Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Missing Images
Part 7/7

by ami-padme


One year later. Near the beginning of Episode II. (Ani - 19; Ami - 24)


Amidala stood outside the Senate chamber, dressed in her full regalia, looking royal and aloof. She took in the activity around her while waiting for the signal to enter.

In half an hour, Chancellor Palpatine would be giving his second inauguration speech. The entire Senate would be present, along with the largest assemblage of planetary leaders ever present on Coruscant. It was a stark contrast to the first, low-key event ten years ago. That change was undoubtedly due to the alarming events that were sweeping the Republic.

In the last six months, reports of terrorist violence had spread throughout the galaxy. The culprits were believed to be Mandalorian warriors, although no one group had claimed responsibility. They arrived on worlds without warning - attacking public buildings, sabotaging government services, taking hostages. Their latest raid led to widespread panic, rioting, and looting on Malastere. There had even been rumors of planned assassinations. The terrorists were undoubtedly professionals, evading capture in nearly every case. Palpatine had argued vehemently with the Senate to be given the power to dispatch the army - at his discretion - to any world that did not possess the military capacity to protect itself. He hoped that the move would reduce the time lost through procedures and debates.

This random, inexplicable violence hung over Palpatine's new term like a pall. The day's ostentatious display was mostly an effort to restore an air of unity and celebration to the government.

Amidala was a bit amused by it all. Here she was, at an event of great political importance, surrounded by her allies, her peers, the press... and there was still just one person who captivated her thoughts.

She was careful not to allow herself to appear too distracted. But she was mostly searching the crowds for Anakin. He would be attending the speech with Obi-Wan.

They had only seen each other two times since his accident. It was becoming more and more unbearable. They wrote to each other almost daily now, and couldn't go more than a week with out talking to each other. And it wasn't nearly enough.

She ached to see him and hold him again... She wondered sometimes how they went without seeing each other for so long. The depth of her feelings for him continually surprised Amidala. She had always been a woman who felt strongly about things, but this was far more intimate than anything she had known before.

The irrational part of her wished that one of them could leave their responsibilities behind and let them be together all the time. Her heart sang the thought, but her head knew it was impossible. She could never ask him to give up his training - his dedication to becoming a Knight was one of the things she admired and loved about him most. They would have to make it work with the little time they did have together.

"Your Highness?"

Amidala turned to see a Senate aide gesturing towards the entrance. She and the handmaidens entered the chamber.

The Senate was always an impressive sight, but today it was mind-boggling. Temporary renovations had been completed to allow nearly three times as many platforms; it was remarkable that they had managed to fit them in any kind of order. And then there were the decorations - banners, lights, and streamers of every description hanging from every direction. The effect was almost dizzying.

How am I ever going to find him in the middle of this?

"And as we gather here, at the dawn of a new era, we must resolve to face down those who would threaten us, to protect ourselves from those who would harm us, to fortify ourselves against those who would weaken the very foundation our Republic rests on. I ask all of you, whether Senator or diplomat, royalty or bureaucrat, to join me..."

Palpatine continued with his speech. He hadn't said anything of particular surprise or import, but these speeches were not expected to be policy expositions. Amidala kept one ear on the Chancellor while she tried to spot Anakin. Every Jedi on a non-essential assignment had been recalled to Coruscant, so large groups of Jedi were present throughout the Chamber. This is impossible, she sighed to herself. I'll just have to wait -

Ami, is that the best you can do? I'm disappointed Anakin's voice whispered in her mind, teasing and gentle.

Amidala jumped a little, and hoped that no one noticed. Their mental bond had grown stronger over time, but she hadn't quite grown accustomed to the feeling. They were only able to use it when they were near each other, so in many ways it was still a new experience. She didn't mind it though. She rather liked the idea that they could read each other's thoughts. She began scanning the room again.

No, I'm much farther than that.

Really? Are you even in the building?

I can see you perfectly.

I think I'm a little easier to spot in a crowd.

Finally, she found him. He was quite far from her, almost on the opposite side of the chamber, and a few rows above her. He was seated next to Obi-Wan and surrounded by scores of Jedi. He winked at her.

Nicely done, Ami. I think we're getting better at this.

