Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Sealed Inside

by chopsticks


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or anything related to it. It is all the property of George Lucas. No infringement is intended and no profit is being made.

Timeline: Post-Revenge of the Sith
Author's Note: This is my first-ever Star Wars fic, so any critical reviews are very welcomed. For clarification, if something seems, well, unclear, it was meant that way. I'm experimenting with the writing style, so let me know what you think of it! Thanks!

Summary: Anakin reflects while sealed inside.


Sealed inside, he felt minutely human once again.

Sealed inside, he could breathe freely; he did not need the helmet and the life-giving air (She had been all he needed to live.) it provided him.

Sealed inside his spherical tomb--Sanctuary, his heart whispered--he had time to reflect (She had been his reflection.).

He reflected.

He tried to ascertain where he had gone wrong. He had done everything for her, to save her. (She had not wanted that.)

And yet, she was gone. (Gone, gone, gone...)

He did not know why. (Why, why, why...)

His new Master had informed him that he had been the one. That he had killed his own light, his own life, his own everything, his own only love.

Him, him, him...

All on him.

But was it true?

It was; a part of him shattered into fragments.

It wasn't; a part of him rejoiced and was whole.



Was. Wasn't. Was. Wasn't.Was.Wasnt.WasWasntwaswasntwaswasntwaswasntwas.


He had been lied to. (She hadn't lied to him. She never lied to him.) He could sense it.

Then what was the truth?

Had his blindness (She had made him beautifully and blissfully blind. She had known; he did not.) led him to fulfill the dream--Premonition, his heart whispered--rather than to avoid it?

Had he caused her so much pain that she lost the will to live? Had she simply died of heartbreak?

"Anakin, you're breaking my heart!"

She had cried it out to him. He had not heard it. He had been blinded.

He heard it now.

He saw it now.

The thought of her in pain (She had been screaming in his dream.) was unbearable.

He banished it.

He felt his tears slide gently down his face (She had trailed her fingers gently down his face.); felt them sting the scars that were his features (She had loved his scar.).

All he knew now was the pain. The pain of his heart being ripped from his chest. The pain of his out of control emotions. The pain of the emptiness.

Pain, pain, pain...

All brought on himself.

Him, him, him...

And yet, she was gone. (Gone, gone, gone...)

She, she, she...

He did not know why. (Why, why, why...)

Sealed inside, his reflection ended. (She had ended.)

(She had asked him what he was going to do.)

Sealed inside, he vowed to serve his Master.

(She had watched him leave her.)

Sealed inside, he would dwell another day.



the end.

feedback welcomed at spacedoutwriter (at) hotmail (dot) com.


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