Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015





by chopsticks


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or anything affiliated with it. It is all the property of George Lucas. No infringement is intended and no profit is being made.

Author’s Note: So I went and saw RotS again, and this just came to me right in the middle of the movie. I hate when that happens. Makes it hard to focus on the actual movie. Ah well. Con crit is always welcomed!

Summary: She was alive, and that was enough.



She was still alive. He could feel it.

She was alive, and that was enough.

That was enough to keep him going. Knowing she was still alive gave him the will to live. Though he had been betrayed and nearly destroyed, he still found the will to continue on through her. He would do anything to see her, alive and smiling, again.


So he continued to struggle on, even though the terrible pain burned brightly all over his entire body. He would go on, even when logic told him it was better to just give up, to let the scorched flesh and struggling lungs and heart rest, to become one with the Force.

But he would do anything, and that included continuing to live. His flesh was no more, he knew this. He knew he could be barely considered a man now, barely considered human. Yet, he knew she would love him anyway. She had to. They were destined.

He groaned with the pain that flared up, quietly all the other areas of pain that pricked his mutilated body. He reached with his arm, the only one left, and grabbed onto the pebbles that made up the land. He felt them sift through his mechanical fingers, so much like sand, and he forced himself to concentrate. He dug the durasteel fingers deeper and finally managed to pull himself slightly forward.

The pain that resulted caused his vision to go white suddenly, and almost as quickly it was replaced by a vision of her bathed in the golden Naboo sunlight, her blue gown shimmering with her every movement.

That was enough.

He could still feel her. He knew she was still alive; he knew she had not given birth yet; he knew she was unconscious and somehow in pain. That knowledge burned through him, and it hurt more than the flames and the ruined flesh that was now his body did.

He reached up again, ignoring the pain. He had to get to her.

To do that, he knew he must get away from the river of lava that flowed menacingly behind him. The further he got from that, the closer he would be to her.

He pulled with all of his strength and managed to drag his deformed body another few inches. He paused for a few moments, allowing the pain to ease down from its blinding peak.

He focused himself, concentrating on nothing but her, and he could still feel the pain coursing through her. He closed his eyes, surrendering to happy memories. With all of his mental strength, he sent the feelings of utter love and happiness, along with the corresponding pleasant and calming memories to his wife. He could feel her pain begin to ebb away, and, at the same time, his did as well. She was calmed now and resting peacefully.

He steeled himself for the pain, and once again reached out, digging the fingers that weren’t quite his into the soft earth and pulled, crying out with the pain.

A voice broke through his haze of pain, and he recognized it as that of his new Master—his only Master, he corrected himself. Obi-Wan had betrayed him; had lied to him his whole life. No man like that deserved to be thought of as “Master.”

He rolled over, pain threading through is body as his burnt back came into contact with the harsh pebbles. It was then, with Palpatine hovering over him, that he gave into the merciless blackness, his strength fading into nothingness. His body wished to give in, but he would not let it.

She was still alive, and that was enough.


He awoke to searing pain. It was not his pain, though. It was hers.

In his mind, he felt the pain that wracked her small frame. He heard her scream.

He screamed with her, his entire body arching off of the medical table he was lying on. Dimly, he heard the medical droids protesting his movements, and he felt a restraint being placed on his arm, which had lashed out with the Force at the power of her pain.

She screamed again, and so did he, her agony becoming his own.

He felt a drug coursing through his system and the pain receded, his mind slowing and spiraling toward unconsciousness. He could still feel her pain, but only faintly. He tried to help her, to soothe her from afar, but found that the drug hindered that. He let out a weak cry of frustration as the blackness consumed him. He summoned his will just before the blackness, and forced his ailing body to continue functioning.

After all, she was alive, and that was enough.


the end.

feedback welcomed at spacedoutwriter (at) hotmail (dot) com

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