Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Couple: Buffy Summers and Angel
From: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Site: N/A

Vampire slayer and vampire - they're probably the contemporary TV poster couple for tragic and forbidden love.  From the moment he saw Buffy, Angel knew he was destined to help her, wanted to be a better person for her, and travels across the country to fight at her side.

They pursued a relationship knowing how uncertain a future together was: though he has a soul (the result of a Gypsy curse), he was still a member of the demon race it's her life's cause to kill.  The biggest rift was perhaps the curse itself: were he ever to have a moment of true happiness, where the horrors he committed as the evil vampire Angelus did not torment him, he would lose that soul and revert to his evil state.

Angel was ashamed of being a vampire, of reminding Buffy of that - he didn't want her to see him when he wore his vampire face, but she hardly noticed.  To her it was simply another part of the man she loved. Of course, like all tragic couples (especially Joss Whedon characters) - their own happiness was brief before it became tragically painful.

On Buffy's 17th birthday, after she and Angel made love for the first time, he lost his soul because he experienced that pure happiness with her, reverting to the monstrous vampire Angelus.  A shell of the man Buffy loved unleashed a wave of murder and psychological torture on Buffy and her friends, as well as the town of Sunnydale.  Albeit in a different way than Padmé and Anakin, it was giving into feelings both knew could never come to fruition the way they wanted that were the catalyst for his fall to the dark side, for the destruction both men would commit as their evil incarnations. Several of Buffy's friends believed Angel to be an unredeemable monster who only deserved death, but for some time Buffy refused to discount the possibility of restoring the good Angel.

In the end, Angel's soul was restored, at the exact moment Buffy, anguished, was forced to banish him to Hell to save the world from destruction. Her grief and guilt prompted her to leave Sunnydale for several months, returning to a hesitantly welcoming group of friends.

Not long after, a higher power sent Angel back from Hell, much to Buffy's shock. He remained in a feral and weakened state for some time, slowly recovering under Buffy's care. They struggled against the feelings still between them, knowing full well the hurdles that still made a relationship impractical. He and Buffy did resume their relationship, even keeping it a secret for a while because they knew Buffy's loved ones wouldn't be at all happy about it.  But the curse still existed, and Angel finally accepted he could never give Buffy the life she deserved - making love, having children, even just going out into the sunlight. So he made the decision Padmé and Anakin never allowed themselves to make, and ended the relationship.  While both of them still live and very much care for one another, irrefutable external circumstances keep them from having a future with one another - for now.

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