Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Seeds of Resistance
(Sequel to "Under Fire")

by anakin_girl


Disclaimer: Alys Organa and a few minor characters belong to me, all other characters and the universe belong to Lucas.


The Clone War ended almost twenty years ago, but the Republic remains in a state of unrest, particularly on the Outer Rim territories, where resistance cells commandeered by former members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems have reappeared in growing numbers. The Republic Navy, with the assistance of the slowly-rebuilding Jedi Order, has managed to contain the cells in the Outer Rim. However, concerns are growing about the spread of the resistance, especially after a transport carrying Princess Alys Organa, heir to the throne of Alderaan, falls under attack in the Mid-Rim. In response to the attack, the Supreme Chancellor sends a squadron from the Republic Navy to rescue the Princess and return her home.


Chapter 1

"Captain Solo. We're caught in their tractor beam, sir."

"Good," Han Solo replied.

"Good, sir?"

"Yes, good. I want a straight-up fight. I don't like sneaking around."

The young lieutenant looked confused. "If you say so, sir."

"I say so," Han replied. "Once we're brought on board, two commands: one, shoot them down before they can stun you. Or shoot you. Two, disperse immediately and search for the Princess. Commander Calrissian and I will go in first and we will go in shooting, giving you time to spread out in different directions. Several R3 droids will accompany you and hack into the system computers. They should be able to quickly give you a location on the Princess. Once you have her location, get to her and free her from her cell using whatever means necessary."

"Sir, yes sir!" The lieutenants and midshipmen replied.

"Good. Let's do this."

The CR90 corvette was drawn into the tractor beam of the Inferno, a Recusant-class light destroyer, and the troops readied themselves, their hands on their loaded blasters.

"Chewie," Han said, nodding to his co-pilot. "Stay with the ship."

The Wookiee barked in protest.

"Sorry pal, that's an order. I need you to make sure they don't destroy it or disable it." He waved his second-in-command over.

"Lando," he said, his voice low enough that the other men couldn't hear. "No flirting. Just get her out of there."

Lando Calrissian smiled, without removing his hand from his blaster. "Han, old buddy, what are you talking about?"

Han scowled. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, you old pirate. We're probably outnumbered 10 to 1 by battle droids in there, not to mention D-90 assault droids and droidekas. There is no time for your antics."

Lando, the smile gone, nodded. "Alright, alright, no problem."

The ramp lowered but there was no sound. They descended, slowly, warily, their blasters ready. The attack came at once, an entire legion of battle droids. Han and Lando fired several rounds from their blasters, taking out the first division of them, but more followed. Behind Han and Lando, the lieutenants and midshipmen dispersed as instructed, scattering about the ship, accompanied by two astromechs.

Han and Lando took out the second division of droids but the division that followed was much more numerous.

This isn't going to work, Han thought.

"Lando," he whispered out of the corner of his mouth as they both fired several rounds from their blasters. The lines of battle droids were growing more numerous. "Go. To your left. Find the lieutenants. Find the R3s. Find out where the Princess is."

"But what about you?" Lando replied fiercely.

"I'm creating a diversion."

"No you're not! You're sacrificing yourself! I can't let you do that!"

"You can and you will. Now shut up and go. Don't worry about me. You have to get the Princess off this ship. Do you understand?"

Lando didn't speak for a second, then he nodded. "Alright. Good luck to you, old friend." "I'll get out of here. This is just a bump in the road."

"It's a mighty big bump." Lando fired one more round from his blaster then turned and ran as Han instructed.

Han dropped his blaster and raised his hands in surrender. The battle droids surrounded him.

"You are under arrest." One of them turned to its companion. "Inform Master Pestage that we have a prisoner."

The corridor along which Lando Calrissian ran appeared to be deserted, but he ran with his blaster raised just in case. He quickly found an astromech plugged into a wall socket. "Any word?" He whispered.

The droid beeped in reply.

"Second level? Got it." He kept running. He found a lift and punched the buttons, looking warily around him as he did.

Several droids arrived at the same time that the door to the lift opened. Lando fired a round, ducked into the lift, and fired another round into the corridor for good measure. The lift ascended to the second level and opened to another deserted corridor.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Lando muttered, gazing around him. "Now which cell is this Princess in?"

He walked slowly down the corridor, his blaster raised. He found one cell with a closed door. This must be it. He pushed the button on the wall.

The door slid open to reveal a woman lying on the hard bench. She was taller than Lando expected, too tall to fit comfortably on the bench. Her long legs, clad in white boots, were curled under her. One long platinum blonde braid, laced with silver cord, draped over the shoulder of her white gown. Her eyes were closed, but at the sound of the door, she opened them and fixed her hard gaze on Lando. She was scowling but at the sight of Lando's Republic Navy uniform, her expression changed to one of relief and mild wariness.

"Did your squadron get pulled in here as well?" She asked.

Lando grinned. "We did. On purpose."

She scowled. "On purpose? Have you lost your kriffing minds?"

Lando laughed. "No. It's all part of my captain's grand strategy." He held out his hand. "Commander Lando Calrissian, Your Highness. May I escort you off this ship?"

She sat up. "Your captain must have a death wish. And yes, you certainly may." She took his outstretched hand and stood. She was, as Lando anticipated, very tall, the top of her head almost reaching the ceiling of the cell. "Do you have an extra blaster?"

Lando looked confused. "Why?"

She met his eyes with her own large, ocean-blue ones. "Look, Commander, I'm grateful that you and your squadron came after me. But this destroyer has several divisions of battle droids, any of which could come around that corner and attack us. You're too short for me to hide behind you while you do the shooting. So... do you have an extra blaster or not? Or am I going to have to try to kick the tinnies over while you shoot?"

Lando, who could not think of anything more coherent than wow, handed her his secondary blaster.

"Better," she said, taking his arm and leading him further down the corridor. "There's another lift this way, it's not in the main line of fire. Where is your ship?"

"In the main hangar two floors below," he replied.

Her eyes widened. "You flew into the main hangar? You didn't at least try to sneak in?"

Lando smiled. "My captain isn't one for sneaking."

"So he's either an idiot, or has more courage than the rest of the galaxy put together."

"I've known Han for a long time. Trust me, it's the latter..."

Before Lando could say anything else, Alys turned around and fired a round over her shoulder.

"Wha...?" Lando asked, at the same time that a battalion of assault droids rounded the corner and fired at them. Lando ducked, raised his blaster and fired back. Alys went around a corner, stuck her blaster arm out and fired a round, and with the other arm, pushed a button to call the lift. Lando managed to cross the aisle, taking out a few droids, and reach the Princess, who was now ducking into the lift. She grabbed his arm, pulled him in with her, and pushed the button. Lando powered his wrist com. "This is Commander Calrissian. I have the Princess, and we are headed back to the ship. Meet me there in five minutes. Did you get the tractor beam out of commission?"

Lieutenant Nindo Keler's voice crackled over the com. "We did, sir. Only encountered a few tinnies, which we were quickly able to destruct."

"Good. Well done, Lieutenant." Lando powered off the com and turned to Alys. "Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" He asked.

She scowled at him. "What do you think I spend my free time doing, getting my hair coiffed?"

He shrugged. "I just hadn't imagined royals spending much time at the firing range, that's all."

Alys sighed. "My parents survived the Clone War. After that experience, they made sure that I could defend myself. Just in case. I'm not always surrounded by Republic Navy officers."

The doors to the lift opened. The corridor was deserted but they could hear the drone of droidekas nearby.

"The ship is this way," he said, waving his arm and beginning to run. She ran beside him, easily keeping the same pace while looking warily around her. They reached the ship just as several droidekas rounded the corner. They fired quickly and lifted the ramp. "I hope my men are on board," Lando muttered.

His question was answered quickly. "Commander Calrissian, sir, we have set the coordinates for Alderaan."

"Well done, Lieutenant," Lando replied.

"We have not seen Captain Solo," the Lieutenant answered.

Lando frowned, sinking into a seat. "Captain Solo has been captured, Lieutenant," he said.

The lieutenant appeared in the doorway, his eyes wide. "Sir?" From the cockpit, Chewbacca emitted a bark of sadness.

"I'm afraid so," Lando answered. "But his orders were to get the Princess off this ship. Our priority is to get her home safely, then we will come back for him."

"But Commander..."

Lando gave the man a hard glance. "Lieutenant, how do you think Captain Solo would react if we were to risk the Princess' safety - her life - in order to rescue him right now?"

The lieutenant sighed. "He would probably have us court-martialed, sir."

"Exactly. Now strap yourself in and take off before more droids arrive."

The lieutenant returned to the front of the ship, engaged the engines, and the ship rose into the air. Lando and Alys strapped themselves in, preparing for the jump to hyperspace.

"I did not realize your captain had been taken into custody," Alys said quietly.

Lando nodded, not looking at her. "He allowed the battle droids to take him in order to, as he said, create a diversion so that we could disperse and find you."

She looked down. "I am thankful for his sacrifice."

This time Lando looked at her. "He would tell you to think nothing of it, that it is part of his job. Being a naval officer is Han's life. He joined the Navy at age 16, lying about his age, and rose through the ranks quickly. We're the same age but he outranks me."

Alys met Lando's eyes. "I think I can help you. My parents have contacts in both the Jedi Order and the Chancellor's office."

"Who is in charge of the ship where you were held?"

Alys rolled her eyes. "A man named Sate Pestage. He has a long-standing enmity with my father, which is probably why I was taken. I think he wanted to use me as some sort of bargaining chip with my father, hoping he could use his influence on the Senate or the Chancellor's office to get Pestage and his friends what they want."

"What do they want?"

"They have a fairly long laundry list. Free trade along all the major trade routes, and I do mean free trade, no taxes or restrictions at all. Lower taxes, again. My father's administration and Mon Mothma's administration lowered their taxes but it was not enough for some of them. The Techno Union and Banking Clan seem to think they are above being taxed at all. They also want a repeal of the Republic's anti-slavery laws." She rolled her eyes again. Lando's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely. They claim the businesses of some of the groups they represent, would fall apart without slavery. The illegality of slavery is enshrined in the Rights of Sentience clause, which is as old as the Constitution itself, but in some parts of the Outer Rim and Hutt Space, slavery exists anyway, and there are a few large and well-known slaving guilds whose leaders manage to elude Republic capture. The resistance wants slavery as a legal if not condoned means of doing business, probably so that they can make more money from it." She rolled her eyes.

"No respectable business person would claim to 'need' slavery," Lando said, disgusted.

"That's what I thought," Alys replied. "The debate and vote will happen next week, let's just hope it's over quickly."

"We can hope so, that common sense and basic decency will prevail." Lando changed the subject. "Have you seen this Pestage?"

Alys laughed. "Oh yes, he came to see me. He thought he would try to interrogate me."

"Thought he would try?"

"Well, he did try. I kicked him in the..."

Lando held up his hand. "OK, I get the picture."

"He didn't come back. He sent interrogation droids into my cell, tried to get them to do a mind probe."

"Mind probe for what?"

"Information on my father, and inside information on the Chancellor's office. He and former Chancellor Mothma are the current Chancellor's closest advisors." She sighed. "I did not have the information Pestage wanted, nor would I have given it to him even if I did, so the droids gave up."

"So holding you was pointless."

She nodded and looked up. "Yes."

"Maybe that means they aren't likely to try again." Lando stood. "Can I get you anything? Are you hungry?"

"Yes," she said. "And there's no point in my asking for a place to bathe since those kriffing barves destroyed my ship with my clothes in it, but I would like to wash my face. And here," she added, handing him his blaster. "I suppose you should have this back now."

Lando smiled at her, took the blaster and replaced it in his holster. Then he put a hand on her shoulder and gestured towards a small 'fresher. "It's all yours. I'll get you something to eat."


Han Solo didn't know he could feel this kind of pain. He didn't know he had so many nerve endings in his body.

The droid turned the dial and sent stronger bolts of electricity into Han's pressure points. His head pounded, his joints cried out, and he gritted his teeth to keep from screaming. He would not give the sneering man in the corner such satisfaction.

"Are you ready to talk, Captain?"

"When hell freezes," Han said, gasping.

"We'll see about that," Pestage said, turning to the droid. "Give him another jolt."

The droid obeyed, but this jolt seemed briefer than the last. Or Han was still in so much pain from the last jolts that this one did not add much.

"Did you think you could just walk onto my ship without permission? This is private property, whether the Republic respects property rights or not." He spat the word "Republic."

Han glared at him. "Did you think you could kidnap a member of the Alderaanian royalty with no one noticing or coming to her rescue? You're stupider than you look."

Pestage's sneer grew more prominent. "I expected her filthy father to come for her. But I suppose he is now hiring the Navy to do his dirty work. Now, Captain, let's try this again. I'll need the identities of the members of your squadron. If you don't want to talk, I will use an alternative source to find their names - at which point I will ensure that bounty hunters track down each of them and kill them immediately."

Lando. Chewie. The brave midshipmen under his command, three of whom were new recruits, just finished basic training last week. No. Han scrambled for a way to buy them some time.

"Commanders Cooper Dray and Fargus Deel. Lieutenants Feyyaz Ferdusi, Boon Soniita, and Grubber Vapps. Midshipmen Grelk Micabra, Birdigan Nasalle, Jonra Far, Dretti Grond, Blizz Pinnix and Wryk Jobones."

Pestage gave a nasty grin. "I thought you could be reasonable." He turned to the droid. "Release him." Han's binders came off, and he fell to the floor in a painful heap.

Pestage left the cell. Han was not a praying man, but he sent a brief plea, to any gods that might be listening, that someone would rescue him before Pestage discovered that he had been given a list of famous swoop bike racers.


The Corellian corvette landed easily in the main hangar at the Palace of Aldera. On the platform stood Bail Organa, Prince Consort of Alderaan and former Supreme Chancellor of the Republic; his hands were clasped behind him. When the ship's ramp lowered and his daughter descended, Bail's face softened. Alys walked quickly to the platform to hug him. "Daddy." Her voice trembled slightly although she shed no tears.

Bail returned the hug. "Alys. Thank goodness you are safe."

Lando stood at the top of the ramp, with Chewbacca beside him, and Bail waved them both down, his other arm still around his daughter's shoulders.

"Alderaan owes you a great debt of gratitude, Commander..."

"Calrissian," Lando said, extending his hand to shake that of the Prince. "Lando Calrissian, Your Highness."

"Commander Calrissian. Welcome, and please accept my heartfelt personal thank you." He turned to the Wookiee. "Chewbacca. It's been many years." The Wookiee barked a greeting.

"You two know each other?" Lando asked.

Bail nodded. "Chewbacca was of great assistance to Master Yoda and myself at the end of the Clone War. He helped us escape Kashyyyk."

"Chewie has been with our squadron since Han - our captain--rescued him from Trandoshan slave traders."

Bail scowled. "We had several issues with the slave traders invading Outer Rim and Mid Rim planets during my administration." He looked at Chewie again. "I'm glad you're alright. I hope you and your men will come inside for a meal and some rest."

Chewie barked an affirmative, and Lando replied, "We would like that, sir. Thank you."

"Daddy, Pestage is holding this squadron's captain. His name is Han Solo," Alys said.

Bail turned from Alys back to Lando, his eyes wide. "Your captain was taken hostage?"

Chewie barked again, a low, mournful bark this time. "Yes, sir," Lando said. "He surrendered himself in order to distract the droids so that we could disperse throughout the ship and find your daughter."

Bail frowned. "I will contact the Chancellor. She is a personal friend. Do you have the coordinates on the Inferno?"

"It is probably in hyperspace again by now, returning to the Outer Rim."

"We will find it for you. We owe you that." Bail turned on his comlink and contacted the Palace's head of guest services. "Galatea. Please have some refreshment ready for the Navy Commander who rescued Alys as well as his squadron. They will join us for dinner as well."

"Yes, sir," the voice crackled over the com. Bail powered it off and turned to Lando. "I will join you as soon as I speak with the Chancellor."


Bail went into his private office in the Palace and submitted the code for the Supreme Chancellor's office. "Your Highness," the assistant said. "I will put you through to Her Excellency right away."

A minute later, Padmé Naberrie Skywalker, more widely known as Supreme Chancellor Amidala, appeared, her gray-streaked dark hair swept back into a chignon, her dark eyes filled with worry. "Bail," she said. "Is Alys...?"

"She's home and she's safe, Padmé," he replied. "The Navy squadron you sent for her was successful. They boarded Pestage's ship and rescued her fairly quickly, with minimal losses."

"That is good news," she said. "But what's wrong?"

"The captain of the squadron apparently surrendered himself in order to save Alys. He's trapped on board the Inferno."

She frowned. "Any idea of its next destination?"

"Commander Calrissian didn't say, but has Alys' capture been the only breach so far? The resistance is being contained on the Outer Rim?" Bail hesitated in calling the group the "separatists." Most were former members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but they no longer seemed interested in seceding from the Republic. Instead they tried to promote their destructive agenda within the Republic itself.

Padmé's frown deepened. "It is, but we are using all of our resources. The majority of Republic Navy squadrons and most of the Jedi are being used for this effort. If there is another major crisis, we might not have the resources to contain it."

He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. "The majority of the Senate is on our side, Padmé. We must have faith in democracy."

She sighed. "I know," she said. "About this captain - What is his name?"

"Han Solo," Bail replied.

"Captain Solo. We should probably send Jedi after him. Sending his squadron or another squadron after him would probably result in more captures. Pestage will not expect a..."

"Stealth operation," Bail said, the same time that Padmé said it, and they both laughed.

"You know what they say about great minds," Bail said.

Padmé smiled, and just as quickly, the smile disappeared. "Anakin and Leia are on Coruscant. I can send them as early as tonight if we can get possible coordinates on the location of the Inferno." She sighed again. "Obi-Wan and Luke are on Corellia, the majority of the rest of the Jedi are on the Outer Rim."

Bail nodded. "Mace Windu shows up here occasionally, but it does seem that there are few Jedi on Mid Rim and Core Worlds anymore."

"I know," she said. "I hope that changes soon. Tell Commander Calrissian that I will do my best to ensure his captain's rescue, and as quickly as possible."


"Master Skywalker." Padmé's personal assistant, Sovi, gave him a nod.

Anakin glanced at the closed door to his wife's office. "Is there a squall going on in there? Should I wait?"

She smiled but the expression didn't reach her eyes. There had been far too many "squalls" lately. "No, you can go in."

Anakin nodded, smiled at her, and palmed open the door. Padmé stood behind her desk; Pooja Naberrie, her niece and successor as Senator from Naboo, stood on the other side.

Anakin approached the young woman and put an arm around her shoulders. "Pooja," he said.

She returned the embrace. "Uncle Anakin."

He looked at Padmé. "Am I interrupting anything?"

She gave him a weary smile. "No. Pooja and I were just going over her speech. She's leading the debate against the legalization of slavery."

Anakin smiled. "Good."

"Do I have permission to use... anecdotal evidence?" She asked warily.

Anakin laughed, squeezing her shoulder. "Pooja, I'll be disappointed if you don't use it. Something good has to come out of what happened to me on Tatooine."

She looked relieved. "OK, then. There may be other anecdotal evidence but I'm afraid much of it will be about how cheap goods are when produced with slave labor." She scowled.

"It's a good speech, Pooja," Padmé said. "Add as much anecdotal evidence as you would like." She glanced at her husband. "Otherwise it's perfect."

Pooja let out a nervous sigh. "Thank you, Aunt Padmé. I'll see myself out then?"

She nodded. "I'll see you in the morning."

As soon as Pooja left, Padmé sighed, sank into her desk chair and rubbed her temples. Anakin stood behind her, kissed the top of her head and put his hands on her shoulders. "What is it?" He asked. He slid his hands under the heavy Chancellor's robes to massage the tense muscles in her neck.

"This sickening bill." She sighed again. "Ani, if this goes badly, it is likely that millions of Republic citizens will be sold into slavery under my watch. We should be working to capture and prosecute the large slaving guilds, not legitimize their crimes."

"Do you really think the majority of the Senate would vote to legalize slavery? I don't."

"I would like to say no. But then again, I never thought such a ridiculous notion would come to a vote in the first place." She looked up. "And I am very afraid of another war."

He turned her chair around, knelt in front of her and stroked her cheek. "Don't be. We will do this. We will hold them off. It will not come to a full-scale war, I promise you."

"It's not up to you unfortunately." She looked away.

"Actually it is, at least to a point. We overpower the resistance in the Outer Rim, we don't let them enter the Mid Rim and Core Worlds, and there will be no war. They would not be dumb enough to start a war that they have no chance of winning."

"I have Senators from the Outer Rim who are afraid that the members of the resistance are going to take complete control of their planets. I have Senators from the Mid Rim who are afraid the resistance cells are going to infiltrate their planets, especially after Alys was captured between Ansion and Keitum. And then there are the business groups who can only complain about labor and taxation and trade, and how much the cost of doing business is increasing. There has to be a diplomatic solution to this mess somewhere, but it's hard to find when everyone is only looking to further their own interests and will not give an inch."

"Qui-Gon once said that greed can be a powerful ally..." Anakin said, stroking his short, newly grown goatee.

Padmé looked at him. "What are you thinking?"

"That you're right. There has to be a diplomatic solution to this. There has to be a way to make that greed work to everyone's advantage. I just don't know what it is." He stood, put his hands on her shoulders again. "Meanwhile, you want Leia and me to get this Navy captain off the Inferno. And arrest Pestage."

Padmé nodded. "With or without Pestage, bring Captain Solo to Coruscant. I want to find out what Pestage did to him in captivity. We need specific charges to bring against him, as many as possible. We need evidence." She met Anakin's eyes. "Meanwhile... Pestage does not get his hands dirty unless he is being well paid, so any information that you and Leia can extract on who might be paying him, would be helpful."

"I'm sure it's Ventress. The question is, are the two of them operating alone?"

"I doubt it," Padmé said. "And that's what we need to find out. We need to know who else is involved. Ventress alone could not meet Pestage's demands." She rubbed her temples again. "I don't want Captain Solo to be put in any more danger. Rescuing him needs to be your first priority. And if you can arrest Pestage and bring him here for questioning as well..."

"We can, and we will." Anakin took her hands, encouraging her to stand, kissed her and brushed a tendril of hair away from her face. "Meanwhile, why don't you come home. Eat a real dinner. Take a blocker for that headache. Leia and I will leave as soon as we get the last known coordinates of the Inferno. You can see us off."

Padmé looked as though she wanted to protest, but then thought better of it. She commed Sovi and told her to go home for the evening, then left with Anakin.


In the Chancellor's quarters on 500 Republica, Anakin and Padmé found Leia gazing intently at her work station. "Daddy," she said, waving Anakin over without taking her eyes off the screen. "Where is it recorded which Separatists did not sign Master Yoda's treaty at the end of the Clone War?"

"It was really Bail's treaty, Senate business as opposed to Jedi business, so ask your mother." Anakin nodded towards Padmé, then crossed the room and rested his hands on his daughter's shoulders, glancing at the screen she had pulled up. "What are you working on?"

Before Leia could answer, Padmé said, "Wat Tambor, Poggle the Lesser, and Shu Mai." She unzipped the thick Chancellor's robes and removed them, revealing her slender frame clad in black slacks and a white blouse.

"Master Anakin, Mistress Padmé, may I offer you something?" C3PO appeared from the kitchen.

"Hot tea and a blocker, 3PO, I'd appreciate it." Padmé sank into a chair, leaned against its back and closed her eyes, putting her hand on her forehead.

"Shouldn't you eat first, milady?" The droid asked.

"Yes, she should," Anakin said. "So, food as well."

"Yes, Master Anakin," 3PO replied. "Right away." He disappeared into the kitchen again.

"Anyway, Leia," Padmé said. "All three of them gave some horrific excuse for not signing, and we were so glad to get the rest of the Separatist Council on board at the time that we disregarded their refusal."

Leia nodded. "I should have just called you first. For some reason I thought the treaty was done primarily through the Jedi."

"Master Yoda oversaw the negotiations," Anakin said. "They were touch and go for a few hours. This was right after we discovered that Chancellor Palpatine was a Sith, and Master Windu and I were forced to kill him."

"Can we not talk about Palpatine right now?" Padmé said. "My head is pounding." She sat up, opened her eyes again, and looked at her daughter. "What are you trying to find, Leia?"

"Who Pestage is working for," she said. "And what he wanted from Alys."

"He wanted to blackmail or threaten Bail somehow," Anakin said. "Have you talked to Alys?"

"She called to let me know that she was alright, but from what she said, she didn't learn much."

"Did Pestage question her?" Padmé asked.

"He tried. And met the brunt end of her roundhouse kick."

"Roundhouse kick?" Anakin asked, then the realization dawned on him. He held up his prosthetic hand, now covered with synthflesh. "Oh. Say no more."

Padmé realized what happened at about the same time as her husband, and let out a hearty laugh. "Alys deserves a medal of honor just for that one," she said. 3PO set a tray in front of her with tea, food and a blocker. Padmé downed the pill with a sip of the tea, then munched on a roll.

"Now, Chancellor Amidala," Anakin teased. "You are not suggesting that roundhouse kicks to the groin should become an acceptable method of, say, interrogating prisoners?"

Padmé swallowed her food and returned the teasing smile. "Only Pestage," she said. "Anyway, Leia, did Alys overhear anything at all?"

"The only thing she knows is that they did not go into hyperspace while she was on board. I don't know if Pestage was awaiting a signal from someone else in the resistance or not."

"They could not have gotten very far then," Anakin said. "Master Ti is on Felucia and Master Vos is on Dantooine. I have contacted them already."

Padmé's comlink buzzed. "Maybe this means more information," she said. She switched it on. "This is Chancellor Amidala."

It was Sovi. "Transmission for you from Admiral Madine, milady. High priority."

Padmé stood. "Send him through." She walked into her study and connected the comlink to its port, allowing the Admiral's hologram to appear. The garbled message only took a couple of minutes, during which time Padmé said little other than "Yes" and "Thank you." When she turned the comlink off and stood, she found Anakin waiting for her at the door.

"I have coordinates on the Inferno," she told him. "Admiral Madine's fleet found it as it came out of hyperspace near Ord Mantell."

"Ord Mantell?" Anakin stroked his goatee. "Pestage could be meeting with some bounty hunter..."

"Bane." Padmé scowled.

Anakin laughed. "Bane disappeared years ago, love."

"Disappeared," Padmé said. "He wasn't killed. Not that we are aware of. It is pretty reasonable to think that he's been hiding out all this time and waiting for a grand opportunity to re-emerge. He'd only be happy working for the Hutts until something bigger came along." She sighed. "But Pestage might not be after a bounty hunter. There is also a Navy weapons storage facility on Ord Mantell, one of our largest ones. And Madine said he has reason to believe that Pestage has several thousand battle droids on the ship."

"Leia," Anakin said, turning to his daughter, who still had not moved from her work station. "Did Alys mention battle droids?"

"Yes," she said. "Pestage has divisions upon divisions of them. She and Commander Calrissian shot several of them down." Leia closed the work station and stood, twisting her long braids and pinning them to her head. "I'm going to pack. I assume we are leaving soon?"

"Within the hour, yes," Anakin said.

"Admiral Madine has put a tracker on the Inferno but has not boarded it," Padmé said. "Pestage is probably on high alert for a Navy squadron to come to Solo's rescue and if we did just that, it would result in a high loss of life."

"He won't be expecting us. And battle droids are no match for Jedi," Anakin said. He kissed Padmé's forehead and hugged her. She closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest. Anakin's frame was as lean and muscular as it was when he was in his 20s, thanks to the rigors of Jedi life. Only his shorter graying hair and goatee gave away his age.

"When are you expecting Luke home?" he asked.

"Day after tomorrow," she said. "Assuming they don't run into any trouble. And I'm not expecting any, not on Corellia."

"He and Obi-Wan will deal with any trouble," Anakin said. "And when are the slaver barves having their day in the Senate?"

She scowled again. "The same. Day after tomorrow." She sighed. "I'll be glad when that is over."

He hugged her again. "We'll rescue Captain Solo, we'll find a holding cell with that karking sleemo Pestage's name on it, and we'll get back as soon as we can. Maybe all four of us can be on Coruscant at the same time for a change."

"That would be nice."

Leia appeared in the living area carrying her bag. She set the bag down, hugged her mother and kissed her cheek. "I hope we'll be bringing back some answers for you," she said.

Padmé returned the hug and kiss. "I hope so too," she said. "Are you going to eat before you go?"

"We'll eat on board," Anakin said. "If we go ahead and leave, we'll be on Ord Mantell before dawn. And just in case we end up having to chase the Inferno, I'd rather not give Pestage too much of a head start." He left the room and returned quickly with his bag and two dual-ringed, circular, glowing objects.

"Are those Force binders?" Leia asked.

Anakin nodded, opened his bag and dropped them in as if they were on fire. He was scowling. "Yes."

Leia's eyes widened. "Pestage is Force-sensitive?"

"I don't think so but I'm not taking chances either. He worked for Palpatine for years. And nobody thought he was Force-sensitive."

Padmé tightened her lips, closed her eyes briefly then opened them again. She hugged her daughter and kissed her husband one more time.

"Be safe, darling," she said.

"We will, I promise," Anakin replied, returning the kiss. "I'll send you a report as soon as we have something."

She nodded, and he took her hand and squeezed it. "I love you. Get some rest," he said. Then he and Leia were gone.


Chapter 2

"There it is," Anakin said as his ship, the Ornate, came out of hyperspace. "Ord Mantell. And there," he added, pointing to the left of the planet, "is our ship."

"Do you think they saw us?" Leia asked.

Anakin grinned at her. "No."

"I suppose you have a plan?"

The grin widened. "Don't I always?"

"One you would like to share?"

He continued to grin, steering the ship. "Be patient, Princess, I'm coming to it."

"You know I lose a hundred midichlorians every time you call me that."

Anakin laughed. "You think so?"

"Princesses wear fancy gowns and whine for big men to rescue them from tall towers."

He laughed again. "Did Alys teach you that?"

"She's... unusual. Always has been."

Anakin raised his eyebrows. He was still laughing. "If you say so." He turned to the astromech sitting a few feet away. "R2, ready to hack into the computer of a strange and probably dirty ship?"

The droid emitted a series of beeps in reply.

"As ready as you're going to be, huh? I hear you." Anakin turned to Leia. "The plan is that I'm going to dock onto one of the emergency airlocks and we're going to jump in that way."

Leia whirled around. "What?"

"Relax, I've done this before. I boarded a Separatist general's ship through the emergency airlocks, and the ship was destroyed an hour later." He frowned. "Of course I would have just blown up the ship from the air if your mother hadn't been taken hostage on board." Anakin shook his head to clear the memory.

"Mom was taken hostage aboard a Separatist cruiser?"

"She was a favorite target for the Separatists. And let's just say she's a little more cautious now when a group like the Banking Clan says it wants to negotiate." Anakin shook his head again. "Uncle Obi-Wan and I got her off there within ten minutes. Let's not talk about it anymore. Bad luck."

"I thought you didn't believe in luck."

Anakin didn't answer. The Ornate flew lower and lower, now skimming the top of the Inferno...there. He expertly docked onto one of the airlocks and powered down the ship.

Leia stood, put her hand on her lightsaber. "Now what?" she whispered.

Anakin smirked. "We open the hatch and float down." He nodded at R2. "Ready, R2?" R2 beeped a reply and rolled to them. Anakin opened the hatch and using the Force, he and Leia floated, slowly and gently, to the ship's floor 15 feet below. R2 fired up his rocket boosters and followed.

They stretched out with the Force but did not sense any danger immediately nearby. "There are battle droids on the floor below us and above us," Anakin said. "Are you wearing a wrist com?"

Leia turned hers on. "Yes."

"Let's split up, you go left and I'll go right. First priority is Captain Solo, but if you happen to run into Pestage..." He tossed her a set of Force binders, which she attached to her utility belt.

"Got it," she said. "May the Force be with you, Daddy."

"May the Force be with you, Leia." They went in different directions.


Leia walked quietly down the corridor, stretching out with the Force. Someone was there. It was an indescript corridor, strangely deserted, no cell blocks, no droids, nothing at all but shiny floor and blank walls. She kept her hand on her lightsaber. The presence she had sensed was growing closer, and...

"Leia Skywalker."

The saber ignited, its green blade piercing the dim light of the corridor, illuminating the man's sneering face and greasy black hair.

"Sate Pestage," she spat. "I thought I smelled your foul stench." She held the blade under his chin, with her other hand, taking the binders from her utility belt. "In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest."

He smirked. "Charming," then pushed a button on the wall. Several droids rolled in and immediately began firing. Leia turned and with several deft movements of her lightsaber, deflected their rapid fire, jumping over them to fight from behind. Pestage laughed. "And there are several more where those came from. You arrogant Jedi..."

Leia sliced five droids in half, jumped over them, flipped over in mid air and stomped two more droids to the ground. Her lightsaber blade was once again at Pestage's throat, with her other hand, she put the binders on one of his wrists. "Now," she said. "You are under arrest."

He laughed again and started to raise his hand to summon more droids.

"Not so fast." Anakin appeared from the corridor on the left. "The droids you are about to call are in pieces around that corner." He took the other set of Force binders from his utility belt. "I suggest you cooperate. Neither you nor your tinnies are any match for two of the strongest Jedi in the Order."

Pestage looked at Anakin and seemed to realize the truth in his words. He glared and scowled, but put his wrists together, allowing Leia to finish attaching the binders. Then he smirked. "I have some information that would be valuable to your Chancellor. I'm sure I can find a way to motivate her to release me."

Anakin gave Pestage a scathing look then turned to Leia. "Captain Solo is in cell block 1138. I'll see you both in a few minutes." He glared at Pestage again. "I have a piece of Hutt dung to lock up."

Leia nodded, turned and sprinted around the corner. Cell block 1138 should be...there. She palmed the door open.


Han Solo did not know what to make of the figure standing in front of him. Were Pestage's interrogation droid sessions causing hallucinations now? She was short and slender, what he and his fellow midshipmen called "95 pounds soaking wet," long dark hair in braids wrapped around her head, tendrils of hair loose and perspiration on her brow as if she'd been running. White jumpsuit, white boots, white leather utility belt and...kriff, was that a lightsaber?

He sat up and gave her a bleary look and his best flirtatious grin. "I didn't know the Jedi Order admitted hot females," he said. He immediately knew it was a lame, and very wrong, attempt to break the ice.

Her withering glare affirmed his suspicion. "Well, you're about 25,000 years behind," she said icily. "The Order does not, however, admit half-witted misogynistic twits, so I suppose it's best that you stuck with the Naval Academy."

Ouch. Bad move, Solo. He held up his hands in mock surrender. "Sorry, I meant it as a compliment."

"Sounded more like a pick-up line worthy of a seedy bar in the Uscru District." She took a quick glance around his nondescript cell. "I'm here to get you out of here. Are you interested?"

"Am I? Where are we headed?"

"Coruscant." She closed her eyes for a moment, then looked quickly around her. "We need to hurry. There is an entire division of battle droids approaching us."

Han stood. "Where?"

Leia gestured with her thumb. "That way, but no matter. Are you injured? Are you able to run?"

"I can run."

"Come on then." Leia took off to the right, with Han behind her, struggling to keep her pace. He could run, certainly, but in spite of his rigorous Academy training, he had a hard time keeping up with her.

The squadron of battle droids came suddenly. In a blur of green lightsaber, Leia sliced several of them in half, then jumped in the air, did a double flip, and landed behind them to eliminate the rest. Within several seconds the entire squadron was decimated into a pile of scrap metal. Han stared, frozen in place, his mouth agape. "Damn," was the only thing he could manage.

Leia kicked a tin arm. "What can I say? I like taking droids apart." She looked at Han. "Let's move, we don't have time to lose. I'm pretty sure this ship has droidekas as well. I'd rather be off the ship before they show up."

Han picked up a couple of blasters from the destroyed droids and followed Leia around a corner. He heard the low drone of approaching machinery. The droidekas that the female Jedi mentioned? He fired a couple of blaster shots around the corner for good measure. She whirled around on him, glaring. "Would you put that thing away?! You're going to get us both killed!"

He returned the glare. "Fine, I was only trying to help."

"You're not helping by making your presence known and putting the entire ship on high alert! Don't they teach you any kind of strategy at the Academy?"

"Wait a minute now...I teach strategy at the Academy."

"It's a wonder anyone in the Navy is still alive."

The noise grew louder; the droids had sensed Han's blaster fire and increased their numbers. When the first few droids rounded the corner, Leia raised her hand, Force-pushing them into a wall, where they splintered. With her other hand, she cut a circle in the wall with her lightsaber, and was met with a nasty odor.

"What an incredible smell you've discovered," Han muttered. "May I ask what the hell you're doing?"

"Getting you out of the way while I give the jani droids a bit more metal to clean up," she said. "Into the garbage chute, flyboy." Han found himself being pushed from behind, but she never touched him, not with her hands anyway. "Whaa...?" he muttered just before he landed in a pile of trash.

"Blech," he said. "Essence of Pestage."

"I'll be back for you as soon as this floor is droid-free," she said, then ran.

Han scowled as the stench hit him anew. "Wonderful girl," he muttered. "Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her."

It was only a few minutes but it seemed an eternity later to Han when he heard another voice above him, this one deep and male. "Captain Solo?" The face that appeared in the hole above him was vaguely familiar but Han couldn't place him. He was a middle-aged man with piercing blue eyes; the short hair and neatly trimmed goatie were light brown sprinkled with grey. "How did you end up down here?"

"Some kriffing woman pushed me down here," Han said. "At least I think she pushed me. She never touched me, but I think she's a Jedi."

The man looked vaguely amused, then reached a hand down the hole, a hand with a gold wedding band on the ring finger. "Well, would you like to come out?"

"Would I? I didn't know one human being and a bunch of battle droids could produce such a smell." He reached for the man's hand but could not stretch far enough.

"I'm not sure the term 'human being' applies to Pestage. Do you trust me, Captain?"

"I'll trust you once I'm out of this dump. Why?"

The man smiled. "Because I'm about to do something unorthodox."

"If it gets me out of here, be as unorthodox as you like."

He nodded. "OK. You've said so." The man closed his eyes, and Han felt himself being lifted off his feet, towards the ceiling, towards the hole in the wall, by an unseen Force. Then he was pulled gently through the hole out into the corridor, where he stood, his mouth agape.

"What was that?" he managed, and received a smile in return.

"A little help from the Force." The man extended his hand. "I'm Anakin Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you. Follow me. My ship is this way."

He started walking to the right, followed quickly by a shocked Han. "The Anakin Skywalker?" No wonder his face was familiar. One of the Jedi Order's most famous members, the Clone Wars' Hero with No Fear, and...

He laughed. "I should hope so. I don't think my wife could handle two of us, and my Jedi Master would have had a stroke by now."

The Chancellor's husband. The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic sent her husband after me. Anakin stopped under one of the emergency airlocks of the Inferno and turned to Han. "Captain, I need you to trust me one more time, because there are no ladders here and my ship is directly above that airlock."

Once again Han's mouth fell open. "You came in through an emergency airlock?"

Anakin grinned. "Best way to conduct a stealth operation in my experience."

Stealth operation. No wonder that woman Jedi was so pissed. Where did she end up anyway? "I can't say I'm much for stealth operations, Master Skywalker. I usually go in full steam and engage the enemy directly."

"Well, there's more than one way to win a battle, Captain." Anakin closed his eyes and shot up the airlock. From the roof, he reached a hand down to Han. "I'm going to lift you. Are you ready?"

Han nodded. "Sure," and once again, he felt himself being floated gently up the shaft to the roof. The shiny J-type star skiff waited on the platform. Han blinked. "Impressive," he said.

Anakin smiled. "You think so? Wait til you see how she flies. I've made a few special modifications myself." He went up the ramp and gestured to Han to follow him.

"Pestage is in a holding cell in the rear," Anakin said. "With Force binders on his wrists and ankles, and being watched by a very obedient astromech droid who has been instructed to contact me if he so much as breathes wrong." Anakin scowled. "But come to the cockpit. You can get a look at the Ornate before I get her started."

At that moment they heard pounding boots up the ramp and a female voice, slightly out of breath but very familiar to Han. "Daddy, did you find the captain? I had to leave him while I knocked a few tinnies out of commission. I went back for him but he disappeared."

Han turned to look. The female Jedi had just boarded the ship and was raising the ramp behind her.

Daddy? Anakin Skywalker is her Daddy? How much more interesting was this day going to get, exactly?

"I found him right where you left him, Leia. Curious choice of locations if I may say so." He turned to Han. "I apologize for my daughter, Captain. She wasn't quite that creative last time she dumped a man." He looked amused.

"I did not 'dump' him!" Leia snapped. "I got him out of the way so I could protect him from himself! You didn't tell me that naval officers have such itchy trigger fingers and..."

Anakin put his hands on her shoulders, meeting her eyes. "Calm down," he said. "Captain Solo and I are going into the cockpit. As soon as we go into hyperspace, shower and change your clothes, then get something to eat."

Her face relaxed, and her voice softened. "You're actually going to let someone other than Luke help you fly?"

Anakin smiled at Han. "He seems to know his ships. And after that garbage chute, we probably owe him one." He looked at Leia again, then indicated a chair. "Strap yourself in, and we'll see you in a few minutes."

Leia fell into a chair, fastened the straps, leaned back and closed her eyes. Han followed Anakin into the cockpit and strapped himself into the copilot's chair. "You must have hit something pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that," Han said.

Anakin adjusted his straps and pushed a few buttons on the controls. "She's hungry and tired," he said. "She'll be friendlier later." The ship took off, and the navicomputer calculated the jump to hyperspace.

"Master Skywalker?" Han asked.

Anakin nodded, signaling Han to continue.

"My squadron...have they made contact with either the Jedi or the Chancellor's office?"

