Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




"I made this for you. So you'd remember me.
I carved it out of a japor snippet. It'll bring you good fortune."

"It's beautiful - but I don't need this to remember you by.
Many things will change when we reach the capital, Ani - but my caring for you will remain."


This small snippet of wood has become iconic among P/A fans. Many grumbled at its absence in Attack of the Clones, and were reduced to squealing giddiness upon seeing it in an early picture from Revenge of the Sith. It's featured extensively in fan fiction about the pair and really, it's little wonder why. The pendant is the first token of affection presented by either of the pair to the other and, aside from of course the existence of Luke and Leia, is perhaps the most physically tangible expression of their feelings for one another.

After leaving his mother, nine-year-old Anakin presents the self-carved token to Padmé one night as they comfort one another as both of them face uncertain futures ahead: his life without his mother, her worrying about being able to save her people. He gives it to her so she will remember him, telling her that it will bring her good fortune. She smiles and assures him she'll remember and care for him regardless. The bit about 'good fortune' is both prescient and ironic: she will indeed experience happiness with Anakin, but it's also choosing to be with him that will bring her a large measure of pain and anguish - as well as her early death.

The pendant is also a very courtly symbol, fitting with the overall nature of their romance. True, in courtly romances it's the maiden that typically presents the token of affection, but the meaning is still the same here. In many of these tales the presenting of a token of affection is a symbol of betrothal. If this scene - the presentation of a gift, and the sworn devotion to one another - had taken place with both of them as adults, it would undoubtedly have been considered a betrothal. As is, with them still children at this point, it's more of a symbolic one.

Since it was such a tangible symbol of their affection, many P/A fans were initially surprised and disappointed at its complete absence from the second prequel, the one that would most focus on their relationship. It was assumed by some that Lucas had simply forgotten it, though others maintained the belief that it would appear again - after all, there would have been no point in so deliberately focusing on it in TPM if it were not going to appear later. Both sides were equally ecstatic, though, when it did appear in RotS.

When Padmé comes to comfort Anakin after his nightmare about her death, she is wearing the pendant on a chain over her nightgown.  Anakin wistfully touches it as he remembers giving it to her.  Not only did Padmé keep his pendant all these years, but the fact that she wears it even when sleeping seems to point to that she wears it quite often. Which makes sense - with their marriage still a secret, this is really the closest she has to a wedding ring. It's one thing she can wear as an expression of their marriage, of their feelings for one another. The fact that she wears it here also puts its absence in AotC in a better context: she is in love with and married to him now, so of course he and anything has given to her are dear to her. However, prior to AotC, Padmé clearly had not spent every day thinking about him. There really wouldn't be a whole lot of need for it to show up then (though it might have been nice to see at least at the wedding) - but we do know that she kept the pendant even if she didn't wear it all the time, and that mere fact is telling that even with their separation, their time together as children was still meaningful enough for her to keep it.

The pendant has made its appearance in the Expanded Universe as well, showing up in a touching scene in the 21st episode of the Clone Wars cartoon series, set between AotC and RotS.  Upon his Knighting, Anakin sends Padmé his Padawan braid.  She places it in a keepsake box along with the pendant, holding the box to her heart.

The pendant comes to an extremely tragic use in RotS.  The last we ever see of Padmé, in her open coffin, is a shot of her hands forever clasping the necklace.  Since it's highly improbable anyone aside from her and Anakin would have known what the pendant meant, that Padmé is buried with it displayed so prominently means she was likely already wearing it at the time of her death. (Which means she was probably wearing it around her neck through at least the entire last part of the movie, and makes what Anakin/Vader does to her on Mustafar even more ironic/unnerving.) Pre-movie release stills of her death scene do show her wearing it there, and earlier drafts of the screenplay have her pressing the pendant into Obi-Wan's hand as she declares there is still good in Anakin, then dies. Her being buried with the necklace possibly symbolizes the good in Anakin being buried along with her, or simply her unending love for him even in death.
