Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Missing Images
Part 4/7

by ami-padme


Two years later. (Ani - 14; Ami - 19)


Amidala stared blankly at the pad in front of her. She was writing Anakin a letter, but her mind kept wandering. His behavior was concerning her of late; she was trying to decide how to proceed.

Why is this such a problem now? She wasn't blind. Even if she were blind, she still could have seen Anakin's crush on her from the moment they met. She had always found it sweet and flattering. After all, how much of a real crush could a nine year old have anyway?

Of course, he wasn't nine anymore. He was fourteen - the same age she had been when they met. His feelings weren't quite mature, but she knew they ran so much deeper now. Amidala was shocked that Anakin had maintained this level of interest in her. She had been certain he would have forgotten his crush long before now. But he hadn't, and Amidala wanted to make sure he didn't mistake their closeness for something it wasn't. Obviously, he was far too young for her to think of him as anything more than a friend.

Amidala dropped the pad with a sigh, remembering their last holochat several months ago.

Ami, there are rumors about you everywhere.

I'll bet. This is about Bail, isn't it?

She had laughed when she said it. She was constantly amused that anybody cared enough to put the story in the news.

So... it's true? He's asked you to marry him?

Well, he was courting me.

He had looked so utterly crestfallen... Amidala wished she could have taken it back and started the conversation over. She hadn't thought he'd be thrilled, but had assumed he knew it was possible she would date, or might even get engaged.

Ani? Ani, say something.


Ani... I'm not going to marry him.

He picked up a little then. Another pause.

Why not?

I don't feel that way about him... I wouldn't marry someone I didn't feel strongly for.

She had told him that because it was the truth - and she always told Anakin the truth. She and Bail had just recently come to that very understanding.

Anakin was thoroughly relieved; he was back to his normal chatterbox self instantly. He apparently thought that as long as she didn't marry Bail, he would still have a chance with her someday.

Amidala didn't want him to harbor false hopes, to be hurt every time someone new came into her life. She didn't want to jeopardize their friendship.

She frowned to herself. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe I don't need to make a big deal out of this. In any event, telling Anakin, "You're too young for me, so too bad - but I still care for you," wasn't going to help anything.

She wondered if she treated him too much like one of her peers. The age difference didn't matter as the friendship went, but he might be led to think that it didn't matter at all. It couldn't be difficult to misinterpret their unusual closeness as what he wanted to see. She could do a better job of delineating the boundaries of their relationship - that might be best for both of them.

Amidala finally set to writing the letter. She hoped she had made the right decision.


-->Go to Chapter Five


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