"They landed safely on Alderaan with the Princess. Commander Calrissian, Chewbacca and the rest of your crew have been ordered to the Republic Navy headquarters on Coruscant. They are doing fine, and will be waiting for you there."

Han sighed with relief. "Pestage tortured me for their names."

Anakin turned to him quickly. "He did?"

Han nodded. "I gave the idiot the names of several famous swoop bike racers."

Anakin laughed. "Good work."

"I wasn't sure how long he would buy it."

"Long enough for your squadron to be transported safely from Alderaan." He turned to Han again. "Swoop bikes? I raced pods as a kid."

Han's eyes widened. "Really? I didn't think humans could race pods."

"I was the only one who could. I won the Boonta Eve Classic when I was nine," Anakin replied. For an hour or so they exchanged racing stories, and went over details of Anakin's modifications to the Ornate as well as Han's modifications to his own cruiser. Then, deciding they were hungry, they left the cockpit and went into the main bay of the ship.

The sight that met them there, made both of them smile. Leia had showered and changed clothes and was now stretched out on a couch, fast asleep, her still-damp braids falling down her shoulders.

"Please tell me she ate first," Anakin muttered, and finding an empty meal pack in the waste bin, he nodded. He Force-floated a blanket from an overhead compartment, covered Leia with it, smoothed her hair and dropped a kiss on her forehead. Then he stood and headed for the next room, waving at Han to follow him. "Let's eat," he said quietly so not to wake Leia. "I'm starving."

"Just for the record," Han said as they entered the small dining area, "I didn't know she was your daughter when she found me."

Anakin retrieved two meal packs from a cooler and handed one to Han. He gave him an amused look with raised eyebrows. "I gathered as much," he said.

"Certainly explains where her skill level. I've never seen anyone take out battle droids that quickly."

Anakin pressed the warmer on his meal pack and opened a bottle of water. "She has a twin brother. They've been competing since they learned to walk. Maybe earlier."

"And...of course I didn't make the connection with the Chancellor..." Han said.

Anakin laughed. "No worries, she and Luke don't play that card, it's not appropriate." He sat down and opened his meal pack. Han sat across from him and did the same. "Being married to a Jedi and having Jedi children probably cost Padmé a few votes," Anakin continued. "And gained her a few others. A couple of decades ago, the Jedi were so unpopular that it would have cost her the election." He downed all the water in his bottle in a couple of gulps. "But all that being said, other Jedi aren't forced to spend the night on their ships if they don't give her their reports in time. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to use the secure com transmitter and I'll be back."

Han laughed. "Of course."

Han finished his meal pack and was throwing away the wrapping when the door opened and Leia walked in, bleary-eyed, pinning up her braids.

"Good nap?" Han asked. Leia nodded but did not speak, just went to the cooler, opened it, and retrieved a bottle of water.

"Do you want one?" She asked, getting a second bottle.

"Sure," he said, taking it from her and unscrewing the top.

Leia looked down the corridor. "Where did my father go? To interrogate Pestage?"

"I don't think so," Han said. "He said he was delivering a report to your mother so she doesn't make him sleep out here."

Leia smiled. "Like she would do that. She'll just make some comment about him always being late. Which she is probably doing right now."

"So," Han said cautiously. "Is this a good time to call a truce? We got off on the wrong foot."

Leia gazed at him, her face expressionless, then took a sip of her water before she spoke. "You aren't too fond of Jedi, are you?"

"What gives you that idea? You got me off that cruiser, didn't you?"

"I knew as soon as I opened your cell."

Han sighed. "I'm not much for any kind of religion, sweetheart," he said. "I've been from one end of this galaxy to the other, I've seen all kinds of strange stuff. And I haven't seen anything that leads me to believe that some all-powerful Force controls everything. No mystical energy field controls my destiny. It's all a bunch of simple tricks and nonsense. And that thing," he indicated the lightsaber hanging from her belt. "I saw what you did with it, but I still say it's no match for a good blaster."

She didn't answer, just stared at him.

"It's not personal," Han said quickly. "I'm glad you and your Dad came after me."

Leia continued to gaze at him, her eyebrows raised, her expression changing from blank to amused.

"What?" Han asked. "Don't do that, are you reading my mind or something?"

She laughed, and stood. "No, Captain, even I can't read something that isn't open."

"Nice," Han muttered.

At that moment Anakin re-appeared. "Look who's awake," he said, smiling at Leia. Then he looked from her to Han, and back to her. "Did I miss something?"

"Captain Solo is quite the skeptic," she said. "And he seems to be able to dish out more than he can take."

"Skepticism isn't necessarily a bad thing," Anakin said. "The alternative is passive complacency and blind acceptance."

Han gave Leia a hard look. "Yeah," he said. She returned the look.

Anakin looked amused, and raised his eyebrows. Then he addressed Leia. "We should be back on Coruscant at noon Galactic City time. The debate over legalizing slavery takes place in the Senate in the morning so your mother may be in a foul mood. But Luke and Uncle Obi-Wan will be back in time for dinner."

"Hold it," Han said. "Legalizing slavery?"

Anakin and Leia both scowled, and Anakin nodded. "The Banking Clan, the Corporate Alliance and the Commerce Guild want it legalized. They practice as much as they can get away with anyway, and as I'm sure you know, the Republic expends military resources chasing after slave guilds."

Han scowled. "I know it all too well. It was on one of those operations that I got Chewie out of the clutches of the Trandoshan slave traders before they killed him."

"Well, these groups want the practice legitimized and are using the expenditure of Republic resources, which they call 'wasteful', as an excuse. They also argue that legalized slavery will mean cheaper goods and an improved economy." Anakin's scowl had deepened to something much darker, and he went to a closet and removed six or seven training remotes. He looked at Leia. "I'm going to go spar for awhile."

She nodded, and Anakin left quickly. Han looked after him, surprised at the drastic shift in his mood. "What happened to him?" he asked.

"He's fine, he just needs to work off some negative energy. He was enslaved on the Outer Rim as a child, it's a bad topic."

"Oh," Han said. "I had no idea."

"You couldn't have known." Her eyes went to the door that her father had just walked through. "Did the Jedi free him?" Han asked.

"In a manner of speaking. A Jedi convinced his slave master to gamble him in a pod race, and the slave master lost."

"Wow, that could have gone very badly."

"No kidding," Leia said. "My cousin is leading the argument against legalizing slavery, and she's using Daddy's story to add a human element to it." She sighed. "We can only hope that we can appeal to people's sense of compassion above their rampant greed."

"I'm a greedy scoundrel and I would never..."

Leia put her hand on his arm. "I know. Of course you wouldn't. No one with any decency would."

Han smiled. "Good to know I fall under the category of 'people with decency.' With you I wasn't sure."

Leia returned the smile. "You have your moments. Not many of them, but..." I should keep this conversation going now that I've made it five minutes without offending her, Han thought. "So... did you grow up on Coruscant?" "Naboo," Leia said. "My parents own a house in Theed, although we're not there much anymore. My brother and I went to school there until a couple of years ago. We transferred to a school on Coruscant when Mom got elected Chancellor." She looked at him. "What about you?"

"Grew up on Corellia, joined the Navy at age 16. Not much to tell," he replied.

"Your parents let you do that?"

"They're gone. Dad passed away when I was 12, Mom only made it a couple of more years. She wasn't stable anyway and didn't function very well without Dad."

Leia's face fell. "That's horrible. I'm sorry."

Han shrugged. "It is what it is," he said. "The Navy is my family now." He looked at her. "How old are you, Leia?"

She eyed him suspiciously. "Why?"

Han sighed. Why were women so touchy over certain questions? "Because I'd like to ask you to have dinner with me, and I'd like to do it without landing my ass in some jail in the underbelly of Coruscant. Or being impaled on the end of your father's lightsaber."

She gave him a half smile. "Well, you're in luck then."

"I am?"

She raised her eyebrows. "I'm 18. And Daddy seems to like you. Assuming you haven't modified his ship."

Han smirked. "If I modified it, it would be to make it go faster," he said. "So you'll go out with me then?"

Leia stood, and winked at him. "Maybe," she said, and left the room.


Chapter 3

"The Supreme Chancellor recognizes the Senator from the sovereign system of Murkhana," Vice Chair Molis Tarin announced.

The pod lowered and Senator Aegent Andray stepped forward.

"Chancellor Amidala, fellow members of the Senate," he said. "For 22 years my home world has been the headquarters of the Corporate Alliance. Our economy was in shambles two decades ago, but when the Alliance took control, prosperity reigned again within a year. The businesses comprising the Corporate Alliance were the only groups that continuously turned a profit throughout the Clone War, when many businesses found their costs dramatically increasing and their profits decreasing, some to the point where they could no longer stay in business. One reason that these businesses remained profitable is that they took advantage of the services provided by slaver guilds."

Andray ignored the gasps from the chambers and continued. "Obviously these transactions took place undercover, as the guilds preferred to avoid any entanglements with the Republic military. However, they did take place, keeping the businesses profitable and goods cheap enough for the average Republic citizen in an economy that was bankrupt due to the war. I am asking today that this delegation vote to legalize and regulate the activities of the slaver guilds and allow our businesses to negotiate with them in the open."

Shouts of protest erupted in the chamber. Tarin banged her gavel. "Order! Order!" Padmé surveyed the room, and when the shouts had quieted, she said, "You may continue, Senator Andray."

"Thank you, Your Excellency. Now I know many of you will ask why we don't use droids instead. Slavery is more profitable for several reasons. One, slaves can think creatively and are therefore much more efficient than droids. They can be trained to perform a new task much more quickly and easily than a droid can be reprogrammed, and we don't need a mechanic and a programmer on staff to retrain slaves. We need both to maintain and reprogram droids. Additionally, droids have half the lifespan of most sentients, and their oil and parts are more costly than food and clothing for slaves. Finally, on systems outside the Republic in which slavery is allowed, treatment of slaves is better regulated. Slave owners can be compensated if another mistreats his or her slaves. I ask this delegation to consider our proposal, if for no other reason, than to allow precious Republic military resources to be diverted from tracking down and investigating slaver guilds to maintaining security on Outer Rim worlds, worlds increasingly overtaken by resistance cells. Thank you." He nodded and sat. Shouts erupted again, and Tarin banged her gavel.

The shouts died down, and Tarin spoke. "The Supreme Chancellor recognizes the Senator from the sovereign system of Naboo."

Pooja's pod lowered. "Chancellor Amidala, fellow members of the Senate, I am certain that we all want to enact legislation that will improve the economy and the financial well-being of the citizens of the Republic. And given the fears that the resistance on the Outer Rim is growing, we all want to liberate as many military resources as possible to deal with that conflict. However, legalizing slavery is not the answer. If this bill passes, who will decide who is sold into slavery? Do we as a delegation? And how would we choose which of our fellow citizens to degrade in such a way? How do we choose who keeps their rights as sentients and who loses their rights to become the property of another? If not us, do the slaver guilds decide? Will they be given the right to kidnap sentients and sell them? Does the Corporate Alliance decide? Will they be given liberty to take over planets and sell their citizens as they did during the Clone War as part of the Confederacy?

Senator Andray claims that slaves are a more efficient source of labor and are cheaper to maintain than droids. How many of us have actually encountered a slave and seen how they live? If they labor more efficiently, it is because they are afraid to do otherwise. Afraid of being beaten or starved. If they are cheaper to maintain than droids, that is because their masters generally feed them as little as possible.

Another difference between droids and slaves is that sentient beings have families - parents, siblings, children--whom their masters can hold over their heads as a threat. A commonly used punishment for disobedience in the slave world is the selling away of a family member. The bottom line here, ladies and gentlemen, is not the profit margin of the Corporate Alliance. It is the fact that sentient beings are not commodities to be bought and sold." She paused. "My uncle was enslaved on Tatooine as a child."

Several Senators gasped. Pooja continued. "I have seen the scars on his shoulders and upper back from his owners' whips. I was an adult before I knew what happened to him. I assumed the scars were wounds from the Clone War. But they weren't. My uncle worked in his owner's shop. The owner sold junk parts and mechanical goods, which is why he kept my uncle around. To fix droids and race pods to win his owner money." Pooja took a deep breath. "The beatings were for small mistakes. Giving a customer too much change. 'Allowing' a droid to break down too early. Losing one of those awful pod races. He was even beaten for trying to protect his mother from some of the thugs that appeared in that shop and thought they would pay the owner for a piece of her dignity. A four-year-old child should not be beaten with a bantha whip for making mistakes that any adult could make. Or for protecting his mother from rapists." She paused. "My uncle was only freed from slavery because his owner liked to gamble and eventually lost. His owner gambled him - a human being - as if he were nothing more than a handful of druggats. Because to his owner, that's all he was worth. I hope you will understand that if you vote for this bill, you are voting for the degradation of sentient beings into nothing more than currency changing hands. You are voting to steal their very lives, their souls, along with their freedom. Thank you."

Pooja sat, and when she did, there was no applause, no shouting, only stunned silence. Padmé stood. Her hands trembled, causing the rings on her left hand to catch the light. Her wedding band, and the band with 20 small diamonds, the one Anakin had given her last year for their anniversary.

But when she spoke, her voice was even. "I usually refrain from interjecting my opinion on a bill until the bill has come to a vote, however, I feel the need to speak on this one. Ladies and gentlemen, as the Chancellor I am charged with protecting the rights and freedoms granted to your citizens by the Galactic Constitution. If this bill passes, I have great concerns about my ability to do so. Senator Naberrie has pointed out that decisions on who is enslaved might not be left to this Congress, nor should we want such power to decide the fates of our fellow sentient beings. If you cast your vote for this bill, you very well might be voting to enslave those who elected you.

I will ask Vice Chair Tarin to preside over this vote. I will retire to my office until its fate is decided. Thank you." With that, Padmé turned and stepped down from the podium, the velvet Chancellor's robes billowing behind her.

Padmé summoned her guards standing immediately outside the chambers, bidding them with one hand to follow her to the lift. The Senate thought little of her excusing herself while the vote was taken and counted; she often did so when the Senate voted on bills affecting the Jedi, to avoid any accusations of bias or vote manipulation on her part.

What surprised her guards was the drawn look on her face, and the fact that she did not say a word in the lift. When it opened into the corridor outside her office, she waved at them again, indicating that they should stand guard outside the door, then turned to her assistant. "Sovi, the Senate is voting on the resolution and results should be in within the next few minutes. Contact me when that happens; until then, please see that I am not disturbed."

Sovi nodded slowly. "Of course milady." She surveyed Padmé's face. "The slave that Senator Naberrie discussed in her speech. Your husband?"

Padmé met her eyes but said nothing. She went into her office and closed the door behind her. Alone in the expansive office granted to the Supreme Chancellor, Padmé sat at her desk and wept.


"Milady, the votes are in and the bill has been defeated," Sovi's voice came in clearly over the com. "Chancellor Organa and Senator Naberrie wish to see you. And your husband called, he just came out of hyperspace over Coruscant. He will be here after he puts Sate Pestage under lockup."

Padmé sniffed and wiped her eyes. "Thank you, Sovi. Send Chancellor Organa and the Senator in."

Bail and Pooja entered slowly and closed the door behind them. Padmé stood, crossing the room to meet them. Pooja hugged her. "Aunt Padmé, I am so..."

Padmé held her hand up to silence her. "Don't," she said. "Don't apologize. You told the truth. And you said nothing that I didn't already know."

"I told her that she did well," Bail said. "The final vote on the bill was 1546 against it to 454 for it. She had at least a third of the delegation in tears." He looked at Pooja. "Appealing to people's base emotions is a very old political tactic," he said.

Padmé nodded and began to pace. "People need to know that their constituents, their friends, their families could be affected if a bill like this passed. It's not just emotional appeal, it's reality." She sniffed and dabbed at her eyes again.

"You know, it is quite possible that the Corporate Alliance and Banking Clan have been planning this for years," Bail said. "And were just waiting for you to be in position where you could neither campaign against it or vote against it."

Padmé sniffed again. "That has crossed my mind."

"Are you alright?" Bail asked.

She nodded. "I'm fine. Really. The bill was defeated, that's all that matters."

Bail nodded. "Can we do anything?"

Padmé gave him a watery smile. "You can come for dinner. Both of you. Bring Breha and Alys if they're on planet. Anakin and Leia are back, Luke and Obi-Wan will be here tonight."

Bail put a hand on her shoulder. "Sounds good. Breha stayed home but Alys came with me."

"I'll be there as well," Pooja said.

"I've got to interrogate Pestage this afternoon," Padmé said. "After that I'm going to be ready for wine and good conversation. I need to question Captain Solo as well but that can wait until tomorrow. He should be reunited with his squadron first." She kissed Pooja's cheek. "You did well. I'm proud of you."

"I only wish that speech hadn't been necessary," she said.

"So do I," Padmé said. "I'm going to meet Anakin and Leia. I'll see you two tonight?"

They nodded, and the three of them left the office.


Leia descended from the ship first, followed by R2. Padmé enveloped her in a hug. "I trust the return trip was uneventful?"

"As uneventful as it could be," Leia said.

Padmé smiled. "Where's your father?" she asked.

Leia scowled. "Bonding," she muttered.

"Bonding with whom?" Padmé said. A minute later her question was answered as Anakin descended with a man who could have only been Captain Solo, both of them laughing. "The guy thought he was flying a completely different ship. The only difference was that I had boosted his hyperdrive motivator," Han was saying.

"Captain Solo likes machinery as much as Daddy does. And he's a very... interesting person," Leia said, continuing to scowl.

Padmé raised her eyebrows. "Interesting? How so?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough," Leia said.

At that moment Anakin reached his wife and hugged her, lifting her off the ground, and kissed her.

Leia walked a few feet away, averting her eyes, finding herself meeting those of Han. "Yes, they're always like that," she said.

Han shrugged. "The PDAs I see are usually my midshipmen trying to pick up women whose names they don't even know, or the ones with their mistresses while their wives sit at home. Nice to see a married couple behaving that way for a change."

"Captain Solo." Padmé's voice caused Han to turn quickly and give her a bow.

"Your Excellency."

"I contacted headquarters just before I left my office. Commander Calrissian and Chewbacca are on their way to meet you. In fact...there they are."

A Navy gunship pulled up to the platform and stopped, and Lando and Chewie bounded out and ran to Han. Chewie reached him first, wrapping him in his arms and lifting him from the ground with a joyous bark.

"Easy, pal," Han said. "Good to see you too."

"Han, old buddy," Lando said, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Lando," he said. "I told you I'd get out of there, didn't I?" He nodded at Anakin and Leia. "Thanks to these two Jedi."

Lando saw Padmé and Anakin and gave a short bow. "Chancellor Amidala, Master Skywalker. On behalf of Han's squadron, we thank you."

Padmé smiled. "You are quite welcome, Commander. We are thankful that he is home safely."

Lando saw Leia, grinned, took her hand and kissed it. "And who might you be?"

She raised her eyebrows. "Leia," she replied. A couple of feet away, Anakin frowned, his eyebrows knitting together.

Han put a hand on Lando's shoulder. "Come on, you old smoothie," he said. "We need to get back to headquarters."

"I will contact you tomorrow, Captain," Padmé said. "I need some information on Pestage and your captivity."

"It was ugly, and Pestage did more asking than telling," Han said. He saluted her. "I will look forward to seeing you. I hope I have some information that will help." He, Lando and Chewie climbed aboard the gunship. "Thanks for coming after me," Han said to Anakin, who nodded.

"You are welcome," he said, without smiling. Han turned to Leia and mouthed, "Can I call you?" She mouthed back, "Yes." Anakin noticed the exchange, and his frown deepened.

Han and Lando waved, and the gunship took off.


At the Republic Navy headquarters on Coruscant, the midshipmen in Han's squadron were engaged in a very competitive and very loud game of sabacc. For a few minutes Han enjoyed the sounds of their laughter, sounds that he had greatly missed while in captivity on the Inferno. Then he retreated to a private room, fired up his work station and began his search.

The record he was looking for, didn't take long to find.

Name: Leia Amidala Skywalker. Rank: Jedi Padawan. Birthplace: Coruscant. Homeworld: Naboo. Father: Anakin Skywalker. Mother: Padmé Naberrie, also known as Amidala. Siblings: Twin brother, Luke Skywalker, Jedi Padawan. Jedi Master responsible for training: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Lando appeared over Han's shoulder and started laughing. "Han, what are you doing?" Chewie gave a raucous bark.

Han scowled. "Laugh it up, fuzzball." Then turned to Lando. "What? Jedi records have been public for 20 years."

"Maybe, but somehow I don't think you were looking her up to find out how long she has before her trials," Lando said.

"Or maybe I am," Han said. "What's it to you?"

Lando stopped laughing. "You really like her, don't you?"

Chewie gave another bark. Han ran his fingers through his hair. "Pal, you have no idea. I'm not sure I have any idea."

Lando raised his eyebrows.

Han stood. "She's got a lot of spirit."

The sabacc game in the next room had gotten louder and more raucous.

"It was the first time I'd seen the Chancellor in person. Who knew she was that small? Skywalker is about 6'2", I'll bet he's not on top very often..." Another burst of loud laughter.

Han entered the room and glared at them. "Hey!" He snapped. "She's your CO and mine. Show a little more respect."

The laughter stopped as if the sound had been turned off in the room, and the surprised midshipmen all stared at Han. Was this their same captain who had only recently made an obnoxious joke about the six-foot-tall Alderaanian Princess not being able to find any "short help"?

Finally one of them spoke. "We're sorry, Captain, it won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't," Han said.

As he left the room, the midshipmen looked at each other. What the hell happened to him?


At the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center on Coruscant, guards saluted as Padmé entered, followed by Anakin, and took the lift to the high security cell containing Sate Pestage. As the lift reached the top floor and opened, Padmé walked briskly down the corridor, reaching Pestage's cell located at the end.

Behind the heavy blaster-proof glass, the prisoner smirked. "Chancellor Amidala," he said. "What a wonderful surprise."

"You may dispense with the false pleasantries, Pestage," she replied. "I am here to find out why you kidnapped Princess Alys as well as who you are working for."

The smirk grew bigger. "I do not give out information for free, as I am sure you know well, Your Excellency. So why don't you present me with a nice executive order stating that I'll be released from this cell as soon as I tell you what you need to know, and then I'll start talking." He looked at Anakin, then back at Padmé. "Worked for your friend Organa. We both got a sweet deal out of that arrest, and so did you, since my testimony kept your husband from landing in this building himself."

Anakin's hand gripped the handle of his lightsaber. Padmé had warned him to keep quiet and let her do the talking. He was only there because she thought - and correctly so, if this exchange was any indication - that she needed a Jedi escort. But Anakin also knew that it would take every ounce of his Jedi training to avoid cutting through the prison door with his saber and slicing Pestage in half.

"There will be no immunity under me," Padmé said. "You will not take advantage of me as you did Organa, by joining the resistance against the very Republic that he was fighting to rebuild."

"Take advantage?" Pestage shrieked. "I testified in favor of your husband and another Jedi who murdered a man in cold blood, a man who had been my friend and mentor for 30 years! I paid a price. It was an exchange. And then I moved on."

"You are quite the mercenary," Padmé said calmly. "And you have a choice: you can talk to me now, or you can talk in front of the courts during your trial for kidnapping, and, I suspect, assault on both the Princess and Captain Solo. At which time I will see it noted in the court record that you refused the Supreme Chancellor's request for information valuable to the Republic. Now," she asked. "Who is funding the legions of battle droids on your ship?"

Pestage's eyes, which locked with Padmé's, were like black chips of ice. "I do not give information for free," he snapped.

"Very well then," Padmé said. "The court will be happy to add to your list of charges. Good day, Pestage. Enjoy this cell, I suspect it will be your home for awhile." She turned and left, her robes swishing behind her, Anakin on her heels.


Padmé did not speak on the ride back to the Senate building, or in the lift up to her office. She barely acknowledged her assistant before entering her office with Anakin and closing the door.

Anakin walked back and forth for a minute, his hand still gripping the lightsaber hilt, before Padmé spoke.

"Anakin, I need you to stop pacing and take your hand off your lightsaber."

He stopped walking but did not move his hand. "Why?"

"Because I have had a long day, and I need to be able to swear and maybe throw something heavy, so I need you to be the calm one right now."

Anakin's eyes widened and his hand dropped. He scanned the room, wondering exactly what heavy object his wife planned to throw, when Padmé emitted a string of curses that Anakin recognized in Huttese, then in a couple of more languages that he wasn't familiar with. Then her face and shoulders slumped.

Anakin went to her quickly and took her in his arms.

"Breathe," he said.

She did, a few slow, deep breaths, then looked up. Anakin kissed her. "Better?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, exhaling slowly. "We had a victory this morning even if it was hard won, and in a battle we should have never had to fight. And Pestage will talk eventually."

"Or someone will talk for him," Anakin said. "The largest droid foundries during the Clone War were on Geonosis. Master Windu is on Rodia right now. We could always..."

"Ask him to investigate?" Padmé finished.

"He might come up on a dead end if Pestage's droids are not financed or built by Geonosians but it's worth a look."

Padmé sighed. "I agree."

Anakin smiled and stroked her cheek. "I'll call him. Are you coming home?"

"In awhile. I need to transcribe what happened in that non-session with Pestage."

Anakin's comlink buzzed. "Skywalker."

"We're out of hyperspace. Care to see your old master?"

"Obi-Wan! I'm in Padmé's office but go straight to our place. I'll meet you there."

"Will do. Kenobi out."

Anakin turned the comlink off and looked at Padmé, who put the datapad down. "Alright, I'm sure this will still be fresh on my mind later."


The ship pulled up to the private landing platform at the Chancellor's quarters and Anakin noted that Luke was flying. The ship ramp opened and Luke descended quickly. Anakin watched him with pride, the blond-haired blue-eyed young man in his dark Jedi tunic, Anakin's old lightsaber hanging from his belt. Anakin walked to him and put an arm around his shoulders.

"Daddy," Luke said, returning the embrace.

"Welcome home, son," Anakin replied. "Good trip?"

"Good enough. Not much happening. But we resupplied the training facility. And the Corellian younglings are making a lot of progress."

"Good. And you made the entire flight? Your uncle isn't complaining about his stomach being left in hyperspace, is he?"

Luke laughed, as did Obi-Wan, who appeared directly behind him. "He's not as dangerous as you are," Obi-Wan said. "Not yet."

"What do you mean, 'yet'?" Luke said, feigning offense.

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows.

"Welcome back, Obi-Wan," Padmé said, appearing next to Anakin.

He nodded. "Padmé," he said. "Still holding the galaxy together?"

"With spackle and duct tape," she said, sighing. "Today was one of those days that I could have really used the Force." She turned to her son. "Luke."

He wrapped her in a hug. "Mom," he said.

Padmé kissed his cheek. "Come inside," she said. And he did, his arm around his mother's shoulders.

"All is well on Corellia, Master?" Anakin asked.

"Completely quiet just as it should be," Obi-Wan replied. "I think Luke was a bit disappointed, would have liked for someone to start a skirmish."

Anakin frowned. "Let's hope he gets that out of his system soon," he said.

Obi-Wan suddenly looked amused, eyeing Anakin's trim goatee. "You're cheating, you know that," he said. "You should just grow a full beard."

"So I'll look as old as you do?" Anakin said, and they both laughed.

"Every grey hair on my head and on my chin has your name on it, my very young apprentice," Obi-Wan said. Obi-Wan, like his former padawan, was as fit as he had been 20 years earlier, although his reddish-brown hair and beard had gone mostly grey.

Still laughing, the two of them went inside.

Leia emerged from her room, wearing a long burgundy dress. Her hair was free from its usual braids and fell in waves down her back. She hugged her brother.

"I hear you got to see all the action this time," Luke said.

"I would hardly call a confrontation with a bunch of tinnies and Sate Pestage's halitosis 'action'," Leia replied disdainfully.

"What about this Navy captain that you rescued?" Luke asked.

Leia smiled. "He's interesting."

Luke gave her a knowing grin. "Interesting? How so?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet."

Luke raised his eyebrows. "Ooohhh..."

Anakin was scowling again. "Leia, we need to talk." He indicated the next room. "There."

Leia looked confused, as did Padmé and Luke, but she followed her father. "What is it?" she asked when they were alone.

"Captain Solo... asked to contact you," Anakin said.

"He asked me to have dinner with him. Why?"

Anakin's scowl deepened. "Did you accept?"

"Not yet. I said maybe. But I plan to accept. Why?"

"He's at least 30 years old, Leia."

"He's exactly 30 years old, Daddy. He told me himself."

"Yes. Exactly. He's much older than you and by his own admission, he's been all over the galaxy and had... experiences."

Her confused look turned angry. "Luke and I have been all over the galaxy. With you and Uncle Obi-Wan. What is your point exactly?"

"That's different."

"Different how? Daddy, you had no problem with Han when you and he were having long conversations about racing and starship parts. But he wants to take me to dinner and suddenly he can't be trusted? Because of his age?"

Anakin opened his mouth to respond but was cut off.

"Or maybe I'm the one who can't be trusted? " Leia said angrily. "Is that it? Because Han was your new friend that you could talk shop with until he took an interest in me."

"He's Han now?"

"Did you think I'd call him Captain Solo forever?" "I didn't know we were discussing your calling him anything 'forever'."

"Oh, never mind. You're being ridiculous." And with that Leia turned and walked out of the room, down the hall that led to her bedroom.

Anakin went into the kitchen and without a word to his wife, son or best friend, poured a glass of Corellian brandy. Then he took the bottle and headed for the balcony.

Luke looked at his mother and then at Obi-Wan. "What was that all about?"


Several minutes later Obi-Wan found Anakin sitting on the balcony, staring at the horizon, swishing the brandy around in his glass. Obi-Wan picked up the bottle on the table and examined it. "I'm taking this back inside," he said. "You'll thank me tomorrow when you don't have a hangover." He disappeared, reappearing a minute later. He took a seat next to Anakin. "Care to tell me what's going on?"

Anakin swished the brandy around and took a gulp. "Nothing," he said.

"Leia is confused and hurt, Padmé and Luke are confused, and you're out here sulking with a bottle of brandy. Curious behavior over 'nothing'."

Anakin sighed but didn't say anything.

"Anakin, you can get whatever this is off your chest or we can both sit here all night. But Padmé mentioned that Bail and Mon Mothma and Pooja are coming by for dinner. I'm imagining that you'll want to be sociable."

He sighed again. "This captain that we rescued... he's interested in Leia."

"OK," Obi-Wan said. "And why exactly is this a problem? I was under the impression that you two hit it off pretty well."

"We did," Anakin said. "That isn't the point."

"Then tell me what the point is, because I'm obviously missing it."

"He's 12 years older than she is."

Obi-Wan looked amused. "Anakin, not every man likes older women."

Anakin glared. "He's as close to my age as hers."

"She's 18," Obi-Wan said.

"Exactly. She's 18. He's 30."

"How old were you when you married Padmé? Two or three weeks past your 20th birthday?"

"That was different," Anakin snapped.

"How was it different? Because you were breaking a major tenet of the Jedi Code?"

"Obi-Wan, this is not about me."

"Yes, Anakin, it is. This is entirely about you. Are you going to tell me that if you weren't Leia's father, you would have a problem with Han Solo taking her to dinner?"

"I am her father. I can't separate myself from that role."

"And no one expects you to. But you need to recognize that that's the role from which you speak. And this isn't about Leia, or about Han Solo. This is about you and your fears. That he'll hurt her. Or that he won't hurt her."

Anakin swished his drink around in his glass and didn't comment.

"You still see Leia as a four-year-old in long braids. She's a grown woman, and an attractive one at that."

Anakin took a swallow of brandy. "I know that. It's not the first time a man has noticed her. This time just seems different."

"Maybe it is. Would that be such a bad thing?"

Anakin swished his drink again. "I don't know."

"I think you do. And that's what scares you. Do you not think Leia can handle herself?"

For the first time since the conversation began, Anakin smiled. "Of that I have no doubt. She'll just push him down a garbage chute if she gets tired of him."

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows. "I look forward to hearing the story that prompted that comment. But right now, you need to stop brooding out here and go talk to your daughter. If for no other reason, so the rest of us can have a pleasant relaxing dinner." He stood, squeezed Anakin's shoulder, and left the balcony.

Anakin set down his brandy glass, stood and went inside. Luke appeared to be regaling his mother and his cousin with a story over glasses of wine. "They've tightened security at the spaceports in Corellia lately, I'm assuming because of smugglers. Anyway, we had no idea and didn't have the identification they asked for; they wanted two forms each, we only had one. Uncle Obi-Wan handled it though, mind tricked the guards and told them they didn't need to see our identification..."

Anakin found Leia's sitting room door closed, and he knocked cautiously. "May I come in?"

She didn't respond but the door slid open. She sat on a sofa, her back to him. He sat next to her and laid a hand on her shoulder.

"You smell like brandy," she muttered.

"I only had one glass."

No response.

"OK, two."

Still nothing.

"And it's Corellian. I'm sure Solo drinks it so you should get used to it."

He had hoped to make her smile, but she didn't respond.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted. I wasn't fair to you," Anakin said.

Still no response.

"Leia, please."

"I don't understand what you're so bent out of shape about," she snapped. "You and Mom have taught me to take care of myself. He's a high-ranking officer in the Republic Navy. You're acting like I picked up a smuggler in some seedy bar." She turned and looked at him. "Daddy, it's not like this is the first time I've dated. I was dating before we left Naboo. Why are you being so weird about this?"

Anakin couldn't answer her. Because, curse my ability to use the Force, I am sensing that this time will be the last. He looked away so she wouldn't see the tears that suddenly stung his eyes.

She noticed, and understood. When she spoke again, her voice had softened. "Oh." She moved to his other side, so that he faced her, and wrapped her arms around his neck. He returned the embrace, and for a moment neither of them spoke.

Leia pulled away and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Daddy."

Anakin blinked furiously, smiled at her and touched her hair. "And I love you."

"Don't make such a big deal out of this. I'm having dinner with him. We're not eloping."

Anakin raised an eyebrow. "That would be wise, considering that the Holonet would stalk you for months afterward." He stood and held his hand out to her. "Come on, everyone is probably here by now."

They appeared in the living area a minute later, Anakin a couple of steps behind his daughter, and were immediately approached by Padmé. "Good," she said, pecking Anakin on the lips. "It's about time. Bail and Alys and Pooja are here." She took her husband's hand and led him to their niece and Bail Organa. Leia found Obi-Wan and began briefing him on Han's rescue.


Anakin, Padmé, Pooja and Bail were laughing heartily over glasses of fine red wine. Leia was answering Obi-Wan's questions about Pestage and the Inferno. A few feet away from her father, Alys Organa stood, a spaghetti-strapped and backless sky blue gown flattering her tall slender figure and reflecting her eyes. Luke, standing near his sister, sipped his wine and tried not to stare.

I grew up with her. Why do I feel like I'm only seeing her for the first time?

He averted his eyes, took another sip of wine, and glanced at Obi-Wan, who was looking at him with a knowing smile and raised eyebrows. He felt his face redden. He turned back to Alys, and noticed that she was looking at him as well.

He took a deep breath and crossed the room.

"It's been a few months, Alys," he said.

She nodded. "I've seen Leia but I keep missing you. We never seem to be on planet at the same time. How are you, Luke?"

"Same as always."

"That bad, huh?" She teased, and he reached behind her.

"You're not going to yank my braid like you did when we were kids, are you?" She asked, winking at him.

"That's not exactly what I had in mind," he said. His hand rested on her shoulder. They stopped looking at each other long enough to scan the crowd again.

"So," Luke said. "Why were you on Ansion?"

"Negotiating," Alys replied. "Convincing their government that they need to accept Republic military help to keep the Commerce Guild out. It wasn't a hard conversation to have. I wasn't telling them anything they didn't already know. And they are right at the edge of the Mid Rim and the Outer Rim."

"So you were successful?"

"Right after I was taken by Pestage, the Senate voted to establish a temporary naval base there. The Ansionians should be thrilled. The base will employ thousands."

Luke smiled. "Well done, then." His hand tentatively brushed her back.

She sighed, and looked down. "Luke, I'm supposed to run for Senate next year."

"Supposed to?" He asked, trying to catch her eyes again.

She nodded and looked at him. "It's tradition. The heir to the throne of Alderaan always serves at least one term as Senator."

"But you don't want to."

"No," she said, looking at her father deep in conversation with Anakin, Padmé and Pooja. "I don't have the patience for the political meandering and ass-kissing that our parents are constantly forced to do. I'd probably get expelled from the Senate chambers for telling the bureaucrats that they are all a bunch of kriffing morons."

A server droid came around with more wine, and they both accepted refills. Luke sipped his with an amused expression on his face.

"What?" Alys asked. "Just imagining the Holonet headlines. Princess Alys Organa tells the head of the Corporate Alliance to go to hell."

Alys laughed, then just as quickly, the laughter disappeared. "But that's exactly it. I don't know how long I could bite my tongue around a group like that. And your mother and my father... they do it all the time. It's painful to watch, because you know they must want to say something."

"Diplomacy isn't a bad skill to learn, in politics or not," Luke said. "I think my mother could banish her political enemies to Hoth and make them think they're enjoying the trip." He looked at Padmé. Anakin's arm was around her shoulders, and they were chatting with Obi-Wan, Bail, and Mon Mothma, who had just arrived. A few feet away, Leia and Pooja were laughing over glasses of wine.

"Sometimes I think my father could sway people to his side without even saying anything." Alys said.

"Maybe the politicians' way is more effective than a more... reckless way of getting one's point across." He smiled at her. "Hey, when is the last time you saw a Coruscant sunset from the main balcony?"

Alys returned the smile. "Ten years ago I guess? If I ever watched it when I lived here..."

Luke put an arm around her shoulders and led her from the living area to the adjoining sitting room, then to the balcony on its right. The setting sun blazed a brilliant purple and orange as it made its slow descent, illuminating the city below in an array of color. They watched for a few minutes without speaking, Luke gently caressing her bare arm.

Finally he spoke. "If you don't want to run for Senate, don't," he said. "I'm sure your parents could be persuaded to change a tradition that isn't working anymore."

"Huh?" For a moment Alys had forgotten what they were talking about. Then, "Oh. Well, Daddy would understand, but Mom would just be angry."

Luke moved his hand from her arm to her back, also bare. "The other option is to make the best of it. You persuaded the Ansion government to allow a naval base there, obviously you can do this. And isn't politics about public service? Upholding the principles of democracy?"

"Ideally," she said. She moved closer to him, covered his other hand with hers, and met his eyes. "Let's talk about something else?" The hungry look in his eyes made her breath catch.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked, moving his hand from her back to stroke her cheek. He kissed her then, a soft, tentative kiss, then when she didn't resist, he deepened it, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. One of his arms rested on her waist, the other stroked her back, underneath the braid.

"Master Luke, Princess Alys, Mistress Padmé says that dinner is ser...oh dear, so sorry to interrupt." C3PO glanced at the scene on the balcony and quickly turned away, walking in the other direction.

The kiss ended abruptly, both of their cheeks flushing. "I... maybe I shouldn't have done that," Alys said.

Luke looked away. "I'm sorry."

She kissed his cheek. "Don't be. We'll talk later. We'd better go to dinner."

As they walked in the dining room, not touching, Luke thought he saw Leia's eyebrows go up. Otherwise no one seemed to notice the pink tint on his and Alys' cheeks, or the way they avoided each other's eyes.


Chapter 4

"How dare he!?" Asajj Ventress shrieked. Against the walls of the underground bunker, several droids splintered into spare parts, victims of her towering Force-enhanced temper.

"Wh...who? Pestage?" Poggle the Lesser asked cautiously.

She glowered at him. "Pestage," she spat, "is as clumsy as he is stupid." She turned her fierce glare onto the other members of the delegation. Shu Mai. Wat Tambor. Pors Tonith, current chair of the Banking Clan. And Shanah Qualkin, Senator from Ord Mantell. They backed away, wide-eyed, afraid she would turn her fury on them next.

"What possessed him to kidnap the Organa brat, knowing that the Chancellor would send her Jedi to the rescue? What made him think that he could waste our resources on his own petty vengeances?"

"Where is he now?" Tonith asked quietly.

She glared at him. "In prison where he belongs, because we are not saving him. Let him sit there like the waste of space that he is."

"Would he betray us the way he betrayed Sidious?" Poggle asked.

Ventress sneered. "No. Amidala will not grant him immunity in order to make him talk. Unless the Jedi can mind trick him, we are safe from his mouth. But..." She sent another glare around the room. "The Chancellor and her Jedi are onto us. They know we have moved into the Mid Rim." She looked at Qualkin. "Pestage's ship was docked near Ord Mantell. They have probably deduced that we were planning to break into their weapons facilities, and may have even deduced that we were planning to rescue Bane." She looked around the room again. "Therefore, both of those plans are on hold." She turned her gaze to Poggle. "Pestage had battle droids, although Skywalker and one of his brats destroyed a lot of them when they rescued that Navy captain. But the Jedi will be looking for a foundry, and Geonosis is the first place they will look."

"What is the plan?" Poggle asked.

"Shut down all the factories on Geonosis. We move everything to Hypori."

"What of Amidala?" Tonith asked. "Our cause would be aided by a... friendlier Chancellor."

Ventress stared at him for a moment, then, as she realized what he was proposing, her face contorted in fury and she Force-shoved him against the wall. "Are you out of your skull?"

His mouth dropped open in shock. "I... I only thought..."

"No," she snapped. "You did not think. Do not tell me you 'thought'. You most certainly did not, or you would know that an assassination attempt on an extremely popular Chancellor... a Chancellor who also happens to be Skywalker's wife... is an idea so ridiculous that even your pathetic mind should not contemplate it. Do you want to make her a martyr? Have the wrath of the entire Jedi Order and most of the Republic on us? How would that help our cause?" She looked around the room. "No. We hold onto our cells in the Outer Rim worlds. We move slowly into the Mid Rim. Then the Core. We do not take control of the Republic, we win control of it. We destroy Amidala by making her administration a complete and utter failure and sending her back to Naboo in shame." She paused. "Her husband and children are fair game, but Amidala remains untouched. Is that understood?"

