Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




From Light, Darkness

by chopsticks


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or anything affiliated with it. It is owned by George Lucas. No infringement is intended and no profit is being made.

Timeline: Missing scene for Revenge of the Sith
Author's Note: Okay, so, for this one, I didn't really mess with the style. It's pretty straightforward and well, plain, I guess. This was inspired by the song Calling by Taproot. I recommend listening to it while reading, but I guess it's not that necessary. I just really like the song.

Summary: On their way from Mustafar to meet up with Master Yoda and Senator Organa, the truth will be revealed and her story will enter its final chapter.


She woke up to a blinding light and a terrible pain in her heart.

"Senator?" a rough voice queried beside her. The voiced sounded like that of Obi-Wan, but laden with tears and grief.

"Obi-Wan?" she questioned, blinking violently until her vision cleared and she could make out the world around her.

"Yes. How do you feel?"

She ignored his question. "Where's Anakin?" she asked desperately, trying to sit up but being hindered by the bulge of her belly.

"Padmé. . ." the man said quietly.

"Where is he?" she demanded, a note of desperation seeping into her voice.

He sighed, knowing she would not give up on this question. Truth would be the best, given her condition and state of mind. "Probably with Palpatine. C-3PO says he detected a ship enter the system soon after we left. I was. . ." He paused here, grief entering his voice. ". . .unable to sway his opinions. He has been lost to the Dark Side, I'm afraid."

She remained quiet, her gaze focusing on the window beyond Obi-Wan's head.

After several moments had passed, she spoke again, tears filling her voice.

"He's not dead." A statement, not a question, but he felt obliged to answer anyway.

"No, not physically."

"But he soon may be." The roughness of her voice shook him. He would not--could not--lie to her.

"Yes, it is possible."

She closed her eyes, tears seeping out from behind the lids. She folded herself over as much as was possible and buried her face in her hands. Harsh sobs forced their way from her throat, making a choking sound. He moved to sit beside her, placing a comforting arm around her. She did not lean into him, but she didn't push him away either. He sensed that, in ways and for reasons he wasn't fully able to comprehend, she blamed him. He felt the anger, the fear, but most of all the sadness radiating off of her.

She remained like that for some time, and he found himself finally crying for his lost friend.

Her tears had ceased, and she finally looked up and out the window to the blankness of space. They were on their way to meet with Master Yoda and Senator Organa, in the hopes of securing their own safety.

She idly rubbed her bulging stomach, perhaps in an effort to calm the child within.

"Ani's the father," she said plainly, answering the question he had posed to her what seemed years ago.

Obi-Wan sighed and removed his arm from around her shoulder in favor of rubbing his tired eyes.

"We're married. We have been since the beginning of the war." Fresh tears sprung into her eyes, and she pulled out the japor snippet from beneath her dress, fingering it lightly.

His head snapped up and turned to look at her in shock, his hands frozen in place.

"You've been hiding that this entire time?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes. You know as well as I do what the consequences would have been." Silent tears were making their way down her cheeks, and she continued to stare out into space.

"Yes," he agreed simply.

"When I found out I was pregnant, I was so worried. Then I told him, and he was so excited about the prospect of being a father. He calmed all my worries, and it seemed like everything was going to be okay." She seemed lost in the memory now, a smile gracing her regal features, and he was loathe to change that. But he needed to know the truth, and she seemed willing to give it tonight.

"What changed?" he asked directly, albeit quietly.

"He had a dream," she replied, the smile slipping from her features and was replaced once again with tears. "He dreamed I would die in childbirth. I tried to comfort him, to convince him to come to Naboo with me and that there everything would be okay."

"It didn't work though, did it?"

"No. He became more introverted than I'd ever seen him. He seemed desperate, somehow. Whenever he loked at me I could tell he was thinking of the dream."

Obi-Wan hung his head, absorbing all of this information. He had suspected that his friend's feelings for the Senator were greater than he let on, but he couldn't believe that the young man that was so determined to be the greatest Jedi ever would risk his standing in the Jedi Order by breaking one of the most sacred rules. Yet, he had, and his desperation and fear of losing what he loved had led to his turn to the Dark Side. Obi-Wan was sure of it.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sharp, pain-filled gasp from the woman next to him.

"Mi'lady, are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"I believe my child thinks it's time to enter the world." She closed her eyes as the pain subsided slowly.

At that moment, C-3PO entered the room.

"Master Kenobi, we have arrived at the rendezvous point."

"Good. Help me get the Senator to the medical bay."

"Right away."

Padmé allowed the droid and Jedi Master to help her to her feet, and as they made their way to the medical bay, she remembered a happier time spent in the bright sunshine on her home planet. More than anything she wanted Anakin to be with her again, but she knew it was not meant to be.

Fate had other plans.


the end.

feedback welcomed at spacedoutwriter (at) hotmail (dot) com


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