Obi-Wan turned to his Padawan, eyebrow arched. Amidala tried not to smile. She had better go back to the speech.


A few hours later...


Anakin stood outside the door to Amidala's private chambers. He could hear her and Sabé talking and laughing inside. Oh, how he had hoped she would be alone. But it didn't sound like they were discussing anything too important. Sabé was usually good about giving them privacy when it was possible. He buzzed the door.

It opened immediately without either of them asking who it was. He wondered if Amidala could sense that it was him.

Anakin walked into the room; Amidala stood as he entered.


Sabé looked back and forth between the two mischievously. "Your Highness, do you want to discuss your meeting tomorrow with..."

Amidala shot her a withering look. Sabé snickered and quickly got up to leave. Anakin barely noticed the door shut (and lock) behind him.

Without really being conscious of it, he moved towards her, not stopping until she was in his arms and their lips were locked. He could feel what she was feeling, and the sensation nearly overwhelmed him. He didn't want to let her go. He wondered he ever did that at all. Someday, it will be like this all the time, he vowed to himself. I'll find a way for us to be together.

Eventually, they pulled back to catch their breath. Anakin placed tiny kisses on her chin, nose, and forehead, then rested his chin on the top of her head.

"I've missed you so much, Ami."

"You don't know how much I've missed you," she replied, tightening their embrace.

"Please tell me that you don't have a million functions to attend this week," Anakin begged, burying his face in her hair. "I can't stand having you so nearby and still not see you."

"I don't have too much to do this week. We should actually have a good bit of time to ourselves."

Anakin backed up a little and gave her a suggestive smile. "Starting now?"

She returned the smile and whispered, "Starting now."

The door buzzed.

They both groaned. She managed a small laugh.

"This is pathetic," he muttered under his breath. "I have this fantasy where we're someplace with no comm links, no holoviewers, no communications of any kind - so we can just be left alone."

"That is pretty pathetic, Ani. My fantasies are...far more interesting." Before Anakin could think of a response to that, she had pulled out from his embrace to answer the door.

To Anakin's surprise, it was Obi-Wan. He and Amidala hugged in greeting, and she motioned for him to come in. Obi-Wan smiled at his Padawan. Anakin hadn't been able to resist one or two "I-told-you-so's" to make up for all of his Master's warnings that he was too young, that he couldn't expect her to wait...Anakin knew Obi-Wan was very happy for him now.

"I've come to inform my Padawan of our new assignment," Obi-Wan began.

Anakin could feel Amidala's heart sink. Would he have to leave so soon?

"We are to accompany you back to Naboo at the end of the week, Your Highness."

"What?" Anakin wasn't sure if he should be thrilled or worried. "Has something happened on Naboo?"

"The military has been tracking the movements of the terrorists over the last few months. Chancellor Palpatine has reason to believe Naboo might be one of the next targets," Obi-Wan explained.

"What are those reasons?" asked Amidala, who suddenly looked tense.

"I was not given any of the details. The Chancellor said that he wished to speak with you directly before you leave. He knows that Naboo is better prepared than most worlds, but he's still requesting that the Jedi assign bodyguards to you for the time being."

"An assassination threat," she said flatly.

Anakin sensed... determination and resolve from her. Not fear. He reached out to take her hand. He wasn't afraid either. No one would get close to her as long as he had something to say about it.

"I will be honored to have you accompany me back to Naboo, Obi-Wan. Thank you."

Obi-Wan bowed his head slightly towards the Queen. "I shall take my leave then." He winked at Anakin and left the room.

Anakin felt Amidala lean back into his arms. "You know that I would never let anything happen to you," he whispered in her ear.

"I know. I wouldn't want to have anyone else... guarding my body, as it were."

Anakin stepped back to look at her. Her eyes were absolutely dancing. This was going to be an interesting mission.

He hadn't told her (or Obi-Wan) yet, but he felt something was happening - a ripple in the Force that was most certainly going to affect them. He didn't know what it was, whether it was good or bad... but things were going to change. Maybe this was the opportunity he had been waiting for - a chance to figure out a way that they could be together.

Anakin's hand covered the japor snippet Amidala always wore. Yes, that's what this is, he decided. It isn't impossible. No matter what is about to happen, we'll be together at the end. He could sense it. He was sure of it.


The End.


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