent Sabé to get him moments earlier, with a message that she had something important she needed to talk to him about.

He fidgeted uneasily near the window, nervously toying with his braid, remembering the things he'd said to her last night. He prayed it had been enough to convince her that they were destined to be together. He felt a momentary bust of hope. Maybe he had gotten though to her. Maybe she was coming to tell him she'd refused Thoran's offer, and that she loved him. Maybe...

"Anakin." Her voice was soft and her tone guarded as it broke into his thoughts.

He turned. Amidala stood in the doorway, her brown eyes filled with a mix of emotions he couldn't decipher. In that instant, he felt his heart plummet down into the soles of his boots. He knew. She'd made her decision, and something told him he wouldn't like it. "Well?" he asked quietly, trying to keep the hurt and misery from showing on his face.

"I've reached a decision," she said quietly, her eyes fixed on his. "I...I have to accept their terms. There's nothing else I can do. I have no other options. Nay'ana's blockade has stopped supplies from being shipped in, and my people will suffer further." Her lower lip trembled for the briefest instant. "I'm going to marry the Prince."

Anakin swore that at that moment his heart actually broke. He felt the pain of her words like a knife wound in his chest. I've lost her, he thought numbly. He felt hot tears gather behind his eyes, but refused to let them fall.

She was still there, waiting for him to say something, but he knew if he tried to speak he'd lose what little composure he had, so he bit down on his lower lip so hard he nearly drew blood, then turned and walked out, desperate for solace, for a place he could absorb the blow alone. "Anakin!" he heard her cry, but he did not stop.

He didn't go to his chambers, knowing she'd look for him there. He left the palace, beginning to run, heading for the seclusion of the palace gardens. He suddenly felt like a nine-year-old again, trying to come to terms with the loss of his mother and Qui-Gon.

He ran as hard and fast as possible, ignoring his exhaustion, and only when he'd reached the quiet garden did he allow himself to cry. This time, he didn't even try to push his anguish away, but let it flow, like a fast-moving river. 

*   *   *   * 

Queen Amidala of the Naboo entered the circular conference room in the East wing of the palace, feeling as though someone had stolen every trace of happiness from her life. She'd been dreading giving Anakin the news, but he'd taken it worse than she'd feared.

A figure to her left drew her attention. Obi-Wan stood at a window, his slender form arrow-straight as he stared pensively out at the city streets below. He turned at her approach, bowing deferentially from the neck. "Your Highness," he greeted. Sensing her discomfort, his handsome face drew into a scowl. "What is it?"

"I've...I've decided that there is no other option than for me to marry the Prince," she said quietly. "I told Anakin."

Obi-Wan's scowl deepened, and there was a flicker of disapproval in his piercing green eyes. "He must have taken it hard."

She nodded, lowering her head at the threat of tears. "I've never seen him so upset." A single tear dampened her cheek.

Obi-Wan put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Where is he?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. He rushed out. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen."

"Give him time, Your Highness. This will be a very difficult thing for him to accept, but in time he will realize that you had no other choice." He paused. "You aren't happy with your decision." It was not a question.

"No," she said, her voice wobbling. She looked Obi-Wan in the eye. "Thoran is nice, but I don't feel the things for him that I do for Anakin. I...I love Anakin. I always have...I just can't explain it. I just feel that we were somehow meant to be together."

Obi-Wan nodded understandingly, then spoke softly. "Anakin feels the same way. But he would never give up his friendship with you. Give him time, and he will stand by you in this decision." Obi-Wan quietly headed for his quarters, leaving the Queen to her thoughts.

She sighed heavily as she went to the window. She could see Prince Thoran in the garden below, deep in conversation with his parents. She would have to tell him that she officially accepted his offer; the sooner she did so, the sooner Rayon would order his fleet to begin forcing Nay'ana from the system.

