Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Speed Me Towards Death

by chopsticks


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or anything affiliated with it. It is owned by George Lucas and no infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this little endeavor either.

Timeline: Between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith
Author's Note: The song reminds me quite a bit of Anakin. Hence, this was born. Admittedly, upon a thorough listening, the song is really more Matrix related, parts of it do speak of Star Wars. At least, that's the way it is for me. Perhaps the song will add to the story for you, perhaps it will detract. It's all up to you, dear reader. It's still a good listen.

Summary: Arrogance is not a trait of a Jedi, for it leads only to destruction.


I don't want to die slowly,
I don't want to decay.
I want to be chosen,
I want to be made.
-Speed Me Towards Death by Rob Dougan


"Anakin!" His voice echoed down the hallway, and the younger man, who was finally realizing the full burden that came with the name, stopped and turned back, facing the man that had shouted his name.

"Yes, Master?" His voice was emotionless and flat, like it always was when he uttered those two words. No matter the irritation, happiness, sadness, or anger he was feeling at the time, the words always came out the same.

Yes, Master.

He was good at lying and even better at keeping secrets, Obi-Wan knew, but he did not know just what those secrets were. Not yet, anyway. But, like the good Jedi he was--trained to notice the unnoticed--he had his suspicions.

"Just what exactly was that today?" Obi-Wan knew what it had been: a spontaneous, emotionally-based, irresponsible action that could have gotten them both killed, but by some stroke of luck didn't.

The young man had an extraordinary amount of good luck. It was unsettling. There needed to be a downside, and it was going to be spectacular if it held off much longer.

"I believe that was me saving your life, Master," his padawan (True, Anakin had passed the tests with flying colors, but Obi-Wan would always consider him a student. His student, among other titles.) replied, a teasing grin finding a pleasant home on his features.

"By being reckless and irresponsible." The grin fell off of his face, and a flash of something appeared in those bright eyes. It was covered instantly, all emotion draining from his youthful features.

"It all worked out, Master. Isn't that the important part?" The voice was flat again; the smile lost to the utter strength of nothing.

The blindness of youth, Obi-Wan reflected bleakly. He remembered it all-too-well, for he had been the same. It had taken the death of his Master and Beloved Teacher to show him the truth of it all. He could only hope that it would not be the same for Anakin. (Obi-Wan, though he knew he must face it eventually, did not have any wish to die in the near future.)

"It may not have worked out, and you need to realize that. There are real consequences to your impulsive actions, and they won't always be good. You aren't invulnerable, Anakin," he lectured, albeit carefully. His padawan had grown rather arrogant as he became more and more powerful. He feared that it would be a rather nasty problem down the line, but all of his attempts to discourage such thinking only seemed to make the young man resentful of him.

And yet, somehow, we're best friends.

There were times--few and far between as they were--when he wondered why he had fought so hard to train this boy, and ultimately defied the Council in Qui-Gon's name. Then, he would be speaking with Anakin, and he would remember that, had he not trained this young man, he would not have a friend he placed all of his trust in; someone he could easily leave his life in the hands of and know he would be safe.

He would not have his brother.

He had trained him because Qui-Gon wanted him to; he trained him because Anakin was his friend; he trained him because he believed, well and truly, that Anakin was the Chosen One. Obi-Wan would see him training, fighting, practicing, and he would just know. It was instinctual.

Anakin was the Chosen One.

Unfortunately, the Chosen One knew he was the Chosen One. Human nature demands a certain degree of arrogance with this knowledge. As far as Obi-Wan was concerned, letting Anakin know this particular tidbit about himself was an error on his and Qui-Gon's part. An error he was trying to rectify, and was met with little success.

"Master, I know I am not invulnerable. I can be injured just like anyone else." He held up his mechanical arm, then ran the gloved (underneath cold, hard metal) fingers over the freshly-healed scar that sliced from above his brow bone and down to the cheek, miraculously missing his eye.

"But do you think you can die like anyone else?" Obi-Wan questioned, his eternal patience giving him the ability to continue the interrogation without the slightest irritation felt toward Anakin. Unfortunately, the younger man did not possess such a generous amount of patience. In fact, it often seemed that he had no patience whatsoever.

"In due time, when my destiny has been fulfilled. Until that time, I have no reason to fear my own death," Anakin explained, irritation tainting his voice.

"You're being arrogant, Anakin."

"I'm simply facing the truth, Master."

Obi-Wan sighed softly. If Anakin did not overcome this impressive arrogance, he feared it would leave him vulnerable to things far worse than death.

The trick was getting him to understand that. But how exactly would one do that?

Qui-Gon, guide me down this path. I cannot afford to make a mistake.


the end.

feedback welcomed at spacedoutwriter (at) hotmail (dot) com.


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