"Y-yes," the group stammered, almost in unison.

"Good," she said. "We move to Hypori within two days' time. And you," she said, addressing Qualkin. "Make a motion in the Senate to loosen security around the weapons facilities on Ord Mantell. Use the budget as an excuse. And try to locate Bane. We will move as soon as the Jedi and the Republic Navy are sufficiently...distracted."


"Captain Solo," Sovi said. "Her Excellency will see you now."

Han stood. "Thank you." He entered the open door to the Chancellor's office, finding her seated at her desk. Behind her stood a young man with blond hair, wearing a dark Jedi tunic. He had the Chancellor's nose and chin and Skywalker's blue eyes.

"Captain Solo," Padmé said. "Thank you for coming by. I'd like you to meet my son, Luke. I have asked him to sit in on this interview. The courts will need your statement for Pestage's trial and I thought it best to have an additional witness."

Han nodded and extended his hand to shake Luke's. "Nice to meet you. I've heard stories of your flying skill already."

Luke looked surprised and smiled. "Really?"

Han returned the smile. "Really."

So this is Leia's twin brother, Han thought. And if first impressions are correct, her calmer half.

"Shall we begin?" Padmé asked.

Han nodded and sat. Padmé pressed a button on the recording device.

"How long were you on the Inferno before you were arrested, Captain?"

"Maybe ten minutes. My squadron and I were outnumbered by battle droids. I wanted to give the clankers something to do, so I surrendered, distracting them long enough for Commander Calrissian and my midshipmen to disperse and look for Princess Alys."

Han thought he saw Luke shift uncomfortably. Padmé continued. "You were arrested by battle droids?"


"What type?"


Padmé frowned, seemed to be thinking of something, then continued. "Where were you taken?"

"To a cell on the same floor. Pestage came in an hour later."

"To interrogate you?"

"Yes. I knew Princess Alys had escaped because Pestage was swearing in more languages than I thought he knew."

Padmé took a deep breath. "How... did he interrogate you?" She asked.

"Shockprods," Han replied.

Padmé's lips tightened; she looked down and away for a moment, then met Han's eyes again. "What questions did he ask?"

"He wanted the names of the members of my squadron. I assumed he wanted some sort of vengeance on them for the Princess' escape."

"How long did he torture you?"

Han sighed. "I don't know. I lost track of time. I gave him the names of several swoop bike racers in place of the names of members of my squadron; he bought the story and left. I think it was a few hours afterwards that the Jedi arrived."

Padmé said nothing for a minute, then asked, "Did he give you any information on why he kidnapped the Princess?"

"Only that he expected her father to come for her himself."

"Did he mention any resistance cells? Any contacts that he made or was about to make?"


"Did he say why he flew to Ord Mantell from the Ansion system?"


Padmé sighed and initially gave Han no response. Finally she said, "Pestage and former Chancellor Organa have an enmity that has lasted for decades. It appears that he may have only been working for himself, at least with this act."

"If I may venture a guess, Chancellor..."

She looked at him. "You may."


"I'm sorry?"

"Pestage planned to demand ransom money from the Princess' father." Han shrugged. "That's just a hunch though, I have nothing to base it on. Commander Calrissian had a long conversation with the Princess after he rescued her, he might know more."

"It's a good hunch," Padmé replied. She turned off the recorder. "Send Commander Calrissian to me tomorrow at the same time. I'd like to know what the Princess told him, if anything."

Han nodded. "I will deliver the message. If I may ask, what is Pestage being charged with?"

Padmé frowned. "Kidnapping and, thanks to the evidence you just gave me, assault. And there may be some extortion charges before this is over. And refusal to cooperate with a Republic government investigation. He will not be leaving prison for awhile."

Han nodded again. "That's good."

"Yes." Padmé stood, came around from behind her desk, and shook Han's hand. She smiled at him. "I understood that we'll see you in a couple of days?"

He returned the smile. "Yes."

Luke looked confused.

"Your sister agreed to go out with me," Han told him. "We'll see if we get through the evening without her pushing me out of the speeder."

Luke looked surprised, then fixed Han with a penetrating gaze.

There are no words for how much I hate it when Jedi do that, Han thought.

Then Luke seemed to relax, and he smiled. "Just stay away from Mandalorian food. She doesn't like it."

Han, relieved, took Luke's hand and shook it. "Thanks for the tip."

"I hope I'll be home when you come by for Leia but work has kept me late recently," Padmé said. "So if I don't see you, have a good time."

Han nodded. "Thanks," he said, and left.


Luke couldn't meditate. Each attempt to clear his mind frustrated him more than the last one. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Alys staring back at him, her large blue eyes meeting his. He felt his hands on her hair, her soft lips on his, her arms around his neck, her hands making their way down to his waist...

Luke's eyes flew open again and he sighed. Their conversation from the day before still rang in his ears.

Luke, we've known each other all our lives. How often was your and Leia's stroller parked next to mine in what was then my father's office, now your mother's? You were beating me over the head with your rattle before we could walk. Kriff, you're like my older brother!

Not much older, Luke replied. They were only a month apart.

To which she replied with the same question she had asked several times already. Is this a good idea?

And he asked the same question he had asked several times. What could possibly go wrong?

She didn't want to make a list. Your sister is my best friend. Our parents have been friends for decades. We are both well known, and whatever the outcome of this relationship, the Holonet is going to have a field day. You might do better to ask what couldn't go wrong.

Master Yoda says the future is always in motion.

Didn't he also tell you to be mindful of it?

At that point Luke sighed. Yes, of course. But then again, bringing Master Yoda's platitudes into a conversation about romantic relationships was probably a waste of time.

The question was really this: do we risk something going wrong, and at the same time, risk allowing ourselves to be happy?

She looked away from him, but not before he saw the tears shining in her eyes. I don't know, Luke. Of course I want to but... I don't know right now.

He reached for her hand but she stood and walked to the private landing platform where her speeder sat. I need to go right now, Luke. I'll call you later. She kissed his cheek so quickly that he barely felt it, then climbed in her speeder and was off. And the only coherent thought Luke had was gratitude that Alys' driver and bodyguard was well known for his discretion.

And now he couldn't meditate.

He stood and stretched his legs, sighing again.

"Are you alright?" Anakin's voice came from the doorway. Luke turned quickly, startled.

"I'm fine, why?"

"Because you were projecting pretty loudly."

Luke's face fell. "Oh. Sorry about that, I'm having a hard time focusing today."

"Do you need to talk?"

He shrugged and turned away. "I don't know," he said.

Anakin waited as Luke clenched and unclenched his fists, struggling with something deep within himself. Then he turned back to his father.

"Daddy, why did the old Order not allow attachments?"

Anakin sighed. "It was thought, at the time, that a Jedi who had either romantic or familial attachments would have a hard time keeping his or her priorities straight."


"We were expected to be completely selfless and serve the good of the group above the individual."

"We're still expected to do that."

"I know. But at the time, attachments were considered a distraction, an interference. It was thought that attachments would lead to the Dark Side." Anakin frowned. "Ironically enough, the philosophy of detachment kept us isolated from the very people we were intended to serve. It fueled distrust of the Jedi, which Palpatine exploited in his attempt to destroy the Order. Almost all sentients form attachments. We had a hard time connecting with average citizens of the Republic when we forbade for ourselves such a basic part of existence."

"You're the one who convinced the Council to change the rule?"

Anakin ran his fingers through his hair. "Yes. Although I broke the rule first."

Luke gazed at him, waiting for him to continue.

"To marry your mother. I could have just left the Order and married her, and under ordinary circumstances I might have, but the Clone War had just started and I felt the Republic needed me."

"Well, if all the legends are true... Anakin Skywalker, the Hero with No Fear..."

Anakin's frown deepened and he looked away. "Don't believe everything you hear. Not a moment went by that I wasn't afraid. I lived and breathed fear, every second of every day and night." Anakin took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and didn't speak for a minute. He had never discussed with his children the nightmares and flashbacks that he still experienced. "Anyway," Anakin continued. "For three years we pretended we weren't married."

"No one knew? Not even Uncle Obi-Wan?" Luke knew his parents had eloped, but he assumed they had done so because of the war.

Anakin smiled. "Your uncle knew we were in love. We couldn't hide that, not from him. He knows both of us too well. I'm pretty sure Ahsoka knew as well. And Bail Organa was close enough to your mother that I think he picked up on it."

At the mention of Bail's name, Anakin detected a shift in his son's emotions, a rising level of turmoil and... sadness? Anxiety?

Suddenly he understood. Why Luke couldn't focus. And why he had asked about attachment. He put a hand on his son's shoulder. "Luke..."

Luke turned, met his father's eyes.

"Is this about Alys?"

Luke looked away, unable to answer.

"You've been friends since you were babies."

Luke sighed. "And that's exactly the problem. Do we risk that changing?"

"My mother had an expression. You can't stop change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting."


"Tatooine had two." Anakin blinked rapidly. "And it seems that you have already crossed that line. If you hadn't, she wouldn't be distracting you to the point that you can't meditate. Whatever you decide, change has already happened. You can't go backwards from here."

Luke still didn't say anything.

"Let me ask you this, Luke. Are you willing to take a risk in order to let yourself be happy?"

Luke didn't answer.

Anakin continued. "You've never been one who was happy making the 'safe' choice. In fact, from the time you were small, the safest choices were the ones that either made you miserable or bored you to tears. Or both. So maybe the question you should ask is not 'What if this doesn't work out?' Maybe you should be asking, 'What if it does?'"

Luke nodded slowly, and then said, almost too quietly for Anakin to hear, "I'd take the risk. But I don't know that she will."

Anakin pulled him into a quick hug. "I'm here if you need me, son."

Luke sighed, looking down. "Thanks. This isn't going to work itself out overnight unfortunately."

"Nothing worth fighting for ever does," Anakin replied.


Han punched in the code for the Chancellor's private landing platform, parked his speeder, and went to the door. Anakin answered it, an opened bottle of Corellian ale in one hand and an unopened bottle in the other. "Captain Solo," he said. "Come in. Leia will be out in a minute. Ale?" He handed him the bottle.

"Sure," Han said, opening it and taking a swallow. It was good quality ale.

"Come have a seat," Anakin said, gesturing towards the sofa. "Let's talk."

Uh-oh, Han thought, wondering how quickly the Jedi's smile would disappear if Han said the wrong thing.

Han sat down, and Anakin sat next to him and took a swig of ale. "You and I," Anakin began, "both like ships. And we both know the type of men who like ships as much as we do. Some of them just like new, shiny, fancy ships. They aren't happy unless they get the latest upgraded model with as many fancy bells and whistles as possible. They spend all their credits buying a new ship every year or two, when the latest model comes out. They have no real love for their ships, their passion is for shiny, fancy objects. They measure their personal success by whether or not they have the latest model of the fanciest ship."

Han nodded slowly. "A few of my midshipmen are exactly like that. Putting themselves into debt trying to buy fancy new ships on an E-2's salary."

Anakin continued. "Then there are the men who manage to find a ship, one ship, that they fall in love with. They give her a name. They spend a lot of time and money on her. They might make some adjustments so that man and machine run as one body. They don't discard her when a fancy new model with shinier features or upgraded technology comes along. They call the new-ship-a-year guys for the materialistic barves that they are." Anakin took another swallow of ale.

Han nodded slowly and didn't answer for a minute. Then he said, "The Millenium Falcon."

Anakin looked up. "I'm sorry?"

"My ship. I never told you her name. The Millenium Falcon. She's back on Corellia. I've had her since I was 15. A YT-1300f light freighter. Won her in a game of sabacc and modified her myself."

"You told me you had modified your ship but I assumed you meant your Navy cruiser."

Han smiled. "Well, I modified that one too, but the Falcon... she's special. And she's mine, not on loan from the Navy." He looked at Anakin. "I'm a one-ship kind of guy, Master Skywalker. And I've only had one girlfriend. Am I correct in assuming that's where you were going with this?"

Anakin raised an eyebrow.

"I won't hurt her. You have my word."

Anakin continued to stare at him.

"I've seen the way she uses a lightsaber. I'm more afraid that she'll hurt me."

Anakin gave him a half smile and continued to gaze at him.

"You're not... reading my mind, are you?"

Anakin laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. "No," he said. "Not sure where you're hearing your rumors but Jedi don't have that ability. We can make connections with other Force-sensitives, particularly our apprentices, and we can get a feel for people's emotions. But we don't randomly go around reading minds. Nor could we even if we wanted to."

Han exhaled. "OK, then."

"I'd like to see the Falcon if you get the chance to fly her in. And at some point I'll show you my fighter. The Azure Angel II."


"The first one got blown up during the Clone War." In answer to the question in Han's eyes, Anakin continued. "She's blue, and I named her for my wife."

"That's some of the highest praise a woman can get."

Anakin laughed again. "I think so too, but be warned, I'm not sure Leia agrees."

"Agrees with what? What are you two talking about?" Leia entered the room slowly.

"Ships," Han and Anakin said in unison.

Leia made a face. "I should have guessed. And you're right, I probably don't agree."

Han stood. "You are beautiful." She wore a long forest-green dress; her hair fell loosely down her back. She smiled.

"Thank you. And I believe it's the first time I've seen you without your uniform." He wore black pants, a white shirt and a black vest. Her teasing smile and raised eyebrows indicated approval.

He returned the smile and reached out a hand. "Shall we?" She nodded.

Anakin stood, put one hand on his daughter's shoulder and the other on Han's. He was smiling and seemed more relaxed. "Have a good time," he said.


Han started the speeder. "Your brother warned me against Mandalorian food. Is Alderaanian food a safer bet?"

Leia's brow furrowed. "You went to Luke for advice?"

Han laughed. "Not exactly. He offered it on his own accord." He kept one hand on the wheel and put another on Leia's shoulder. "At least let me get some wine in you before you get annoyed with me."

Leia sighed, and smiled. "I practically grew up on Alderaanian food. I like it."

"Good. I know just the place." He whipped the speeder around and dropped it several floors. Leia shrieked and clung to the sides.

"Would you warn me before you do that?" She snapped.

"Sorry, sweetheart, I was under the impression that you were used to a little fast flying."

"I may be used to it but that doesn't mean I like it!"

If I ever name a ship for her, Han thought, It will be The Fierce Beauty.

Leia caught her breath. "Do that after dinner and I will throw up on you."

Han smirked. "That would be a lousy way to end our date."

"I'll also cut through the ion engine with my lightsaber."

The smirk disappeared. Han turned quickly. "You brought that thing with you?"

It was Leia's turn to smirk, holding up her small handbag. "I don't leave home without it." The smirk disappeared. "You'll have to get used to that if you want to date me, Han. Jedi are never separated from their lightsabers. We are taught that our weapon is our life."

Han shook his head. "OK, then. You learn something new every day."

"What?" Leia asked.

He looked at her again. "I get it, alright?" With one hand he eased the speeder into a nearby skylane, with the other, he put a hand on the blaster in his holster. "I don't leave home without my weapon either."

Leia didn't answer. Han asked, "So where do you get your lightsabers? I've never seen a Jedi merchandise store that sells them."

"Nor will you, which is one reason we keep ours on our persons at all times. During the Clone War, lightsabers were very hot items among smugglers, fetched thousands and sometimes millions of credits from the Separatists." Han's mouth dropped open, and Leia continued. "We build our own, as part of our trials."

"You build your own weapon?"

"Yes. It's an important skill to have. But that comes later. Lightsabers are sometimes passed along to Jedi apprentices to use until they take their trials. Luke has our father's old saber; mine belonged to his first Padawan."

"Where is he?"

"She," Leia corrected. "Ahsoka Tano. She was killed in the Clone War."

"That's terrible."

Leia nodded. "My father still blames himself."

"For what? Not being able to stop death?"

"Basically, yes." Leia sighed. "The only time he's talked to me about Ahsoka was when he gave me her lightsaber and a speech on honoring her with its use. She had a lot of courage."

Leia didn't explain further. She didn't expect Han to understand a Jedi's connection to his or her lightsaber, or the fact that she could feel Ahsoka Tano's Force presence running through her veins from the time she first ignited her saber. She did not need her father to tell her how courageous his feisty Padawan was. Leia knew, just as she knew why, on days of training frustrations or adolescent antics, she occasionally heard her father call her "little Snips" under his breath.

"I don't think anyone could have fought the Clone War without a lot of courage." Han slowed the speeder down to a crawl, parking it in front of a cozy-looking restaurant boasting fine Alderaanian food and wine. He threw an arm over the back of Leia's seat and looked at her. "I was only 12 when it ended, and Corellia was spared most of the hard-core fighting. But our economy went to hell. I'm pretty sure that's what spelled the end for my parents."

Leia touched his hair, then let her hand drop. "Han, I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he said, getting out of the speeder and reaching for her hand to help her out. "Let's talk about something else. Even if you are the only woman I know who can have an intelligent conversation about weaponry."

They entered the restaurant and were shown to the table Han had reserved. Han pulled out Leia's chair. So old-fashioned, Leia thought. Not what I expected. The waiter came by with a basket of flatbread and poured them each a glass of red wine.

"So, your commander..." Leia said, taking a sip of her wine. "A personal friend of yours I'm assuming?"

"Lando. Yes, he is. I've known him for about 14 years. We joined the Navy at the same time." Han smirked. "He lied about his age too."

"Oh really..." Leia said, raising her eyebrows. "And why did you do that?"

"I needed a job. I've wanted to be in the Navy since I was three. Seriously. And I've been on my own since I was 14, I didn't see the point in waiting two more years. So at age 16, I told the recruiter I was 18. The old fossil believed me. And here I am." Han smirked.

"I'm surprised the Navy continued to promote you after learning that you lied to get in."

"Sweetheart, I'm a hell of an officer, and I proved it to them," he said. "The Navy decided the lie was forgivable."

Leia's eyebrows went up further. "And Lando?"

"Also a hell of an officer. And in his case he told the lie to get away from his home planet. Socorro, on the Outer Rim."

Leia looked at him questioningly.

"A dust infested hellhole. If there is a bright center of the universe, Socorro is the furthest from it."

"I can't say I've ever been, or heard of it. Must not call attention to any Jedi."

"Pretty sure the Socorrans would try their hardest not to attract Jedi attention. It's a smuggler nest. Lando's parents are smugglers. Or they were last time he was in contact with them. He couldn't deal with the mess that was their lives anymore."

The waiter returned. Han ordered nerf steak, Leia ordered kebroot stew.

"Pretty sure Lando learned how to flirt in one of those smugglers' dens though," Han said dryly.

Leia laughed. "Flirting is a survival skill now?"

"On Socorro? Probably."

"Where did you meet Chewbacca? Were you on Kashyyyk?"

Han scowled. "No," he said. "But we were near there. Chasing Trandoshan slave traders." He grinned. "And we caught them, because we are that good." The grin disappeared. "They did not want to let go of Chewie though. He's brilliant and a good mechanic, and the barves picked up on that pretty quickly. They were planning to kill him rather than give him back to us. We had already taken custody of the other nine Wookiees, including Chewie's nephew."

"What did you do?" Leia asked, horrified.

"I shot down a couple of them, Lando shot down one more, and Chewie... well, let's just say it's not wise to upset a Wookiee."


"You sure you want to know? It's not dinner table conversation."

"I'm not grossed out easily."

"OK," Han said. "While Lando and I were shooting, Chewie grabbed a couple of traders and yanked their arms out of their sockets. I don't think the Trandoshans will try to enslave Wookiees anymore."

Leia's eyes widened. "I would think not." She paused, then said, "I wonder if that's what he did to those clones."

"Clones?" Han asked.

She smiled. "Chewbacca has a history with the Jedi. He saved Master Yoda's life 18 years ago."

"From clones? I thought the clones fought with the Jedi."

At that moment their food arrived, and for a few minutes, Han munched on his steak and Leia ate spoonfuls of stew. Leia broke the silence.

"How much history do you get at the Naval Academy, Han?"

"Military history only. And I quit school after Mom died. So if history doesn't relate to the Navy, I probably don't know it. Why?"

"Your question about the clones and the Jedi. I wondered if you had heard of Order 66."

Han swallowed. "I did know about that. That's not exactly history, since I remember it." He raised his eyebrows. "Most of the Jedi were wiped out. That's what I know. I assumed by the Separatist droids. Are you saying the clones did it?"

Leia nodded, buttering a piece of flatbread, not meeting his eyes. "The clones were genetically modified to obey any order. The Supreme Chancellor ordered them to kill the Jedi."

Han's fork clattered against his plate. "What?"

Leia nodded soberly, then took a bite of the bread.

"Palpatine? My understanding was that he was a warmongering power-hungry slime who invented a war in order to make himself dictator. But I had no idea... why the hell didn't Chewie ever tell me this?"

"Most sentients who survived the Clone War, have no desire to discuss it now." She took another mouthful of stew, then another, ensuring that for a few minutes, she would not be able to talk. She could not tell him the rest. About the fact that even now, she was occasionally awakened in the middle of the night by screaming or sobbing coming from her parents' room. The Clone War had been over for eighteen years, but her father's nightmares never completely stopped. He didn't know that she knew. During the day, any mention of the Clone War was quickly marked by a change in subject.

Han's hand was on her wrist and his eyes locked onto hers. "I said something really wrong, didn't I?"

Leia shook her head and gave him a weak smile. "No." She took a deep breath. "Master Yoda is the most senior member of the Jedi Council. He and a battalion of clones were on Kashyyyk, defending the Wookiees from the Separatists. Palpatine gave the order to the clones and they attacked Master Yoda. Chewbacca helped him fight back and escape."

Han shook his head. "He's never mentioned it once."

"There may be a reason for that."

"I know," Han said soberly. "Was this before your time?"

"Luke and I were born a month after the war ended."

"A month?"

Leia nodded. "Then we were sent to Naboo with our mother. Our father helped take down Palpatine, and was tried for treason. Acquitted obviously, but..."

Han shook his head. "Dark times." He gave her a half-smile and took a sip of wine. "How do we get on these subjects? Are we just gloomy people or what?"

"You're easy to talk to," Leia said. "You're a scoundrel and an arrogant twit, but you are easy to talk to."

Han smirked. "I think you like me as a scoundrel. You're around Jedi most of the time, I think you need more scoundrels in your life." His eyes were locked with Leia's with such a look that she found impossible to turn away. Her heart pounded.

"I like nice men," she said.

He touched her cheek. "I am nice men," he replied, and leaned across the table and kissed her, his lips brushing slowly and gently across hers. She didn't resist, and the kiss ended almost too quickly. "There's more where that came from," Han said quietly.

Leia nodded slowly. "I know."


"In the middle of the restaurant, Leia?" Anakin slammed the piece of flimsiplast containing Holonet news on the table. At the top of the page was a picture of her surreptitious kiss with Han over the table in the dimly lit restaurant, the cut line reading, Leia Skywalker enjoys the company of a Republic Navy captain in the Senatorial district.

Leia returned her father's glare. "It was dark. How was I supposed to know there were reporters lurking in the corner with night vision lenses on their holocameras? And why am I supposed to care anyway? Because it's such a slow news day that my social life is all they have to talk about?" Never mind that they are behind on their gossip... She started to add. It had been three days since her date with Han. The fact that the Holonet reporters were that far behind both amused and irritated her.

Padmé, sitting at the table with a sandwich in one hand and a datapad in the other, smirked at Leia's comment. Luke set down the datapad he was reading, and ran his fingers through his hair. So this is what Alys is trying to avoid.

"Why are you supposed to care?" Anakin snapped. "You were in public. You really couldn't have come back here before you started locking lips with him?"

"And been under your watch?"

Before Anakin could reply, Padmé set her sandwich down, stood, and swallowed the mouthful she had been chewing. "Anakin," she said. "Let her alone. She didn't do anything wrong. It's not like Han has a wife hidden on Corellia."

"So he says."

Leia's face contorted in fury. "Oh for the love of..."

"Anakin," Padmé said in a tone that brokered no arguments. She pointed to the next room. "Now."

He sighed and followed her into the room, and she slid the door shut behind them.

Padmé took both of Anakin's hands in her own. "Anakin, understand that I am saying this because I love you and you need to hear it. You are being a hypocrite."

"What?" Anakin snapped.

"Yes. And you've been acting like a crazy overprotective father ever since Han Solo took an interest in Leia. It's not fair to either of them."

He sighed. "Fine. How does that make me a hypocrite?"

Padmé kissed him. "Because, darling, when we got married, I had to insist on discretion so that you wouldn't be expelled from the Order. You would have liked nothing better than to have a picture of us...what did you call it? 'Locking lips?'...on every billboard in every skylane in Coruscant."

Anakin looked away, let go of her hand and ran fingers through his hair. "That was different."

"Different how?"

Anakin didn't answer her.

"Leia isn't doing anything wrong, Anakin. You made sure of that when you convinced the Order to change the attachment rule. Are you saying you want to go back to the old Code?"

Anakin looked at her again, took her hand in his. "No, of course not. This has nothing to do with... that," he said.

"Then stop treating our daughter like a wayward Padawan. Stop scolding her for having the audacity to enjoy herself without checking every corner for reporters."

Anakin sighed again. "Remember the lengths to which we went to protect them from Holonet gossip when they were babies?"

Padmé reached up and touched his hair. "Ani, they aren't babies anymore. Don't tell me you want to send Obi-Wan on their dates to mind trick the reporters."

Anakin laughed. "No, I don't think that would be enjoyable for anyone." He hugged her. "Alright. You win. I have to meet with the Council in about ten minutes. Master Windu is back from Geonosis, he should have information on those droid foundries, and hopefully on what Poggle the Lesser is up to."

"I've got to get back to work as well. My 1400 appointment is with the Trade Federation. They want taxes lowered along the Rimma Trade Route, the Corellian Run and the Hydian Way again." She scowled. "If we do this and there is another war, we won't have enough money in the Treasury to finance it. It will break our economy, because there is no way the Senate will approve the type of tax increase we would need to cover a war effort. All the more reason to avoid war, but..."

Anakin stroked her cheek. "You'll be fine."

"It could be worse. I have to meet with the new Banking Clan chair next week." She took his hands again. "Should I expect you later?"

"Someone on the Council will come by, and it will probably be me." He kissed her. "Good luck."

"You too," she said. They both went into the room where the twins sat, both holding datapads, but Anakin and Padmé could tell they were only pretending to read.

"I'm meeting with the Council," Anakin said. "You two should probably have bags packed, it's possible we're going to be sent on a mission."

"Where?" Luke asked.

"The Outer Rim," Anakin said. "I'll let you know more when I have more information myself." He turned to Leia, who still had not looked up from the datapad she was pretending to read.


She looked up long enough to glare at him, then looked back at the datapad. Anakin gave her a quick hug, which she did not return. "I'm sorry. We'll talk later, OK?" She did not look up or respond to him at all.

Anakin sighed, and left the apartment. Padmé blew the twins a kiss. "I'll see you tonight," she said and followed her husband.


"So," Luke said after their parents left. "I saw Han yesterday. He seemed disappointed that you weren't with me."

Leia felt her cheeks redden. "He called last night. And I saw him this morning, although only for a few minutes."

Luke gave her a knowing look.

She sighed. "It's weird. He's an arrogant barve and not the type I'd normally want to be in the same room with. But I like him. A lot."

"There must be something under that arrogance then."

"He's fun," she said.

"And fun may be something you don't get enough of," Luke said. He looked at her. "Daddy will get over it."

She sighed. "He's acting odd. And not in a good way." She met her brother's eyes. "For that matter, so are you and Alys. Is something in the air?"

Luke looked down, but not before Leia saw his cheeks flush. "No."


He hid behind the datapad and said nothing.

"You can tell me, you know."

"Nothing's going on, Leia."

She sighed, stood, walked to her workstation, and powered it up.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked.

"Checking the alignment of the planets," she snapped. "Since no one seems to have a logical explanation for everyone's strange behavior."

"A disturbance in the Force..." Luke muttered, almost too low for Leia to hear.

"What?" she said. "Have you felt one?"


"Neither have I. If I had, it would actually make sense. Except that Alys isn't Force-sensitive." Luke set the datapad down and stood. "You know, Leia, maybe I just can't talk about it right now, OK?" And he left the room.

Her eyes followed him. "OK," she said. "You could have just said so. What is wrong with everyone lately?"


The Jedi headquarters on Coruscant was only a fraction of the size and glory of the old Jedi Temple, but it sufficed for training younglings native to Coruscant, storing the remains of the old archives, and Council meetings. The Council room, like the one in the old Temple, consisted of comfortable chairs in a circle surrounded by windows giving an expansive view of the Galactic City.

Mace Windu, Yoda, Shaak Ti, and Obi-Wan were already seated when Anakin walked in. "I'm not late, am I?"

Obi-Wan smiled. "No, you're right on time for once."

Anakin sat. "What do we have?"

Mace leaned forward, glancing at the datapad in his hands. At 76 years old, he moved a little more slowly than he once had, although he was still formidable in a lightsaber duel.

"I went to Geonosis at your request, Anakin," he said. "There are some droid foundries that appear to have been used relatively recently but they are abandoned now. And Poggle the Lesser was nowhere to be found."

"The foundries were used recently?" Obi-Wan asked.

Mace nodded. "Yes. We can probably assume that the resistance was building droids on Geonosis but for some reason has chosen to abandon the planet."

"They were discovered," Shaak Ti added. "Or thought they would be discovered."

Anakin rubbed his temples. "Any idea where they might go?" he asked. "We can only guess," Obi-Wan said. "And our best choices would probably be other former Clone War foundries. At least, until we can learn who is funding the resistance."

"An investigation into Banking Clan activities, we need," Yoda said.

Anakin whirled on him. "You suspect the Banking Clan?"

Yoda's eyes were closed. "Difficult to see," he said.

Anakin stood and began pacing. "Padmé is meeting with their new chair next week," he said. "Pors Tonith. I have a hard time believing he has let go of his Separatist sympathies."

"Agree with you, I do," Yoda said. "Present at that meeting, a Jedi should be."

"I can do that," Anakin said.

"You can," Yoda replied, "But attend, I will as well."

"When it comes to Tonith, the more the merrier," Anakin said, taking his seat again.

"That's settled then," Shaak Ti said. "What of the droid foundries?"

"One of the largest foundries during the Clone War was on Hypori," Mace said. "The planet is near Geonosis; they are maybe two parsecs apart. My best estimate is that the resistance would go there if they plan to build more droids."

"Anakin and I could go and take the twins," Obi-Wan said.

"Four Jedi?" Shaak Ti asked. "Is that really necessary?"

"I think so," Mace said. "The droid foundry is large. And if the resistance is using it as its main operation, it will need to be destroyed. That's a job for more than one Jedi." He paused. "And I sense something there. Something elusive."

"I do as well," Obi-Wan said.

"Go with their Masters, the young Skywalkers should," Yoda said. "Need this experience, they do."

"I agree," Obi-Wan said. "Don't you, Anakin?"

Anakin was scowling.

"What is it?" Obi-Wan asked.

Anakin shook his head. "Nothing. It's... personal. You are right. We need Luke and Leia with us. Especially if this turns out to be anything like your investigation of Geonosis at the beginning of the Clone War... we will need their skill."

Mace nodded. "You should leave tonight." He looked at Anakin. "I assume you'll take this report to the Chancellor?"

"Of course," Anakin said.

Mace couldn't hide his scowl. He was, in spite of all that had happened, an old-school Jedi. He had accepted the changes to the attachment rule simply because he recognized that Palpatine had exploited many aspects of the old Code, and change was needed to keep history from repeating itself. However, he had a hard time accepting the politicization of the Jedi, and a Jedi Master married to a Supreme Chancellor was the stuff of nightmares for him. Only his respect for both Padmé and Anakin kept him from being more vocal about his opposition.

Obi-Wan stood. "I'll go with you, Anakin," he said.

Anakin checked his chrono. "Padmé should be finished with the Trade Federation by now, so we shouldn't be interrupting anything."

"Good," Obi-Wan said. He turned to Mace. "We'll send you a report from Hypori. Are you staying on Coruscant?"

"No, I'm going to Alderaan, I want to check on the training facility there. Contact me there."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Will do."

"If you need reinforcement, Chron Belami is on Rodia. He came with me to Geonosis and is aware of the situation."

"Thank you. We'll keep that in mind."

"May the Force be with you," Mace said.

"With you as well, Mace."


Anakin and Obi-Wan entered the apartment to find Luke and Leia engrossed in the screens of their separate work stations. "I hope you two packed your bags," Anakin said. "We need to leave in an hour for Hypori."

Luke powered down his work station, closed it, and looked up. "What's on Hypori?"

"Battle droid foundries," Obi-Wan said.

"Beautiful," Luke muttered.

"No kidding," Anakin said sarcastically.

"All four of us are going?" Luke asked.

"Yes," Obi-Wan said. "Given the potential size of this foundry and the fact that we think - and your mother agrees – that the resistance may be headquartered there, we can only hope that all four of us are up to the task."

Leia closed her work station, pinned up her braids, and without a word to her father or Obi-Wan, headed to her room, powering on her comlink as she went. "Ensign Sekel, this is Leia Skywalker, I need to leave a message for Captain Solo."

"Padawan Skywalker, the Captain left instructions that we are to find him immediately if you call. So if you will hold for a moment, I will do that."

"Thank you," Leia said, using the Force to close the door to her room and setting her comlink in its transmitter. A couple of minutes later a hologram of Han appeared.

"Hey, sweetheart, everything alright?"

She nodded. "Fine, but I'm leaving in an hour on a mission."

"Where are you going?"


"What's there?"

"I'm not at liberty to say right now. I'll tell you when I get back though."

Han grinned. "Another stealth operation I guess."

Leia laughed. "Something like that."

Han's grin disappeared. "Well, be careful. Take the 'shoot me now' sign off your back before you come out of hyperspace."

She rolled her eyes. "Han, don't be ridiculous."

"I'm not. I'm serious. I'm not familiar with Hypori other than they used to make clankers there. But if it's as secretive as you're saying..."

Leia smiled. "You've seen me with the droids."

He laughed. "Yes, I have." He paused. "Can I come by before you leave?"

"Sure. But I should probably warn you, my father is irate over that picture of us in the Holonet."

Han shrugged. "He's a father. He can't help it. Somewhere in his mind I was probably charging up your loading ramp right there on the restaurant table."


"Hey. It's me." He grinned. "Relax, he'll come around. I'd still like to come by. I'll keep my distance, without looking like I'm keeping my distance."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I don't know. I'll figure something out."

Leia sighed. "OK, then, well I'll see you...?"

"In half an hour or so."

She nodded, and powered down her comlink.


Chapter 5 Anakin descended the ramp of the Ornate. "Alright, she's ready to load," he said.

"Good," Obi-Wan said, turning to the twins. Luke seemed to be gazing off at a point unknown in the district. Leia stood a few feet away, talking to Han.

"Leia," Obi-Wan said, indicating with his hand that she should come. Leia nodded, acknowledging him, and turned back to Han.

"I've got to go," she said.

"Tell me who he is again?" Han said.

"My uncle. Well, sort of. He's my father's best friend and mentor. And he's helped train Luke and me."

"So, Jedi Master..."

"Obi-Wan Kenobi," Leia finished.

"My ears are burning," the Jedi Master said as he approached Leia and put a hand on her shoulder. He held his other hand out to Han. "Captain Solo. Your reputation precedes you."

"I don't know if that's good or bad," Han said, taking Obi-Wan's offered hand. "Pleased to meet you, Master Kenobi."

"Likewise," Obi-Wan replied, then turned to Leia. "Keeping your father waiting means much faster and more dangerous flying than I would like, so hurry." He turned and went back to the Ornate. Luke was already on board. Anakin was at the foot of the ramp, frowning.

Han took both of Leia's hands in his. "I'll see you when I get back?" He asked. He was trying to catch her eyes, but she was glancing nervously at her father and the ramp of the ship and gave no response.

"Alright," he said, letting go of one hand, then the other. "No need to get all mushy on me. I'll go ahead and leave." He climbed into his speeder.

"Han!" Leia said. Moving quickly, she climbed into the passenger side of the speeder, took his face in her hands, and kissed him, a deep, passionate kiss.

"Now that's more like it," Han said.

"I really do have to go," Leia said, climbing back out of the speeder.

Han grinned. "Miss me," he said.

She raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure I will," she replied. "I'll call you when I can."

A few feet away Obi-Wan put a hand on the glowering Anakin's shoulder. "Get on board," he said, using the tone that reduced Anakin to tears when he was younger, but now just caused his sour expression to deepen.

At the top of the ramp R2 emitted a series of beeps.

"Yes, we're ready, R2, and no, nothing is wrong," Anakin snapped.

The droid's reply, even without a translation into Basic, clearly indicated disbelief.

Leia came on board a moment later, her face flushed, and without a word to anyone, sat down and began to strap herself in.

Anakin, still frowning, nodded to Leia, then turned to Luke. "Are you coming?" He asked, indicating the direction of the cockpit with his thumb.

Luke nodded and followed his father.


"Obi-Wan, we're out of hyperspace," Anakin said.

Obi-Wan came into the cockpit and glanced out the viewscreen. "Good," he said. "The largest foundry during the Clone War was in the high rocky area near the ocean. Right about..."

"There," Anakin pointed as the ship made its descent and the planet grew larger.

"Yes," Obi-Wan said. "That would probably be the best place to start our search."

"Are you sensing anything, Master?"

"From you and Leia, enough tension to double the gravity of a large planetary system. You two have barely said two words to each other this entire flight."

"I meant from the planet, Obi-Wan."

"I know you did, but I needed to point that out anyway. And yes, I'm sensing a disturbance in the Force. The Dark Side has a presence here."

Anakin sighed, lowering the ship towards the planet's rocky surface. "Not much here," he said.

"The foundries were deep underground," Obi-Wan said. "Look for anything that might serve as an exhaust vent or even an entrance."

This is looking far too much like Geonosis, Anakin thought. He ignored his heart pounding and rising in his throat and continued to study the planet's surface for a possible landing area.

"For what it's worth, Obi-Wan, I told her that I was sorry. She doesn't want to talk to me."

"You told her that you were sorry but you didn't seem to mean it, Anakin. Solo came over to say goodbye and good luck and you stared them down."

"Goodbye and good luck is not exactly all that was happening in that speeder."

"I think you're wrong about that. But even if you are right, what does it matter? Would you prefer that Leia have to go into hiding as you and Padmé had to do?"

Anakin scowled. "Do you always have to make this about me?"

"Only when it is," Obi-Wan replied. Then he pointed at a crevice on the planet's surface. "There. Do you see that?"

"Yes," Anakin said. "It will do nicely."

Anakin lowered the ship into the crevice; it sank further and further down into the darkness before landing on a nondescript surface. Luke and Leia, their hands on their lightsabers, met Anakin and Obi-Wan as they exited the cockpit.

"Is this where the droid foundry was located?" Luke asked.

"Was located or is located," Obi-Wan replied.

"Be very careful," Anakin said. "Your mother and I landed in a similar bunker in Geonosis; the Geonosians were hidden in crevices and swarmed us all at once. They're hard to detect."

"...And we know that Geonosians were relocated to Hypori to work on the droid foundry here during the war. It is very possible that they are still here, and still building droids," Obi-Wan added.

Luke nodded. "Understood," he said. Leia nodded as well but did not say anything. The ramp opened and they descended, followed by R2.

The corridor was silent, dark, and appeared to be deserted. The four Jedi walked slowly, stretching out with the Force. Then they heard the sound, a clanking and droning of machinery below.

"What is that?" Luke whispered.

"It's a droid factory," Obi-Wan replied.

"I'm not sensing any life forms in that area, I wonder if it's completely automated," Anakin said.

"If it is, that should make it easy," Leia said. "We dismantle the tinnies and go home."

"Be careful," Obi-Wan said. "It might be a trap."

"There's one way to find out," Anakin said. He turned to the astromech next to him. "R2, see if you can find the controls to the factory production line and shut them down." The droid beeped a reply, and Anakin turned to Obi-Wan. "If it's a trap, that should spring it, and if not... Leia is right. Easy operation and we go home."

R2 wheeled himself to a nearby control panel in the wall, and the Jedi walked slowly to an opening at the end of the corridor and peered down.

Anakin scowled. "Ever wish Master Windu was wrong?" The very expansive automated assembly line churned out legions upon legions of battle droids.

Obi-Wan frowned as well. "B1s and B2s. Looks like this factory has been operational for awhile."

"Padmé would be sick if she saw this."

"I'm sure you are not looking forward to giving her this report any more than I am," Obi-Wan replied. "But who is financing these? This is a large foundry and it is expensive to maintain."

"There is no longer any doubt about one thing," Anakin said. "Whoever is financing it, badly wants another war and plans to start one soon."

"Who in the resistance has that kind of money? And who seeks to gain the most from attacking the Republic?"

Anakin sighed. "Who knows. The Banking Clan. The Commerce Guild. The Corporate Alliance. Any number of Senators who oppose Padmé's administration."

Obi-Wan put a hand on his shoulder. "If it's any consolation, Anakin, this is probably not about Padmé. She took office two years ago, this foundry is well established and appears to have been in use longer than that. It probably started when Mon Mothma was in office or even earlier, with Bail." He sighed. "This appears to be a planned attack on the Republic itself, on democracy. Not on one particular Chancellor."

Leia had been listening to bits and pieces of her father and Obi-Wan's conversation while continuing to scan the area using the Force. She sensed something vague, elusive, and it gnawed at her, growing stronger as she gripped her lightsaber hilt. She started down the corridor in the opposite direction from the foundry, moving slowly, continuing to sense a Force presence entrenched in darkness.