With a heavy heart she went to her chambers to select a gown. This was a matter of state that required a formal audience with the Prince and his parents. Governor Sio Bibble would make the announcement to the citizens of Naboo the next day.

She called all five handmaidens to her dressing room, looking gloomily around at their familiar faces as she told them that she had decided to accept Thoran's proposal. They were silent, obviously disappointed, and Sabé's brown eyes glittered intensely as she prepared to speak.

She never got the chance. Amidala shot her a warning look that commanded her silence, and she obeyed with obvious reluctance. The handmaidens set about helping her dress.

An hour later, Amidala sat on her throne, hands in her lap, looking every bit the Queen she was in a black gown of heavy velvet and lace. A black feathered headdress with golden filigree earcoverings wrapped and framed her white face, and a gold chain decorated with red jewels lay across her brow.

The handmaidens were seated to either side of the throne, silent and still in their yellow silk gowns and hoods. Sio Bibble and Captain Panaka sat nearby, and the Jedi stood in the back, their faces concealed by the hoods of their robes.

As they waited for the Xandimians to arrive in the throne room, Amidala shot a look at Anakin. It was the first time she'd seen him since she'd given him the news, and she could tell without even seeing his face that he was furious and hurt. He hadn't spoken a word to her when she'd entered the room, and he'd avoided her gaze when he bowed.

Thoran, Zorana and Rayon entered the room, greeting those assembled with inclinations of their heads. Thoran gave Amidala a warm smile, to which she did not respond.

"I've decided to accept your proposal," she stated flatly, her accented tone completely devoid of any emotion.

Zorana and Rayon broke into smiles, as did the Prince. "I am deeply honored by your words, Your Highness. You could not have made me happier." Thoran said. Amidala's aloof statement didn't change, but Thoran didn't seem to care.

Across the room, Obi-Wan felt Anakin growing more and more angry, although outwardly he showed no emotion. Obi-Wan closed his eyes and spoke to his protégé telepathically, using the Force. Be calm, my young Padawan. Anger will do you no good. Anakin shifted slightly and unclenched his fists, but his frustration did not completely disappear.

Sio Bibble's voice interrupted the silent conversation between the two Jedi. "All of Naboo will wish to celebrate your engagement, Your Highness. I shall make the formal announcement tomorrow." The Governor smiled at the Queen, then stepped back.

King Rayon stepped forward to address the Queen. "I will give the order to my troops immediately, Your Highness. They should reach the Naboo System by dawn."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Amidala said, relief evident in her tone.

Thoran bowed low to her. "The arrangements will be made immediately," he said. He and his parents left the throne room, followed by Sio Bibble.

Amidala slowly turned to look at Anakin once again, but he turned his hooded face away from her.

Feeling more miserable than she ever had in her life, Amidala gathered the skirt of her gown and left the room, the tall feathers on her headdress lending height and flow to her already graceful movements. The handmaidens trailed behind.

Amidala felt like disappearing into her chambers and never coming out again. Not only was she now honor bound to marry a man she did not love, she was also certain that Anakin would never speak to her again. 


*   *   * 

Far above the planet, Nay'ana's massive flagship floated like a hunter stalking prey. It glided smoothly beneath the unassuming stars, flanked by smaller escort craft.

From the bridge of the flagship, Naboo gleamed like a green jewel in the void. Nay'ana himself stared out at the planet, his gaze icily caressing the tranquil sphere. The capital city of Theed was a treasure-trove of valuable artworks and other precious items that would advance his crime syndicate a great deal. The palace treasure rooms alone contained fortunes-worth of gold and jewels. And with the growing tension in the Republic, the more power he could gain, the better. The Naboo capital would require very little effort to take, he believed. The planet's Queen was young and naïve, and had no armies at all. Apparently she hadn't learned her lesson after the Battle of Naboo, ten years earlier. Naboo was not one of those monarchies where blood determined the ruler; the Naboo chose the wisest among them as their leader. They had chosen this woman when she was only fourteen. Why they would choose someone so young and inexperienced was a mystery to him, but would work to his advantage. He smiled evilly to himself when he thought of the ease of the impending invasion.

