Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Dream On

by chopsticks


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or anything affiliated with it. It is owned by George Lucas, et. al. No infringement is intended and no profit is being made.

Author's Note: I think you all might hate me after this. Or at least be rather upset. Hmm. This is my attempt to answer the question of "What was Anakin thinking when the helmet was being placed on him for the first time?"

Summary: He dreams of what could have been to escape what is.

Dream On
by: chopsticks


He awoke in a lush bed. The softness of it overwhelmed him, so used to the simple firmness of the beds on the military ships was he. His training made him realize that he had no memory of coming to reside in this place. The last thing he remembered, albeit vaguely, was being on the lava planet, Mustafar. Beyond that he remembered nothing.

His ears, trained to be sensitive to the world around him, picked up the soft breathing of another in the bed. He sat up quietly, anxious not to wake this unknown occupant, and was greeted with the sight of his sleeping wife. He felt a surge of relief rush through him at the sight of her, and any anxiety and wariness he had felt was replaced by an overwhelming feeling of pure love. A smile crossed his features and he laid back down, curling up next to her and wrapping an arm around her small waist.

He didn't need to look around the room, because he remembered everything now.

She had come to him on Mustafar, and had convinced him to come to Naboo with her, that she did not need saving because as long as he was by her side, she would live.

Somehow, she had eased his fears and swayed him from the black seduction of the Dark Side. Her love had saved him from himself, and he was forever grateful and in awe of her for it.

He had agreed, and after he and Obi-Wan had destroyed the Sith Lord Palpatine, he and Padmé had come to the lake house on Naboo, where they had been ever since. He had withdrawn from the Jedi Order and she, while still being a senator, had lessened her duties in favor of being with her family.

She had not died in childbirth. His dream had been wrong, as she had suspected and he had not believed.

Shortly after, their marriage had been made public, and they indulged the public by having a lavish ceremony. For them, it was a renewal of their vows, but they felt it was important, especially after everything that had happened. The public, as a wedding gift, threw a huge, week-long celebration for their most beloved political figure and her former-Jedi Knight husband. And so began their quiet life after the Clone Wars.

His life was perfect. He was a pilot, and he spent nearly all of his spare time with his son.

His son had been born shortly after their arrival on Naboo. Healthy and screaming, they had decided to name him Luke.

Now, at three years old, he was a little terror (but a loved one) that enjoyed running around the large house and torturing poor C-3PO. The droid really had no idea what to do with a small and, as he had lamented several times to anyone that would listen, improper child. R2 seemed to fare better, playing games as excitedly as a droid could, also joining in the torturing of 3PO.

Right at that moment their bedroom door flung open and a small boy catapulted himself toward the bed, flying through the air and aiming to land right on his parents.

Anakin reacted quickly and stretched out his left hand, removing it from his wife, and used the Force to slow the speeding child and set him down gently on the bed.

"No fair!" the child pouted, crossing his pudgy little arms.

"What isn't fair?" Padmé asked sleepily, sitting up on her elbows and looking blearily at her son.

"Daddy used his trick to keep me from jumping on him!"

She smiled and laughed slightly, a musical sound to Anakin's ears. He found himself smiling cheerfully himself.

"Luke," she began, sitting up and stretching her arms out to the child, which he happily climbed into, "didn't we agree that you wouldn't jump on us to wake us up anymore?" After what had amounted to six weeks of being woken at the crack of dawn by a small child landing ungracefully on them, they had decided to lay down the law and tell him to stop it.

"Yes," he replied sullenly, but quickly tacked on an explanation. "But I was playing with R2, and I'm trying to hide from him!"

Just then a beeping could be heard from the small droid that had rolled into the room. Luke quickly pulled the blanket over his head, obscuring himself from vision.

R2 made a series of beeps and whistles and seemed to be greatly amused by the child's antics.

"Nu-uh! You can't see me!" the small child cried indignantly, dropping the blanket to make his protest. His parents at their son's and the little droid's exploits.

Anakin had never been happier.

"Good morning, Master Anakin, Mistress Padmé. Shall I prepare your picnic that you were planning to have?" C-3PO asked politely, coming into the room.

"Yes, 3PO, that would be lovely," Padmé responded. Luke suddenly got up and began jumping on the bed, shouting excitedly at the top of his lungs.

"Picnic! We're going on a picnic!"

"Oh, dear," 3PO said, turning to leave.

R2 made another series of beeps and hums, and 3PO replied indignantly, "Oh, shut up, you bucket of obsolete bolts!" The two droids could be heard, but just barely, bickering down the hallway.

Anakin suddenly grabbed his bouncing son and held him down, the child yelping in surprise.

"Haha, I have you now!" he said as menacingly as possible with a grin on his face, and began to tickle Luke mercilessly, the child squirming and laughing in delighted glee. Padmé laughed at their exploits and grabbed her husband's shoulders, pulling him in for a less than chaste kiss.

"Ewww!" the little boy exclaimed, scrunching up his face in disgust.

His parents looked at him and laughed, pulling him in for a group hug.

Suddenly, a blinding light overtook Anakin's vision and the world around him disappeared. The bright light was cut off by a black object coming toward his face, and the harsh reality of the situation hit him.

It was only a dream, he thought in anguish, a vision of Padmé flashing into his mind as the mask was lowered over his face. Just a dream.


the end.

feedback welcomed at spacedoutwriter (at) hotmail (dot) com


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