Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




A Thousand Tears

by Cindé of Naboo


Why? Why did you leave me? Did I send you away? I don't remember; nothing is clear anymore. Only what used to be.

I loved you. I love you still, and that's the worst of it. Why can't I just rip you out of my heart and forget?

Why did I ever meet you?

My friend. You were always my friend. Like an unexpected burst of sunlight through the thickening clouds. The clouds were gathering, and I didn't know they would never leave. I was asleep then, asleep to all that would happen. But for the moment there was sunshine.

It was like you worshiped me. Me! What difference did it make where I was from or what I was? I could have told you that I was from a pit of slime, and you still would have looked at me as though I was a goddess. Why? I was nothing, really, you were everything. Everything.

You saved me; maybe I saved you too. We were both caught up in the storm and we held on to each other. Tighter than anything. I'd never let go.

But I did.

Did you let go first? Was it you who drifted away? Or did I? Somehow, someway, something turned wrong and I stand here and look for you and you're not here.

My love. You had to be my love. Did I hold you too tight? Or not tight enough? Oh, I could have held you tighter, longer, stronger, and never let you go! Never let you go.

It wasn't your fault, was it? Or was it? What did you do? What happened? I watched your face change until I couldn't recognize you. You were dead and a monster was in your place? Did you let it come? Did you fight? What could I have done?

Oh, my love, my friend, my sun, my lost lost love! What could I have done? What did I do? Oh, what did I do?

I don't want to go back. I don't want to change what I did.

I would do it all the same. I would meet you again and again and again. For every smile there would be a thousand tears, but I would do it again.

I stand here and watch for you, even though you're dead, because I can't believe you're really gone. I wait for you. I will not stop waiting for you, my love, my sun. I'm here. Your love.

Your angel.


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