Nay'ana was a Falleen, a reptilian-like species from a remote planet of the same name. Man-shaped and humanoid, his skin was a dusky pale green that changed colors with his emotions, and his fingers ended in long, sharply pointed claw-like nails. His head was bald except for a high topknot of straight black hair, and his eyes were a gleaming yellow.

Axi Nuen, the captain of his ship, suddenly broke into his thoughts. "We are prepared to land any time you wish, sir."

Nay'ana turned to face the other Falleen. "Good. When night falls on the planet, land one of the smaller droid ships."

Axi looked confused. "One, sir?"

"Yes, Captain. There is no reason to waste energy that is not needed. Queen Amidala's resistance to our control will no doubt be pitiful. She has only a small volunteer security force. Battle droids will easily overcome any fight she puts up. I see no reason to land any of my best troops."

Axi nodded in acquiescence, then hesitated. "Uh, sir, you know that the Senate sent ambassadors to the planet to protect the Queen. We have reason to believe they are Jedi Knights."

Nay'ana sighed impatiently. "Two Jedi will be no match for us, Captain. Land at nightfall, just outside the capital." He turned away dismissively, ending the conversation.

The Captain went to give the order with a sigh. Obviously, his leader had never encountered Jedi before. 



Obi-Wan Kenobi stood with his lightsaber held in a battle stance, clutching its hilt so tightly that his knuckles were white. He could feel sweat beading on his forehead and threatening to run down into his eyes, but he ignored it. He could focus on nothing but the two figures dueling beyond the deadly laser shield he stood behind. One was tall and powerfully built, a Jedi, with handsome, leonine features and long brown hair tied back out of his sharp blue eyes. His large, powerful hands clutched a green-bladed lightsaber, swinging it with deadly precision against his opponent. The other man was shorter, more compact, garbed entirely in black. Gleaming yellow eyes glared out of a demonic red-and-black tattooed face, and the harsh overhead lights shone down on the crown of wicked-looking, stunted horns that grew out of his bald head. He wielded a deadly double-bladed lightsaber, and he fought with a seemingly inhuman intensity. Their lightsabers met with shrieking cracks, the blades sliding apart with harsh rasps as they parried and lunged.

Behind the laser shield, Obi-Wan watched in horror, knowing that the Jedi beyond it, his master, his father figure, was in need of his help but unable to receive it due to the unyielding wall of electrons. "Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan heard himself say desperately as he watched, helpless and frightened for his tiring master.

Then the horned man caught Qui-Gon under the chin with his lightsaber hilt, pivoted, and lunged backwards. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Obi-Wan's scream of anguish echoed in the room as he watched the second blade of the Sith Lord's saber burn through Qui-Gon's torso, a mortal blow...

With a start, Obi-Wan awoke, trembling from the dream. His labored breaths began to slow when he realized he was in his quarters in Theed Royal Palace, the night air quiet and still.

He sighed and ran a hand across his face, chilled by the memory that was still so painful, when a sudden, strong ripple in the Force caught him off-guard, filling his consciousness and swirling away before it could be identified. A feeling of dread suddenly filled him-something was terribly wrong.

Sitting up, he located his comlink and roused Anakin. "Yes, Master?" His protégé asked, sounding alert despite the lateness of the hour.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said, speaking with more urgency in his voice than was usually heard, "there is a great disturbance in the Force."

"I sense it, Master," Anakin replied, sounding worried.

"Meet me in the hall. We need to make sure the Queen is all right."

"Yes, Master."

Obi-Wan dressed quickly and clipped his lightsaber to his belt, then rushed from his quarters into the hall. Anakin was there already, his handsome face clouded by worry.

"Go get the Queen," Obi-Wan ordered. "I'll get Captain Panaka and the Security forces."

