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by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Couple: Rogue and Gambit
From: X-Men comics by Marvel
Site: N/A

Write-up and picture/graphic submitted by Ariadne.

The attraction between Rogue and Gambit was obvious from the start. Although their first meeting was off-panel, these X-Men began flirting back and forth almost immediately upon appearing in the same frame. Whether the writers of that issue realized it or not, these initial sparks would ignite one of the most prominent couples in Marvel history... one that is passionate and tortured, one that has been torn apart and reunited countless times. And it is one that often appears in both alternate timelines and possible futures. It was simply meant to be.

While their love isn't forbidden, they are physically separated by Rogue's powers - when her skin touches the skin of another, she absorbs his psyche, his powers (in the case of mutants), his soul... the very thing that keeps him alive. She has no control over her powers, and touching someone has resulted in a permanent coma in one instance. So, while Rogue longs for something as simple as the touch of her true love, her fear of hurting him often results in her pushing him away.

Like Padmé, Rogue is fiercely loyal to friends, and dedicated to certain ideas and ideals. If any of them are threatened, she is quick to defend them, with force if necessary. And though her efforts are noble, she tends to walk the thin line between courage and stupidity, sometimes taking unnecessary risks that place her in grave danger. A combination of quick thinking, faithful friends, and luck usually help her defeat the odds.

And then there's Gambit, who will learn (in the future, according to the X-Men: The End series) that Sinister, an evil geneticist, is his father in a moment that echoes Vader revealing his identity to Luke. Sinister goes on to explain that he created Gambit in a lab using a DNA cocktail that consisted of mostly his own genetic information mixed with several other mutants'. This is reminiscent of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis, which Supreme Chancellor Palpatine tells Anakin. In it, he claims that Plagueis had gained such insight into the force that he could actually manipulate midichlorians to produce life... a talent he taught to his apprentice, who later killed him. Since Anakin was conceived without a father (Qui-Gon Jinn surmised that midichlorians came together to impregnate Shmi), one could take this story as Palpatine's admission to playing a role in Anakin's creation, a father of sorts. Additionally, both Gambit and Anakin "work for" their "fathers" for a period of time without knowing the truth about their origins.

As far as their actual relationship goes, while Rogue has stated that she's loved Gambit since the first time she saw him, it was Gambit who pursued her in the beginning... despite her later assertions, it was quite a task to convince her just to go out on a date with him. And so, a couple was born... but from the beginning, it was plagued with problems, namely their proclivity to push each other away, sometimes to the point that it's annoying, not unlike the way Padmé and Anakin shut each other out (Padmé in the beginning of the relationship, Anakin in the end).

In the ongoing X-Men series, Gambit recently decided to join Apocalypse, another villain, and became his horseman Death (for a yet undisclosed reason). His decision broke Rogue's heart, though she knows that there's still good in him, and believes that he will return to the X-Men. Meanwhile, Death has stated to Apocalypse himself that he's still Gambit, and still loves Rogue. Doesn't take a genius to see the parallel here...

But what does destiny have in store for this infamous couple? If X-Men: The End chronicles the actual future of the X-Men (as opposed to only being a possible future, or worse yet, an alternate universe), then Rogue and Gambit's love ends tragically. Fifteen years from now, they are married with children (a boy and a girl), and Rogue seems to have gained control over her powers, but their luck ends there. While on a mission, Rogue is stabbed through the abdomen by Sinister disguised as Gambit. The real Gambit arrives on the scene moments later, and Rogue dies in his arms. He goes on to perish in a battle to save the world, leaving their children to be raised by Rogue's foster-mother.

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