Luke followed several steps behind his sister, although if she noticed him, she gave no indication of it. She walked slowly to the end of the corridor, then stopped suddenly and turned to the right. The room she entered appeared to be a hangar of some sort; it opened to the outside, an opening large enough to admit a small starfighter. The dark presence that Leia sensed was strong enough here to cause her chest to tighten and her breath to catch in her throat.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Skywalker's baby girl." The mocking female voice came from the shadows, and a moment later the figure emerged, very tall, skin unnaturally white, tattoos on either side of her bald head, her reddened lips curled in a sneer. "I look forward to leaving you in pieces for your father to find."

"Not so fast," Luke said, emerging from behind his sister.

Ventress laughed. "Two brats at once. This should be a great day."

She ignited her lightsaber, one red blade, then the other, and lunged. Luke and Leia ignited their sabers and met her parry easily, their blue and green blades matching her red ones slash for slash. Then slow slashes turned into sudden thrusts, and the twins felt they had to predict her moves before she made them in order to stay on defense. Even with two of them against one of her, they had no time to move into offensive mode.

"Count Dooku trained her," Luke whispered to his sister. "Old style fighting, abandoned until the Clone War, remember?"

"Yes," Leia whispered back, adjusting her strategy. They backed Ventress slowly into a corner, then in a blink of an eye, she switched tactics, coming at them with thrusts almost too quick for them to deflect. Her saber met Luke's lower thigh, causing him to wince and stumble backward. He recovered quickly, but not before Leia charged her, and with a sudden parry, knocked the red saber out of her hand. But Ventress would not lose that easily. She closed her eyes, lifted her hands and with a strong Force-push, sent Leia crashing against the hangar wall. She slammed against it with a hard crack, then slid down onto the floor, but not before Ventress loosened a piece of machinery from the wall to land on Leia's head with a hard thunk.

Leia, struggling to maintain her sense of the Force, screamed "Daddy!" across their bond before slipping into unconsciousness.

"NOOO!" Luke yelled, suddenly finding himself fueled by rage, and charged at Ventress, his saber moving at lightning speed, counteracting hers, which had flown back into her hand. He called Leia's fallen saber to his hand and moved both sabers with exact precision to counteract Ventress' duel blades. One of the blades met Luke's shoulder, scorching the skin there as it had on his leg, but Luke kept moving, powered by fierce anger and adrenaline. By moving his blue blade under the hilt of her red ones he managed to disarm her, and with another vicious slash of the green blade of Leia's sword, he cut off Ventress's left hand at the wrist.

Her saber dropped and for a moment she stood, gripping her wrist, glaring at him. Then she picked up her saber, disengaged it, and ran to the hangar opening. Luke heard a ship roar to life. He ran to his sister.


R2-D2 had managed to disengage the automated droid producers and the conveyor belts, and in the silence, Obi-Wan and Anakin were destroying the droids, several at a time. Suddenly Anakin gasped, gripped his head in agony and dropped to his knees. Then just as suddenly, he sprung up and began to run. Using the Force, he shot up the shaft into the main corridor and continued running, Obi-Wan directly behind him. "Anakin!"

"Leia," he managed to call back. "Leia's in trouble."

At that moment Obi-Wan felt it too, the increased presence of the Dark Side, intense agony from Leia, some pain from Luke. He followed the presence, and Anakin, to the end of the corridor. Luke was on his knees on the hangar floor next to his sister, her hand in his. Leia was unconscious, her temple bloodied, all the color drained from her face. Obi-Wan stretched out with the Force to sense her signature. Yes, she was still alive.

Anakin knelt down on the other side of his daughter and looked at his son. "What happened?"

"Ventress," Luke said.

Anakin's eyes widened. "Ventress was here?"

"Yes. We fought her and..."

"Why didn't you call us to help you?!" Anakin snapped.

Luke stammered and backed away. Obi-Wan reached across Leia to put a cautionary hand on Anakin's arm. "Anakin..." He said.

Anakin looked at him. "Two Padawans taking on Ventress alone?"

Obi-Wan fixed him with a warning look. "We'll deal with that later. Their injuries are our first priority right now." He put his hand on Leia's forehead and closed his eyes.

Anakin turned to Luke, who was now sitting on the hangar floor, his elbows on his knees. Anakin put his hands on Luke's forearms. "I'm sorry, son. Can you tell me what happened?" Luke met Anakin's eyes then looked down again. "Leia sensed... something. I don't think she knew what or who it was. I followed her. There was no time to call you by the time Ventress showed up."

Anakin touched Luke's hair. "It's fine. Are you injured?"

Luke gave a half smile. "I got a little scorched. My shoulder and my leg." He pointed to the open burned patch on his Jedi tunic.

"What happened to Leia?"

Luke looked away. "She disarmed Ventress. Ventress used the Force to slam her against that wall and drop a piece of machinery on her head."

Anakin blanched and felt bile rising in his throat. "Where did Ventress go?"

"I disarmed her and she ran."

Anakin hugged him gently. "Well done. Can you stand? We should look at those burns and get some bacta on them, and we're going to need to get more help for Leia."

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said. "Her neck isn't broken and we should be able to move her. I'm sensing several other broken bones and a lot of pain though."

Anakin nodded. "I'll carry her. Can you help Luke?"

Obi-Wan nodded, extending a hand to support Luke into a standing position while with the other hand, turning on his comlink. "This is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I need a medical frigate right away. Look for the Ornate in orbit around Hypori."

Anakin knelt next to Leia and gently slid an arm under her shoulders, another under her hips, and lifted her slowly. She groaned, opening her eyes into slits then closing them again. "Shhh..." Anakin whispered, as if Leia were small again and had had a nightmare. "It's alright, Princess. Daddy's here. You're going to be OK." Leia relaxed at the sound of his voice, slipping back into unconsciousness.

They left the hangar and moved slowly down the hall, Luke leaning slightly on Obi-Wan.


On the medical frigate Triumph, Obi-Wan helped Luke out of his tunic. Luke winced as his sleeve pulled away from the burn; Obi-Wan examined it. "It's not too deep; it should heal with bacta. But tell your father or me if it's worse in a couple of days."

"She nicked me. It's not too bad," Luke said, although he was gritting his teeth against the pain.

"How is the one on your thigh?"

"About the same," Luke said, wincing again.

"Maybe we should have a droid look at it anyway, once they're done with Leia." Both men looked at the closed door; on the other side of it, Leia lay in a bed, being examined and treated by the droids, while her father sat nearby.

"Have they given a report on Leia's condition yet?" Luke asked as Obi-Wan rubbed bacta ointment into his shoulder burn.

R2's series of beeps were sad. Obi-Wan turned to him. "Oh don't worry, my little friend, she will be alright." He turned back to Luke. "Her skull is fractured in two places, she has five fractured ribs, a fractured clavicle and a fractured scapula. She will have to be monitored for a brain bleed and she definitely won't heal overnight, but she will heal. Given the blow she apparently took, it could have been much worse." He bandaged the shoulder burn. "Now let's see that leg."

Luke unzipped his boot and raised the pants leg to just above the knee, wincing again as the cloth rubbed the burn. "I definitely want one of the droids to look at this one, it's a little deeper," Obi-Wan said.

"Uncle Obi-Wan..." Luke began.

The older man looked up. "What is it?"

The confession came out in a rush of breath. "I cut off Ventress' hand."

Obi-Wan looked at him, as if expecting Luke to elaborate. "I heard you tell your father that you disarmed her."

Luke looked down. "I was angry. I did not just disarm her. I knocked her lightsaber from her hand and then kept fighting. Against an unarmed woman."

"You had just watched Ventress injure your sister."

"What happened... it wasn't the Jedi way."

Obi-Wan put the bacta down and sat back. "Luke, you are correct. Jedi do not use the Force for aggression, and Jedi do not act in vengeance. But you have recognized that, and that is important." He gazed at Luke. "I know what it is like to want to hurt the person who has attacked someone you love. Anyone who says he doesn't know, is either devoid of life experiences or lying through his teeth."

Luke didn't say anything, but Obi-Wan read the question in his eyes.

"My Jedi Master was killed on Naboo by a Sith. I watched it happen. Then I charged the Sith with every ounce of anger I had, and cut him in half."

Luke looked down. "I'm sorry."

"The Sith find such actions acceptable, Luke. They welcome that kind of rage, believe it gives them power and focus. They recruit potential apprentices by fueling their anger and desire for revenge. It is important to work through such feelings, but that doesn't mean you will never have them. It only means you must learn to control those desires rather than allowing them to control you." He picked up the bacta again and finished putting it on the wound. "If Ventress is leading the resistance, which I have reason to believe that she is, you may have done the galaxy a favor by putting her out of commission for awhile." He bandaged the leg and stood. "I'm going to see how soon a medical droid can look at these burns. And based on the sense I'm getting through the Force, I am probably going to need to sort out your father."

Luke closed his eyes. "I'm sensing it too. Guilt. And anger. He still thinks we shouldn't have taken Ventress alone."

"There's a bit more to it than that I'm afraid, but that's for another time." He indicated a nearby sleep couch. "You should lie down."

Luke nodded and obeyed. Obi-Wan slid open the door to the next room, then slid it closed behind him.

One medical droid stood at the head of the bed where Leia lay, bandages wrapped around her head as well as covering one shoulder and one side of her chest. Her eyes were closed, a tube sent oxygen into her nose, the machinery humming in the corner. Anakin sat next to the bed, his head in his hands. Obi-Wan pulled up a chair next to him and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Anakin."

"She's stable," he said. He didn't look up, and he sounded as though he had caught a head cold.

"She is. What about you?"

He didn't answer.

"Anakin, don't do this."

"Don't do what?" He snapped, unable to hide the tremor in his voice.

"You know what. Your old pattern. Believing that you have somehow failed if anyone is injured while you are nearby."

He looked up. His eyes were red and swollen and his cheeks were streaked with tears. "I did fail this time, Obi-Wan. How is it that Leia sensed Ventress and I didn't? And how could I have allowed them to fight her alone? They didn't call us; did I teach them to be that reckless?"

"Leia has Ahsoka's old lightsaber. Ahsoka was one of Ventress' favorite targets. I suspect that's why Leia was the first to sense that Ventress was nearby."

"Ahsoka..." Anakin said, wiping away a couple of fresh tears that fell from his eyes. "I taught her to be reckless. And it killed her."

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said sharply. "You were reckless when you charged Count Dooku on Geonosis and lost your arm. Was that my fault?"

Anakin looked at him. "No, of course not."

"Then how it is your fault if your apprentice was reckless? Or if your children are?"

Anakin didn't answer. He put his head in his hands and sobbed.

"Have you ever thought that along with this reckless comes a great deal of courage? That maybe it makes Luke and Leia, and you, stronger Jedi?"

Anakin lifted his head again and looked at his unconscious daughter. "It will be a long time before she can fight again."

"But she will," Obi-Wan said. "Would you have her be afraid? Simply because it might keep her safe?"

Another tear fell down Anakin's cheek. "I don't know, Obi-Wan. I don't know."

"I think you do." He squeezed Anakin's shoulder. "I called Padmé. She'll be here as soon as possible."

Anakin nodded, sniffled and wiped his eyes. "How is Luke?"

"I think the burns are superficial but I want a droid to look at them anyway. He's resting."

"I can look now if you would like, sir," the droid said. "Padawan Skywalker will need another injection for pain in two hours but she needs nothing else from me until then."

"That would be appreciated," Obi-Wan said. He stood, squeezed Anakin's shoulder again. "I will be back later. Stop chastising yourself. That doesn't help anyone."


At the Navy headquarters, Han was at his work station when Lando came in.

"What is it?" Han asked at the apprehensive expression on Lando's face.

"I don't want to have to tell you this, but I was just listening to the secure military channel, and it mentioned that the Jedi ran into some trouble on Hypori."

Han whirled around. "What kind of trouble?" he asked.

"It didn't say."

"Well, why don't you find out?" Han snapped, standing and walking towards the door.

Lando held up a hand. "Alright, alright."

Han went into the next room to see several midshipmen eating their lunch; the com channel sounded from the far end of the room. Han started towards the transmitter so he could hear better when he was approached by an ensign. "Captain Solo, sir," he said breathlessly. "The Supreme Chancellor wishes to speak with you personally."

Han barely acknowledged the man before taking off on a run into the room that housed the main communications networks for the headquarters. "This is Captain Solo."

"Han," Padmé said. "I need a military escort to Hypori right away. Can you be at my home in 15 minutes?"

"I can be there in five," Han said. "Can you tell me what is happening?"

"Not over the network. I'll tell you when you get here."

Han nodded. "Do you need my squadron or just me?"

"Have Commander Calrissian put your squadron on standby but right now, come alone."

Han nodded again. "Of course. I will see you in five minutes."

"Thank you."

Han grabbed the bag that he kept already-packed for emergency missions, told Lando to stand by for further orders, got in his speeder, and flew quickly to 500 Republica.

Padmé's guards opened the door for Han, and he found her standing in the living area, a bag in her hand, ready to leave. Her hair was in its usual chignon, she wore a solid black flight suit with boots and a utility belt with-- two blasters?

"Are we expecting trouble?" Han asked.

"I don't know, but I'm not taking chances right now either. I'll tell you more when we get on board." She turned to her protocol droid. "3PO," she said. "I do not know exactly when I'll be back. Give no one information on my whereabouts other than Chancellor Organa or Chancellor Mothma. And anyone with emergency Senate business should contact them. Is that understood?"

"Of course, Mistress Padmé," he said. "And try not to worry about Master Luke or Mistress Leia. They are quite clever, for human beings. I am a bit worried about R2, though. He always seems to get himself into trouble..."

"Right now I believe R2 is in better shape than anyone," Padmé said dryly. "Good day, 3PO. We will be in touch." She waved at Han to follow her to the landing platform, where her ship waited. It was identical to the Ornate, albeit a bit larger in size. "I am assuming you can fly one of these?" She asked Han.

"Absolutely," he replied. The ramp opened, they boarded, and he went into the cockpit right away. Padmé stowed their bags and joined him in the co-pilot's seat.

"Normally I would just take 3PO to help me fly this ship but this mission may not be a diplomatic one. I also thought you would want to come for more... personal reasons."

Han started the ship and piloted it into Coruscant's atmosphere, then had the navicomputer calculate the jump to hyperspace. "Can you tell me what's happening? Lando was listening to one of the military channels. It said that the Jedi ran into some trouble."

"They did." Padmé's voice quavered. Han looked at her, and was surprised to see that the Chancellor Amidala façade was almost completely gone. Padmé Skywalker sat beside him, twisting her rings on her fingers, obviously very, very frightened. Han wanted to put his arm around her but they were strapped in, and he would have been afraid of overstepping his bounds anyway.

"What kind of trouble?" Han asked quietly.

"I know what you are really asking so I'll get right to the point. Leia is badly hurt."

"How badly?" Han asked.

"Several broken bones, including two in her skull. She will be alright but..."

The navicomputer successfully calculated the coordinates to Hypori and the skiff jumped into hyperspace.

"How did that happen?" Han asked, unstrapping himself.

"Have you heard of Asajj Ventress?"

"Only once or twice. Dark Force user?"

"Yes," Padmé said. "Apparently she found the twins, or they found her. They fought, and she threw Leia against a wall. Using the Force. Threw her hard enough to knock her unconscious, then dropped something on her head." Padmé blinked rapidly and bit her lip.

Han's heart pounded. "Was anyone else hurt?"

"Luke got a couple of lightsaber burns which should heal quickly. Anakin and Obi-Wan were in another part of the foundry, dismantling an entire legion of battle droids."

"They're still making clankers on Hypori?"

"Someone is," Padmé said. "I wish I knew who." She unstrapped herself and stood. Han caught her arm.

"Can I do anything?"

She shook her head and gave him a small smile. "Not right now."

"Thank you for asking me to come along."

"You are very welcome. I think it will do Leia good to see you when she regains consciousness."

"I hope so."


Padmé alternately paced the main cabin of the ship and typed new searches into her work station. Financiers of the droid foundry on Hypori, financiers of the abandoned foundry on Geonosis. History of taxation along the southern Hydian Way, history of taxation along the Corellian Run, history and purpose of the Rimma Trade Route... Could the droid foundries possibly be funded by the same interests who advocate lower taxation and less restricted trade, and if so, are we looking at a repeat of the Battle of Naboo, only on a much grander scale...

Padmé stopped pacing and glanced at the doorway to find Han gazing at her. "I'm sorry," she said. "Was I thinking aloud?"

Han shrugged. "No, it's fine." He wanted to say that she seemed anxious and he wanted to help, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. Of course she's anxious. Her daughter is lying on a medical frigate with multiple broken bones. And she's trying to run a galaxy that, by my best recent estimates, is full of idiots.

Padmé sank into a chair. "When Anakin was fighting the Clone War, I had myself placed on six different committees in the Senate."

"Six?" Han said.

"Most Senators stay with one or two. I threw myself into my work because if I didn't, I would go insane worrying about him. I suppose I'm repeating that pattern now." She sighed and closed her eyes, then opened them again.

"Are you sure I can't do anything? I'm feeling pretty useless here," Han said. She smiled. "You are far from useless. But no, I'm fine. I'm about to pull up statistics on the Baktoid Armor Workshop. They funded the Hypori droid foundry during the Clone War. I'm suspecting that I'll need to ask the Republic Security Committee to subpoena their financial records next."

"Well, I'm going to make caf. Should I make enough for two?"

Padmé smiled at him again, a tired smile. "That would be nice, thank you."

He nodded and left the room. When he came back with two cups of caf, Padmé was holoconferencing with someone who appeared to be former Chancellor Organa. "I ordered all the foundries on the Outer Rim closed down at the end of the war," he was saying. "I suppose I should have ordered them destroyed as well."

"No, Bail," Padmé replied. "Destroying the foundries would have interfered with our negotiations with the Separatists. It would have been considered an act of aggression. Ordering them to cease operations was the only fair thing you could do. It allowed them to keep the property and use it for another purpose. Besides, even if you had ordered them destroyed, they could be rebuilt. And that's the issue. Who wants to make battle droids and why?"

"The Techno Union supplied most of the technology before," Bail said. "I suspect that they are involved this time."

Padmé put a hand to her head. "Wat Tambor. Of course. We should probably suspect anyone who did not sign the peace treaty. Shu Mai and Poggle the Lesser as well. How long have they been in contact with Ventress and who initiated the contact? Poggle appears to be hiding. He was not on Geonosis and the foundry that Anakin and Obi-Wan found on Hypori appeared to be completely automated." She took her caf from Han and nodded to him. "Thank you."

Bail looked amused. "I didn't know you were the type of Chancellor to order Naval officers to make your caf for you."

Han saluted the hologram of Bail. "I volunteered for this duty, sir. And of course I would have done the same for you."

"Han is providing a military escort just in case the resistance decides to make an appearance," Padmé said. "And I also asked him to come along... for Leia." The Chancellor mask slid slightly and the anxious mother reappeared.

"Ahhh..." Bail said, looking at Han. "So you're the Navy captain who caused Anakin Skywalker to rediscover Corellian brandy."

Han gave a half-smile. "I don't really want to take credit for that one. A good ale is more my speed."

Padmé laughed.

Bail's face had gone serious again. "I'll call you if I get any new intel. Let us know how the twins are doing," he said.

"I will," Padmé said. "As far as I know, Luke's injuries were mild enough to be treated with bacta. Leia took the brunt of the attack for some reason. I'm having her transported to the Galactic Senate Medical Center as soon as possible."

Bail nodded. "I will see you when you get back then."


A few hours later Padmé and Han boarded the Triumph and found Obi-Wan almost immediately . "How is everyone?" She asked.

Obi-Wan frowned. "Stable. That's probably the best I can say right now." He nodded towards Luke, who was lying on a nearby sleep couch. Padmé ran to him, sat on the edge, and kissed his forehead. He opened his eyes briefly, murmured "Mom," then closed them again.

Padmé laid her cheek on Luke's forehead and looked at Obi-Wan. "He's burning up. What's happening?"

"The medical droids think an infection may have set in one of the burns," Obi-Wan said. "He was fine until about an hour ago when he suddenly spiked the fever. He's been given an antibiotic injection and extra bacta patches."

Padmé pulled the blanket up to Luke's chin and kissed his forehead again. Then she stood. "Where's Anakin?"

Obi-Wan nodded towards the closed door. "With Leia. He came in here briefly after I told him about Luke, but other than that, he hasn't left her side."

Han went to Luke's bed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Rough day, huh, kid?"

Luke opened his eyes to slits. "Hey, Han." His lips were dry.

"Can we get some water or something?" Han asked.

Obi-Wan went to the cooler. "I'll do that. You two go see Leia."

Padmé was already walking towards the door and pressing it open. Han followed.

Anakin sat in the hard durasteel chair, his head in his hands. Padmé walked past him to the head of her daughter's bed, taking in the sight of Leia's bandages, the tubes sending oxygen into her nose, her sunken closed eyes rimmed with purple circles. She kissed her cheek, being careful of the bandages. "Oh, Leia..." Padmé felt a couple of hot tears fall from her eyes, and quickly wiped them away. Then she put a hand on her husband's shoulder. Anakin looked up. "Padmé," he said, the relief in his voice palpable. He stood and took her in his arms, holding her tightly, his cheek resting on top of her hair.

"Luke is sick," he said. His voice was husky and unsteady.

"I know," Padmé replied. "I just saw him. He'll be alright. Those antibiotic injections usually work pretty quickly."

"And Leia hasn't regained consciousness," Anakin continued, his voice more shaky by the minute. "I should have stopped them from..."

"Shhh..." Padmé said, rubbing his back. "None of that talk. You're exhausted. Obi-Wan said you've been sitting here the entire time except for a few minutes to check on Luke. You need to get some rest yourself."

Han moved to Leia's other side and took her hand in his, caressing her knuckles with his thumb, gazing at her. Oh, Leia... was going through his head as well, in the same tone that her mother had used, but he did not say it aloud.

"The oxygen..." He began.

Anakin turned to face him, resting his other cheek on Padmé's head. "She's in a lot of pain," he said. "And with broken ribs... she needs the help. She doesn't need to have to struggle to get air." His voice choked and he broke off. For the first time since they boarded, Han got a look at Anakin's face. His eyes were bloodshot and rimmed with red, his cheeks were splotchy, a five o'clock shadow stood out above the goatee.

Han wanted to say, Last time I had a midshipman who looked as bad as you do, I ordered him to barracks for a minimum of 18 hours. He slept for 20. But he didn't dare, not now.

"Anakin, please go lie down," Padmé said.

"There is a sleep couch on the other side of this room, sir," the medical droid said.

Anakin looked at Han. "You'll stay with her?"

"For as long as I am needed," Han said. "And I'll buzz you if she wakes."

Anakin nodded slowly. "Thank you," he said in a voice barely above a whisper, and allowed Padmé to lead him to the sleep couch on the other end of the room, where he stretched out, without even removing his boots, and closed his eyes.

A few minutes later Padmé approached Han. "He's asleep," she said quietly. "I'm going to check on Luke."

Han nodded. Padmé touched his shoulder briefly then went into the other room, closing the door behind her.

Han continued to watch Leia, and with his free hand, ran a finger up her arm to the bandages, then traced the parts of her face that weren't bandaged. "Leia," he said quietly. "This wasn't supposed to happen." He paused. "And I'm not just talking about you getting hurt, although that wasn't supposed to happen either."

He ran his finger back down her arm to rest on top of their entwined hands. "We haven't had that much time together. A ship ride after you rescued me. A few conversations over the comlink, a few quick visits like ships passing in space. One evening together. Best evening of my life. By the time it ended, I felt like I'd known you forever. But it was just one evening. It was not supposed to happen this fast. But I can't get you out of my mind. You're always there, it's like you've used your Jedi powers to move into my brain or something."

He looked at her, at the short and rapid rise and fall of her chest; she could not take in a deep breath due to the broken ribs. "This is the part where you are supposed to sit up in bed and yell at me for saying something so stupid."

Still no response other than the hum of the machinery.

"You were right about me not liking Jedi. I thought you were so absorbed in learning to use the Force or sense the Force or whatever the hell it is you learn in training, that you ignored what really needed to be done. All that talk about something elusive going on who-knows-where in the galaxy and ignoring the frak going on right under our noses."

One of the machines emitted a series of three beeps.

"Now I really wish you would smack me and call me a twit. You're going to have to, once you're healed. You owe me that. Or I owe it to you, take your pick."

A medical droid wheeled next to the bed. "It is time for her pain medicine injection, sir."

Han nodded. "Right."

The droid injected a hypodermic in Leia's arm. She flinched, then relaxed again, and the droid left.

Han continued. "If anyone had told me even a month ago that I would ask a Jedi to go out with me, much less be as crazy about one as I am about you...I would have told the person that he had lost his damn mind. And now maybe I've lost my damn mind. I don't know."

Her lips opened, then closed again.

"That kiss you gave me in the speeder before you left... I keep reliving it. Over and over. And then when Lando said the Jedi had some trouble on Hypori, then your Mom called and said you were hurt... I've seen some scary stuff in my life. I've never been as scared as I was at that moment though." He ran his thumb along her knuckles again. "Although that could change if you don't wake up soon. I know they said you're going to be alright, Leia, but you know me, I'm the type of guy who has to see to believe. "

Nothing other than the rasps of breath, which had grown slower, deeper and more even after the injection.

"Sweetheart, please." It was an odd position for Han Solo, finding himself begging.

Leia's eyelids fluttered and opened. Han stood, gazing down at her face.


Her eyes, glazed with pain and sedation, met his. He grinned. "Oh, thank the..." And without finishing the sentence, he bent down to kiss her. He stroked her cheek, and then the words came tumbling out before he could stop them. "I love you."

A smile appeared on her dry, cracked lips, and with a voice raspy from disuse, she responded. "I know."


In a medical center in the Ryloth capital of Kala'uun, Asajj Ventress flexed her new mechanical hand.

"How does it feel?" Wat Tambor asked.

"It will do. It's not my real one, but it will do."

"Skywalker did this?" Tambor asked.

She glared. "No, one of his brats. The boy." Then she smirked. "After I killed his sister."

Tambor looked horrified. " killed the Skywalker girl?"

"No." Senator Orn Free Taa's voice came from the doorway, and he sauntered slowly into the room, his lekku twitching. "She is alive."

"What?" Ventress shrieked. "I caught her in the first few seconds that she was off her guard and I threw her against a stone pillar! And I dropped a heavy piece of machinery on her head! She could not have possibly survived!"

"The Skywalker family's strength in the Force is legendary," Free Taa said. "I am quite certain that even the Chancellor has that power, although she has never been tested or trained. There is no other possible way that she could continue influencing the galaxy to her advantage. How is it that she and her friends have managed to defeat me in the Chancellor's race four times in a row now? When I am more established as a Senator? It could only be her Jedi Master husband... or her own untapped reserve of sinister power..."

"I am not interested in your whining," Ventress spat. "Once the resistance takes over the Republic, you will have your chancellorship. And you can do what you want with it." She smirked, then the smirk disappeared. "Meanwhile... so the brat lives. What happened to the foundries?"

"D...destroyed," Tambor said. "By Skywalker and Kenobi."

Ventress pushed him against the wall, channeling the Force through her flesh hand. "Destroyed?!?"

"Completely decimated."

Tambor and Free Taa could feel Ventress' anger rising, and Free Taa held up a hand. "There is one... action that we can take in response."

"And what might that be?" She spat.

"The droids belonged to the Baktori Droid Workshop, the Commerce Guild and the Techno Union. In other words, Skywalker and Kenobi broke into a private facility and destroyed private property. I can petition the Senate Committee for Oversight of Jedi Activities for an investigation. Unauthorized use of the Force. Burglary."

Ventress' angry expression disappeared, and she smirked. "Yes, you certainly could do that. And imagine Amidala's disgrace if her husband is convicted. And her children also broke into the facility." The smirk disappeared and she glared at Free Taa. "Do it," she snarled.

Free Taa returned the glare. "It will be done," he said. He turned and left the room.


"She's awake," Han said excitedly, opening the door to the next room, where Padmé sat, sponging Luke's face.

"Good," Obi-Wan said, standing. Padmé wrung the cloth into the basin of water. Luke tried to sit up, and lay back on the bed immediately.

"Go ahead, Mom, I can't make it right now," he said.

Padmé looked worried, but she kissed his forehead and stood. "I will be back in just a minute, I promise," she said.

"So will I," Obi-Wan said, running his hand over the young man's hair. They both went into the next room.

Leia's eyes were open but they were glassy and hazed with pain. "Mom," she said.

Padmé touched her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Everything hurts," she said.

"I know," Padmé replied sadly.

Han, who had taken his position next to the bed again, looked at the med droid. "Can you give her something else for the pain?"

"Her body is at its limit for pain medication, sir."

"What the hell does that mean when her body is also at its limit for pain itself?" Han snapped, standing.

Obi-Wan put a hand on Han's shoulder. "Calm yourself, Captain Solo," he said.

Han glared at Obi-Wan but sank back into the chair. Leia's hand moved slowly across the bed covers, reaching for his, and Han took it. "It's OK, Han," she said quietly. "Uncle Obi-Wan..."

Obi-Wan moved to the head of the bed so that she could see him, and brushed away a tendril of dark hair that had escaped the bandages. "You gave us quite a scare, young one."

"I know," she said. "I wasn't strong enough..."

"No," Obi-Wan said. "You were strong enough. You and Luke fought as a team against a Sith who was murdering Jedi before you were born. You did well. Your father and I are proud."

"Where is he?"

As if on cue Anakin woke up, stood and rushed to her bedside. "I'm here, Leia," he said.

"Daddy...I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what?" Anakin said. "You fought well, and you won."

"I was angry. I shut you out," Leia said.

"Shhhh..." He took her hand in his. "You had every right to be angry with me." He swallowed. "I'm not ready for you and your brother to grow up. That's my issue alone, but I made it yours, and for that, I am sorry." He looked at Han. "Both of you."

Han nodded. "No problem," he said. "I meant what I said. I won't hurt her."

Anakin nodded. "I know." Once again he looked like a man who had too much worry and not enough sleep.

"Where is Luke? Luke didn't get hurt, did he?" Leia asked.

Padmé touched her cheek again. "He had a couple of burns from Ventress' lightsaber. One of them was deeper than originally thought, and got infected. He's resting now; you'll see him in a little while."

"Or," Anakin said. "I'll be right back." He turned and went into the next room, where Luke lay, his face pale and covered with sweat.

Anakin went to his side and brushed his damp hair away from his face. "How are you feeling, son?"

"Like I've been stampeded by a herd of banthas."

"Your fever seems to have broken," Anakin said.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Would you like to see your sister?"

"I tried a few minutes ago. I'm not up for walking."

Anakin smiled and raised his eyebrows. "I am," he said. "If you aren't too old to let me carry you."

Luke laughed. "OK," he said, and threw his arms around his father's neck, allowing himself to be picked up and carried into the next room. Obi-Wan pushed a chair over for Luke, and he sat next to his sister's bed.

"Together again, huh?"

"Wouldn't miss it," she said.

"How are we doing?" He asked.

"Same as always," she said.

"That bad, huh?"

She smiled, then winced. "Don't make me laugh right now, Luke," she said.

Luke returned the smile, took her hand and squeezed it. "OK," he said. "But that means you have to get better soon. Not much fun in life when I can't tease my twin sister."

"Oh, I'll get better. In a few weeks I'll be ready to spar with you again. And I'll kick your ass like I always do."

Luke smirked. "Oh, I think I've kicked yours a fair number of times. But I look forward to it anyway."

She tried to nod, and winced again. Her eyelids were growing heavy.

"You should sleep," Anakin said, kissing her forehead.

Leia closed her eyes. Anakin turned to Luke. "There is a sleep couch in here if you want to stay." He pointed at the other side of the room, where he had napped.

"Yes," Luke said. Anakin nodded, and once again lifted his son, carrying him to the sleep couch and covering him with a blanket. Luke closed his eyes and drifted off almost immediately.

Anakin went to Padmé and hugged her again, almost collapsing against her. "Come on," she said, taking his hand in hers. "Time for you to eat something. And shower and shave. And get some more sleep yourself."

"Han?" Anakin said, looking at him. He still sat next to Leia's bed, her hand in his as she slept.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said.

"Can we bring you anything? Food? Drink?" Obi-Wan asked.

Han shook his head. "I'm good."

"Thank you again," Anakin said quietly.

"No thanks needed," Han replied.


Chapter 6

A stretcher carried Leia from the ship into the Galactic Senate Medical Center. Anakin stood on one side, Han on the other, and Padmé at the foot. Directly behind her, Luke moved slowly, leaning on Obi-Wan for support.

Yoda met them at the door. "Improving, is she?" He asked Anakin.

"She will be alright, physically anyway," Anakin said, falling into step beside Yoda and letting the stretcher move ahead. "A few more weeks for the bones to heal, and then...the shoulder and collarbone were broken on her lightsaber arm. She'll need to learn to use it again, and get back to her old speed." He blinked rapidly.

"Your fault, this was not," Yoda said.

Anakin shook his head. "When she learns that she can't fight the way she once could..."

Han, hearing the exchange, frowned, knowing that Leia's father was right. Leia would become frustrated and depressed very quickly if she had to completely re-learn the lightsaber techniques that came to her as naturally as breathing.

"Lost your lightsaber arm completely, and learned to fight again, you did," Yoda said. "Focus on the negative, you must not. A powerful Jedi, young Leia is. Heal quickly and completely, she will." They approached the room where Leia would rest, and Yoda turned, heading back towards the main door. "Meet in three hours, the Council will. Be there, you and Obi-Wan should."

Anakin nodded. "We will." Yoda hobbled away on his cane.

Inside the expansive hospital room, Leia was eased gently from the stretcher to a bed. "Much better," she said.

One of the droids started an IV line into her arm. Anakin and Han fluffed the pillows behind her head while Obi-Wan, Padmé and Luke stood at the foot of the bed.

"Are you comfortable?" Anakin asked.

"I will be once the drugs start working," Leia said, closing her eyes.

Padmé turned to Luke. "It might be a good idea to get you a bed for tonight as well."

"I'm fine, Mom," Luke said. "The infection is gone."

"You're still weak," Obi-Wan said. "Your mother is right. Rest here tonight and go home tomorrow."

"I agree," Anakin said.

Luke held up a hand. "OK, I'll do it. I don't feel like arguing with all three of you."

Anakin nodded to one of the medical droids, who said, "Right away, sir. I think the room next door is available," and turned to leave.

The droid passed Bail and Alys as they appeared in the doorway. Alys, without a word to the others, ran to Luke and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Um... hello?" Luke said, returning the hug. He noticed that she was shaking. "Alys?"

She pulled away from him suddenly. "You stubborn, reckless Jedi! I would smack you right now if you weren't already injured! You scared me to death!" She sank into a nearby chair and put her face in her hands, but not before Luke saw that her large blue eyes were filled with tears.

Han shook his head and muttered, "Damn." Padmé gave Anakin a look that clearly asked, Do you know what this is about? Anakin raised an eyebrow. Obi-Wan gave Luke a knowing look. Alys sobbed quietly.

A surprised Bail finally found his voice. "Alys, honey..." He began.

She looked up, her face blotchy and wet. "Leave me alone, Daddy," she said, and stood and bolted from the room.

"What is going on?" Padmé asked.

Bail sighed. "I have an idea, nothing more, as she hasn't told me anything. It was the look on her face when we got the news that the twins were injured on Hypori." He turned to Padmé. "The last time I saw that look on a woman's face was on yours when Anakin was trapped on Lanteeb. Remember that?"

"How could I forget?" Padmé said.

"That's when I knew you were in love with Anakin. I tried to get you to tell me."

"I couldn't. You know that, Bail."

"I figured it out pretty quickly. Anyway..." He looked at Luke again. "I don't know what happened with you two, but..." He raised his eyebrows.

"Um... long story," Luke said.

"So I'll get it in pieces I guess?" Bail said.

The medical droid returned to the room. "Padawan Skywalker, the room next door is ready, sir."

"Thanks," Luke said. He turned to Bail. "We'll tell you. But it's complicated right now." He followed the droid.

Anakin moved from Leia's bedside and walked towards his wife and Bail. He put an arm around Padmé's shoulders. She returned the embrace, looking towards the doorway where Alys had disappeared. "She must have been so scared."

"Poor kid. I know how she feels," Han said.

Alys reappeared in the doorway, red-eyed and sniffling, loose blonde tendrils flying from her braid. She looked around, and then a panicked expression appeared on her face. "He's in the next room," Padmé said. "He's being kept here tonight for observation."

"Observation?" She said, unwanted tears filling her eyes again.

"He's alright," Anakin said softly. "He could probably go home today if we really wanted, we're just being careful."

Alys nodded and didn't speak. Her father approached her cautiously, arms outstretched, and this time, she allowed him to comfort her.

A few minutes later she freed herself from his embrace, wiped her eyes, and walked slowly to Leia's bedside.

"I was wondering if you were going to come see me or if you were so focused on my brother that you forgot I was here," Leia said.

Alys gave her a watery smile and touched her arm. "Of course I was planning to come see you. How do you feel?"

"Like I got thrown against a duracrete wall."

Alys bit her lip. "I'm so sorry. And I thought the Sith died with Palpatine."

"No. Ventress was an apprentice of Count Dooku. Luke got her though. She'll be out of commission for awhile, unless she can operate a lightsaber with one hand."

Alys said nothing, just looked down.

"Now I know why you've both been so moody lately."


Leia squeezed Alys' forearm. "Work it out with him... whatever this is you two are doing. It's worthwhile, I promise. Or if it isn't, do it so you'll both stop driving me crazy."

She managed a laugh, then looked at Han, as if just now noticing that he was there, and extended her hand. "Captain Solo. I believe I owe you my freedom. At least that's what your commander said."

Han took the offered hand. "Your Highness. No thanks needed. I get paid good money to fight for your freedom."

Alys smiled. "Well, I'm going to thank you anyway."

Leia's eyelids were drooping. Alys stood. "I should probably go." She gave Leia's hand a squeeze. "I'll come back tomorrow." She looked at Han. "Very nice to meet you."

He nodded. "You as well." Alys left. Leia had fallen asleep.


Alys found Luke propped up in bed in the next room. She sat on the bed, leaned over and kissed him hard, then threw her arms around his neck. A few tears splashed on his shoulder.

Finally Luke spoke. "Alys, I'd almost rather you slap me. This isn't like you. What's wrong?"

"Luke..." She lifted her head, sniffled and wiped her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something else and found that she couldn't.

He took her hand. "It's alright, I think I understand." He smiled at her. "You know what I was just thinking about?"

"What?" She asked.

"Remember when I used the Force to float an entire box of your hair barrettes over the side of the balcony, twenty stories up?"

She laughed. "I had almost forgotten about that. Your father was furious."

"Yes. Something about unacceptable use of the Force and barrettes boring holes in people's heads from that height. Although I didn't drop a single one of them. Then Uncle Obi-Wan said something about my coming by such behavior naturally, Daddy got irritated with him, and I was spared any further lecture."

"How old were we?"

"Six I think."

"What made you think of that?"

Luke shrugged. "I don't know. It was fun." He met her eyes. "Nothing is going to change, Alys. Not for the worse anyway. We know each other well enough to know what we're getting into."

"I know," she said. "But you've got to promise me you won't put yourself in the path of any more Dark Force users. I've never been as scared as I was a few days ago..."

He reached up and touched her cheek. "I can't promise that. You know that."

She sighed, looking down and away. "Yes. I guess I do. And that's one of the things I love about you. You're not content to sit still and let other people have all the action."

Bail appeared in the doorway. "I'm going back to the Senate building. Do you want me to take you home?"

Alys sighed again. "For now I guess." She turned to Luke. "You're getting out of here tomorrow?"

"If all goes well," he said.

"Make it go well," she said, leaning in to kiss him. "Get some sleep."

He nodded, closing his eyes.


"Orn Free Taa did what?" Padmé asked, her eyes wide.

"Petitioned the Committee for Oversight of Jedi Activities to investigate Obi-Wan and Anakin for burglary and destruction of property," Bail repeated.

Padmé gazed at him for a minute, then suddenly burst into laughter.

Bail, Mon Mothma, Vice Chair Tarin and Sovi stared.

"Milady?" Sovi asked.

"Chancellor Amidala, I had not assumed that this was welcome news," Tarin said.

"Oh, but it is," Padmé replied. "Because in order to make a burglary and destruction of property charge stick, Free Taa and his minions are going to have to prove that the battle droids were not a threat to the Republic. And how exactly are they going to do that? What exactly are they claiming as the purpose of an entire foundry of battle droids? Did they need all of them to guard Free Taa's or Tambor's homes?" The amused expression disappeared, and she turned to Sovi. "Contact Senator Revinu Vadith of the Republic Security Committee. I need him to subpoena the financial records of the Techno Union and the Baktori Droid Workshop immediately."

"Madam," Tarin said. "A subpoena for the financial records of a private company..."

Padmé gave her a hard look. "They can object to the subpoena if they so choose, and I will hear them out, but in exchange they will need to offer concrete undisputable evidence that their droids were not intended to threaten the Republic. If they cannot do so... my best offer is that they can be assured of the committee's utmost discretion in handling the records." She paused. "Meanwhile, the Jedi Oversight Committee is welcome to conduct its investigation, and the result will be the same. Anakin and Obi-Wan had every reason to believe that the droids were a threat to the Republic; if the Baktori Droid Workshop can prove them wrong, I welcome it."

"What of Qualkin's bill to loosen security around the weapons storage facilities on Ord Mantell?" Mon Mothma asked.