Anakin nodded, and the two Jedi rushed off in separate directions.

Anakin ran down the main corridor of the palace that led to the throne room. He knew there was an entrance to Amidala's chambers there. He paused in front of the massive door, drawing in a deep breath before activating the communicator. Almost immediately, Eirtaé's voice met his ears. "Who is it?" she asked.

"It's Anakin," he said urgently. "I must speak to the Queen, immediately. It's an emergency."

The door slid open, and Eirtaé stood before him, her blond hair in disarray. Sabé and Rabé hovered behind her. "What's going on?" Eirtaé asked, alarmed at the intense look on Anakin's face.

Anakin shook his head. "I'm not sure yet. But the Queen is in danger."

"Anakin? What's wrong?" Amidala stood in another doorway beyond her handmaidens. She was a vision in a plain pure white undergown, her hip-length hair braided loosely.

"Obi-Wan sensed something. You'd better come with me."

She met his eyes, and slowly nodded, seeing the urgency in his statement. "Wait in the throne room. I'll be there in a minute." 

*  *  *  * 

"Anakin!" Amidala said loudly. He turned. She was dressed in a burgundy velvet tunic and overcoat, trousers and knee-high black boots, the same battle uniform she'd worn in the Battle of Naboo. Her hair was pulled tightly back and bound at the back of her head, and a sleek chrome-finished blaster rested in a holster on her hip. Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Saché, and Yané were right behind her, garbed similarly.

Before Anakin could speak, Obi-Wan burst into the room, Thoran behind him. "One of Nay'ana's smaller warships has landed. The droid armies have begun invading the city and will be at the palace within minutes."

Amidala whirled to face her handmaidens. "Stay here, this room has the greatest security." She turned to Thoran. "Thoran, will you stay with them?"

He nodded. "My parents!" he suddenly exclaimed. "They don't know about the invasion!"

Obi-Wan looked at Anakin, then at Thoran. "We'll get them. Stay here with the handmaidens." His voice was firm and unyielding.

Amidala stepped forward. "I'm going with you," she said.

Anakin wanted to argue with her, but it would take time they didn't have, so he simply nodded and turned to follow Obi-Wan from the room.

Captain Panaka met them in the hall, breathing heavily, as if he'd been running a long distance. "They've infiltrated the Palace," he stated. "There are too many of them for us to stop."

Amidala's eyes blazed. "We'll find a way," she declared. "I'll die before I'll let them take over the palace." She clutched her blaster with white-knuckled hands, a determined set to her delicate features. She turned to Panaka. "Captain, get as many soldiers as you can and hold them off as long as possible. We have to get the Xandimians to safety."

Panaka nodded. "Be careful, Your Highness." He hurried off toward the main hangar.

Obi-Wan turned to Amidala. "Where are the Xandimians' quarters?"

Amidala began hurrying down the hall, the wide sleeves and skirt of her battle uniform flaring out behind her, occasionally exposing the uniform's bright red satin lining. "This way." The Jedi hurried after her as the sound of blasters being fired began to fill the palace.

They rounded a corner and were met unceremoniously by a squadron of battle droids. Amidala immediately took out two of them with her blaster, hitting them square in the chest, but there were too many of them for her to handle.

The Jedi stepped forward. "Get back!" Anakin commanded her, igniting his lightsaber and standing ready. There was a sharp whining hum as Obi-Wan thumbed on his own weapon. The Queen ducked down as white-hot plasma bolts crisscrossed the air above her, then pressed herself against the wall, the barrel of her blaster pointed at the ceiling.

The droids attacked, but the Jedi cut them down with a frighteningly swift precision, their sabers swooping down in brilliant arcs. Two droids came at Obi-Wan from either side, but the young Jedi leapt into the air and did a split, the soles of his boots connecting with the droids' metallic chests. Another one rushed him, but he spun gracefully around and sent his brilliant green blade through its neck.

Anakin gracefully front flipped over the heads of the pack of droids coming at him, then held up his palm, using the Force to hurl them toward the wall. He used his lightsaber to deflect the bolts fired by the remaining two droids back into their narrow metal bodies.

Both Jedi turned to face the Queen. "Come on!" Obi-Wan urged. "We have to get out of here, now! My guess is they're heading for the throne room."

"I'm going back!" she exclaimed, her finger on the trigger of her blaster. "I've got to warn Thoran and Sabé."

Anakin's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? That area of the palace will be crawling with droids by now! I'm not letting you go back there. You'd be in danger."

"He's right," Obi-Wan said, his eyes intense. "It's too dangerous."

"Sabè's trained in self-defense," Anakin reminded her. "She'll be alright."

Amidala looked him squarely in the eye, her gaze coolly determined. "I'm not taking that chance." She ran towards the door before either could stop her.

"Amidala!" Anakin shouted, starting to go after her.

"No, Anakin!" Obi-Wan said, grabbing his arm. "We've got to get the King and Queen to safety. She'll be alright."

Anakin bit down on his lip, his face clouded with worry.

"Come on, Anakin!" Obi-Wan said again, his voice authoritative. "Now!"

Anakin reluctantly turned away, and he and Obi-Wan ran into the adjoining room. Zorana and Rayon, their faces pale with fear, looked at them with wide eyes, apparently too shocked to speak.

"Your Highnesses, we must leave this area of the palace. Come with us, and we'll get you to safety." Obi-Wan's tone booked no argument.

They nodded and had begun to follow the Jedi, when Zorana suddenly stopped short. "Thoran!" she exclaimed, paling further.

"The Queen has gone to get him and the handmaidens. He'll be alright."

Zorana hesitated, then nodded, her face tight with worry.

"Come on, my dear, we must leave!" Rayon grabbed his wife's arm and hurried her along.

Outside the room, a squadron of droids was approaching, deadly blasters lowered and pointed at the Jedi and the Xandimians. Zorana gasped, clutching her husband's hand and shrinking back.

"It's over," Rayon groaned. "There are too many of them."

"It won't be a problem," Obi-Wan responded quietly. He glanced at Anakin, whose thoughts were clearly on the Queen. "Keep your concentration on the here and now, young Padawan," Obi-Wan admonished softly, a warning note to his voice. "I need you." The younger man immediately snapped to attention.

Obi-Wan nodded to Anakin, and simultaneously the two warriors ignited their lightsabers and rushed at the droids, leaping and ducking gracefully, their weapons slashing in brilliant arcs. The squadron was reduced to scrap metal in seconds. Zorana and Rayon had never seen Jedi Knights in action before and stood, dumbfounded, staring at the heaps of smoking metal on the floor.

"Anakin!" they heard a familiar voice shout. Turing, they saw Amidala, Thoran, and the handmaidens running toward them. The women were armed with blasters, but the Prince was empty-handed. Anakin felt relief rise within him at the sight of Amidala unharmed.

At his shoulder, Obi-Wan whirled, lightsaber held ready. "Anakin!" he shouted. "Destroyers!" Anakin pivoted towards the door and saw three destroyer droids wheeling toward them.

"You must leave!" Obi-Wan cried to the others. "Anakin and I can only deflect their shots-they have shield generators!"

"Amidala!" Anakin shouted, "get them out of here!"

"What about you?" She hesitated as the droids began to unfold.

"We'll hold them off till you get out, then join you!" he called, his eyes on the droids, his lightsaber moving with lightning speed. "Go! Now!" She turned and began herding the others out of the room.

Prince Thoran hesitated, his eyes on the Jedi, who were furiously blocking the Destroyers' fire. The sight seemed to mesmerize him. Amidala turned back to urge him on, but before she could a stray laser bolt from one of the droids hit him squarely on the chest, knocking him backwards. "NOOO!!" Zorana screamed, seeing her son's fall. She tried to run to him, but her husband latched onto her arm, preventing her from moving into the line of fire.