"I don't understand his reasoning," Padmé said. "Passage of such a bill would cause the loss of hundreds of jobs on the planet. Not to mention the fact the consequences of that facility falling into the wrong hands..."

"He is using cost-cutting as a reason," Bail said. "He believes that if budgetary costs are restricted sufficiently, then the taxation bills can move forward."

Padmé sighed. "On that I can only hope the Senate does the right thing. The Treasury has never recovered from the Clone War. We cannot afford further tax cuts. We could rewrite the tax code to alter the balance of taxation but if we do that, some citizens will have to pay more in taxes in order for others to pay less. That will not be a popular move. As far as cost-cutting measures - Senators are always willing to introduce them but balk at those that affect their own planets. Qualkin seems to be the exception, which makes this bill even more...unusual."

"It is highly unusual for any Senator to suggest cost-cutting and job-cutting measures in his or her own system," Tarin agreed.

"And I am not at all comfortable with the idea of leaving a large Republic Navy weapons facility unprotected," Padmé said.

"No one should be," Mon Mothma said. "Especially since Ord Mantell is in the Core. Do we know how large the resistance is now? Do they have the manpower to launch an attack on Coruscant itself?"

Padmé frowned. "I don't know," she said. "I am hoping we learn more through this investigation of the droid foundries. That is why I welcome the petition to the Jedi Oversight Committee. The petitioners have outed themselves as producers of the droids. That part of the investigation is done for us."

"And now you are giving them enough fibra-rope to hang themselves," Bail said, looking amused.

"Or prove me completely and utterly wrong. Prove that there is no threat to the Republic, that no one else is any more interested in another war than I am, and that I have been overly cautious at best, delusional and paranoid at worst. I would love nothing more than for that to happen," Padmé said firmly. She stood and looked at her assistant. "What is on tomorrow's agenda, Sovi?"

Sovi scrolled through her datapad. "The Trade Federation will present its argument to the full Senate on why taxes along the Rimma Trade Route should be lowered," she said. "That will be in the morning. Pors Tonith has an appointment with you at 1400. He wants your support for further deregulation of the banks."

"Further deregulation?" Padmé asked, eyes widening. She put a hand to her forehead then lowered it, seemed to start to say something then think better of it. "Never mind, I need to hear him out before I comment." She turned to Bail and Mon Mothma. "I am on my way to the medical center. I will see you in the morning?"


"Burglary?" Anakin snapped. "Destruction of property? Have those karking sleemos lost their minds?" He was pacing in the middle of the Council room.

"I would think not," Mace said. "In fact, this seems to be a very calculated attempt to justify the production of the droids in the first place. Additionally, if they are successful in demonizing you and Obi-Wan for breaking into the foundry, they have free reign to produce more droids, without interference."

"Which is probably their goal," Obi-Wan said. "They want to be able to say that their use of the droid foundries falls under private property rights. Unfortunately for them, the government has the right to investigate any perceived danger to the Republic, even if that danger involves private property. And while the Jedi Order may operate very differently than it did before the Clone War, one aspect has not changed: the Supreme Chancellor is authorized to send us to investigate threats, without prior Senate approval, and use 'aggressive negotiations' when all else fails." He raised an eyebrow. "The best they can do is demand compensation for the so-called 'destroyed property,' and that is only if they can prove that they were not planning to use the droids to attack the Republic."

"While they are at it, they can explain why my daughter is in the Galactic Senate Medical Center in half a body cast," Anakin muttered, continuing to pace. "I suppose their 'destroyed property' trumps her well-being?"

"These are the same people who wanted to legalize slavery," Shaak Ti said dryly.

"I know you're upset, Anakin, but it is probably best not to bring Leia's condition into this," Mace said. "Luke cut off Ventress' hand. Nothing is stopping the resistance from claiming that the twins started the fight."

"Except that they wouldn't be that foolish," Anakin muttered.

Both of Obi-Wan's eyebrows went up. "Wouldn't they?"

Anakin sighed, sinking back into his chair.

"The committee wishes to meet with the two of you next week to answer their questions," Mace continued.

Obi-Wan nodded. Anakin's comlink buzzed. He picked it up, looked at the identification number, and blanched. "It's the medical center," he said. He turned it on. "Skywalker."

"Sir, a clone captain CC-7567 was just brought in. He is demanding to see you."

"Rex," Anakin said. "I'll be there as quickly as possible."

"You'll want to hurry, sir. We aren't sure how much time he has left."

"Understood. Skywalker out." Anakin turned off his comlink and replaced it in his utility belt, then turned to Mace. "Do you need me for anything else?"

"No," Mace said. "Go see Rex." He shook his head sadly. "The clones are passing so quickly now. We lost Cody and Fives last year, now Rex..."

"Growth acceleration," Obi-Wan said. "Not only is it very painful for them, but it only gives them about 30 years to live." He looked at Anakin. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Anakin nodded. "I would like that."

"See you in the Chancellor's office, will I, Anakin?" Yoda asked.

"Padmé is meeting with Pors Tonith. Yes, I'll be there."

"May the Force be with you," Mace said. Anakin and Obi-Wan left the building, boarded Anakin's speeder, and hurried to the medical center.


They found Rex resting in one of the larger first floor rooms. His face was thin and pale, his black eyes sunken into their sockets. "Generals," he said hoarsely when Anakin and Obi-Wan appeared.

Anakin felt a lump rising in his throat. He took the loyal clone captain's hand in his. "Rex," he said. "Try to hang on. Is there anything you need? Are you in pain?"

Rex shook his head. "It's over for me. And it doesn't matter. I'm ready." His voice was barely above a whisper.

Anakin blinked, biting his lip against the rising swell of tears. He did not want to ruin Rex's last moments by crying, by making Rex comfort him.

Rex gave the hand a squeeze. "General, listen to me. This is important."

Anakin met his eyes. "What is it?" He asked.

"Ventress... your little 'uns fought her, did they not?"

"Yes," Anakin said. "Luke cut her hand off. Why?"

"I hear rumors... gossip... you hear all kinds of talk in the tapcafs in CoCoTown. I can help you. The resistance...Ventress... Tambor... Shu Mai... Tonith... Qualkin... Free Taa..."

"Qualkin and Free Taa?" Anakin and Obi-Wan said at the same time.

"Shhh..." Rex warned. "Just rumors, no proof. But... might want to investigate." He looked directly at Anakin. "Tell the Chancellor... some resistance on the inside..." Rex's voice was growing weaker. "Banking Clan... wants... control... Republic..."

"Rex," Anakin said quietly, putting a hand on the clone captain's bald head. "It's OK. Don't try to talk anymore. Save your strength." He squeezed his hand. "And thank you. This is valuable and much needed intel."

"Told you... years ago... I'd help. Need to atone... killing Jedi..."

Anakin wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye. "You already have, Rex. Any atonement you needed to make, was done when you told the courts what Palpatine made you do."

"And you tried to save the younglings," Obi-Wan added.

Rex nodded slowly. The very act of moving his head seemed to cause him pain now.

"Rest," Anakin said. "We'll stay with you. You won't have to be alone. Not now."

"Pleasure serving with you, General..."

Anakin swallowed. "You as well, Rex." He could barely get the words out.

"...Force... be with... you." Rex closed his eyes and breathed his last.

Anakin choked, and tears streamed down his cheeks. Obi-Wan put a comforting arm around his shoulder, his eyes on Rex's still form. "It's hard," he said. "Watching them go. It's very hard."

"Rex deserved better. He deserved... longer," Anakin sobbed.

Obi-Wan nodded. "I know. They all did." He held Anakin for a few minutes until the sobbing ceased, then said, "I'm assuming you want to check on Leia?"

Anakin dried his eyes, nodded and checked his chrono. "Yes. Hopefully Padmé has made it by now. She was in meetings all morning." He turned back to Rex, giving one last squeeze to the clone captain's hand, which was rapidly growing cold. "Goodbye, old friend. I hope you have found peace."

They emerged from Rex's room at the same time that Padmé entered the hallway, motioning for her guards to wait for her by the door. Padmé saw her husband's tear-streaked face and her heart skipped a beat. "Anakin... is Leia...?"

Anakin gulped and took a deep breath. "The children are fine, love," he said. "At least as far as I know..."

"We just lost Rex," Obi-Wan finished.

Padmé looked relieved for a second, then her expression changed to one of sadness. She hugged and kissed Anakin. "I'm sorry, darling," she said. "He was a good man, a good friend."

He nodded, holding her tightly for a minute, then with his arm around her shoulders, they both walked towards Leia's room, Obi-Wan following directly behind.

"We're going to need to talk," Anakin said. "Rex had some leads on the resistance."

"What kind of leads?" Padmé asked.

"You're not going to like this."

"I'm not expecting to like it."

Anakin looked at her. "You may have a few resistance members among the Senators. And the Banking Clan... nothing good can come from any agenda they have."

She sighed. "That doesn't surprise me. Thankfully the bill to lower taxes along the Rimma Trade Route has failed, but that failure will probably mean that they will redouble their efforts to lower taxes along the other trade routes. I'm interested to see what Pors Tonith wants. Surely he knows I didn't support the deregulation bill that passed during the Clone War."

"He may just be sizing you up," Anakin said. "The resistance is up to something, and if the Banking Clan is financing their efforts and they have assistance from the inside..."

They reached the door to Leia's room. Padmé kissed Anakin again. "Tell me more when we get back to the office."


"Chancellor Amidala," Pors Tonith said. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

"You are welcome," Padmé said. "How can I help you?" She sat at her desk, with Tonith sitting across from her. Anakin and Yoda stood to one side of her, Bail to the other.

"As I am certain you are aware, Senator Devin Vuusen of Scipio is preparing to introduce a bill to the Senate to lift any remaining regulations on the banks affiliated with the Banking Clan. I hope that you will lend your support to Senator Vuusen in his efforts. With financial deregulation, we can offer the Republic's customers lower rates on both their investments and their loans, which would in turn pour more money into a struggling economy. We know that your administration continues to work on rebuilding an economy that is still devastated from the Clone War. We believe this bill will be of assistance."

"You brought a copy of the bill?" Padmé asked.

"Of course," Tonith replied. He pushed a datapad across Padmé's desk. She picked it up and scanned it, saying nothing for several minutes.

Anakin gazed at the man, trying to get a feel for any sinister motives, and received a sneer in return. Tonith's enmity with Anakin went back to the beginning of the war, when Anakin and Nejaa Halcyon defeated Tonith's Separatist forces on Praesitlyn and captured Tonith.

"I am curious, Your Excellency," Tonith said as Padmé continued to read the bill. "Is it protocol now to have a Jedi present when you conference over an upcoming bill?"

She looked up from the datapad. "Protocol? No. Master Skywalker and I have just returned from the Galactic Senate Medical Center, where our daughter is recovering from injuries inflicted by Asajj Ventress. Master Yoda is here at my invitation. You can be assured of their discretion."

Tonith nodded, glared at Anakin again and sat back.

"Now I am curious, Mr. Tonith. How would further deregulation encourage your organization to offer customers lower rates? When the first deregulation bill passed the Senate nineteen years ago, it had the opposite effect. The Banking Clan took advantage of customers desperate for a loan - in this case, the Separatists, as they were losing the war and needed to build more droids quickly - by lending them money at the exorbitant rate of 25 percent. Rates had been capped at 10 percent prior to deregulation. The Banking Clan then insisted that the Republic accept the same offer of 25 percent if we wanted to order more clones from Kamino. The only beneficiaries of the last deregulation bill were the leaders of the Banking Clan and its affiliates. The average Republic citizen, if affected at all, sunk into further poverty. I am not following how a similar bill would produce different results."

Tonith's expression changed to a patronizing smile which was a barely disguised sneer. "Your Excellency," he said. "Deregulation allows individual financial institutions to compete with each other to offer customers the best products for the best rates. If a customer does not like the rate or product offered at one institution, he or she is free to shop at another one. And the respecting financial institutions will be forced to offer the best products at the lowest prices if they want to keep customers."

"That works in theory," Padmé said. "But your institution controls 85 percent of the financial agencies in the Republic as well as some beyond the reaches of Wild Space. Where exactly are customers going to go if they cannot pay your rates or do not like your service?"

Tonith did not even bother to disguise his sneer this time. "The higher interest rates are for those who do not have the credit to receive lower ones," he said. "We cannot risk offering the lowest rate to those with poor credit, and with current regulation, those citizens cannot receive loans at all."

"I understand the argument that allowing these citizens to borrow money would then allow them to spend it, pouring further money into the economy," Padmé said. "However, if these same citizens cannot repay their loans, they will sink further into poverty when the loans come due. And your institution will not profit either, if they cannot repay you."

The sneer deepened. "I can assure you, Chancellor Amidala, we have ways of ensuring that we receive our payment."

Padmé's eyebrows went up. "Do you?" She asked. "Mr. Tonith, did your organization lend money to finance the extensive droid foundry on Hypori? Or the abandoned foundry on Geonosis?"

Tonith glared. "I was not aware that the Chancellor's office made it its business to interfere in transactions made between private organizations," he said.

"Matters of Republic security are my business and my responsibility," Padmé replied. "And my suspicions are that the battle droids produced on Hypori were intended as an act of war against the Republic, although I welcome any proof that I am wrong. The Republic Security Committee has already subpoenaed the records of the Baktori Droid Workshop, but the committee's investigation will be quicker if you tell me if your organization made the loan."

His glare intensified. "Yes. We did."

"Thank you," Padmé said. "I am afraid I cannot support Senator Vuusen's bill without further evidence that the average citizen of the Republic would be its greatest beneficiary."

Tonith nodded and stood. "Good day, Chancellor," he spat, and without waiting for a reply, he turned and left the office.

Anakin sighed. "Rex said the Banking Clan wants control of the Republic," he said. "It looks like they already have it, if they can put Senators in their pockets to bend any financial laws to suit themselves."

"Exactly," Bail said. "I have long advocated that the Banking Clan needs to be broken up. It is dangerous for any organization to have that kind of power. Can you imagine if they went bankrupt? The financial system of the entire galaxy would crumble."

"Let's not look at extreme scenarios right now, Bail," Padmé said. "They are a long way from going bankrupt. They do, however, have more control than any one group should have in a democracy." She sighed. "What we need is a bill to break up the Banking Clan and allow its members to operate independently. I would be more likely to support a deregulation bill if Tonith's theory about an increase in competition were remotely true. As it is, the Banking Clan has no competition."

"Tonith was full of poodoo anyway," Anakin muttered. "The only reason he cares about deregulation is because he thinks he can make more of a profit on it. And he essentially admitted that he wants to increase his profits on the backs of poor people."

"Everyone in this room knows that," Padmé replied. "But for the moment we look for a way to make his argument work, although not exactly the way he had in mind. There are two possible outcomes: either everyone wins, or his argument falls apart on its own." She stood and started pacing. "Now we know the Banking Clan is financing the resistance. Tonith all but admitted it. If we can tie the Banking Clan and the Commerce Guild and the Baktori Droid Workshop to Ventress..."

"They can join Pestage in his palace and we'll finally have peace," Bail finished.

Yoda made a sound that resembled "Harrumph."

"What is it?" Anakin asked.

His eyes were closed. "That simple, it will not be," he said. Then he opened his eyes again. "The Dark Side. It has a presence in the Senate."

"Who?" Padmé asked, then turned to her husband. "Anakin, did you say that Rex mentioned some Senators' names?"

"Yes," he replied. "He said he only had rumors, gossip from the tapcafs and the other clones. He mentioned Orn Free Taa and Qualkin."

Padmé blanched, and sank into her desk chair. "Qualkin? Free Taa?"

"Padmé, are you really surprised about Free Taa?" Bail asked. "He was a Palpatine supporter. He and Aak petitioned to put Anakin and Master Windu on trial for murder; now he wants Anakin and Obi-Wan charged with burglary and destruction of property. He ran against you, Mon Mothma and me for Chancellor and lost by pretty good margins. Ryloth has always allowed slavery in spite of its illegality. Among all the Senators who could possibly be supporting the resistance, he seems the most obvious choice. Qualkin, on the other hand..."

"I know. If he's working with the resistance and he wants security loosened on the weapons facilities on Ord Mantell... that's a very frightening prospect."

"All the more reason to ensure that bill is defeated," Bail said. "You knew that it had to be about more than cost-cutting, particularly given that he's talking about job losses in his own system." Padmé nodded. "Yes. And as far as Free Taa... I suppose I shouldn't be surprised," she said. "But I didn't expect him to blatantly ally himself with a Sith or a group whose mission is to overthrow the Republic, he's worked with us for years..."

"When he wasn't working against us you mean?" Bail said.

She sighed. "Yes." Her shocked expression had turned to one of sadness. "Of course we can't do anything with mere suspicions and rumors, other than pay attention. Meanwhile, the Banking Clan..."

"You could ask Pooja to introduce a bill to break it up," Bail said. "Using exactly the arguments that Tonith presented. He wants deregulation so that the banks can compete? Give him his competition."

Padmé looked towards the door from which Tonith had left angrily. "After the meeting we just had, I am not sure my niece should be the one to introduce such a bill," she said. "Although getting her vote for it will not be a problem. We need another Senator to do the actual presentation."

"I could ask Golrin Karrim to do it," Bail said, referring to the Senator from Alderaan.

"He has a good mind," Padmé said.

"And he's a strong enough speaker to make the case," Bail added. "He might even be able to persuade some of the supporters of Vuusen's bill, if he can argue forcefully enough that this bill would allow deregulation to work well."

"Play to their greed," Anakin said.

Padmé looked at him. "Darling, you frighten me sometimes. Especially when you say something like that and you are absolutely right. Oh to live in a galaxy where we did not have to play to people's most barbaric qualities..." She muttered. Then she turned to Bail. "See if Senator Karrim would be willing to introduce this bill, and send him to me if he has any questions." She returned her gaze to Yoda and Anakin. "Meanwhile, if this bill to loosen security around the weapons storage facilities on Ord Mantell passes, the Jedi should probably be on high alert. In fact, I'm going to contact Admiral Madine and see how many of the weapons can be relocated and where."

"Good idea," Anakin said.

"Wait for your orders, the Jedi Council will," Yoda said.

"Thank you, Master Yoda," Padmé replied. "If the weapons can remain secured, we should not have to involve the Jedi, but just in case..."

Anakin nodded. "Understood," he said. He kissed the top of Padmé's head and squeezed her shoulder. "I'll see you at home."


"Easy, sweetheart," Han said. "It's your first time sitting up in two weeks. You don't want to go too fast."

"If I have to lie down for two more seconds, I'm going to end up with bedsores. And I'm going to lose my mind," Leia snapped. The medical droid was slowly moving her mattress into a sitting position, but Leia kept trying to sit up on her own.

Han sat on the edge of the bed. "Here," he said. "Put your left arm around my waist."

She obeyed, managing to swing herself around so that her legs hung over the edge of the bed. Then she winced.

"OK?" Han asked.

Leia bit her lip. "Yes," she said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she snapped.

"OK," he said. "Want to try to stand?"

"Yes," she said.

"Alright, take it slow and lean on me." She did, and Han kept his arm around her waist, being careful of her broken ribs. They slowly rose from the bed, Leia wincing again as her bare feet hit the cold floor. She stood slowly, her knees trembling like those of a newborn bantha, Han supporting her weight. She was thinner than she had been. And she was tiny before, Han thought.

"If you don't heal soon, you're going to have to start buying your jumpsuits from an Ewok outfitter," he said, realizing a few seconds too late that it was another bad attempt at a joke.

"Not funny," Leia said.

He kissed her forehead underneath the bandages. "Relax," he said. "Do you want to try to walk across the room?"

"I want to see a mirror," she said.

"You're beautiful."

"I want to see anyway."

"OK. There's one on that wall." They moved slowly towards it, Leia leaning on Han as she took small steps. When they reached the mirror, she glanced at her reflection, a slight figure in a white hospital gown, sunken eyes rimmed with circles, hollow cheeks, bandaged head. She tried to reach up to touch her head but the broken collarbone didn't allow for it. She bit her lip, surprised at the sudden tears that welled in her eyes.

"Did they take any of my hair?" She asked.

"No," Han said. "As far as I know, it's all there." He reached behind her, found one of her long braids, and brought the end around to the front where she could see it. "Look. If they had taken any off the top, this wouldn't be here."

One tear spilled over. She tried to wipe it away but again, couldn't reach up. Han wiped it with his thumb.

She sniffed. "I've never been vain and have no intention of starting now. I don't know why it matters."

"Not too many women want to be bald, vain or not," Han said. "Do you want to walk into the hall?"

She sniffed again. "OK." And leaning on him, she moved slowly out the door to her room and into the hallway. She looked around like she had never seen it before.

"Last time you came through here, it was on a stretcher," Han said. "Are you OK?"


"Do you want to walk towards the lobby?"

"Yes," she said.

"Tell me when you're ready to stop. I can carry you back to your room if I need to."

"I will," she said.

"And look," Han continued. "I think we've just made your Dad's day."

Leia looked up to see Anakin standing at the end of the hallway, smiling. He walked quickly towards them, said hello to Han, then put an arm around Leia's waist on the other side. "You're up! How do you feel?" he asked.

"Like I'll go insane if I have to stay in that bed another second," she said.

"Well, if you can do some walking, you'll get your strength back. Are you in pain?"

"No more than usual," she said.

"Good," Anakin replied.

"How is Luke?" Leia asked.

"He's fine. The burns might not even leave scars. He's worried about you though. He says he'll come by later."

"I'll be recovered and ready to spar with him again in no time," Leia said. But both Anakin and Han noticed that she was slowing down as they approached the lobby. "Is he spending a lot of time with Alys?"

Anakin laughed. "She spends more time at our place than at hers," he said.

"I guess that means they worked things out," Leia said.

Anakin raised his eyebrows. "I'd say so. And look," he said, gesturing ahead of them. "You made it all the way to the lobby."

They stopped, and Leia looked around at the med droids and handful of people milling about. A couple of people nodded their recognition of Anakin and Leia, one man in uniform saluted Han. Then it happened suddenly. The lobby spun before Leia's eyes, her stomach churned and she was sure she was going to throw up, although she hadn't eaten much that day. She felt beads of sweat break out on her forehead, and black spots appeared before her eyes.

"Leia?" Anakin said.

"Sweetheart, maybe you should sit..." Han began.

Then the room went black, her knees buckled, and Leia felt four strong arms under her, catching her before she hit the floor.


A cool cloth sponged her forehead. Her arm felt heavy; she tried to lift it and felt the familiar weight of an IV line and a full bag of fluid. Her eyelids felt heavy too, and when she opened her mouth, her tongue felt dry and furry. "Who's there?" she managed.

The sponging stopped and she felt a kiss on her forehead, then Han's voice. "Someone who loves you."

"Han." She reached for his hand, which he took and squeezed.

Then she felt the familiar weight of her father's hand on her cheek. "I'm here too. And you're going to be OK."

She opened her eyes to slits. "What happened?"

"You tried to do too much too fast, and you fainted," Anakin said.

She sighed, and looked at her IV bag. "What's in this?"

"Electrolytes," Han said. "You're dehydrated," Anakin added.

"Can you sit me up?" she asked.

"Alright, but I'm doing it slow," Han said, moving to crank up the head of the bed.

"I'm ready to be done with all this. I wish one healing trance would take care of it," Leia muttered.

Anakin sighed, looking at her sympathetically. "Even in the days when the Jedi Temple had its own healing ward with Force-trained master healers, it would not have happened that fast," he said. "But Han or Luke or I will help you walk around some tomorrow. A little every day and soon you'll be strong enough to pull the ears off a gundaark."

"Only if I get to Force-push Ventress into the nest first."

Anakin smiled and brushed a tendril of hair away from her face. "I'll sell tickets. Proceeds to your mother's re-election campaign."

Leia laughed, then winced. And scowled. "Stang. Whoever said that laughter heals, didn't have broken ribs."

Han took her hand and squeezed it. "It gets better, sweetheart, I promise. I broke my ribs once. When I was, oh, about your age."

Leia smiled. "Are you calling me a youngling?"

Han shook his head. "And face the consequences? No." He kissed her. "I've got to get back. Lando has probably developed a bald spot by now. New recruits. There are always a few who don't know the mess hall from the latrine until they've been here a couple of weeks."

Anakin made a face. "If that's true, I hope they are assigned to thoroughly clean both areas."

Leia laughed and winced again. "You two. Talk about hyperdrive motivators or something else completely not funny."

Han smiled and gave her hand another squeeze. "I do have to run, so you'll have to convince your Dad to not make you laugh. But I'll be by tomorrow, as soon as I can."

"OK," she said.

Han shook Anakin's hand, said goodbye, and left.


Luke and Alys were stretched out on top of Luke's bed, fully clothed, their arms around each other. "A credit for your thoughts," she said.

He looked at her, dropped a kiss on her hair. "What are you talking about?"

She rubbed his chest on top of the thin undershirt. "You haven't said a word in about ten minutes. This isn't still about how I won't sleep with you yet, is it?"

He sighed. "No, as frustrating as that is and as much as I don't want to have that conversation again until you change your mind..." He took her long braid in his hands, running his fingers down the intricate weave.

She stroked the back of his hand with her finger. "You know, I was born on Naboo, and I don't know who my birth parents were. We could be related. Pretty good reason to hold off for awhile."

Luke looked at her. She had a half-smile on her lips. He laughed. "Not everyone on Naboo is related to the Naberries, in spite of what the Holonet tries to make everyone believe." He gave her a teasing smile. "It's just as likely that you're related to Palpatine."

She raised a hand as if to slap him, and he moved his head out of the way. She lowered her hand back to the top of his, her expression turning serious again. "I need time, Luke. I'm still getting used to... us."

"I know. I wasn't thinking about that anyway, until you brought it up. Which gives me hope." He gave her a smile, which she returned, then the smile disappeared.

"What is it then?"

Luke didn't answer, continued to stroke the braid.

"Worrying about Leia?"

He looked away. "When she was thrown, her right side hit the hangar wall. That's how her shoulder and collarbone got broken on that side. She is going to have to completely relearn how to use her lightsaber. She'll probably pick it up pretty quickly but still, we're talking several weeks. And it's going to be very hard on her."

Alys cupped his cheek. "She'll be fine. She's in the best medical center in the galaxy."

Luke still didn't meet her eyes. "I don't know what the resistance is building or where Ventress went after I cut her hand off, but the droid foundry they had was huge. If that's any indication...we may be doing a lot more fighting."

"You don't think the resistance can be squashed without a war?"

"I hope so, but really, Alys... if you could have seen the size of that foundry..."

"Which your father and Master Kenobi destroyed," she said. "And if perceptions that I've heard are correct, your mother is one of the best Chancellors in the history of the Republic. If any leader can prevent a war, she can."

"Our parents tried to prevent the Clone War and weren't successful," Luke said.

"Ventress isn't Palpatine," Alys said. "As much as I am sure she would like to think she is. Our parents were outsmarted by him, due to the fact that he had over half the Senate in his pocket. Not the case with Ventress and the resistance. They weren't successful in legalizing slavery or lowering taxes on the Rimma Trade Route."

He sighed again. "I hope your optimism isn't misplaced."

"I'm surprised, Luke. A few weeks ago you were complaining that Leia was seeing all the action and you were stuck inspecting facilities."

He closed his eyes. "I learned that I need to be more careful what I wish for."

"Oh," she said softly, running her hand along his chest again. "Well there's another reason to hope peace prevails."

"What?" he asked.

"You'll rush headlong into the action whether you want to or not. And you'll come out battle scarred. Not the same Luke. If you come back at all." She swallowed.

He kissed her. "Oh I'll come back. I promise. I'll always come back."

"That is what you can't promise, Luke."

"I'm a Jedi."

"You and I both know that doesn't make you immortal."

"Hey, what happened to optimism? Besides, there's no such thing as luck."

"OK. This is getting way too depressing, and not what I came by for."

He smiled. "Well, what did you come by for?"

"You have to ask?" She said, and kissed him.


Chapter 7

Asajj Ventress liked Ryloth. The planet's government preferred to keep a low profile and stay out of the eye of Coruscant as much as possible, partly due to the culture of its inhabitants, who did not like to become too involved in political matters, and partly because its government wished no interference in its slave and spice trades. Therefore it was a perfect place for Ventress to hide in the open. And if the Republic ever came looking for her here, the caves in the desert mountains made even better hiding spots than the underground bunkers on Geonosis and Hypori. The stupid Jedi and naval officers would get eaten by predators before they could reach her. She smirked at the thought as she practiced with two lightsabers, one in her new mechanical hand. She sparred with eight remotes, all trained to make sudden unpredictable movements, which kept her adept at her favorite fighting style. She had practiced all day, and while she was still getting zapped, the stings were becoming less frequent.

Orn Free Taa's sudden arrival caught Ventress by enough surprised that she took another sting to the shoulder. She glared at him. "Senator Free Taa," she said.

"Ventress," he replied. "I have done as you requested. The Jedi Oversight Committee will question Skywalker and Kenobi."

She stared at him. "I see," she said. "Is there a problem, Senator?"

"There may be several problems. One, the committee members were appointed by Chancellor Amidala. How likely are they to bring criminal charges against her husband? Two, if we cannot make the case that the droids were not a threat to the Republic, Skywalker's and Kenobi's actions were legal."

Ventress glared and threw one of the remotes at the wall, where it shattered. "How is it legal for Jedi to destroy private property?"

"Security outweighs privacy. Can I ask exactly what were your plans for the droids?"

"Defense," she spat. "For now. While we use... what does the Chancellor call them... diplomatic solutions?" Her face twisted into a smirk. " bend a few laws to our advantage and convince the governments of a few more systems to join our cause. The droids will then be used for those who take a bit more... persuasion."

Free Taa's eyes widened and his lekku twitched. "You want a new Separatist movement?"

"Of course not!" she snapped, then smirked again. "That was the difference between Dooku and myself. He and his Confederacy were content to let the Republic alone as long as they could be allowed to separate from it. I'm not that stupid nor am I satisfied that easily. Dooku proved that the Republic will never let potential confederates alone. Separating from the Republic is not an option. We must take control of it." The smirk grew. "The burglary charges will slow Skywalker and Kenobi down, and Skywalker will not want to leave Coruscant while his baby girl is still injured. How convenient to have such a distraction for both him and the Chancellor." She cackled, then the laughter stopped as quickly as it started. "So it doesn't matter that much if they win. The foundry on Hypori was convenient but it was also a mistake. We built droids in a place where the Jedi would know to look. That's not a mistake we can make again." She fixed Free Taa with an icy stare. "Find a place on this planet. It's a favorite of mine, Free Taa, you know that."

He nodded. "Of course, and the people of Ryloth appreciate the praise."

"No need for the pleasantries. Just find a good place for a foundry. A large one."

"At what price?" Free Taa asked cautiously.

She smirked again. "Name your price. The Banking Clan will cover it. Meanwhile," she added, the smirk disappearing. "Tell Qualkin to get his bill passed. Bribe or threaten any dissenters. And once it passes, he should contact any bounty hunters he can find in Worlport. I want that naval facility emptied."

"It will be done," Free Taa said. "What of Cad Bane?"

"Tell Qualkin to continue looking for him. We need him."

"The Banking Clan has had a greater presence on Ord Mantell lately as well as Rodia. They are hiring bounty hunters, tempting them with large advance payments. Apparently they believe their deregulation bill will pass; they will then be able to make more loans to poor risks at high interest rates, and the bounty hunters are for..."

"Security." Ventress cackled again. "Security outweighs privacy. The Banking Clan is on our side, and if this bill passes..."

"They will gain further control of the Republic."

"No," she said. "They will be well on their way to complete control. As will we. Our cause will be advanced by years." She glared at Free Taa. "See that the bill passes," she spat.


"This meeting of the Committee for the Oversight of Jedi Activities is called to order. Senator Free Taa, you may present your charges."

Orn Free Taa stood. "Fellow senators, three weeks ago, Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker made an unauthorized entry into a private foundry owned by the Baktori Droid Workshop and the Techno Union. While there, they ordered their astromech to shut down all operations in the foundry and then proceeded to destroy the droids as well as the machinery that produces them. We contend that the Jedi had no authorization to enter the facility and destroy private property and that they should be disciplined for doing so. We also contend that the Baktori Droid Workshop and the Techno Union should be compensated for the loss of millions of credits' worth of property."

Senator Zenon Koor, head of the committee, responded. "Senator Free Taa, why do you contend that the Jedi made an unauthorized entry into the facility? The Chancellor authorized the Jedi to investigate any battle droid foundries in the Outer Rim."

"How can the Chancellor authorize the Jedi to break into a private facility for an investigation?" Senator Corana Dulovic asked.

"If there is reasonable perception of a threat to the Republic, such an authorization is appropriate. It always has been. That did not change with the formation of this committee 18 years ago," Senator Garen Marr replied.

Koor turned to Anakin and Obi-Wan. "Masters Skywalker and Kenobi, can you give this committee an estimate on the size of the foundry which you destroyed?"

"It was a well-established foundry that produced thousands of droids," Obi-Wan replied. "I would estimate that it has been in operation for several years."

"The foundry was larger than the Separatist foundries that I saw during the Clone War," Anakin said. "And it produced B1 and B2 battle droids, which have in the past only been used for war."

"That is an unfair assessment!" Welck Seyley, head of the Baktori Droid Workshop protested. Koor turned to Seyley. "Really? Can you tell this committee why the droids were being produced, if not for battle?"

Seyley sneered. "I don't know. I don't ask questions. I take the money and produce the droids. But I assure you that the droids can be used for other purposes. Guard duty. Police work."

"Mr. Seyley, who ordered the droids?" Marr asked.

"The droids were for the Banking Clan and the Techno Union."

"They did not give you a purpose for which the droids were being produced?"

"No. I told you, I don't ask questions."

"If the Banking Clan's deregulation bill passes, they will be able to make many more loans, and therefore, they may need many more collection agents," Dulovic said. "Is it possible that the Banking Clan needed the droids for this purpose?"

"The Banking Clan has used bounty hunters for collection in the past," Koor said. "Do we have any indication that they are changing this practice?"

"And given Skywalker's description of the size of the foundry, it seems a bit excessive for collection agents, even given the enormous number of Banking Clan affiliates," Marr said. "We can question Pors Tonith about the purpose of the battle droids, but meanwhile, as far as I can tell, we have no reason to assume that Skywalker and Kenobi should be charged," Koor said. "An investigation ordered by the Chancellor for security purposes is legal and within the scope of Jedi duties."

"Agreed," Marr said.

"I think we should withhold our judgment on their innocence until we question Tonith," Dulovic said.

"If the Jedi are guilty of burglary and destruction of property, then the Chancellor has also overstepped her bounds by authorizing the entrance into the facility. Do you wish to interrogate her as well?" Marr asked.

Anakin's hand started to move towards his lightsaber, then he quickly caught himself.

Dulovic glared, then sat back. "Not without further evidence, no," she said.

"Then we reserve the right to call the Jedi back for further questioning if Tonith gives evidence that the droids were for Banking Clan use only and not a threat to the Republic's government or its citizens. But for now, they are free of any charges. All in favor?" Koor said.

Five hands went up immediately, and a moment later, Dulovic's hand reluctantly went up as well. "This meeting is adjourned then," Koor said.


"The Supreme Chancellor recognizes the Senator from the sovereign system of Ord Mantell." Qualkin's pod lowered. "Chancellor Amidala, fellow Senators, two decades ago, the Republic was engaged in a lengthy and devastating conflict with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Although the Republic won the war, victory came with a very heavy price. The Galactic Treasury was depleted by costly orders of clone soldiers from Kamino; ordinary citizens saw their taxes increase and their personal financial situations deteriorate. In spite of efforts by the current administration as well as the Organa and Mothma administrations, the Republic remains in debt and its economy has never fully recovered. As further increases in taxation would further hurt the citizens of the Republic, it is time to review possible areas to cut costs in our own budget. Today I propose a simple measure that will save millions of credits and will not take from your home worlds at all. On my home world of Ord Mantell, in the capital city of Worlport, the Republic Navy maintains an extensive facility for storage of weapons. This facility has existed since the Clone War and has not decreased in size or scope since that time, in spite of the fact that the Navy does not need a facility of nearly this size in peace time. As the Confederacy of Independent Systems no longer exists and the Republic is not currently facing threats from outside sources, I propose today that we substantially decrease the ongoing costs of this facility by reducing its security and maintenance staff. The building is paid for and the Navy would still be free to use it as a storage facility, but if this bill passes, its operating costs would decrease to 25 percent of its current rates. The credits saved by this bill could then be used to reduce debt as well as fund other programs that have suffered from a lack of substantial funding in the past two decades. Social programs. Health care. Or, it could be given directly back to the people through a substantial tax cut."

"The Supreme Chancellor recognizes the Senator from the sovereign system of Chandrila."

A pod lowered and Senator Adiara Midosea spoke. "Chancellor Amidala, fellow Senators, of course we should look for cost-cutting measures in the Republic's budget - as long as those measures do not endanger the lives of ordinary citizens or the safety and security of the Republic itself. Senator Qualkin's bill will leave a Republic Navy facility storing hundreds of weapons virtually unprotected. No, we are not at war, but the consequences of those weapons falling into the wrong hands would be devastating."

"The facility would still be protected!" Qualkin shouted.

Midosea continued as if she had not heard him. "Twenty years ago we were not at war either - until we were. We were caught off our guard and without adequate defenses when the Separatists attacked, and that is the reason the Treasury was depleted so quickly - we had to order clone soldiers from Kamino in order to counteract the Separatist threat. Ladies and gentlemen, as I am certain you are aware, resistance cells comprised of former Separatists have been growing in the Outer Rim. Would we want to be without adequate defense if the members of this resistance to launch an attack on the Republic?"

"Ord Mantell is in the Core, not the Outer Rim! And the facility has barely been opened in the past ten years! It is only for storage, the Navy itself has no presence on the planet other than a shipyard!"

Tarin banged her gavel. "Order! Order!"

"Do you have more to say, Senator Midosea?" Padmé asked.

"No, Your Excellency."

"And do you have anything to add, Senator Qualkin?"

He hesitated, glared at Midosea, then looked at Padmé and shook his head. "No, Your Excellency, I am finished here as well."

"Very well. If there is no further discussion, you may cast your votes."

Padmé looked around the chamber as the Senators cast their votes and chatted while the votes were counted. The Dark Side clouds the Senate... Qualkin had moved into Free Taa's box and they appeared engaged in a heated discussion, but no other Senators joined them. If the Dark Side has a presence in the Senate, and Master Yoda can sense it, I doubt that presence is limited to only two members... Padmé wished she could have brought Yoda, or Anakin or Obi-Wan, into the session with her, but she tried to avoid bringing the Jedi into sessions with the full Senate. In the opinions of many, the Jedi were already far too politically involved.

"Your Excellency," Tarin said. "The votes have been counted."

"And?" Padmé asked, inclining her head to look at the results.

"The bill passed. 1128 in favor, 872 against."

Padmé's heart pounded in her chest. She looked around the chambers again. Qualkin was smirking, almost sneering. Free Taa smirked as well. She scanned the faces of the other Senators but found none who looked so pleased. Most expressions were neutral, many were sad.

"Madam?" Tarin said.

Padmé swallowed and addressed the crowd with the news that the bill had passed.

She had barely gotten back to her office, had not even bothered to sit down at her desk, before opening a secure channel to Admiral Madine. "The operation we discussed should now move forward."


"There it is," Han said. "Worlport."

"You've been here before?" Lando asked.

"Yeah, I have. And so have you."

Lando shook his head. "No way."

Chewie barked, and Han looked at him. "Yeah, I know. It has been awhile."

"What's here besides the storage facility?" Lando asked.

"Sabacc tables and bounty hunters," Han replied.

"Sabacc?" Lando replied, a grin slowly appearing on his face.

Han gave him a pointed look. "Don't even think about it," he said. "We've got to get in and out of the area fast, and hopefully without being seen."

"We're sneaking in? That's not like you."

"Just trust me on this one, pal. We don't want to attract a lot of attention." The ship glided slowly and stealthily towards the roof of a large duracrete building.

"Attention?" Lando said.

"Bounty hunters," Han replied. "Worlport is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. We make a scene here and we'll never get the job done, and we'll be lucky to get out alive, much less quickly."

"Why am I suspecting an ulterior motive in your wanting a quick operation?" Lando asked.

"Because you need to quit speculating and shut up," Han replied.

"Ahhh..." Lando said, grinning.

"I want this done quickly because we need to move these weapons before the resistance can either move them for us or figure out where we're taking them. Admiral Madine already had one squadron here, so it's possible that they are onto us. Our job is to get the rest of the weapons moved and stay alive in the process. The best way to do that is fast."

"Uh-huh," Lando said. Han glared and pointed a finger at him, a gesture that clearly indicated that Lando should stop talking. Then he glided the ship smoothly to the surface of the roof.

"We should be able to be conspicuous here. We can slide in through one of the vents. Go brief the other men on the plan. Tell them to have their blasters ready and keep quiet." Lando nodded and exited the cockpit, returning a couple of minutes later.

"Done," he said.

"Good," Han replied. "Let's go." He and Lando and Chewie exited the cockpit and headed towards the ramp, indicating to their men that they should follow. On the roof they found a grate indicating an air vent, and Han stopped in front of it. "This should do nicely," he said. "The heat isn't running this time of year. We take the grate off and drop in." He grinned. A few of his men raised their blasters; Han held a hand up quickly. "No blasting," he whispered fiercely. "We're going to have to take this off the old fashioned way."

They looked confused and surprised but lowered their blasters. Chewie, using one tool, took the grate off quickly, and Han and Lando slid in, landing in what appeared to be a closet. Han slid the door open slowly and they walked out.

The room appeared to be deserted and was stocked with blasters, detonators, grenade launchers, laser canons, and ammunition. Han turned to Lieutenant Voron Solusar. "Get these ready to move," he whispered. "Commander Calrissian and I are going to make sure the main entrance is clear and bring the ship down."