Anakin, distracted by the Xandimian Queen's cry, turned away from the battle for a fraction of a second, his concentration slipping slightly. A plasma bolt, fired by the droid lieutenant, hit him in the arm and threw him backwards, his lightsaber flying across the room with a clatter and deactivating.

"ANAKIN!!!!" Amidala's scream was deafening as he went down, momentarily overwhelmed by the pain. He heard Obi-Wan curse softly under his breath as he increased the speed of his blocks to compensate for Anakin's fall. His eyes blazing, Obi-Wan summoned all the concentration he could and flung his hand toward the droids, palm outwards, summoning the Force. They went flying backwards and smashed into the wall with enough speed to destroy them. As they smoldered in bits on the floor, a second squadron of battle droids entered the room, weapons drawn.

Anakin struggled to his feet, biting his lip against the pain, and used the Force to draw his fallen lightsaber to his hand. He helped Obi-Wan dispatch the droids, then collapsed again, the searing pain chasing away his concentration. He lay there a moment, breathing heavily, closing his eyes against the sting of his wound. Obi-Wan hovered over him, concerned. No more droids approached, and the palace seemed strangely silent. Captain Panaka and his troops had evidently been successful in their battle, as well.

Amidala ran over and threw herself to her knees, cradling Anakin's head in her lap, tears in her eyes. "Anakin!" she cried hoarsely, shaken by his injury, her face nearly as pale as if she were wearing her facepaint.

He smiled weakly and caressed her face reassuringly. "I'm alright," he said, biting his lip again, hard. "It's just in the arm." His blue eyes filled with frustration at himself for allowing his focus to yield so easily. Obi-Wan, sensing that his apprentice was not seriously injured, went over to Zorana and Rayon, who were leaning over Thoran's body.

 "He's...he's gone," Rayon said hoarsely, and Zorana sobbed harder, sinking to her knees and burying her face in her son's chest. Amidala's eyes closed in sorrow, and she lowered her head, letting her lips touch Anakin's forehead in a gentle kiss.

"I'm alright," Anakin repeated softly. "Amidala...I'm sorry."

She shook her head and leaned lower, her lips meeting his. Anakin returned the kiss, letting it help dull the stinging pain in his arm.

"I love you," she said tearfully.

"I know," Anakin whispered softly, trying to ease her discomfort. He wanted to reciprocate the phrase, but didn't want to do so when she was so upset. He pulled away and stood, taking hold of Amidala and drawing her against him in a tender embrace as the sun slowly rose in the Naboo sky. 


The next day, Anakin Skywalker stood alone at a window of the palace, his left arm bandaged beneath the sleeve of his Jedi tunic. Nay'ana's ships were most likely completely gone by now, and the time for Zorana and Rayon's departure was nearing.

They'd followed through with their promise to chase the warlord and his troops from the Naboo system, even though Amidala could not keep her end of the agreement. Zorana had, in her grief, realized that her insistence on the marriage had been unfair to Amidala, and had apologized to the younger Queen and to Anakin. Now she and her husband were returning home, taking Thoran's body with them.

The door opened, and Amidala stood before him, a magnificent if aloof vision in a spectacular black-and-gold gown and headpiece, her face painted and expressionless. "The King and Queen of Xandima are preparing to leave," she said in her accented tone.

Anakin nodded, wondering for the billionth time why she still insisted on addressing him formally whenever her face was painted, then followed her down the corridor, noting the grace with which she walked, the majestic way the train of her gown glided behind her. She truly was the embodiment of Nabco's beauty, as Thoran had said. As they approached the entrance to the hangar, Eirtaé and Sabé joined them, as did Captain Panaka and Obi-Wan, whose face was hooded in formal Jedi fashion. Anakin pulled his own hood up as well, moving back to walk at his master's side.

Zorana and Rayon stood with two of their guards at the ramp of their ship. The Xandimian Queen had been deeply affected by her son's death; she now looked decades older than she was. Her husband looked weary and sad as he stood silently beside her.

Amidala stepped forward, white face smooth and perfect, her statement somber. "I wish to apologize again for your loss, Your Majesties," she said quietly, "and to extend our gratitude once more for your assistance. Naboo owes you its freedom. I am deeply sorry that it cost you so high a price."

Zorana managed a small, tearful smile. "We are honored to have you as our ally, Queen Amidala," she said. "I thank you for your sympathies." She turned to face the two Jedi Knights, who stood like brown-cloaked sentinels behind the handmaidens. "We are grateful for your protection, Master Jedi," she said, addressing them both. "Had it not been for your resourcefulness, we may not have kept our lives."

Obi-Wan and Anakin bowed in humble acknowledgement. "It has been our honor to serve you both, Your Majesty," Obi-Wan replied, speaking for himself and his protégé. "We are sorry for your loss."

Zorana nodded, then disappeared into the ship as King Rayon said his own good-byes and thanks. A moment later, with the King on board, the ship's antigrav lifts activated, the engines ignited, and the sleek vessel glided out of the hangar.

Anakin kept his eyes on Amidala, watching the way the harsh hangar light shone across her intricately-bound brown hair, noting her regal posture beneath the elaborate gown. He could sense her sadness at Thoran's death, her relief at Naboo's safety, and her confusion toward him. More than anything, he wanted to have a good long talk with her, but she'd been so busy since the battle that he had hardly seen her. He wanted to find out for sure if she'd meant what she'd said: that she loved him.

Amidala and her entourage left the hangar, followed by the two Jedi, who hung back slightly. Obi-Wan glanced sideways at his apprentice as he pushed back his hood.

"You must talk with the Queen soon, if you are going to, Anakin," Obi-Wan advised softly. "We won't be able to stay on Naboo for much longer, now that actions have been taken and Nay'ana forced out. The Council will expect us to return to the Temple."

"I know, Master," Anakin said in an equally soft tone, his vivid blue eyes on Amidala's slender form. "I will."

Obi-Wan put a reassuring hand on Anakin's shoulder, then slipped away to his quarters. Anakin took a deep breath, then quickened his graceful stride to match the Queen's. "I need to speak to you, privately," he murmured out of the corner of his mouth. Amidala's cool brown gaze moved from the throne room entrance ahead to Anakin's handsome profile.

"Wait in the throne room. I'll send Eirtaé to get you in a moment," she answered quietly. Anakin nodded and slowed his pace, watching as the Queen and her handmaidens disappeared into her private chambers. Anakin went to a window to wait. 

"This way, Anakin," Eirtaé's soft, accented voice said. Anakin turned from the massive window and followed her to an antechamber off the throne room. "Her Highness is expecting you," the handmaiden said, gesturing to the door that led to Amidala's private suite. She inclined her head to him and disappeared into a different room.

For a moment, Anakin just stood there, taking deep breaths, trying to decide what to say to Amidala. Then he stepped forward and entered the vast, lavishly decorated room.

Amidala, looking small and delicate in her simple yet elegant maroon velvet gown, stood at a window, her hair cascading in a brown silken wave down to her hips. With her beautiful face free of facepaint, she looked like the girl he'd first met in Watto's shop on Tatooine, ten years ago. He smiled at the memory.

"Amidala," he said softly. She turned.

He sighed, at a loss for words, then stepped hesitantly closer. "I...I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for the way I acted about Thoran and the Xandimians. I know you had no other choice. I-I was just too jealous to see that." He gave her a small lopsided smile. "I guess I just always assumed that we'd end up together. It was pretty selfish of me."

She suddenly came over to him, slipping her arms around his waist. He enfolded her in a strong embrace, laying his head against hers.