The lieutenant nodded and saluted, then he, Chewie and the remaining men began getting the weapons ready for transport. Han and Lando walked towards the main entrance to the facility.

"It's a little too quiet," Han said.

"I know," Lando replied. They both looked around warily, their blasters raised. "Hey, Han..."

"What is it?" He asked.

"How is she? You haven't said."

"Getting better. Walking around on her own. She's been released from the medical center. Starting outpatient therapy to regain use of her arm, but that's going slower than she would like. And she's definitely got her spirit back."

"Did she ever lose it?"

"Well, nah, not really." Han smirked, then the smirk disappeared as they approached the door to the building and his wariness increased.

"Still nothing here," Lando said cautiously, opening the door, revealing a nondescript deserted street in Worlport.

"Weird. But let's get the ship and bring it down. Solusar will have those men getting those weapons ready pretty quickly."

Lando nodded, and finding a metal flight of stairs on the side of the building, they climbed to the roof. They quickly got into the ship and lowered it into the main hangar, where Lieutenant Solusar and his men began loading it. Han and Lando pitched in to help, they worked silently and efficiently, and within a short period of time, the large Navy freighter was loaded with weapons.

That's when they heard it. Blaster fire and then, "Stop where you are, you Republic scum."

"Captain Solo..." Solusar began.

"Lieutenant, get these men and these weapons off this planet right away."

"What about you?"

"Commander Calrissian and I will handle this and we'll get transport from the Navy shipyard on the other side of Worlport. Go, Lieutenant."

He saluted. "Yes, sir." Then he ran.

Han pointed in the opposite direction and indicated that Lando should follow him. "Let's see if we can sneak out of here," he said.

They walked along the deserted corridor; they knew they were being hunted, they could hear footsteps, but they managed to stay hidden and silent and move away from their would-be captors. After a few minutes Han heard voices coming from a room on the floor below him.

"Has Boba Fett been dispatched?"

"He is on his way, Senator Qualkin. But do you not think I can handle this myself? I do expect the same fee, you know."

"The Banking Clan will pay your fee, Bane," Qualkin said. "And if you can help... persuade a few dissenting Senators to vote in favor of deregulation, you will receive a substantial bonus."

Bane's laugh was sinister. "I see."

"Navy barves will be cleaning out this place and moving the weapons and ammunition. I expect you to track it. That is where Fett comes in. He is more proficient at tracking than you are."

"Not much more," Bane snapped.

Han looked at Lando, mouthed Bane? Boba Fett? Lando nodded slowly.

Qualkin's comlink buzzed and he answered it impatiently. "Yeah. What? They're here! Well smoke them out then!" He turned his comlink off, and Han and Lando heard a sudden barrage of blaster fire, a barrage that was returned in kind. With their own blasters they fired a round in that direction, then ran towards the main entrance.

The corridor was stained with fresh blood and ahead of them, Han and Lando saw what was unmistakably several bodies. Bounty hunters, Rodian and human. And bodies clad in Navy uniforms.

"Who...?" Lando began.

"No time to look right now," Han said. "We'll have to find out later."

"Yeah," Lando said, suddenly looking straight in front of him. "I suppose so."

Two bounty hunters stood in front of the entrance, blasters raised.

"Going somewhere, Solo?" The Rodian said.

"You're damn right I am," Han replied. He raised his own blaster and fired, hitting the bounty hunter in the chest. The other bounty hunter had barely enough time to mutter "Greedo!" before getting hit by Lando's blaster.

"Boring conversation anyway," Han said, and looked at Greedo's body. "I'll have to tell Madine later that I'm sorry about the mess." They exited the building and looked around. "Now where the hell did Solusar take that ship? Hopefully he's off planet by now but we need to go hotwire a speeder and get to the shipyard..."

Han was interrupted by the roar of a large freighter descending to the landing platform. It stopped, the ramp lowered, and as if on cue, Solusar appeared. "Captain Solo!"

Han and Lando ran up the ramp. "Raise it and get out of here before more bounty hunters appear."

"Yes, sir."

Han and Lando sat down and strapped themselves in just as the ship rose into the air. As soon as they were in hyperspace, Han unstrapped himself, stood, and found Solusar. "What happened back there?" he asked.

Solusar turned, and the look he gave his captain was both sad and afraid. "It was an ambush, sir. The bounty hunters were waiting for us."

"Commander Calrissian and I saw several men but could not stop to identify them."

"We lost about half the squadron. Several fell in the south corridor."

Han sighed, frowned, and looked away for a minute. Then he asked, "Well how many of the bounty hunter scum did you take down in the process?"

Solusar gave a half smile. "All but three of them."

"So their losses were higher than ours. Good work, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir."

"I need the names of the men we lost, so that I can contact their families." Han looked down again, but only for a second before meeting Solusar's eyes. "And I need a secure network for a classified transmission directly to Chancellor Amidala."

"Right away, sir."

"Let's get these weapons to Dantooine."

"Yes, sir."


"Thank you, Han. I will see you when you get back to Coruscant," Padmé said.

"You're welcome. I am sorry that I had to be the messenger."

"Obviously a messenger was sorely needed. Have a safe trip home." She ended the call, leaned back in her desk chair and closed her eyes.

"Padmé..." Bail began.

She held up her hand. "Give me a minute, Bail." She opened her eyes and sat up again, but she looked slightly green, as if she were going to be sick. She punched in a code in her comlink. "Master Windu, do you copy?"

"I copy, Chancellor Amidala. How can I help you?"

"Are there any Jedi on Ord Mantell right now?"

"No. Shaak Ti is on Concord Dawn and she is the closest. Why?"

"I am issuing a warrant for Senator Qualkin's arrest. Extortion as well as treason. Possible accessory to murder. He was on Ord Mantell a standard hour ago. I want to ensure that he does not escape."

"Extortion and treason? Accessory to murder?"

"He was overheard hiring a bounty hunter to bribe and threaten Senators regarding the deregulation bill. He was also ordering bounty hunters to track and threaten Navy officers as they moved weapons from the storage facility there. Several bounty hunters engaged Captain Solo's squadron on Qualkin's orders, and several midshipmen were killed."

Mace muttered a couple of curses under his breath, then said, "I would like to handle this personally, Chancellor. I will contact Shaak Ti and have her meet me on Ord Mantell. We will detain Qualkin and bring him to Coruscant immediately."

"I appreciate your speed, Master Windu."

"Does Qualkin know that he was overheard?"

"I don't think so. He knows the Navy moved the weapons from the facility, but he did not seem to notice that two officers were listening to his conversation with Cad Bane."

"He probably is not even hiding then. We will most likely be able to find him in his office in Worlport. I will leave within five minutes. Tell Anakin to wait for my call in case we need reinforcements."

"Thank you, Master Windu. And may the Force be with you." She turned off her comlink and looked at Bail. He had blanched, his eyes wide with shock. For a moment neither of them spoke. Padmé rubbed her temples.

Then she found her voice. "We need to stall the vote on the deregulation bill. What is standard procedure for stalling a vote?"

"I never had to do it," Bail said. "But I imagine it will be easy once Qualkin is arrested. Give Ord Mantell time to elect a new Senator."

Padmé nodded. "We need to find out which Senators he has already bribed. I'm prepared to offer them immunity for accepting the bribes if they come forward within three days of Qualkin's arrest."

"Assuming they can find Qualkin..."

"Master Windu and Shaak Ti will find him. Of that I have no doubt." She stacked some datapads on her desk.

"Padmé is Leia?"

She sighed. "We've brought her home from the medical center but... she's having a hard time. She's trying to learn to use her lightsaber again; she's weak and her shoulder is still really sore. The med droids are offering physical therapy but... I'm hoping the rehabilitation that the Jedi can offer her, will make a bigger difference." For a moment Padmé looked so sad that Bail thought she would break down and cry, but the moment passed quickly. "Anyway... hopefully Master Windu can do this without needing reinforcements, but that's not guaranteed." She sighed again. "I should update Anakin on this." She turned on her comlink again. "Anakin, do you copy?"

"Loud and clear, love. What is it?"

"Master Windu asked that you be on standby for him in case he needs reinforcements. I've sent him to Ord Mantell."


"I'll explain when I see you. Where are you?"

"In the training room at headquarters, trying to keep Leia from overexerting herself."

"I'm fine," Padmé heard her daughter snap in the background.

"Alright, I'll be there soon," Padmé said.


Leia was in a towering temper. "Daddy, would you quit hovering! I can do this!"

"I am asking you to pace yourself because I would like to avoid carrying you back to the medical center," Anakin replied.

"If I have to go back there, I'll walk back," Leia snapped.

Anakin started to say something else; Obi-Wan caught his arm. "Let her push herself," he said. "She needs it. It's part of her healing."

"How is putting more pressure on broken bones going to help her heal?" Anakin snapped.

Obi-Wan gave him a sharp look. "As you know all too well, Anakin, not all healing is physical," he said. "Leia's saber skills are well renowned. She needs the opportunity to try to regain them, and she needs to choose the pace."

Anakin frowned and sighed.

"Trust her," Obi-Wan said. "Trust her body to tell her when it's had enough."

"Like she would listen," Anakin said.

"If she doesn't, trust that she needs to learn that lesson without our help."

Anakin's frown deepened, but he sat in a chair to watch the twins prepare to spar.

"Don't treat me like I'm injured," Leia told her brother. "I need to be challenged. Treat me like you always have. Don't go soft on me now."

"Fine," Luke said. "But before we start, it's not my fault that Han left for Ord Mantell without coming by to see you first, so don't take it out on me."

Leia scowled and ignited her saber, powering it down to training mode. "I'm not mad at Han," she said. "He's a Navy captain and it was an urgent mission."

"Well, you're mad at someone," Luke said, powering on his saber. He struck, and her green blade met his blue one in a perfect parry.

"At myself," Leia said. "For letting that woman get the best of me. It will not happen again." She slashed her blade against Luke's. He feinted and made a surprise counterstrike in the opposite direction, but she was there, blocking that one easily. He ran across the room, suddenly turning to strike; she followed and met the blow with a perfect counterblow. The duel continued for several minutes, strike and counterstrike, block, slash, parry, lightsabers moving with the perfect precision of two Jedi Padawans who had been competing since birth and had the added advantage of genetic connection. Leia did not seem to be slowed down much by her injuries; she kept her right shoulder close to her body, doing most of the lightsaber maneuvering with her elbow and wrist, but her speed and agility seemed to have returned. She tried a Force push with her left arm, and discovered that she was as adept at channeling the Force through that arm as through her lightsaber arm. Luke counteracted with a Force pull, which she fought by leaping over his head and doing a double flip in the air, landing easily on her feet. Then, as suddenly as if they had melted into hot wax, her knees buckled. Against her will she found herself sliding to the ground, landing on her backside. Her face felt hot and wet; she lifted her left hand and discovered tears mixing in with the perspiration. She tried to draw a deep breath; the sharp pain on her right side nearly doubled her over.

Luke knelt in front of her, his saber now disengaged; he took hers and disengaged it for her. Through the blur of her tears she could see the concern in his blue eyes.

"Well... done... Luke," she managed.

"Are you...?" He began.

"I'm OK. I promise. I'm OK."

She heard footsteps behind her, and Obi-Wan's bearded face swam into view. "I think that's enough for today, young one," he said softly.

Something in his tone shamed her, and the tears came faster. She felt Obi-Wan's and her father's hands gently lifting her to a standing position, and Anakin's arm around her shoulders as he led her to a nearby chair. He sat next to her and enfolded her in a gentle hug; her head rested against his chest, her tears soaked his tunic. Every hitched breath was painful but she could not stop crying; she felt as if a dam inside her had broken. She heard Luke and Obi-Wan talking in low voices but couldn't understand what they said. Anakin held her and rubbed her back. Several minutes later the sobbing finally slowed.

"Are you alright?" Anakin asked.

Leia sat up, dried her eyes and face, and nodded slowly. "I think so," she said. Her head, shoulder and side hurt. "I really thought I could..."

"Of course you did. That's understandable," Anakin said. "But let's get you home. You did well today. But I want you to eat dinner and shower then go straight to bed."

She sniffled and scowled. "Daddy, it's 1700."

"You want to be able to do this again, don't you? Without ending up back in the hospital with a collapsed lung? Or worse?"

The scowl turned to a sigh and she nodded again, resigned. She stood slowly, felt dizzy, and leaned on Anakin.

"Want me to carry you?" he asked.

"I can make it. I'm just...tired."

"OK, if you change your mind..."

Padmé appeared at the doorway, alone, having dismissed her guards at the entrance to the Jedi headquarters. "What happened?" she asked, looking at Leia.

"Sparring happened," Anakin said.

"Leia," Padmé said, exasperated, then gave Anakin and Obi-Wan looks that clearly asked How could you let her do this?

"I'm fine, Mom," Leia said. "I overdid it. But I'm fine."

"She did well, Padmé, just got a little overzealous," Obi-Wan said.

"For awhile I felt like I had my old sparring partner back," Luke said. "I almost forgot she was injured, and I pushed her..."

"Because I asked you to," Leia said.

Padmé sighed, looking at Leia. "Alright, but maybe you should let your father carry you."

"I will if I can't make it back to the speeder," she said. She was leaning heavily on Anakin and walking slowly.

Padmé pressed her lips together but did not address Leia's injuries any further. She fell into step on the opposite side of her husband. "I sent Master Windu and Master Ti to Ord Mantell to arrest Qualkin."

Anakin's eyes widened. "So he is with the resistance. Did he out himself?"

"Not intentionally. Han overheard a conversation with Cad Bane. Apparently Qualkin is using bounty hunters to bribe Senators. And he wanted security loosened around the weapons facility in order to allow the resistance to break into it."

Anakin's response was a string of Huttese curses ending with "karking skocha-kloonkee."

Padmé continued. "Thankfully Han's squadron was able to finish transporting the weapons. Admiral Madine had sent another squadron earlier to start the job. Unfortunately, however, it seems that Qualkin was made aware of the first squadron, and he had a team of bounty hunters waiting for Han."

Leia suddenly stopped. "Is Han OK?" she asked quietly.

Padmé gave her a sympathetic look. "He's fine, and so is Lando. He lost several of his men though."

Leia nodded and blinked. Her knees were trembling.

"Here," Anakin said, picking her up. "No more ridiculous Skywalker pride. I am going to carry you now."

She didn't protest, just put her good arm around her father's neck as he walked out the door to the Jedi headquarters and towards the waiting speeder. "Han is on his way home?" She asked.

"Yes," Padmé said. "He had to transport the weapons to the base on Dantooine but he should be on his way back. I'll send him to you in the morning after he briefs me, but I want you to stay home."

"Mom..." Leia began.

Padmé's tone was as sharp as they had heard in awhile. "Leia Amidala Skywalker, you will not argue with me about this. You are staying home for two days. That is an order." And she turned and walked quickly to the speeder, her robes swishing behind her.

Anakin settled Leia into the speeder and then he, Obi-Wan and Luke climbed in beside Padmé. No one spoke on the way back to the Skywalker residence. Inside, Anakin settled Leia on the couch. Padmé indicated that he and Obi-Wan should follow her into the next room, which they did.

The door closed behind them, and Padmé glared at both men, her face contorted with fury. "What. Were. You. Thinking?" she snapped.

"Padmé..." Anakin said.

"You do not know when to quit. You still think you are invincible, Ani, and it appears that you have passed along this asinine line of thinking to our children."

"Padmé, Leia does not do very well feeling helpless. You know that," Anakin said.

"So the answer is for her to re-injure herself so that she's confined to a hospital bed again? That will make her feel less helpless? I thought you were going to stop her from overexerting herself."

"Do you think I didn't try?" he snapped. "What would you have me do, pin her down?"

"If necessary, yes," she said.

"Padmé," Obi-Wan said. "Anakin did try to stop her. Your anger should be directed at me. I am the one who said that Leia needed to be allowed to push herself, and learn her own limits."

She turned to him, her eyes snapping. "And why, Obi-Wan Kenobi, would you say a stupid thing like that, knowing that she is a Skywalker and they do not understand the concept of limits?"

"Lessons learned on one's own have a greater impact than those forced by a mentor. Especially for the more... stubborn apprentices." He eyed Anakin.

Padmé continued to glare at Obi-Wan. "I expected you to know when to dispense with the Jedi platitudes and use a little more common sense."

On the other side of the door, Leia rose slowly from the couch and staggered to the doorway.

"Leia," Luke began, walking beside her. She glared at him, then opened the door.

"Would you three just Shut. Up.," she said. Her parents and Obi-Wan stared at her, their eyes wide.

"You are not helping me by arguing over who is responsible for my getting hurt. And your fight is not even the least bit entertaining." She looked at her mother. "This was my call. Entirely mine. If Daddy and Uncle Obi-Wan and Luke had pinned me down, I would have pushed them off and kept going. I had to try, Mom. I don't expect you to understand but..."

The room spun and Leia grabbed the doorframe. This time it was Luke who caught her before she fell, and carried her back to the couch. She heard her mother's comlink switch on and then, "This is Chancellor Amidala. I need a medical droid in my residence right away."

Then her father's voice. "3PO, bring water." Then the room stopped spinning and four faces appeared above her.

At least this time she didn't pass out.


The following afternoon, C3PO opened the front door to find Han waiting outside. "Come in, Captain Solo. Mistress Leia will be most excited to see you. She is resting, if you will follow me, I will show you where."


"Yes, sir."

"Did she get hurt again?" "She had a... what do they call it... minor setback, sir. I did not really understand, I am merely an interpreter and have no knowledge of medical matters."

"What kind of minor setback?" Han asked impatiently.

"I assure you, sir, it is not that bad. Mistress Leia has been behaving most normally and is most talkative. But she is staying in the bed. Master Anakin and Mistress Padmé were most insistent about that."

"That they were," Leia muttered as Han and 3PO entered her bedroom. She was propped up on pillows, her work station and several datapads scattered near her on the bed. She was scowling, but the scowl disappeared when she saw Han. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," she said.

He sat next to her on the bed, cupped her cheek and kissed her. "I could certainly say the same for you," he said.

She turned to the droid. "Thank you, 3PO. You can leave us now."

"Of course, Mistress Leia. Call me if you need any..."

"I will," she said quickly. The droid muttered "Oh, I see," and left the room.

"Now, where were we?" Leia said, smiling.

"Right about here," Han replied, kissing her again. This kiss was deeper and lingering, and when it finally ended, he said, "I'm sorry I couldn't stop by before Ord Mantell."

She looked down and away from him. "It's fine."

He cupped her cheek again. "Really?"

She looked up and smiled. "Really," she said.

"So what is this 'minor setback' that has you chained to the bed?"

"Sparring," she said.

Han's eyes widened. "What?" he said.

She sighed. "Not you too," she said. "I sparred with Luke for a bit. I felt like I had my old form back, at least for awhile. It felt good, until it didn't. And when it was over, I felt like I had been stomped by an AT-AT walker."

Han fingered one of her braids, then put his hand on her good shoulder. "Sweetheart, you know that even you can't run on nothing but adrenaline, right?"

She sighed again. "Yes, I know. And that was Uncle Obi-Wan's lecture."

"What was?"

"Something about adrenaline making poor body fuel, especially for a Jedi, and he hoped that I had learned by now."

"Yeah, good point."

"I suppose," Leia said. "And look," she added, moving the material on her gown away from her broken shoulder, revealing the clear flexible plastisteel around her torso. "New air brace."

"Nice one," Han said.

"Two medical droids were here last night," she said, leaning back on the pillows and closing her eyes. "I thought they were going to take me back to the medical center but they brought a few gadgets over instead."

"And your parents put you to bed and left Goldenrod to babysit."

She opened her eyes and smiled. "Yes," she said. "Daddy threatened to dismantle him if I'm out of bed when he gets home... not that I think he would really do it... he built 3PO, loves him a bit too much..."

Han's jaw dropped. "Anakin built him?"

Leia looked amused. "You're surprised?"

"That he built a droid? No. That he built the prissiest droid I've ever seen? Yes."

"I think 3PO's personality took on a life of its own. He doesn't even like to fly."

"Yeah, there's no way that could have been intentional." Han laughed. "Listen, I know he's probably been good about waiting on you all day but is there anything you want me to do?"

Leia smiled at him. "Yes." She patted the spot next to her on her large bed. "Sit with me and keep me company."

Han grinned. "OK," he said, and took the place that Leia indicated. "This isn't exactly how I planned my first visit to your bedroom, but..."

Leia kissed him. "There are always future visits, when I'm fully healed..."


Anakin found them a couple of hours later in the same spot; Leia's work station was on her lap and they were both looking at it.

"Fascinating research?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.

"I was just showing Han the geography of Naboo," Leia said.

Han didn't say anything. You'd probably dismantle me if I weren't fully clothed right now, he thought, but didn't say it aloud.

"Hope you showed him the pictures of the Lake Country," Anakin said.

"Of course," Leia said. "Those were first."

"I'm ready to get back to the real place again. Holonet pictures don't do justice to how fresh the air is." He turned to Han. "Han, the Republic owes you a debt of gratitude."

Surprised, Han stammered. "Um, thank you. How so?"

"Master Windu and Master Ti arrested Qualkin about an hour ago," he replied. "Without the information you gave Padmé, he might have continued extorting Senators to vote for bills that favor the resistance."

Han smiled. "Glad I could help," he said.

"Padmé is going to recommend to Admiral Madine that you be promoted," Anakin continued. "And she usually gets her way."

"On these matters I would think so," Han said. He found himself in the unique position of feeling his cheeks burn and not knowing what to say. "Thanks again. Really."

"What's next?" Leia asked.

"A lot of hunting," Anakin replied. "Cad Bane and Boba Fett need to be taken into custody. Bane has had a price on his head for a couple of decades now, he was a thorn in our sides during the war. So if we can catch him, so much the better. And Fett is at least rumored to be working for the resistance." Anakin sighed. "And Qualkin was not the only Senator involved. We need something to pin on Free Taa, right now all we have is talk, and we can't arrest him on that. This is far from over." He looked at Leia. "You have stayed in bed all day I hope?"

Leia frowned. "3PO took you very seriously. He's barely allowed me to move."

"I'm sure he's more lenient than the medical droids would be. Keep that in mind," Anakin said.

"Don't be so sure," Leia muttered.

Anakin changed the subject. "You have my password to get into the electronic archives?"

"Unless you've changed it in the past month or so," Leia said. "Why?"

"I need you to get all the information you can on Bane and Boba Fett. We need to be able to make an educated guess on where we can find them. I have a few ideas but I'd rather not dispatch Jedi without more substantial evidence. The archives should have all our encounters with Bane during the war, including locations and associates. Fett was a child during the war but we've had a few run-ins with him since."

"So I'm on research duty?"

"Just until you get better," he said. "It was always one of your stronger suits anyway, whereas Luke never had a taste for it."

"He can't sit still long enough to do research," Leia replied.

Anakin laughed. "Very true," he said. "I'm going to get something to eat. Do either of you want anything?"

"Thanks, but I've got to get back anyway," Han said.

"I'll have something," Leia said.

"Either 3PO or I will bring you a tray in a minute," Anakin said, and left the room.

Han kissed Leia and stroked her cheek. "Are you alright? Do you need another pill or anything?"

She smiled. "I'll take one with my food. I'm fine. It's not bad. Really."

He nodded. "OK, I'll come by tomorrow."

"OK," she said. And Han left the room.

Anakin caught him on the way out the door. "Thanks for stopping by. I know Leia appreciated it."

"No thanks needed."

"How are you doing, Han?"

Han looked at him quizzically. "Fine. Why?"

Anakin looked concerned. "Padmé said you lost about half of your men."

"A little more than half actually."

Anakin looked at him, waiting for him to continue, and Han suddenly understood. This former Clone War general had taken a walk in his boots. A long and painful one.

"A few of the guys just finished basic training a couple of weeks ago. Young kids. I'm pretty sure a couple of them didn't need to shave more than once a week."

Anakin still didn't say anything, just gazed at him sympathetically.

"It's the only time I ever use flimsiplast anymore. Sending letters to mothers letting them know that their boys won't be coming home again. Somehow a Holonet message isn't sufficient. It would be better if I could make a visit and tell them in person, and I do when there are only one or two casualties, but this time..." Han looked away.

"It's hard," Anakin said. "It's very hard. I did as much of the front-line fighting as I could; I couldn't put my men in any more danger than I was willing to undergo myself. I suspect you are the same."

"Absolutely," Han said. "Drives Lando nuts and Admiral Madine doesn't like it much either."

"I lost count of the number of times I got yelled at by middle-aged admirals for refusing to sit with them in their comfortable offices," Anakin said.

"Daddy." Leia's voice came from the doorway. Anakin turned, ready to order her back to bed, when he saw that she was holding a datapad in her right hand, the hand below her injured shoulder, and holding the door frame with her good arm.

He rushed to her and took the datapad. "What did you find?" he asked, gazing at it.

"Bane and Boba Fett have one location and one contact in common. Tatooine and Jabba the Hutt."

"Ugh," Anakin muttered. "That's all we need." He looked at Leia. "I need to take this to your mother. You should get back in bed." He turned towards the kitchen. "3PO?"

"Mistress Leia's food is almost ready, Master Anakin, and so is yours."

"Leave mine in the warmer for me. I have to go out again." He looked at Leia again. "Go. Lie down. I know your pain is coming back, I can feel it."

"Alright, alright," Leia said, turning to head back to her bedroom.


Padmé studied the datapad intently. "Jabba the Hutt," she muttered, disgust in her voice. "I was hoping we could avoid dealing with the Hutts. Negotiating with them over hyperspace lanes was one of the most distasteful acts of my career."

"I shouldn't be surprised that he's the common thread," Anakin said. "He's always hired smugglers and bounty hunters. Bane and Fett are the most reputable... if you could call it that." His expression matched his wife's tone.

"Could Jabba be persuaded to give us the whereabouts of either Bane or Fett?"

Anakin gave a sarcastic laugh. "I don't know. How deep are our pocketbooks right now?"

"I don't want to go that route, even if I thought I could. If I were to put the Galactic Treasury at the mercy of a Hutt, I might as well resign from office immediately. I was hoping for another means of convincing Jabba that it is in his best interests to cooperate with us." She studied the datapads again. "Maybe there is some way to link this to the bill to lower taxes along the Corellian Run..."

"I thought you didn't want to support that," Anakin said.

"I don't," Padmé replied. "But the Corellian Run is near Tatooine; lowered taxes would benefit Jabba in the miniscule amount of legal trading that he does." She paused. "I could offer my support for the bill in exchange for the whereabouts of Bane and Fett. My support is no guarantee that the bill will pass, and we don't know how much value Jabba puts on the lives of two bounty hunters out of the many that he probably hires..."

Anakin stroked his goatee. "It might work though," he said.

"It's a long shot but could be worth a try. It's one trade route, the lowered taxation would hurt us less than allowing Bane and Fett to escape." She sighed. "I wish I could bring Tatooine into the Republic. It's a goal I've had since I took office, along with abolishing slavery there."

"You've had too much else on your plate lately," Anakin said.

She looked at her husband. "Ani, when is the last time you saw Owen?"

He frowned. "Seven years ago. Why?" He sounded edgy, a bit defensive.

"He's your brother."

"There's no chance of us ever being as close as you and Sola are, not by any means. I send him money every few months so that he can survive trying to farm moisture from that horrible dust ball. I'm sure that's all he needs from me. You know it's hard for me to go back." Anakin looked away.

"I was hoping to send you to conduct the negotiations with Jabba."

"Padmé, no," he said, fixing his gaze out the window.


"Leia is still injured."

"I know. But this operation will be conducted more quickly if you do it. You know the land better than any other Jedi. That's why the Council sent you and Ahsoka when Jabba's son was kidnapped."

"Don't remind me," Anakin said bitterly. "Ahsoka couldn't understand why I wasn't thrilled to be going home."

"She was only fourteen. Even most adults have no comprehension of what you went through."

"You do. And you want to drop me into that gundaark's nest again." He continued to stare out the window.

Padmé stood and walked towards him. "No, Anakin, I don't want to send you there. Do you think this is the most fun part of my job? Sending my husband to attempt negotiations with the worst gangster in the galaxy? I am sending you because the fate of the Republic depends upon capturing those who are working for the resistance - all of them. Unfortunately right now that means we need Jabba's cooperation, although I would prefer to pretend he doesn't exist as much as you would. And you are the best person for this job." She put her arms around his waist. "As the Chancellor I could order you to go. I don't want to do that. As your wife, I am asking you to do this."

He turned to face her, returning the embrace, and for a few minutes he was silent.

"I know," he finally said. "And of course I'll do it. I was hoping there was a way out, but you're right. There isn't."

"Take Obi-Wan and Luke with you."

He looked away again. "I'll take Obi-Wan. Luke doesn't need to go."


"That's one reason I haven't been back in seven years, Padmé, and even seven years ago, it was a stopover because I had been on Rodia and I felt guilty. Beru always enjoys seeing the twins, I couldn't deny her that when we were so close."

"I think you still do feel guilty."

"Maybe, but... I never wanted to expose the children to Tatooine, and if Owen and Beru did not stubbornly insist on staying there, I never would have. The desert... it takes everything out of you. I wanted to spare them..."

She reached up to put a hand on his cheek. "The only way to spare them some of the horrors that you've seen is to prevent another war, Ani. By going to Tatooine, you're doing that. And Luke can help you."

"Of course he can. That isn't the point."

"It's entirely the point, darling."

He stroked her cheek and smiled at her. "I'm not going to win this one, am I?"

Padmé smiled back. "No."

"OK," he said, and kissed her. "When do you want us to leave?"

"Day after tomorrow. I'm requesting any intelligence I can get from the surrounding planets along with the last known locations of both bounty hunters. If we don't rush, you might be able to capture one of them on Tatooine."

"That might be easier than trying to negotiate information from Jabba," Anakin said.

"Yes," she said. "That's the idea." She sighed again, walking back to her desk. "There's nothing more I can do here today. Let's go home."


Alys' driver waited in the luxury speeder parked near the spot where the Ornate was docked, its loading ramp down. Anakin and Obi-Wan stood at the foot of the ramp; several feet away, Luke and Alys faced each other, their hands entwined.

"You come back safe to me," she said.

"I will, you know that," he replied.

"No, I don't, not after last time. And the Hutts are gangsters. There are some many ways this mission could go wrong..."

He put a finger to her lips. "Stop," he said. "Have more faith in us than that."

"It's not you that I don't have faith in," she said, then caught the look in his eyes and sighed. "OK, I get it. I'm still allowed to worry though, right?"

Luke smiled. "No," he said. "I need you to distract Leia. Which means your job is going to be harder than mine."

Alys laughed. "I'm not so sure," she said. "Especially if Han is able to escape from headquarters often enough..."

"Luke," Anakin called. "We need to get going."

"I'm coming," he replied, then turned to Alys again. The kiss that followed made Obi-Wan and Anakin look away.

Seeing the expression on Obi-Wan's face, Anakin mumbled, "Right. I'm getting on board. Tell Luke to meet me in the cockpit when he's... um... done." Then he quickly ran up the ramp and into the ship.

A couple of minutes later Luke climbed aboard the ship, his cheeks reddened, and raised the loading ramp, returning Alys' frantic wave goodbye from below.


The Ornate landed on the outskirts of Mos Eisley. "Best we keep her out of sight," Anakin said. "I'm not crazy about leaving her here but we can't risk bringing her into town to be plundered. We're taking chances even here." He unstrapped himself and stood, turning to his astromech. "R2, you're going to have to stay with the ship."

The droid beeped a protest. "Sorry, buddy, but someone has to be here on alert. And trust me, you don't want to go out in this climate." R2 beeped again. "Yes, I know you've been here before, with Padmé. But did you really enjoy getting sand in your innards?" The droid's reply was a concessionary negative.

"Let's move," Obi-Wan said, moving towards the loading ramp. Anakin followed, then Luke. The expression on Anakin's face was a dark scowl; his eyes were clouded.

"Daddy?" Luke said cautiously.

Anakin turned. "Keep your hood up. Remember how nasty the wind is when it blows sand in your eyes?"

Luke nodded, seemed to want to say something else, but thought better of it. He brought his hood over his head and followed his father.

"We should go ahead and rent a speeder," Obi-Wan said. "You did remember to bring currency other than Republic credits, right?"

Anakin patted the pocket of his cloak. "I change money regularly anyway so I can send it to Owen and Beru," he said.

"Speaking of whom..."

"We'll talk about it later," Anakin said. The three men walked quickly, and silently, into town.


"That was pure robbery," Anakin muttered an hour later as they climbed into a nondescript speeder and left Mos Eisley.

"Did you expect anything different?" Obi-Wan asked.

"No," Anakin said. "Just seems that it's gotten worse out here rather than better. That Gamorrean seemed to think he owned the place."

"He probably did," Luke said.

Anakin fiddled with the controls and zoomed ahead; Obi-Wan and Luke both gripped the sides of the speeder.

"Anakin..." Obi-Wan said.

"We need to get this done quickly," Anakin replied.

"Try not to throw Luke and me into the sand in the process," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin appeared not to hear him. "Oh, stang," he said. "E chu ta."

"What is it?" Obi-Wan asked.

Anakin pointed ahead at a rising cloud of pale yellow ahead of them. "Sandstorm coming."

"I assume flying through it is not an option," Obi-Wan said.

"Not if you enjoy having your full vision. Pretty sure sand has a way of burrowing behind the eye sockets." Anakin made a sharp turn to the left. "There is one solution. Owen and Beru's place is near here, we could possibly beat the storm there."

They rode in silence for several minutes before the Lars' farm, with its dome-shaped homestead, came into view. Owen was outside, shutting down the vaporators and covering them. "This one looks really bad," he was muttering to himself. "Worse than the one we had two months ago when..." He sensed the approaching visitors and looked up. "Can I help..." A flicker of recognition appeared on his face as his stepbrother lowered his hood slightly. Then a scowl. "So," he said. "The Republic's Prince Consort has decided to come down from the almighty Coruscant to mingle with the rest of us."

"Owen, you can yell at me for being a terrible brother all you want, but can you do it inside? As you were saying, there is a large storm approaching from the southeast."

Owen glared at Anakin again, then turned to the other men. His face softened a little when he saw his nephew. "Luke," he said.

Luke nodded. "Uncle Owen."

"You've sprouted. What are they feeding you up there?"

Luke smiled. "A little of this, a little of that."

Owen gave Obi-Wan a cursory nod. "Kenobi."

Obi-Wan returned the nod. "Good to see you again."

Owen looked as though he did not feel the same way, but he waved his hand, indicating that they should follow him inside. Beru emerged from the kitchen. "Anakin," she said, giving him a quick hug. "It's been a long time."

"I know," he said, "And I'm sorry." He looked at Owen, indicating that the apology was as much for him as for his wife.

"I suppose I'll eventually find out why you're on Tatooine. Somehow I don't think you've gotten the sudden urge to learn to farm moisture," Owen said. He turned to Luke. "And where's your sister?"

"On Coruscant. She was injured on our last mission and isn't healed enough to travel," he replied.

Owen looked at Anakin again. "Eventually your damn fool idealistic crusades are going to get all of you killed," he said. "I'm going to the garage. I'll be back later."

Luke stood. "I'll go help him," he said.

Beru waved Anakin and Obi-Wan into the kitchen. "Something to eat?" She asked.

"Yes," they both said. She brought them blue milk and zucca fruit pastries, then asked, "So what does bring you to Tatooine?"

"Hutt negotiations," Obi-Wan said.

She frowned. "I'm sorry."

"So are we," Anakin said. "But we need access to a couple of Jabba's bounty hunters and this appears to be the only way."

"Anakin..." Beru said cautiously, and he met her eyes. "I know Owen is angry..." she said.

He held up his artificial hand. "It's fine. He has his reasons."

She looked down. "It's been really difficult around here lately. The best we've been able to do is survive. Without the money you've sent, I'm not sure we could have done that." She looked at him again. "So... thank you."

He gave her a slight smile. "You're welcome," he said. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more. I'd like to teleport you both off this rock."

She frowned. "It's always the same with you, Anakin. Life may be hard here, but this is home. We can't leave."

"And that is, of course, the crux of my disagreements with Owen." Anakin looked away, out the window at the sand gusting outside. "That and the fact that he thinks I'm being snobbish by not coming back more often, when snobbery has nothing to do with it. Not that I don't feel guilty. Luke didn't even seem to remember that Tatooine has two suns. I'm not proud of that."

Beru started to say something but stopped when they heard Luke in the garage. "Uncle Owen! This R2 unit has a bad motivator!"

Anakin stood. "I should see if I can help. I can at least get Owen's machinery online for him, even if I can't do much else for the farm."


Chapter 8

That night the storm had not dissipated. Anakin, Luke and Obi-Wan arranged to stay until the morning. Anakin was alone in the room where they would sleep when Beru came in, carrying linens and what appeared to be a small videoprojector. She set the linens on the bed and handed Anakin the projector.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's yours," she replied. "We've had it for awhile. Owen found it under one of the vaporators several years ago. We meant to give it to you last time you were here, but you came and left so quickly..."

Anakin sighed. "Beru, I haven't stayed away because of you and Owen. I didn't keep my last visit short because of you either. I hope you understand that."

She frowned. "I never thought it was about us. And neither did Owen."

"That's not what Owen said."

"I know what he said. But as you know, Cliegg died shortly after... and keeping the connection would have been nice. You have all but rejected that."

Anakin bit his lip. "Every time I set foot on this planet, I am reminded of my failure."

"The failure wasn't yours."

"Yes, it was."

Beru sighed and gave up the argument. She was an unassuming woman, and she knew that even a more persuasive person than herself would not be able to convince her brother-in-law to stop blaming himself for a kidnapping and brutal murder 21 years earlier.

"Anyway, I think the contents of the projector will interest you. I only watched the first entry, because as I said, it's yours."

He looked at it, confused. "OK. Thank you."

Beru turned to leave, but stopped in the doorway for a moment. "And Anakin..."

He looked up. She met his eyes.

"We loved her too, you know."

Anakin swallowed to keep down the lump rising in his throat, and nodded. "Yes. Of course I know."

Beru gave him a look that asked, Do you?, then left.


"Are we ready?" Obi-Wan asked the next morning after breakfast.

"Almost," Anakin said. "There is one other thing." He looked at Owen. "I'd like to visit my mother's grave. And I'd like you to come."

Luke and Obi-Wan looked at each other. Owen looked suspiciously at Anakin, but nodded. "Alright. After my father died, we moved her to the top of the hill, so they could be buried side by side. It's the spot that he chose for himself, years ago, before your mother came into our lives. It's a short walk, but we should definitely go before the suns get any higher."

They set out, Owen taking the lead with Anakin beside him, Luke and Obi-Wan falling in step a few feet behind them.

"Any chance your wife could do something about this 'rock' as you call it? Try the Hutts for the criminals that they are and get us some real government?" Owen asked.

Anakin sighed. "Tatooine is on her list of priorities, has been since she got elected. But if we can't put a stop to this resistance movement, the Hutts may be the least of your worries. And all the other planets in the galaxy may be just as lawless and oppressive as Tatooine."

"Oh," Owen muttered. "I assumed that the inaction had to do with you preferring to forget that this planet exists."

"No," Anakin said, more sharply than he intended.

"I seem to remember on your first visit that Padmé told Beru that she was horrified that the Republic didn't exist out here. I was very hopeful when she got elected Chancellor."

Anakin looked out at a point on the horizon overlooking the Dune Sea. "Padmé was an idealist when she was younger. Assumed that everything could be fixed by diplomacy. This was before the dark times. Before the war." He turned to his brother. "She is bound by what the Constitution allows; she can make it known what type of legislation she wants to pass through the Senate, but the bill proposals and passage are up to the Senators themselves."

"Oh," Owen said, and looked away.

"But don't give up on us just yet. Please. We do want to help," Anakin said.

"It's easy to tell people to be patient when you've disengaged yourself from the problem - or managed to escape it," Owen muttered bitterly.

They had reached the top of the hill. "There it is," Owen said, pointing at the spot where four graves lay, three large, one small.

Anakin approached the furthest grave on the right, knowing that it was his mother's before he could even read the letters of her name. He slowly knelt before the stone, then lowered his head and squeezed handfuls of sand tightly in his fists.

The others backed away, giving him some space, and for a moment they stood in silence. Then Luke turned to Owen and Obi-Wan. "How did my grandmother die?" he asked.

Owen's eyes widened. "You mean your father never told you?" He said, disapproval in his voice.

"It's not exactly a subject that Anakin finds easy to discuss," Obi-Wan said.

Luke glanced at his father. "No," he said to Owen. "I know that he saw her dying in a vision and couldn't reach her in time. That's all he has said."

Owen looked away, over his brother's head. "The Sandpeople. They walk like men, but they are vicious, mindless monsters. They had been lingering in the area for awhile. We thought we were prepared; my father and I started carrying blasters all the time, even in the house. But your grandmother went outside early one morning to pick mushrooms off the vaporators. They took her and carried her off to their camp, where they tied her to a rack and slowly beat her to death."

Luke looked down, willing his breakfast not to come back up his throat. Owen continued. "Your father arrived on planet a month after she was taken, and he went after her. Apparently he found her only a few minutes before she died."

For another moment no one spoke, then Obi-Wan said, "You understand, Luke, that your father has never forgiven himself. Then when Ahsoka was killed because she challenged General Grievous while Anakin was on another floor of the ship..."

Luke nodded. "That explains a lot," he said. "Including his reaction when Leia got hurt."

At that moment Anakin stood, brushed sand off himself, and walked towards the others. "We need to get going," he said. He was sniffling and his eyes were red-rimmed but his voice was even.

"At least come tell Beru goodbye before you rush off," Owen said.