"I never wanted to marry Thoran," she explained quietly. "You were the one I wanted to be with. But I saw no other alternatives. I would have been unhappy, but my people and our way of life would have been spared."

He tenderly kissed her forehead. "I love you," he said softly. She tilted her face upward to look at him, and he seized the opportunity, leaning down to kiss her deeply on the lips.

They pulled apart, still standing in each other's arms, unsure of what to say or do next. Then Anakin spoke. "We're going to have to leave soon. The Council will expect us back, now that Naboo is out of danger."

Amidala lowered her eyes and nodded. "I don't want you to go, but I know you have to." Anakin kissed her again, pulling her tightly against him, and she eagerly returned the kiss.

Anakin pulled back and stared into her huge brown eyes, running a hand over her face in a gentle caress. "It killed me to leave you the first time. I don't know how I'm going to do it again."

She gave him a gentle smile. "You were only nine," she reminded him.

He smiled. "I know. But I've loved you since the first time I ever saw you."

She reached up and ran her hand over the side of his face, reciprocating the caress he'd given her earlier. "You'll return soon, won't you?"

A look of apprehension crossed his handsome features. "I don't know. The Council may see my returning here off-mission as unnecessary. Unless...." His voice trailed off, and his vivid blue eyes began to sparkle with mischievous excitement.

"Unless what?" Amidala asked, one slender eyebrow arched suspiciously.

Anakin grinned at her. "Do you think the citizens of Naboo would look down on a royal consort that just happened to be a slave-turned-Jedi?"

Her eyes widened as she caught his meaning, and her mouth fell open. "Do you mean...are you asking...." She couldn't continue.

"I'm asking you to marry me, although not very elegantly, and probably not in the manner fit for the Queen of Naboo." He looked into her eyes, gauging her reaction.

She began to laugh. "You're right. That was the most inelegant proposal I have ever heard. How can I say no?" She looked up at him. "Yes, Anakin, I will. And no, I don't think the citizens of Naboo will look down on it at all. You did save our planet in the Battle of Naboo."

He felt happiness flood him as he leaned down and kissed her again. 



Obi-Wan Kenobi stood on the steps of Theed Royal Palace several days later, staring out into the huge crowd assembled below. It seemed every citizen of Theed and every Gungan in the swamps had gathered in the streets to witness the marriage of the young Queen and Jedi Apprentice.

The twelve members of the Jedi Council stood beside him. Sio Bibble, the Naboo official who would perform the marriage, stood nearby, and to the governor's right stood Amidala's handmaidens, cloaked in pale green velvet robes. Captain Panaka and Jar Jar Binks stood near the women.

In the middle of it all, looking terribly nervous, Anakin Skywalker stood near Sio Bibble, wearing ceremonial Jedi robes. He caught Obi-Wan's eye, and the other Jedi gave him a reassuring smile. Anakin took a deep breath.

Suddenly a collective murmur of awe went though the crowd as Amidala appeared. Anakin had to stop his jaw from dropping at her beauty.

Her gown was simple, made of pure white silk and decorated with the Naboo royal emblem. Over it she wore a spectacular white ruffled cape that resembled huge flower petals. The tip of each ruffle on the cape was iridescent, catching the sunlight and shimmering. A large, round parasol-like collar was attached to the back of the cape. Her hair was pulled back and gathered into sections, and a delicate silver mesh diadem encrusted with tiny white jewels lay across her forehead. Her beautiful face, glowing with happiness, was painted in its usual style, but the white makeup seemed less dramatic. She was breathtaking.

She took her place beside Anakin, giving him a warm smile. He swallowed hard and smiled back.

The ceremony was brief and simple. As it ended, Obi-Wan broke into a wide smile, happy for his friends. He found himself thinking fondly of Qui-Gon Jinn, knowing that his master would be proud to see Anakin and Amidala married. He was sure that wherever he was, Qui-Gon was smiling down on the young Jedi and his beautiful bride.


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