Anakin nodded. "Of course," he said. He put the hood of his cloak over his head and walked ahead of them.

A few minutes later the speeder was loaded. Anakin hugged Beru.

"Don't be a stranger," she told him, then met his eyes. "Your mother wouldn't want that."

Anakin's lips tightened. Beru continued. "Have you looked at that videoprojector yet?"

"Not yet. I was going to do it on the ride home."

She put a hand on his cheek. "Do that. It will be good for you." She hugged him again. "Be safe, Anakin." She turned to Luke and hugged him.

"Goodbye, Aunt Beru," he said.

She kissed his cheek and seemed to want to say something more, but didn't.

Anakin put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Thanks, Owen."

"I suppose we'll see you again in another seven years," he muttered bitterly.

Anakin ignored the comment. "I'll talk to Padmé. There are several Senators who would be happy to introduce legislation to help Tatooine and the rest of the Outer Rim. If you'll send me some more information, anything specific from people in Anchorhead or Mos Eisley on Hutt abuses, I can use it. As it is, I'm only going on what I see now and what I know from living here before."

Owen gave Anakin a hard look, then slowly nodded. He turned to Luke and put an arm around his shoulder. "You and your father try not to get yourselves killed in Jabba's palace," he said, then glanced at Obi-Wan. "You either, Kenobi."

Obi-Wan nodded. "I'll do my best. Thank you for your hospitality."

Owen nodded and went back inside. Anakin, Luke and Obi-Wan climbed into the speeder and left, waving goodbye to Beru as they took off.


A few hours later they stopped outside the entrance to Jabba's palace, disembarked the speeder, and raised their hoods.

"I'll warn you," Anakin said, looking at his son. "The stench is horrific. Try not to throw up." Luke started to laugh but he could see that his father was perfectly serious. "What kind of stench?" he asked.

"Hutts are disgusting, slimy creatures," Anakin said, scowling. "I should also warn you that they have no regard for human life. Your grandmother and I were lucky that Gardulla is such a lousy gambler. Otherwise..." The scowl deepened, and Anakin's eyes took the dark, haunted look that bothered Luke, although Leia always seemed to be able to handle it.

"Anakin..." Obi-Wan said, and his former padawan turned. "Maybe you should let Luke and I handle this."

"No," Anakin said. "You are not going in there without me."

"Are you sure?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I'm fine, Obi-Wan," Anakin snapped, pulling his hood down further over his head, turning and walking towards the door. Obi-Wan and Luke followed a few feet behind him.

"We need to get this over with quickly," Obi-Wan said.

Luke sighed. "I think if Tatooine could be freed from the Hutts and admitted into the Republic, it would make all the difference to Daddy. I hadn't realized how much of a difference it would make until this trip."

"I think you're right," Obi-Wan said. "Unfortunately if it were simple, it would have already happened."

"Is anything simple?" Luke asked.

"Very little," Obi-Wan said. They entered the long, open corridor that led into Jabba's chambers, only to find Anakin cursing at a Twi'lek guard. They joined him as the guard was replying a negative, a denial of entrance; even with his limited Huttese, Obi-Wan recognized the refusal and the word "Jedi."

Luke raised his right hand and waved it in front of the guard's face. "You will take us to Jabba now."

The guard's eyes glazed over. "I will take you to Jabba now," he repeated. He turned and bid the Jedi to follow him.

Anakin's eyes were wide as he looked from his son to his former master. "And where did he learn to do that?" He asked Obi-Wan in a fierce whisper.

Obi-Wan gave a half-smile. "Where do you think?"

Anakin returned the half-smile. "I should have known you were teaching my children to perform mind tricks."

"It can be a valuable skill. Much more effective than the technique you were using, I might add."

Anakin scowled again. They followed the Twi'lek into the chambers, instantly covering their noses with their sleeves to avoid the smell. Anakin retched, glad that breakfast had been hours earlier.

"For what it's worth, Anakin, I never taught Leia that trick," Obi-Wan said. "She prefers a more... direct approach, she said. She has too much of you in her."

"Thanks," Anakin muttered. "I think."

"Jedi poodoo," Jabba said from atop his dias. "How dare you disturb me?"

Luke stepped forward. "Greetings, Exalted One," he said.

Exalted One? Anakin thought.

Luke continued. "I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Padawan and son of Chancellor Amidala. I bring you a proposal from my mother which will be of benefit to both yourself and to the Republic."

"The Republic?" Jabba spat, his eyes widened.

Luke continued as if there had been no interruption. "I know, Mighty Jabba, that the taxation along the Corellian Run has greatly impacted your business ventures. I also know how much greater your profits will be if such taxation is eliminated. At this time the Galactic Congress is set to vote on a bill eliminating taxation along the Corellian Run. My mother is prepared to pledge her support for this bill in exchange for two of your bounty hunters, Cad Bane and Boba Fett."

Jabba stared at him for a moment, then said, "Chancellor Amidala. She revealed the treachery of my uncle Ziro when he kidnapped my son. But Cad Bane is my prisoner. And I don't want to give up my favorite wall decoration." He indicated the wall of the palace, where Bane was secured, frozen in carbonite. "Bane has failed me for the last time. He used to be a good bounty hunter. Now he's bantha fodder."

Anakin and Obi-Wan stared at Jabba's "wall decoration," their eyes wide.

"Did you know that Jabba had kidnapped Bane?" Obi-Wan whispered.

"No," Anakin whispered back. "This must have happened recently."

"This deal will mean a greater fortune for you, Jabba," Luke continued. "Do not be a fool by throwing it away."

Jabba continued to regard Luke from the dias. "You Jedi," he said, glancing behind Luke at Anakin and Obi-Wan. "One of you may take Bane, but only if the other two stay."

"Stay?" Luke said, suddenly sounding frightened.

"Surely you have heard of a prisoner exchange," Jabba said with a sinister laugh.

"Luke," Obi-Wan said quietly. "Do it."

Luke turned. "What?"

"Do it," Anakin repeated.

"No," Luke whispered fiercely.

"Yes," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin looked at Obi-Wan. "You take Bane. Luke and I will stay."

"And do what?" Luke asked.

The corner of Anakin's mouth curved up. "Trust me. I have far too much experience dealing with Hutts. We can handle this."

Luke hesitated, then nodded. Obi-Wan stepped forward. "I will take Bane. The Skywalkers will stay. As your prisoners."

Jabba nodded and gave a sinister laugh. "Deal," he said. He nodded at his guards, and indicated Anakin and Luke. "Take them away!" he said.


Alys was brushing Leia's hair, being careful not to let the heavy bristles tug too hard on her scalp above her newly-healed skull. "How many braids do you want? Two or three?"

"Two," Leia said.

"Consider it done," Alys said.

"Do you want me to do your hair next?"

Alys smiled. "Sure, why not? And then I'll get beauty masks for us, if you think you can keep your face still for an hour."

Leia returned the smile. "Considering that it still hurts to laugh, that shouldn't be hard. We'll just talk about something depressing."

"Every time we've tried to do that, we've both ended up laughing hysterically and you've ended up in pain. Maybe we should try a reverse approach. Tell really really bad stupid jokes that have no chance of making us laugh." Alys separated the right section of Leia's hair into three long cords and began braiding them.

"I'm afraid really really bad stupid jokes are Han's department," Leia said.

Alys stopped braiding for a minute and raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" She said. "But you're crazy about him." She started braiding again.

"If I weren't, I would have shoved my lightsaber down his throat by now," Leia replied. But a smile formed on her lips.

"Um-hmmm," Alys said knowingly.

Leia sighed. "Unfortunately the tendency to tell awful jokes appears to be the man's only flaw."

Alys laughed. "Really? The only one?" She fastened the end of one of the braids and started on the other side.

Leia smiled. "He's sweet. And funny, when he isn't trying to be funny. And..."

"Sexy," Alys finished.

Leia blushed. "You said it, not me."

"But you were thinking it."

"Maybe." Suddenly Leia felt it. A racing pulse that did not seem to be hers. A horrific stench. A sense of being trapped. She gasped, grabbing the end of the braid that Alys just finished.

"Leia?" Alys said. Leia didn't answer her.

Alys dropped the hair she had been braiding, moved to the front of Leia's chair, knelt in front of her and took her hand. Leia could see the intense fear in her friend's large blue eyes.

"It's Luke, isn't it?" Alys asked. "Luke is in trouble."

Leia forced herself to take a breath, as deep as she could muster. She could feel perspiration forming on her forehead. "He's afraid, and he might be trapped. I think my father is with him, I can't tell if Uncle Obi-Wan is there or not."

Alys squeezed Leia's hand so hard that Leia was afraid her friend was going to leave a bruise. "Can I do something? Anything?"

"Yes. You can not panic. And you can hand me my comlink."

Alys took the comlink off the nightstand and handed it to Leia, her hand visibly shaking. Leia punched in a code and spoke into it. "I need a secure line directly to Chancellor Amidala. This is her daughter."


Luke and Anakin were hauled off roughly by Jabba's guards, not to a holding cell in the back as they anticipated, but to the side, to an open grate in the floor, from which a newer, nastier stench rose. Luke tried not to gag.

"Now, Jedi poodoo," Jabba said. "I shall enjoy watching you die. But if you wish to beg for mercy, I will now hear your pitiful pleas."

Anakin glared at him. "You slimy piece of worm-ridden filth," he replied in Huttese. "You will get no such pleasure from us." Luke reached for his lightsaber. Anakin, out of the corner of his mouth, said, "Not yet." Luke let his hand drop.

Anakin and Luke saw Obi-Wan releasing the carbon-frozen Bane from the wall and carrying him out, giving them a wink as he left, a wink that Anakin returned. Then the grate opened and the Skywalkers dropped onto the floor below. The grate closed over the top of them, they heard a door open in front of them, then a low growl.

The creature that emerged was large and reptilian, with prominent eyes and teeth that looked like dirty boulders. Drool poured from its lips as it snarled at the Jedi. Anakin and Luke both covered their noses and mouths with their cloaks as it approached.

"Blech," Anakin muttered. "And I thought flatulent eopies smelled bad."

"Alys has no idea how much more I'm going to appreciate the smell of her perfume after this," Luke said.

"I may ask your mother to send a sample of hers over the comlink," Anakin said. He jumped in the air, gripping the grate above them. Luke followed. The angry rancor snapped, trying to reach the Jedi, but to no avail. Anakin jumped on its back, igniting his lightsaber and plunging it in the beast's left eye. The animal shrieked in pain, rearing up and throwing Anakin off. Anakin landed on his feet. The crowd above boo'ed. Two of the Gamorreans in the crowd walked over the grate, stepping on Luke's fingers. He winced but did not move. The Rancor lunged at him, running in circles, nearly trampling Anakin, who jumped quickly out of the way, lightsaber still ignited. Luke jumped down, landing beside his father, but before he could ignite his own saber, the beast picked him up and held him threateningly several feet in the air.

Anakin shouted, "Put him down, you smelly piece of kung!" He jumped, landing on the beast's head, and shoved his lightsaber up its nostril. The rancor howled, dropping Luke, who landed on his feet, picked up a large bone - human? Animal? He wasn't sure - and wedged it in the animal's mouth. It snarled, snapping the bone in half, and ran into a wall, dislodging a shower of boulders that covered Luke. Anakin jumped down and using the Force, lifted a large rock and threw it at the beast's head. It hit, and the rancor swayed and fell to the ground, unconscious. Anakin ran to Luke, who was throwing the boulders off himself, and reached out his hand. "Are you alright, son?"

"I might be a little bruised but I'm fine," Luke said, standing.

"Good. Let's get out of here." And the men opened the grate using the Force, jumped through it and ran, slicing through guards that charged them, Jabba's howls of fury following them.

When they got outside, they pulled their hoods up to shield themselves from the bright sunlight but did not stop running until Jabba's palace was out of sight. Anakin turned on his wrist com. "Obi-Wan, do you copy?"

"I copy, Anakin. Where are you?"

"Just escaped that slimy mudhole. Where are you?"

"Coming around for a pass. I'll see you in a minute. Keep your comlink on."

"Will do."

A couple of minutes later Obi-Wan pulled alongside Anakin and Luke, who quickly climbed in the front of the speeder. Bane's carbon-frozen body lay in the rear. "Nice of you to stop by," Anakin said, grinning.

Obi-Wan grinned as well. "No problem. I was in Mos Eisley anyway, enjoying Jawa beer and the company of a few exotic ladies."

Anakin laughed. "Just get us back to the Ornate at the speed that I would fly, and let's get out of here."

"Done," Obi-Wan said, and seeming to take Anakin literally, he accelerated.


As they boarded the Ornate, they were met by the anxious, staccato beeps of R2. "What is it?" Anakin asked. The droid beeped again. "Urgent transmission? From Padmé? Play it!" The droid obeyed, and a hologram appeared of Padmé in her office. "Anakin, it's 1300 Galactic City time. Leia just called and said that she saw you and Luke trapped in Jabba's palace. Call me as soon as you get this. I love you." The hologram disappeared.

"Ugh, I wish Leia hadn't done that," Anakin muttered.

"Done what?" Obi-Wan asked. "I don't think she can help her visions, Anakin."

"No, but next time she needs to contact someone on the Council. Not worry Padmé unnecessarily."

"Mom would want to know," Luke said.

Wanting to know isn't the same as needing to know, Anakin thought, but bit the retort back. He checked his chrono. "1300 Galactic City time was an hour ago. R2, see if you can access a secure line to Padmé's office."

The droid plugged itself into the ship's com station and gave a series of beeps with its dome swirling. A few seconds later, Padmé appeared again. "Anakin!"

"Padmé! Love, we're fine. We did get stuck for awhile but we got out of there."

"Where's Luke? He was the one that Leia sensed in the vision."

"He's OK. We all are." Anakin waved his son over. "Luke, come let your mother see you." Luke obeyed, moving close enough to his father to appear in the hologram's line of vision. "Hi, Mom." He said.

Padmé gave a visible sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're safe. You might want to contact Alys. She was with Leia when Leia had the vision."

Anakin thought he heard Luke mumble "not good" under his breath. "I'll call her," Luke said.

"We're on our way home," Anakin said. "And I'm bringing you a gift. It's carbon-frozen and not very romantic, but I think you'll like it anyway."

"Carbon frozen?" Padmé said.

"Apparently someone beat us to capturing Bane. Jabba had him. But we managed to bargain for him, using... negotiations."

She gave him a teasing smile. "Diplomatic or aggressive?"

Anakin returned the smile. "A little of both," he said. "You'll be proud of Luke. He handled the diplomatic part well."

Luke's cheeks turned pink.

"I look forward to the details," Padmé said.

"You'll have them," Anakin said. "Let me get the Ornate off this ball of dirt, and we'll see you very soon."

"Stay safe on the way home," Padmé said.

Anakin nodded. "I love you," he said, and shut the transmission off.


Bail Organa opened the door to his apartment to find his daughter pacing back and forth across the living area. Her fists clenched and unclenched, her braid was partially undone, and she kept glancing at her comlink, which sat on the end table.

"What's the matter?" He asked. "I thought you were with Leia."

She stopped pacing long enough to glance at him, then resumed. "I was," she said. "Han came over. I thought I'd give them their space."

"Oh," Bail said. "And why am I thinking that the reason you are wearing a hole in the carpet has nothing to do with being the third wheel?"

"Because it doesn't." She did not even slow her stride this time.

"Are you going to tell me?"

She stopped and met his eyes. "What do you know about Force visions?"

"That Jedi have them and we don't."

She rolled her eyes, exasperated. "Daddy. I'm serious."

"So am I."

"Is that all you know?"

He sighed. "What are you asking, Alys?"

"If they always come true. And if they show the future or what is happening at the moment."

"No, and it depends."

"On what?"

"That I can't answer. I don't know."

Alys started pacing again.

"Did Leia have a vision of some sort? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"

She nodded.

"About Luke?"

Another nod, and she sat down and put her head in her hands. "He was trapped and afraid. That's as much as she knew. She called her mother, who tried to reach Master Skywalker and couldn't. Leia said she would call me as soon as she hears something but..."

Bail sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulders. "Honey, I'm going to ask you something, and I want you to think hard about it."


"Where is this relationship with Luke going?"

She lifted her head and stared at him, her brow furrowed. "I don't know. A very long way I hope. Why?"

"Because right now it's undoing you."

"What are you talking about?"

"The Skywalkers are your oldest and closest friends. You know they are Jedi. And you know what Jedi do. You know it isn't an easy, comfortable or safe job. Yet ever since you became romantically involved with Luke, you've behaved like that's some sort of surprise."

"I'm worried for him. For both of them. You know how badly Leia was hurt."

"Worrying isn't wrong. But you have to find a way to handle it. The danger isn't going to stop. My goodness, Alys, you handled being kidnapped by Sate Pestage better than you're handling a Force vision that may or may not be real."

Her scowl deepened. "I was in control there. At least of my own reactions. And if you think I was going to let that kriffing pile of nerf dung see me sweat..."

Bail smiled. "Now that's more like it."

"What are you suggesting? I don't think Jabba the Hutt has a crotch I can kick."

Bail laughed. "I don't think so either, even if it were remotely a good idea for you to consider going after Luke and his father. But you are still in control of your own reactions."

She sighed. "It doesn't feel that way anymore."

"Now you're seeing where I'm going with this."

She said nothing, and the blue eyes that met his brown ones were sad.

"Alys, I've seen this before. And at a time when the Jedi weren't even supposed to have romantic relationships."

"Chancellor Amidala is stronger than I am."

"No, she isn't. That's my point. It's easy to be strong when you don't have a choice. She didn't. And neither do you."

Alys' comlink buzzed, and she jumped, nearly bumping heads with her father as she reached for it. "It's Luke," she said, seeing the ID marker.

Her father stood, smiled and squeezed her shoulder. "I'll leave you alone then." He left the room.

She switched the comlink on. "Luke, where are you?"

"In orbit over Tatooine, about to go into hyperspace. I just wanted to tell you that I'm alright."

"Hold on a minute," she said. "I want to see you." She left the living area into her father's study, where she plugged the comlink into a viewing port, allowing a hologram of Luke to appear. Luke, all in one piece, looking tired and dirty but otherwise healthy. Relief overwhelmed her. She swallowed hard.

"Were you trapped?" she asked.

"We were, but not for long. Jabba tried to use my father and me as rancor food after Uncle Obi-Wan took Bane. Pretty sure Jabba has a clodhopper- sized brain. Or hasn't dealt with Jedi as often as he likes to pretend."

"So you got out OK. What happened to the rancor? To Jabba?"

"Jabba was as mad as a starving sando aqua monster. Daddy knocked the rancor unconscious. We had to kill a few Gamorrean and jawa guards on the way out. But we made it. And the mission was a success. We have Bane." Luke was grinning. Alys gazed at him, saying nothing.

"Will I see you when I get back?" Luke asked.

Alys nodded slowly, still staring at him, wide eyed.

"Are you alright?"

Another slow nod.

"OK, then," he said, and reached for a switch to turn the transmission off.

"Luke!" She said suddenly.

He looked at her again.

"I love you."

For a moment he just stared, and Alys was afraid she had made a terrible mistake, but then the corner of his mouth turned up in a lopsided grin. "And here I thought I was going to have to say it first."

I've always loved you. I just didn't know it, Alys thought. But they had lost the transmission and she was staring at a blank screen.


The Ornate had gone into hyperspace an hour earlier. Anakin had showered and eaten and was alone in his cabin. He took out the videoprojector that Beru gave him, set it on the table, and stared at it for a moment. What could possibly be on Tatooine that she would so quickly label as his? The thought made his stomach clench. Only a few bits of sporadic good on that planet had ever been his - moments with his mother, her stories, her comforting arms around him, her kiss on his forehead when she told him goodnight. His friends - Kitster, Amee, Wald. Friends he had, like the rest of the planet, discarded like dust on the bottom of his boots. The guilt clenched at his heart but he quickly pushed it down. Nothing I can do about that now. It's done. It was done years ago.

He sighed, and fiddled with the projector. "Well, let's see what you are, my little friend, and where you came from."

The word "Entry?" appeared on the display screen, and Anakin, unsure of what it meant, said, "Play Entry One." A time and date stamp appeared but said "Calendar file corrupted." Then came the image, an image which made Anakin nearly tumble from his chair.

It was his mother, looking just as she had the day he left her over 30 years ago. Her graying dark brown hair in a chignon, her face lined from Tatooine's suns and a little tired. Her brow was wrinkled in concentration, and for a few minutes, she didn't speak.

"Mom?" Anakin said, his voice a choked whisper that came out as more of a squeak.

"This thing is still not recording," she said.

Then another voice came from behind her, loud and gravelly. "What are you doing, woman? I told you to clean my shop. Memory chips, you clean at home."

The voice was far too familiar to Anakin, as was the image that appeared next - that of his old Master, the Toydarian, Watto, with his bald blue head, his large eyes and prominent nose, his rapidly beating wings. He was in better shape than he had been when Anakin last saw him: he had shaved, he could still fly, he had no need to swat insects buzzing around him. "Where did you get this?" He demanded. "Is it yours?"

"I bought it with my memory chip earnings," Shmi said tentatively. "I thought..."

"Maybe I should sell it for disobeying me, eh?" Watto said. "But it's not worth much, I think. Back to work, or I will."

Anakin's eyes flashed in anger, and his hand went to his lightsaber, although he knew that slicing through an image would give him no satisfaction. "Leave her alone, you karking ball of blue slime," he snapped.

The screen went blank, then flashed "Entry two?"

"Play entry two," Anakin said. His mother's face appeared again, and this time she was smiling.

"You might enjoy something to remember Watto by, so I left that as entry one," she said.

Anakin rubbed his temples. Oh, Mom, what made you think I'd need a memory of him?

"He's not so bad, as masters go," Shmi continued. "And I do believe there are times when he truly misses your mischief."

At this Anakin had to smirk. Yeah. I'm sure.

"Ani, this diary is for you. I know you'll be gone a long time, and that you'll be very lonely at times. So will I. This diary is so that when you come home someday, you'll know you were always in my heart. But your destiny lies in the stars. You will achieve great things in the galaxy, Anakin. I have known that from the moment you were born. So you must never believe you were mistaken to leave Tatooine. Wherever you go, you carry my love with you. Always remember that."

End of entry two. Anakin shut the journal off and put his head in his hands, his fingers wound through his short graying hair.

"Tea, Anakin?"

At the sound of Obi-Wan's voice, Anakin jumped, nearly toppling over the chair in which he sat. Obi-Wan reared back in surprise.

"I didn't think I was capable of startling you that much," he said. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I have." Anakin's voice sounded high-pitched, unnatural. "Sort of."

Obi-Wan set down the teapot and cups he was carrying, pulled up a chair and sat down, and put his arm around Anakin's shoulders. "You're shaking. Take a deep breath."

Anakin obeyed, willing the tremor in his hands to stop.

"What happened?" Obi-Wan asked. "A vision?"

Anakin shook his head and indicated the projector. "Beru gave this to me. Said she and Owen have had it for years. It's my mother. Apparently she recorded a journal for me starting right after I left Tatooine. I never knew."

"Until now."

"Until now." Anakin sighed. "Beru said she thought it would be good for me. I have no idea what she meant by that."

Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "Connection. Memories. Making peace with your past."

"What are you talking about?"

"You avoid your relatives because visiting dredges up too many painful memories. Maybe it's time to work through those. I'm not sure you ever really grieved, Anakin. I'm not sure you had a chance. The war started so quickly after she died. Then when it was over, you had a wife, newborn twins, and an Order to rebuild. And the trial."

"I grieved, Obi-Wan. Of course nightmares of her being beaten were mixed in with nightmares of the war, but I did grieve."

"There is more than one stage of grief. Only by going through all the stages can you have peace. And I'm not sure you did. If you had, you might be on better terms with Owen."

Anakin opened his mouth to say, What is that supposed to mean? but was interrupted by Luke appearing in the doorway.

"So there you are," he said.

Anakin quickly put on a smile for his son. "Luke," he said, reaching out an arm. "Come. Meet your grandmother."


Anakin waved at Padmé's guards, entered her office, and closed the door behind him. She stood and walked around her desk to meet him, and he swept her in his arms. The kiss he gave her was long, deep, and passionate enough to make her knees weaken. When it finally ended, she said, "My goodness, Anakin, you act like you haven't seen me in a month."

He smiled, stroking her cheek. "It feels like I haven't."

She held up a finger, indicating that he should wait a moment, then opened her comlink and spoke into it. "Sovi, you may go home. I will see you in the morning."

"Yes, milady," came the response, and the comlink switched off.

She walked over to her desk and leaned against it, facing him. "So, do you want me to tell you that Leia is on her feet again and most anxious for you and Luke to be home? Or about the five Senators have come forward for immunity after Qualkin bribed them? Or do you want to tell me about Bane's capture?"

Anakin smiled. "Obi-Wan and Luke have taken Bane to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center for defrosting and rehoming. You may find it easier to question him while he still has hibernation sickness, which gives you about three days. Leia is up and about?"

Padmé nodded. "Han has taken her out, just for short rides to get her out of the apartment. He took her to dinner a couple of times, took her by headquarters once." Padmé smirked. "I think he wanted to show her off there."

Anakin laughed. "Can we blame him for that?"

Padmé laughed as well. "Of course not. And Alys has kept her company when Han wasn't around. The medical droids said that the air brace should be able to come off next week. Assuming she doesn't try anything foolish."

"Good." Anakin looked relieved. "So five Senators have come forward?"

"Yes, and I suspect that isn't all of them. The deregulation bill will not come to a vote until we have all the information we can gather on the blackmail and extortion, and until Ord Mantell has time to elect a new Senator. So it will be awhile."

"What about the bill to break up the Banking Clan?"

Padmé scowled. "Stalled in committee. But I'm waiting until this deregulation business is over before trying to convince anyone to bring it to the floor." She sighed. "So how did you entice Jabba to give up Bane?"

Anakin frowned. "Unfortunately, love, we may have fueled Jabba's anger towards the Republic."

Padmé's brow furrowed. "How?"

"By refusing to be fed to his rancor."

"That was your choice?"

"He wanted... what did he tell Luke... a prisoner exchange. Luke and me for Bane. And without Luke's outstanding efforts at diplomacy, we might not have gotten Bane at all."

Her scowl deepened. "How typical of the Hutts. How did you get out of there?"

"Luke and I fought the rancor, knocked him unconscious, had 'aggressive negotiations' with Jabba's guards and ran like hell."

"I'm just glad you're safe. Obi-Wan had Bane? How did he get frozen in carbonite?"

"I don't know. I thought it might be interesting to ask him once he's thawed."

She sighed. "I hope he talks."

"So do I."

"Anakin..." Padmé gazed at her husband. She was accustomed to a certain look on his face after a mission, especially a difficult one - the look of desperate need for a hot meal and a long sleep in their bed - but this time there was something more to his expression, the haunted look in his blue eyes. "What else happened?"

Anakin didn't answer her right away.

"You saw Owen and Beru?"

He looked up. "Yes."


"Owen is still pissed at me for not being the good brother and coming back more often. He asked if you could do something about Tatooine; I told him you were working on it. He moved my mother to the top of a hill, to a spot that Cliegg had picked out."

Padmé nodded. "And..."

Without looking directly at his wife, Anakin took the holoprojector from his cloak and set it on her desk. "Beru gave me this."

Padmé picked it up and examined it. "What is it?"

"My mother's journal. The one she starting keeping shortly after I left. She said it was for me, that she planned to give it to me one day." Anakin sank into one of the chairs in front of her desk.

Padmé looked up, her eyes wide. "Have you watched all of it?"

He nodded. "I showed some of it to Luke. He said Leia has Mom's face." Anakin smiled slightly. "He's right."

"Yes, he is. Leia has my coloring but everything else about her comes from you. And Shmi." She took one of Anakin's hands. "So what did she say? In the journal?"

"That she loved me, missed me but I shouldn't regret leaving Tatooine. That she spent a lot of nights looking at stars wondering where I was. But she was happy. Especially after she met Cliegg. It's a long story and you'll have to watch it, but apparently Qui-Gon sent her a Tobal lens, which she, Cliegg and Owen used to bargain for her freedom. They got married in Anchorhead. Kitster, Wald and Amee went to the wedding. She said she thought Owen and I would be great friends. I feel bad for disappointing her there. But she loved the farm, loved Cliegg and Owen, and had a few good years." Anakin looked away.

"It spanned over several years then. And Owen and Beru have had it all this time?"

"I'm not sure how long they've had it. Owen found it under one of the vaporators." Anakin's breath caught as the realization washed over him like a tidal wave. "Moisture vaporators. Mom was picking mushrooms off them when... she must have taken it with her... the last entries were about the Tuskens coming closer..." Anakin let go of Padmé's hand, stood, walked over to one of the expansive windows of her office, and pressed his forehead against the cool glass.

Padmé followed him and put her hands on his shoulders, forcing him to turn around and face her. His eyes were squeezed shut, a failed attempt against the sudden onslaught of hot tears. She took his face in her hands, wiping away the wet tracks. "Ani," she said quietly. "It's just me. You don't have to pretend it doesn't hurt."

"I know," he mumbled. Then he hugged her tightly and wept silently for several minutes.

"It's been so long... but after that trip it feels like it just happened..." He finally said, sniffling and wiping his eyes.

"You have to face the pain instead of burying it, or it will never get any easier," she replied.

"Beru thought seeing the journal would be good for me."

"Beru is a wise woman," Padmé said. "You've punished her and Owen because of your pain, which they didn't cause, which, in fact, they have shared. Is that what your mother would want?"

Anakin didn't answer.

Padmé kissed him. "She would be proud of you if she saw you now, Anakin. Except for that. You're allowing your shame to keep you from your family - her family. Shame which you don't deserve." She sighed. "If there is shame to be had anywhere, it is with me."

Anakin's bloodshot eyes widened. "What are you talking about?"

"It's been far too easy to ignore the plight of the citizens on the Outer Rim Worlds. Tatooine and several other worlds, including Ryloth, have ignored basic Republic statutes because they could, because they are far enough away from Coruscant that neither the Chancellor's office nor the Senate has paid attention. Tatooine is controlled by the Hutts because I, and Chancellors prior to myself, have allowed it. If the majority of citizens on Tatooine vote to join the Republic, the Hutts cannot stop them."

"They could stop the vote, or intimidate voters. And they would use any means necessary too. I don't know that it's as easy as you are making it sound."

Padmé's jaw was set in a determined line and her eyes blazed. "I will declare martial law on Tatooine if I have to. I'd like to see the Hutts fight several squadrons of naval officers."

"What of the other worlds? Do we have the resources for this?"

Padmé nodded. "I think so. The Republic Navy has expanded in the past several years. And as you know, most of the Jedi are already stationed on the Outer Rim." She sighed. "Think about it, Anakin. If Palpatine or Valorum had taken a single initiative to help Tatooine and the surrounding worlds, we might have not only avoided the Separatist crisis and the war, but your mother might not have died. Law enforcement - real law enforcement - would have been available to the Larses to help fight off the Sand People. They would have never been able to continue their vicious blood rites. They would have had their last victim long before having a chance to take your mother." She closed her eyes and put a hand to her forehead. "The Hutts have their space, outside the Republic's borders. Let them keep it. The Outer Rim worlds belong to the Republic, assuming their citizens chose to be part of it. It's time my office fought for people who can't fight for themselves."

"Padmé, you have always done that," Anakin said.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. "I don't know if a bill needs to pass through the Senate or if I can simply issue an invitation to Tatooine's citizens and then an executive order to allow them to vote to be part of the Republic. But I'm going to try. I owe your mother that much. I owe you that much." She squeezed his hands. "Let's go home. I want to watch the journal myself. I'm sure Leia will want to see it as well."


The journal had finished playing but the twins continued to stare at it for a few minutes, shocked and saddened expressions on their faces.

Finally, Leia spoke. "I wish I had known her."

"I do too," Luke said. The twins had a good relationship with Jobal Naberrie, but they had often found themselves wondering what it would have been like to meet their other grandmother, whom they only knew from scattered holos.

"She would have loved you," Anakin said. "And you would have loved her."

"She was a kind, wonderful, strong woman," Padmé added. "Seeing her on the journal does not do her justice. Only being in the room with her can do that." She sighed. "It is cruel that she was taken from all of us so early."

Silence filled the apartment again, and the living area darkened with the oncoming dusk. Anakin stood and walked to the window.

"Daddy?" Leia asked, almost tentatively. Anakin turned.

"How did she die?" Leia continued.

Anakin gulped and said nothing.

"You never told us," Leia said.

"I... not now, Leia," he said, leaving the room and walking down the hall toward his and Padmé's bedroom.

"I know," Luke said, gazing at his father's retreating back. "I asked Uncle Owen."

Padmé shifted. Luke continued. "She was kidnapped by a band of Tusken Raiders. They held her and tortured her to death. Daddy got there too late. She died in his arms."

Tears fell from Leia's eyes. "Mom?" she said, almost as if she were begging someone to deny Luke's story.

Padmé nodded, her own eyes bright. "Your father was protecting me when he had the vision. I went with him to Tatooine. He sensed that she was still alive, although Cliegg and Owen said it was impossible. He went after her, rode through the day and into the night. I waited. I couldn't sleep, I was so worried, so I gave 3PO an oil bath."

Some laughter came through the tears. "Then he came back, with her body." Padmé's laughter quickly stopped.

"What happened to the people who killed her?" Leia asked.

Padmé stared, and seemed unprepared to answer the question. "There is no real justice on Tatooine, Leia."

"Daddy killed them, didn't he?" Leia asked.

Padmé swallowed. "He was in pain, and he was angry. And he felt horrible remorse afterwards. The shame has followed him. Which is why he has never discussed this with you."

"And on Tatooine... if he hadn't, they would have terrorized other settlers. Kidnapped other innocent women," Luke said.

Padmé nodded. "And that is what I hope to change with the new legislation I'm working on. No one should have to live in a world where they are forced to live in terror, where the only recourse for horrible crimes is vigilante justice."

Anakin appeared in the doorway, silhouetted by the shadows of the evening, his eyes dry but sunken, tired and resigned.

Luke and Leia walked to him and each put an arm around his waist. As Anakin returned the embrace, putting an arm around each of their shoulders, Luke said, "You should have told us."

"I didn't want you to know," Anakin said sadly.

"What did you think we'd do? Run from our own father?" Luke asked.

Anakin shook his head. "I don't know. I thought I would never look the same... in your eyes."

"Because you made a mistake? One that we could learn from?" Luke asked.

Anakin was speechless.

"So it was wrong, and not what Jedi do," Leia said. "The unfairness is that you felt you had no other choices."

"It was my worst mistake," Anakin said, and held them closer. "Promise me you'll remember that if you ever find yourself ready to make a similar one. The woman you saw in that video...I'm just thankful she doesn't know about it. She would not be pleased."

"She would want you to forgive yourself," Padmé said.

Anakin looked down. "I know," he said.

"It's time, Ani," Padmé said.

"I know," he repeated, then he walked with the twins over to the window, where they gazed out, wordlessly, at the last remnants of the setting sun, at the bright lights of the Coruscant nightscape.


Bail Organa listened to Padmé's proposal and for a couple of minutes, said nothing, just stood at the window, thoughtfully stroking his goatee.

"Is what I am asking so far-fetched?" Padmé finally said. "Inviting Tatooine into the Republic?"

"No, it isn't," Bail said. "But there are reasons that no Chancellor has attempted this before. You are a brave woman, Padmé."

"My courage aside, what are the reasons?"

"Hutt influence which extends beyond Hutt Space. The worst case scenario is that you may be risking a war. The best case scenario might be a Hutt alliance with the resistance."

Padmé whirled on Bail, her eyes snapping angrily. "Bail Prestor Organa, are you saying that the Republic has been bowing to the will of the Hutts all this time because the Chancellor's office and the Senate are too afraid of upsetting them? Are we a democracy, or a Hutt-controlled dictatorship?"

He sighed and held up a hand. "Padmé, I am not saying that your idea is wrong. Quite the opposite. I wish I had thought of it myself."

Her face softened. "You couldn't have, Bail. You were too busy trying to bring Separatist worlds back into the Republic to consider inviting in worlds that had never been part of us in the first place. And by your second term, the resistance was already growing."

"I am saying that you should have the entire Jedi Order and the Navy on standby to deal with the fallout." He smiled. "And good luck. You really will be the best Chancellor the Republic has ever had if you can take down the Hutts."

Her cheeks reddened. "I plan to leave them their space. But if they are going to run entire planets and hyperspace lanes, it needs to be because the people have voted it so."

"How do you plan to counter the argument that someone is bound to present, the argument that you are pushing this bill through for personal reasons?"

"I'm not," she replied.

Bail's eyes widened. "Padmé. I have never, ever known you to let your personal agenda interfere with your job."

"And I won't this time either, but it doesn't matter. Do you really think that Owen and Beru - or Anakin, or Shmi - are the only reasons for inviting Tatooine to become part of the Republic? We will be freeing hundreds of people from slavery, diverting financial and social resources to Tatooine's citizens, and freeing all of them from the tyranny of the Hutts and the Tusken Raiders. They will get real law enforcement, medical care, and farming assistance. Of course Anakin's family's story helped me realize the true plight of Tatooine's citizens but I am not doing this only for them." She sighed. "If I am successful in admitting Tatooine into the Republic, I hope to hear from citizens of other worlds who might be in the same situation. Ryloth comes to mind. That one will be harder. The Senate has overlooked their rampant slave trade because they are part of the Republic, and because Free Taa has been so influential. Influential enough that we all know that the planet has been overtaken by the resistance but we can't prove it." She rubbed her temples.

Bail sighed. "I know," he said. "Who will introduce the bill? You will need to get a full Senate vote before inviting any worlds to join the Republic. Unfortunately that can't be done solely through the Chancellor's office."

"I have a meeting set with Guld Juna," she said, referring to the Senator from Rodia. "Rodia is close enough to Tatooine that it would benefit from Tatooine joining the Republic. Rodia's own affiliation has been so precarious over the past 50 years or so, always in danger of being overtaken by Hutts or other criminals. So many Rodians become bounty hunters..."

"Can Juna get it done?"

"I think so. He's not the Senate's most powerful speaker but he does the job well enough that people will hear him." She continued to rub her temples.

"What is it?"

"Shmi. The journal Anakin brought home." She looked at him. "Bail, this woman - this slave woman - brought me into her home for shelter without knowing who I was or where I came from. She didn't even have the resources to feed us; fortunately Qui-Gon had meal capsules. Then..." Padmé blinked. "Then she allowed her son, her only child, to risk his life to win me the parts for my ship so that I could get home. I tried to stop her, I told her we would come up with another solution, but she insisted. Said it was the only way, that the Republic didn't exist on Tatooine, that the planet was ruled by the Hutts and podracing and only by winning there, could we leave the planet. Anakin told me later that he was afraid I would be chained to Jabba as his slave before we were done." She sighed and swallowed. "I owe her. I have long owed her. I should have sent resources to buy her freedom as repayment for Anakin winning the Battle of Naboo. I didn't, and today I don't even know why. It would have made all the difference to Anakin, and she might have lived."

"Maybe fate worked the way it was supposed to. The man who bought her freedom was the man she married, correct? Maybe you weren't supposed to intervene."

She sighed again and stood. "You may be right. But at the same time... I can do this for her. At least I can try. One last act of thanks." She met his eyes. "That's what I meant when I said I won't pretend this isn't personal. It is. And I want people to know Shmi's story. I want people to know who she was, to have a human image of people who have been affected by years of leaving Tatooine to the Hutts."

Bail nodded and changed the subject. "Any word on the location of Ventress?"

Padmé looked out the window and shook her head. "No," she said. "Nothing definite anyway. The Jedi Council thinks she might be on Ryloth. Apparently in their mountains, construction has started on a facility that suspiciously resembles a droid foundry. Nothing operational though. They are investigating."

"If they are right, it won't be difficult to bring down Free Taa."

"If we can prove that he knew about it," she said, and sighed. "I'm going home, Bail. I have to question Bane in the morning."

He nodded. "Have a good evening, Padmé. I'll come by tomorrow afternoon."


"Cad Bane?" Padmé stood directly outside his cell, Anakin behind her.

"Who goes there?" He snarled. "I am blind."

"You have hibernation sickness," Padmé replied. "This is Chancellor Amidala. Are you getting the medical treatment that you need?"

"Yes. A droid has come by, and given me medication for the pain."

"Good. How did you end up in carbonite?"

"Cloud City. Bespin. Boba Fett turned traitor on me." The snarl had returned.

"Turned traitor? How so?"

"Qualkin hired both of us to... help persuade a few Senators to support the Banking Clan's agenda."

"The Banking Clan's agenda?"


Anakin and Padmé looked at each other. He is not talking out of the goodness of his heart. He has an agenda of his own, Anakin tried to wordlessly warn Padmé. Her nod indicated that she understood.

"What agenda might this be?" Padmé asked.

Bane turned in the direction of her voice. "Are you going to have me executed?" He asked. The snarl was still in his voice, but there was something else. Genuine fear.

"No," Padmé said quietly. "In my two years in office, I have yet to order an execution, and I have no intention of starting now."

Bane did not move or speak.

"Given your extensive Clone War-era crimes, I am afraid I cannot offer you full immunity, however, if you cooperate with the Republic, I can petition for a reduced sentence for you."

For a few minutes Bane still said nothing. Then he slowly nodded.

"Good. Now what type of job did the Banking Clan hire you and Fett for?"

Bane turned away from her. "They want the deregulation bill passed. And they are willing to pay for votes. If that doesn't work, they are willing to kill."

Padmé took Anakin's hand for a minute and squeezed it. Then she said, "Can you tell me who they were paying off? And who they intended to assassinate?"

"Harli Jiktar. Lophen Inak. Markus Miicjaa. Yasinda Traln. Adson Leuf. Tavion Pendrahan. Varas Vulen. Galvin Traamer..."

Padmé nodded slowly as Bane listed several senators, many of whom had come forward already and received immunity.

"How much did Qualkin and Pors Tonith offer you for this job?" She asked.

"A hundred million credits."

"A hundred million?"

Bane nodded slowly. "They offered Fett the same hundred million. Fett wanted to ensure that he got the job done first. So he sold me to Jabba."

"Why did Jabba want to... er... buy you?"

"I made him angry three years ago. He hired me to go after a smuggler who dropped a shipment of his. The smuggler had been boarded by the Republic Navy. I failed to capture the smuggler." "You did?" Padmé was surprised at this confession.

Bane scowled. "The kriffing coward blew himself up rather than be captured."

Padmé swallowed and nodded slowly. "Oh. I see." She paused. "Have you made contact with any Senators, other than the ones that Qualkin and Tonith wanted you to bribe? Has anyone in the Galactic Senate attempted to hire you for a similar job?"

Bane did not answer for a moment, then he replied, almost too quietly for Padmé to hear him. "Yes."

"Who?" Again his answer was barely audible. "Orn Free Taa."

This time Anakin took Padmé's hand and squeezed it. She returned the squeeze.

"Thank you," she said to Bane, then turned to the guard at his cell. "Please ensure that this prisoner receives the medical treatment that he needs to be comfortable."

Padmé left, Anakin on her heels.


Han knocked on the door of Lando's quarters. "Come in," his friend called, and the door slid open to reveal Lando sitting at a table with Chewbacca on the other side and a game board between them. "I was just playing holochess with Chewie, but we can switch to sabacc if you want."

"Nah," Han said. "I'm not up for a game tonight. I'm beat." Chewie barked. "Yeah, it's been a long week." Han looked at Lando. "I need to talk to you. Both of you."

Lando gazed at his friend's tired, anxious face. "What?" He asked. "Something going on?" "Yeah. Maybe. I don't know." He set a small box on the table next to the game board. "I'll know soon enough though. I'm practicing. And right now I'm gauging your reaction."

"Reaction to what?"

"Lando, you didn't get promoted to Commander by being an exhaust for brains. Open the box, you moron."

"Ok, Ok." Lando obeyed, revealing a small ring, a ring with a large emerald-cut diamond in the center and two smaller diamonds on either side.

Lando's hand shook as he set the box down. "Damn," he said. Chewie barked.

"Is that all you have to say?" Han asked.

"Sorry, buddy, I'm just surprised. Then again, nothing about this relationship should surprise me anymore. You are smitten. I've never seen you like this."

"You never will again either," Han said.

"I suppose not. And honestly I hope not." He looked at Han. "Are you sure you want to do this? You, tying the knot, having a family... it means saying goodbye to all the guys' nights out in CocoTown, you know..."

Han gave an exasperated sigh. "Lando. When is the last time I went on one of those?"

"It's been awhile."

"And where do I spend almost all my free time now?"

"I know, I know, but I assumed that's because she was hurt. Of course she looked pretty good when you brought her by last week. Looked like she could beat any of us in a fight."

Han smirked. "That's because she could. She could turn somersaults over your heads and slice five of you at once with her lightsaber and keep moving without breaking a sweat. And that's now, without full range of motion in her arm."

Lando shook his head, laughing.

"What?" Han said defensively.

Lando looked at Chewie. "What do you think? Am I right? Did you ever think we'd see Han Solo want to marry a woman who can kick his ass?"

Chewie gave several loud, raucous barks. Han scowled.

Lando put a hand on his shoulder. "Look, buddy, I'm happy for you. I hope she says yes. It's a bit... fast, though, isn't it?"

"I'm almost 31 years old. I know what I want."

"I am too. And I'm still enjoying the CocoTown bars."

"You do that, Lando." Han picked up the ring box, closed it, and put it back in his pocket. "I'm planning to talk to her father tomorrow."

"Oh man. Good luck with that."

"Thanks. I think." He turned to leave. "Good night."

"Han!" Lando said. Han turned. Lando was smiling. "Let me know what she says."

Han returned the smile with a half-smile of his own. "Thanks pal. Will do."


It was late afternoon the next day when C3PO opened the door. "Come in, Captain Solo," he said. "I am afraid Mistress Leia is not here right now. She went with Mistress Padmé and Princess Alys on some sort of..."

"Female bonding ritual," Anakin finished, coming into the room and shaking Han's hand.

"That is what I was going to say, Master Anakin," 3PO said, almost indignantly.

"Sorry, 3PO, I sometimes forget that you get offended when people finish your sentences for you."

"I am fluent in over six million forms of communication," he replied.

So, Anakin not only built a prissy droid. He built a prissy, sensitive droid, Han thought. He wanted to laugh.

Anakin put a hand on the droid's golden shoulder. "Why don't you bring us some drinks?" He looked at Han. "It's 1700 somewhere. Ale?"

"Sure," Han said.

"Coming right up, sir," 3PO said.

"Anyway," Anakin said as 3PO left the room. "Leia and Alys are in the Vacationers' District doing some sort of female bonding involving getting salt rubbed on their feet, mud caked on their faces and their toenails shellacked. They managed to talk Padmé into going with them. Aside from the holozines making any bad jokes about a Chancellor, a Princess and a Jedi walking into a spa, hopefully they all are able to relax. I don't think they'll be much longer, they've been gone for a couple of hours."

"That's fine. It's you I came to see anyway."

Anakin raised an eyebrow. "Me? Did you buy a new ship?"

"No." Han shifted nervously. 3PO brought the two bottles of ale and withdrew. Anakin took one of the bottles and handed Han the other one.

"Do you want to sit down?" Anakin asked.

Han did, with Anakin beside him, then Han said, "I'm going to get right to the point." He took the black velvet box from his jacket pocket, held it in front of Anakin, and opened it.

Anakin's eyes widened so much that Han was afraid they'd pop out of his head, and he dropped his ale, spilling it all over the carpet.

3PO bustled in. "I'll clean that up right away, Master Anakin. Do you want another one?"

"Yes," Anakin said as he stood and paced back and forth, his hands clasped behind his back, his head down, not looking at Han. Han sat, and waited, afraid to say anything or ask any questions. Finally, a couple of minutes that seemed an eternity later, Anakin looked up. He was frowning. "She's only 18," he said. "Alright, she'll be 19 in a few weeks. But a year ago she wasn't even legal in most systems."

For a moment Han didn't answer. Then he closed the ring box, put it back in his pocket, and stood. "OK," he said. "How long do you want me to wait?"

Anakin's initial thought was, Until you've dated her longer than three months, you idiot, but then he saw the expression on Han's face.

"Stang," he said. "You're serious."

"Of course I am," Han replied. "I've found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Of course I'd like the rest of my life to start soon. But if I have to wait - the rest of my life will just start at whatever point you name. If I have to choose between waiting a few years or losing her forever, I will gladly wait. So - how long? Five years? Ten years?"

Anakin didn't answer, just walked slowly to the expansive windows of the apartment. But Han noticed how rapidly the man blinked, saw him biting his lip.

Stang. I'm making the Hero with No Fear cry.

Of course Leia had warned him once. Don't let the Jedi Master war hero guise fool you. My father is a big softie.

3PO brought another ale and handed it to Anakin, who swallowed half of it in one gulp.

Finally, after several awkward minutes, he turned to Han, and in an unsteady voice, said, "In the center of the Jedi headquarters building, there's a garden. It's mostly used for meditation, it's probably the only place in Galactic City where any green plants and flowers grow. Leia loves it there. Ask her to show it to you. It's a... pretty romantic spot. Usually non-Jedi aren't admitted but if the Padawans guarding the entrance give you any trouble, have them contact me." He looked away again.

Han nodded slowly. "So... we're OK then?"

Anakin turned. "As much as I would like to argue with you, I can't. This is Leia's call. And I'll be very surprised if you aren't happy with her answer."

Han nodded again. "I'll take care of her. I promise."

"I know you will," Anakin said, looking away again, out the window.

"I'm going to go now," Han said.

"Come back later," Anakin replied. His voice broke.

Han left, giving Anakin the chance to dry his eyes.


Chapter 9

Leia emerged from the medical center hallway into the lobby where Han was waiting. He took both of her hands and kissed her. "You're smiling, must be good news," he said.

She moved aside the material of her dress, showing him her bare shoulder and part of her torso. "Notice anything missing?"

He grinned. "No air brace?"

She returned the grin. "No air brace. All I have to do is keeping working on my arm. I still only have about 75 percent range of motion."

"Considering it's only been a few weeks, 75 percent range of motion is not bad at all," he said. "Are you ready to go?"

"More than ready," she said. He put an arm around her shoulders, leading her out the door and to his waiting speeder.

"I'll still be out of real action for awhile," she said. She was no longer smiling as she climbed into the speeder with Han beside her. "It's not so much that I mind doing research, it keeps me useful, I'm just used to playing a... bigger role."

Han started the speeder and eased it into the skylane. "I'm assuming that someone has to handle the research aspect for every mission?"

"Yes. A padawan or several padawans are usually assigned to it."

"So why not you, especially since you are good at it?"

She scowled. "I'm also good with my lightsaber."

"So I've seen. But as your Dad told me once, there is more than one way to win a battle."

"Sounds like something you'd learn at the Naval Academy."

"Well, I teach that concept now. I haven't always." He shifted the speeder into another skylane. "Really, Leia, without the research you did, would Cad Bane be in jail now? Would your mother's office have all that information on the blackmail and bribery that has been going on? Some scary frak there, especially if it had stayed undiscovered."

She sighed. "You're right. And I'm not sure it's the being off the front lines that I mind. It's the reason behind it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I let that kriffing Sith wench beat me."

Han took her hand and squeezed it. "Sweetheart, she didn't beat you. She barely slowed you down. Look at you, you're almost all the way back."

"I wish it would happen a little faster."

Han smiled and touched her hair, which was free of its braids and flowing down her back. "So impatient," he said. "Would it cheer you up if I take you to a nice restaurant so you can celebrate having freedom of movement by sitting in a chair and eating unlimited carbs in a basket?"

She smiled at him. "I would like that," she said, then turned to look at the skylane ahead of the speeder. "Han, why are we heading towards Jedi headquarters?"

"I understand that there is a garden in the center that you like," he said. "I'd like to see it for myself."

Leia's eyes widened. "It's a meditation garden. It's probably the only quiet place in Galactic City. How did you know about it and how do you expect to get in? Only Jedi are allowed..."

"Don't worry. I've arranged all that."

She gave him a suspicious look. "Han Solo, you are up to something," she said.

He returned her look with a sly grin. "Hey," he said. "It's me."

"Exactly," she said dryly.

Han parked the speeder in front of headquarters and they got out.

"The garden is in the center, and there are a couple of corridors you have to pass through first," Leia said. "Assuming we can get past the padawans at the door, that is."

"I told you, don't worry, I've got that arranged," Han said.

She frowned, looking as if she weren't sure she believed him, and they approached the entrance. The padawan at the door, a blond boy of about 16, nodded. "Leia," he said.

She returned the nod. "Dak," she said.

Dak looked at Han. "I am sorry, sir, only Jedi are allowed to enter here."

Han put a hand on Leia's shoulder. "I have authorization from Master Skywalker."

Dak looked at Han suspiciously.

"Look, kid, have you got a comlink?" Han asked.

Dak nodded.

"Call him if you don't believe me."

Dak gazed at Han and nodded slowly. "What is your name, sir?"

Han extended his hand. "I'm Captain Han Solo of the Republic Navy," he said.

Dak shook Han's hand. "Captain Solo," he said. "Just so you are aware, if you were to use Master Skywalker's name to gain entrance to Jedi facilities without his permission, he would find you."

Han laughed. "I am quite aware of that," he said. Leia suppressed the urge to giggle.

Dak still looked suspicious. "You may enter," he said. "But please don't get me in trouble with the Jedi Council."

Han smiled. "I won't. I promise." He put his arm around Leia's shoulders and they both entered the headquarters.

"It's this way," Leia said, and Han followed her down one hallway, a left turn down another, then down a flight of stairs to a door.

She opened the door, and Han followed her outside.

It really was the most peaceful place on Coruscant. Sunlight streamed through tall trees. A stone walkway meandered through colorful flowers, species native to several different systems. The perfume of the flowers filled the air, and the greenery was so lush that it was almost impossible to tell that a building surrounded this place on all four sides. It seemed that they were in the middle of a very floral forest.

Leia walked down the path, lifting her head in the air and taking a deep breath. "Ahhh... I haven't been able to do that in awhile. And what a wonderful smell." She took a few more long, deep breaths.

"Easy, sweetheart," Han said. "You're going to make yourself dizzy." She smiled. "I'm fine. And look here, Han..." She gestured to a group of flowering shrubs. "Bhansgreks. And we get to see them in bloom. May be the only chance in our lifetime." "Why do you say that?"

"They only bloom every hundred years. They are native to Naboo. We have some outside our house in Theed. They bloomed when I was small but they're green now. A pretty green even when they aren't blooming but still... it's a treat to get to see them in bloom."

Han watched Leia sniffing the flowers, then moved closer to her, touching her hair.

She looked at him. "I am curious as to why you are suddenly so interested in a Jedi meditation garden," she said.

"Because I was told that you love it," he said.

"Is that the only reason?"

"Basically," he said, deciding that he was being truthful. He did want to see it because she loved it.

He gestured towards a bench underneath a flowering tree. "Should we sit?"

She nodded. "Why not?" she said, moving towards the bench and sitting down. He sat beside her, put an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her closer. For a few minutes they sat in silence. Han was working up his nerve, and he knew Leia could sense his anxiety.

Dammit, Solo, go for it, he thought. At least you'll know, one way or another...

"I'm hoping," he said slowly, "that we will have more to celebrate tonight than just your getting your air brace off."

Leia looked at him. "What do you mean?" She asked.

He got off the bench, dropped to one knee in front of her, took the ring box from his jacket pocket, and opened it.

She blanched, her mouth gaped opened, her eyes widened. Her mouth formed the word "Han..." but no sound came out.

He took the ring from its slot and held it out to her. "Marry me, Leia," he said.

Her mouth closed and opened again but she did not answer.

"Make me the happiest man alive. Marry me."

She moved to take the ring but her hands were trembling. She held her left hand out, allowing him to slide the ring onto her finger. Then she took his face in her hands, leaned over and kissed him.

He got off his knee and sat beside her on the bench again, taking her into his arms. "Can I take that as a yes?"

She nodded and kissed him again. "Han, I'm..." She wanted to tell him that she was speechless, and embarrassed that she could not come up with anything coherent at this most important moment in both of their lives. But all that came out was, "I love you."

Han stroked her hair and smiled. "I know."


When Leia got home that evening, she opened the door to find the apartment dark. She found her father outside on the balcony, his back to her, a glass in his hand.

She walked over to him, put a hand on his shoulder. He turned. "Hey, Princess," he said, putting an arm around her shoulders and drawing her to him.

"Why are all the lights off?" She asked.

"Easier to watch the sunset that way." He held up his glass. "Want some well-aged Alderaanian wine? Bail sent a bottle home with Luke."

"Sure," she said. 3PO had left a tray with the bottle and three more glasses; Anakin poured a glass and handed it to Leia, who took it and sipped.

"What did the medical droids say?" Anakin asked.

"The air brace is off, and I am supposed to keep working on my arm but I am not supposed did they put it... exert myself." She rolled her eyes. "I do want to pick up my training sessions though. I'm back up to six remotes, I think I can add another one."

"Take it slow. I'll watch you with the six tomorrow and we can decide then."

She sighed and nodded.

He looked directly at her and smiled. "Anything else you want to tell me?"

She felt her cheeks burn, and returned the smile. "You know already, don't you?"

He raised his eyebrows but didn't answer. She slowly held out her left hand. He set his wine glass down and took the hand, gazing at her ring for a few moments. "So Han did it," he said.

"Yes," she said.

"Are you happy?" He asked.

She couldn't suppress a grin. "Very much so," she said.

"Good. That's what matters," he said. "Did you have any trouble getting him inside headquarters?"

Her brow crinkled. "How did you know about that? Did Dak end up calling you after all?" She asked.

He shook his head. "I didn't get a call, but who do you think told Han how much you like the garden?"

She was surprisingly moved, and found herself blinking back tears that pricked her eyes. She gave him a hug, which he returned, then rested his arm around her shoulders again.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" He asked.

She nodded. "I love him. And he loves me."

Anakin didn't say anything, just waited for her to continue.

"I know it probably seems like it's happening fast. Nobody is more surprised by that than I am. I didn't like him at all when I first met him. But... that changed. And I didn't even notice the change until it had happened."

Anakin held her closer, gazing at the red and purple skyline of a Coruscant dusk. "I initially thought it was too soon. But I'm not sure there's a good call for timing, it's different for everyone. I knew I would marry your mother the first time I saw her."

Leia gave him a skeptical look. "You were nine," she said.

Anakin smiled at her, one eyebrow raised. "I knew," he said.

"I guess you did," Leia replied, looking out at the sunset again and sipping her wine. The diamonds in her ring sparkled in the reflected light of the cityscape. "Daddy..."

He looked at her. "What is it?"

"I'd like to have the wedding in Varykino," she said. "Nothing really big. Han's squadron will have to be there but... as much as possible, I want something small and quiet."

Anakin kissed the top of her head. "I think that can be arranged," he said. "We can even restrict access to Naboo airspace for a few hours to keep the media out. And it's a good choice of locations. I should know."

"It's too bad you and Mom had to hide for so long."

Anakin sighed. "The Jedi were doing what they thought was best. And the wedding was beautiful. Best day of my life, even if only R2, 3PO and the Holy Man were able to be there." He paused. "Have you told your mother and Luke yet?"

"No. Just waiting for them to get home."

At that moment they heard the door open and Padmé telling her guards goodnight. Then she came in and closed the door behind her, taking off the Chancellor's robes and hanging them in the closet. "Anyone home? Anakin? Oh, there you are." She walked out onto the balcony, kissed her daughter's cheek and her husband's lips, then poured herself a glass of wine. "So what are you two being so intense about? Did everything go well at the medical center, Leia?"

"Yes," she said. "The air brace is off, my ribs and collarbone are healed, the scapula is mostly healed."

"Good," Padmé said, then waited, sipping her wine.

"Mom..." Leia said. "I have something to tell you."

"I thought so," she said. "What is it?"

Leia held out her left hand, and her mother took it and examined the ring with wide eyes. "Oh my goodness," she said. "Well... congratulations. But aren't you a little young for this?"

She rolled her eyes. "Mom, how old was Daddy when you married him?"

Anakin turned red.

"He was 20," Padmé said. "But I was 24."

"So I should find a 14-year-old and wait for him to grow up?"

Padmé sighed. "That isn't what I meant," she said. "I'm happy for you, darling, really. I was just surprised, that's all." She looked at Anakin. "Did you know about this?"

He nodded. "Han came to me beforehand."

Padmé smiled. "How old-fashioned of him. I like that."

Luke came in so quietly that they hardly noticed him until he was pouring himself a glass of wine.

"Well, good evening, son," Anakin said.

"Why do I feel like I'm interrupting some galaxy-changing meeting?" Luke asked.

Leia giggled, and Luke looked at her. "OK, what's going on?"

Nobody spoke for a minute, but Leia smirked.

"I've never seen that expression on your face," Luke said. "What is it?"

She held out her left hand. Luke's eyes widened, and he almost dropped his glass. Anakin caught it from the bottom. "Easy," he said. Anakin took the glass and set it down, and Luke took his sister's hand.

"Wow," he said. "Sorry I don't have anything more profound than that. Congratulations. Really. When and how did this happen?"

Leia could not suppress her grin. "He picked me up from the medical center after my appointment, and we went to the gardens at headquarters."

"You went where? Which padawan let Han in?"

Leia laughed. "Dak was on duty. Han pulled Daddy's name out and Dak conceded. Eventually. It took him a few minutes. He was afraid of getting in trouble."

"Oh, OK. So... when?"

"Can we please decide that later?" Padmé said. "We're going to need several months for planning anyway, especially with security."

"I expected that," Leia said.

"We've already discussed this some," Anakin added, and met his wife's eyes. "She wants the wedding in Varykino."

Padmé's face softened. "Oh, how wonderful," she said. "There is no better place for a wedding. Are you sure Han isn't attached to any place on Corellia though? Coronet does have some beautiful areas..."

Leia shook her head. "We talked about that. He told me to pick the spot."

Padmé nodded. "OK. That makes it easier." She put her glass down. "Let's go inside. I haven't eaten yet."

"I haven't either. I was waiting for you," Anakin said.


Padmé came out of the 'fresher ready for bed, her black silk nightgown flowing about her, her hair, free of its usual chignon, falling down her back in a simple braid. It was a warm evening, and Anakin was lying on his back on top of the bedcovers, wearing only his sleep pants, his eyes closed.

Padmé lay down beside him and ran her fingers through his hair. "How are you, Ani?' She asked.

He opened his eyes briefly, kissed her, then closed them again. "Tired," he said. "You?"

"The same," she said, resting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. "The Council meets tomorrow?"

"Yes," he said. "Obi-Wan is going to arrest Free Taa as soon as we get the signed warrant from you."

"You'll have it before the meeting," she said, then sighed. "He was a colleague. It's sad that it's come to this."

"No, it isn't," Anakin said, opening his eyes again. "Civil dissent is expected in a democracy. Plotting to overthrow government using violence and coercion is not. Bane proved that Free Taa was doing that. Most likely he's been doing it ever since Bail was in office. He's done nothing but give you and him and Mon Mothma a hard time."

"I know," she said, and there was a tightness in her voice. "Let's talk about something more pleasant. When did Han come to see you?"

"Two days ago," Anakin said.

"That explains why you've been so moody."

He laughed. "Have I really been moody? Obi-Wan said the same thing."

"You're always moody when you're keeping secrets, Ani. It gnaws at you. At least it's in the open now. So did Han ask permission, for your blessing, or... what?"

Anakin closed his eyes again. "He showed me the ring. So I saw it in the box before I ever saw it on Leia's finger. He didn't say a word."

"He didn't have to." Padmé stroked Anakin's bare chest.

"No, he didn't. I told him the same thing you told her. That I thought she was too young."

"And what was his reaction?"

"He offered to wait for her. He asked me when I thought she would be old enough. And Padmé, he was serious. He was being literal."

"I don't doubt it. What did you tell him?"

"What could I tell him? I indicated that he should propose to her in the garden at headquarters. Looks like he took me up on it."

Padmé stroked the goatee, then his cheek. "She'll be OK, Anakin, you know that. Better than OK, in fact. I think she's going to be very happy."

He opened his eyes and smiled. "What happened to her being too young for this?"

She returned the smile. "Oh, she's old enough. It's us."

"What are you talking about?"

"My saying that to her was just my gut reaction. You're not the only one who has the twins frozen in time, at age 4, in our yard in Theed with their training sabers." She sighed. "We're getting old, Ani."

He kissed the top of her head. "Speak for yourself. I have no intention of getting old."

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? I don't think biology will give you a choice, darling."

He kissed her again, this time on the lips, and fingered the strap of her nightgown. "Well, biology will have to win against... aggressive negotiations."

"Only you would try to fight biology with... aggressive negotiations," she replied.

When she kissed him, he returned it with fervor, a long, deep, passionate kiss, pulling her on top of him and sliding the straps of her nightgown down. The gown fell to her waist.

"I thought you were tired," she said between kisses.

"I got my second wind," he replied.

"Ah. I should tell you that we're getting old more often," she said, running her hands slowly down to his waist.

"Maybe you should," he said.


Anakin entered the Council chambers at headquarters and held the piece of flimsiplast in the air. "Well, here it is," he said. In neat type was the arrest warrant for Orn Free Taa on charges of extortion and treason; Padmé's loopy signature stood out at the bottom.

Obi-Wan waved Anakin to his seat and took the flimsi from him. "I think you are enjoying this far too much, Anakin," he said.

"Is there some reason I shouldn't enjoy seeing the most corrupt long-standing member of the Galactic Senate be put where he belongs?" Anakin asked as he sat down.

Obi-Wan said nothing, just raised his eyebrows.

"I will accompany you to Free Taa's office, Obi-Wan," Mace said. "We will go at 1300."

"Once Free Taa is in prison, assuming he won't talk..." Shaak Ti began.

"That's probably a safe assumption," Anakin muttered.

"...can we still assume that we have all the members of the resistance except Ventress? And do we have any clue where Ventress is hiding?" Shaak Ti continued.

"The construction in the mountains of Ryloth... the beginnings of a foundry, it is," Yoda said. "Destroy it we must."

"The last time we destroyed a foundry, we found Ventress," Obi-Wan said. "Or Luke and Leia did."

"We may find Ventress on Ryloth. It is more likely that we will at least find someone who knows where she is," Mace said.

"Medical records from the facility on Kala'uun indicate that Ventress was treated there and fitted with a prosthetic hand," Shaak Ti said.

"Question the head of the center, we should," Yoda said.

"So are we planning a mission to Ryloth?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Let's see if Free Taa talks first," Mace said.

Anakin suppressed a snort.

"Contact the medical center using a secure channel, we can," Yoda said. "Possible it is, that the director will talk to us that way. If not, visit we can."

"The three of us should go," Mace said, indicating Yoda, Shaak Ti and himself.

"Can we assume that the Banking Clan is funding that foundry as well?" Obi-Wan said.

"That is probably a safe assumption, and we can hope that we will find out soon enough. Yesterday, Chancellor Amidala issued a warrant for Pors Tonith's arrest. All systems in the Republic have been alerted to seek him out and extradite him to Coruscant. He is hiding, but we will find him," Mace said. He stood. "We will meet again in three days. By that time Free Taa will be in custody and we will have had a chance to question him."

They said their goodbyes, and Anakin and Obi-Wan walked outside headquarters to Anakin's waiting speeder.

"Is Padmé planning to question Free Taa?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Not if she can avoid it," Anakin said. "But she may not have a choice."

"Someone on the Council will question him," Obi-Wan said. "It's possible that she can avoid that unpleasant duty unless she has more for him than we do." He looked directly at his former apprentice. "You're quiet today. Anything wrong?"

"No," Anakin said, climbing into the speeder and starting it. Obi-Wan got in beside him.

"OK," Obi-Wan said skeptically. "You're projecting a lot of mixed emotions."

"Leia's getting married," Anakin said.

"Really?" Obi-Wan said. He barely seemed surprised at all.

"Yes. Yesterday Han gave her a diamond ring the size of my head."

Obi-Wan laughed. "Now I know you're exaggerating. I don't think Leia is capable of wearing a small moon on her finger."

Anakin gave him a half-hearted smile in return. "Are you calling me big-headed, Master?"

"No, Padawan, I am calling you egotistical," he replied. "At any rate, should I be proud of you for not threatening to make him swallow it?"

Anakin sighed. "Maybe. I don't know," he said. "He actually came by three days ago to talk to me before he proposed."

Obi-Wan's eyebrows went up. "He wanted your permission?"

"I don't know. But he told me that if I thought she was too young, he would wait several years for her. Same Han, steady as always, promising that he wouldn't go anywhere and meaning every word of it." Anakin smiled. "He's a good man, there's no doubt about that, or that they love each other." He sighed. "I asked her if she was ready. And she is. I'm the one who isn't."

Obi-Wan pointed to a skylane that veered to the right. "Head that way, Anakin."

"CocoTown? Why?"

He clapped his former padawan's shoulder. "I think you and I need to pay Dex's Diner a visit."

"Craving jawa juice and sliders?"

Obi-Wan's eyebrows went up again. "Possibly. Or maybe I just want one-on-one time with my former apprentice and a chance to needle Dex about Ryloth at the same time."

"Ok," Anakin said. "Good idea. " He steered the speeder into the skylane that Obi-Wan indicated. "Just so you know, Padmé is planning a party for the twins' 19th birthday."

"And my presence is requested?"

"Of course."

"Are we looking at an evening with half the dignitaries of Coruscant?"

Anakin laughed. "No. Maybe a few dignitaries, but I think the majority of the crowd will be us, Pooja, Mon Mothma and the Organas. And Padmé's parents." He looked at Obi-Wan. "I was planning to go to Naboo to get them, maybe with one or both twins."

"It's been awhile since you saw the Naberries, hasn't it?"

"They avoid Coruscant for various reasons, namely that they aren't city people. And neither Padmé nor I have been able to go home in awhile. I need to see if Master Durothil needs anything for the training facility, and I want to check on the padawans there." Anakin referred to the Jedi Master who had taken responsibility for the facility after Padmé got elected Chancellor and the Skywalkers left Naboo.

"I'm sure they're all fine," Obi-Wan said. Anakin slowed to a stop, then docked the speeder next to Dex's Diner. Both men hopped out and went inside.

"A couple of people to see you, honey," the waitress, Hermione, called towards Dex. "Jedi by the looks of them."

Dex came out from behind the counter. "I should have known. Obi-Wan! And Anakin!" He wiped his hands on his grease-stained apron and gave each of them a hug.

"Good to see you too, Dex," Obi-Wan said, and Anakin nodded his agreement.

"You two want some sliders?" Hermione asked.

Obi-Wan nodded. "Why not? I've got an important arrest to make in an hour, it will go down more easily that way."

"Better add some jawa juice to that," Anakin said. "You're going to need it, Obi-Wan."

"Two of them?" Hermione asked.

Anakin nodded.

"Say, Anakin, your daughter's Navy captain friend was in here the other night," Dex said.

"Oh really?" Anakin said.

"And he was none too happy either. It was really late, around 0100. Several of his men came in here too drunk to know an X-wing from a Corellian light freighter, and their lieutenant was about the same. Solo yelled at all of them to pay for their sliders, get back to barracks and stop embarrassing the entire Republic Navy, then asked the lieutenant what he thought it meant to be the officer in charge. The lieutenant - can't remember his name right now - mumbled some half-hearted defense about the men thinking that he was some sort of god, and Solo said, 'Well why don't you use your divine influence and get them moving then?'"

Anakin and Obi-Wan were both laughing heartily when the waitress set plates and full mugs in front of them. Dex pulled up a chair at the end of the booth. "So," he said, "What can I help you with?"

Obi-Wan smiled. "You can tell us everything you know about Ryloth."

Dex leaned back. "Ahhh," he said. "Yes. Ryloth. Orn Free Taa has done a great job of keeping the Republic out of the way there. He's benefited from a few... clandestine operations that best run outside of Republic entanglements."

Anakin's brows knitted together. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know about the slave trade I assume. The citizens of Ryloth have barely bothered to hide that."

Anakin took a long gulp of jawa juice and nodded, his scowl deepening.

Dex continued. "They've hidden other illegal operations in their mountains. The mountains are hard to access unless you know the terrain really well so they make good hiding spots." He lowered his voice. "The resistance has set up headquarters there now. It's been fairly recent but... the Jedi are aware of the construction of a droid foundry, correct?"

Obi-Wan nodded. "We recently learned of it, yes."

"The Techno Union is involved. Wat Tambor has been set up in a nice penthouse in Kalu'um. It's a safe bet that you can find Pors Tonith there as well."

Obi-Wan and Anakin both spent a minute chewing and swallowing their food, saying nothing. Then Anakin said, "What of Ventress?"

Dex lowered his voice again, almost to a whisper. "My sources tell me that she is definitely on Ryloth, and the mountains near the droid foundry would be the best place to start looking."

Another silence, then Obi-Wan asked, "Is Free Taa providing facilities for them? Hiding places?"

"Free Taa provides the personal connections and knowledge of the land, the Banking Clan provides the dough," Dex said.

Obi-Wan finished his food, stood and put a hand on Dex's shoulder. "Thank you, Dex. As always you are a great help."

"No problem, old buddy." He looked at Anakin. "Give the Chancellor my best."

"Will do," he replied. "And thank you."

Obi-Wan put a hand on Anakin's shoulder as they walked towards the door. "Let's get back to headquarters. I've got to meet Mace, and go lock up a corrupt Ryloth Senator."


"Ah, there is my husband," Padmé said as Anakin entered her office that evening. "Darling, I'd like you to meet the new Senator from Ord Mantell, Lorth Sihin."

"Master Skywalker." The man held out his hand, which Anakin took.

"Senator," Anakin said. "Welcome."

"Thank you sir." The man was short, only an inch or two taller than Padmé, and so pale as to almost be colorless.

"We brought the deregulation bill to a vote this afternoon, and Senator Sihin cast one of the deciding votes. The financial agencies of the Banking Clan will not be deregulated." Padmé was very close to losing her politician face and slipping into a wide grin.

"I was happy to do it, Madam," Sihin said. "I do have my predecessor's reputation to undo."

"I think you may have done that in one day," Padmé replied. "I will see you in the morning?"

"Of course," Sihin replied. "Have a good evening, Your Excellency."

"You as well," Padmé replied, and Sihin left.

"So," Anakin said, stroking Padmé's cheek. "I don't think I've seen you this relaxed in awhile. And I thought it was because Free Taa is in jail."

She laughed. "That does help," she said. "But the deregulation bill failing... this is a major setback for the Banking Clan, and therefore a major victory for us. We may be at the turning point now, Ani. The resistance doesn't have a chance without the Banking Clan."

"Well I have some better news, which probably will not surprise you, but it does help to have confirmation from a trusted source. The resistance appears to be headquartered on Ryloth. An investigation there should produce Ventress and Wat Tambor. At this point they appear to be the only ones left, particularly with Free Taa in prison."

"Pestage's trial starts next week," Padmé said. "Assuming he is convicted, which I believe he will be, he may have added a year to his sentence by refusing to cooperate with Republic questioning. Let us hope that Free Taa does not make that mistake."

"Are you planning to question him?" Anakin asked.

"No. I plan to ask Master Windu to do it. Free Taa could always accuse me of being partial since he ran against me last time." She frowned. "Who is your source on this?"


Padmé smiled. "I should have guessed. I have no idea where he gets all his information but it's usually correct."

"No one knows where he gets it," Anakin said.

"Is the Council sending someone to Ryloth?"

"It depends on the information we get, but Master Yoda, Master Windu and Master Ti will probably go."

"We can hope that they will be able to wrap it up quickly and with no complications," Padmé said, then looked at Anakin. "But you are no more optimistic about that than I am."

"No," Anakin said, then changed the subject quickly. "What's on the agenda tomorrow?"

She smiled. "You should come out; the Senate is going to vote on offering Republic citizenship to the people of Tatooine."

"You think it will go over that easily? Is there going to be any debate?"

"Probably not much of one. There may be some dissention from Senators whose constituents are afraid of the Hutts; that is most likely to happen on Outer Rim worlds. Convincing them to trust the Republic to protect them from Hutt tyranny will make the difference, but that will be difficult. The Republic has turned a blind eye to the Hutts for far too many decades."

He put his hands on her shoulders. "But you're changing that. I think they'll see it." He kissed her. "I'll be there tomorrow."

"Good," she said. "And I'll need to borrow the holoprojector that you brought from Tatooine."

Anakin looked at her quizzically. "Why?"

She smiled. "Humor me."


"The Supreme Chancellor recognizes the Senator from the sovereign system of Rodia."

Guld Juna's pod lowered. "Chancellor Amidala, fellow Senators, as you are aware, my homeworld of Rodia is located just off the Corellian Trade Run along the border of the Republic and Hutt-controlled space. Although we are part of the Republic and have representation in this body, my people live in constant fear of the Hutts and all the horror of Hutt rule: property seizures, slavery, lawlessness, no recourse for victims of crimes. Many of my constituents, taking the attitude that they have no choice but to join the Hutts, go work for them as bounty hunters and never return to Rodia. The planet of Tatooine is only two parsecs away, and that planet is controlled by the Hutts with no Republic interference or assistance for its citizens. The majority of Tatooine residents live in poverty, struggling to farm moisture from the arid land while being constantly subjected to intimidation, coercion, theft or even assault by any of the various criminal groups there: Gamorreans, Tuskens, and yes, the Hutts. The only recourse that residents have if they are victimized by these groups is to appeal to the Hutts, appeals which are rarely fruitful. And the only opportunity residents have to accumulate any wealth or prestige of their own is to win at gambling. And of course for those residents of Tatooine who have been enslaved, there is little to no hope for escape at all. However, through this Congress, we can give all citizens of Tatooine the option to join the Republic. We can establish polling stations on Tatooine to allow them to vote themselves Republic citizenship and all the benefits thereof. They can vote to live under Republic law and receive Republic assistance. They can vote to banish Hutt control of their planet for all time and live in freedom."

Another pod lowered and Harli Jiktar, Senator from Saleucami, spoke. "Chancellor Amidala, fellow Senators, Senator Juna's motivations are honorable. However, I have two questions. The first is, can we afford to divert resources to yet another Republic system? As the Chancellor has pointed out before, the Treasury has never recovered from the Clone War. The second question is, can we afford to anger the Hutts, who control a large area of space in the Outer Rim as well as several hyperspace lanes?"

"Senator Jiktar, I would like to respond to your questions myself," Padmé said. "You are correct, the Treasury is nearly empty, which is why I have voiced my opposition to lowering taxes on the major trade routes. However, if Tatooine is admitted into the Republic, its citizens will pay taxes to the Republic."

"Would this additional taxation impoverish them further?" Senator Jiktar asked.

"Not likely," Padmé said, "As the Hutts commonly extort the meager earnings of Tatooine citizens. As the Hutts will no longer be allowed to do this, Tatooine citizens will actually be wealthier, even after paying taxes to the Republic. Which brings me to your second question: what we cannot afford to do is allow the Hutts to control, manipulate and terrorize any area of Republic space. Senator Juna has told you of the plight of his constituents, many of whom are so afraid of the Hutts that they feel they have no choice but to go work for them rather than risk exploitation." She paused. "Now if I could take a moment, I would like to tell you about some of Tatooine's citizens." She pushed a button and a hologram appeared above her. "This woman was my mother-in-law, Shmi Skywalker. She lived on Tatooine, as a slave. Her owner was a Hutt named Gardulla, until Gardulla made a bad gamble on a pod race and lost two slaves, Shmi and my husband, who was five years old at the time. Shmi and Anakin were then enslaved to a Mos Espa merchant named Watto. I met them when my ship lost its hyperdrive motivator and we were forced to reroute to Tatooine to buy a new one. While bargaining for the motivator with Watto, we were caught in a sandstorm. Shmi took us into her home although she did not have the space or the resources to feed us." Padmé paused. "I was horrified at the utter disregard for the Republic's anti-slavery laws on Tatooine, but Shmi's words to me were, 'The Republic does not exist out here. We must survive on our own.' Unfortunately she could not have been more correct. As Watto would not accept Republic credits, we were forced to gamble on a pod race to win the parts for my ship. Fortunately we were also able to win Anakin's freedom; five years later, a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars fell in love with Shmi and bought her freedom. Even in that barren, desolate, lawless place, many people are able to find happiness, including Shmi and Cliegg, and Cliegg's son Owen and his wife Beru, who still live there as moisture farmers." She paused again. "Shmi should still be on Tatooine, farming the land. However, one morning 21 years ago, as she picked mushrooms off moisture vaporators, she was kidnapped by a band of Tusken Raiders and brutally murdered." Several Senators' mouths gaped in horror. "Adolescent male Tuskens have what is known as a blood rite. In order to prove their manhood, they must kidnap a living being and slowly torture it until it dies. Many Tuskens choose a krayt dragon, however, a Tusken who chooses a sentient being is considered more of a man, especially if that sentient being resists death. And Shmi resisted death, because she wanted to see her son one more time. She survived a month in the Tusken camp, although she was beaten brutally several times a day." She swallowed. "This barbaric ritual is perfectly legal on Tatooine, and Shmi has hardly been the only innocent victim. The Tuskens continue this ritual, and on a regular basis, because there is no recourse. Thirty moisture farmers went to rescue Shmi, twenty-six of them were also murdered. No citizen of any planetary system deserves to live in constant fear of such barbaric tribes and their horrifying rituals. If Tatooine were part of the Republic, this could be stopped." She looked over the completely silent chambers. "I understand that many of you and many of your constituents fear the Hutts. It is possible that the people of Tatooine will not vote to join us. However, they should have the choice. Thank you." Padmé shut down the hologram of Shmi, and indicated to Vice Chair Taren to start the voting process.

A few minutes later, Vice Chair Taren handed Padmé the datapad with the results, and she addressed the crowd again. "The vote passed, 1278 to 722. When we reconvene tomorrow, we will establish a voting date for citizens of Tatooine to elect to join the Republic or remain outside of it."

A pod lowered and Yasinda Traln, Senator from Raxus Prime, spoke. "Your Excellency, do we have a contingency plan in place in case of retaliation from the Hutts?"

"I will deploy the Republic Navy to Tatooine on the day of the vote, to ensure that Tatooine's citizens are not harassed either at the polls or on the way there. The level of hostility threats from the Hutts will determine how many squadrons I send." She paused, scanning the room. "The Hutts do not have nearly the level of power that they did a thousand years ago, when they controlled a virtual empire on the Outer Rim. Their space is far more limited than most people think, although they have used every means possible, including threats and blatant extortion, to hold onto the territory that they can still claim. The worst case scenario is that we will go without use of Hutt-controlled hyperspace lanes. For now."

Traln nodded, and her pod ascended again.

"This session is adjourned," Padmé said. "Have a good evening." She stepped down and exited the room, followed by her guards.

Anakin waited for her outside. He reached for her hand, which she took, and he intertwined his fingers with hers, squeezing tightly. "Thank you," he said.

She returned the squeeze. "You are welcome," she replied.


"Captain Solo." The fleet admiral shook Han's hand. Madine was in his mid-fifties, a bit pudgy in the middle, his straight dark brown hair streaked with grey. The look in his grey eyes as he appraised Han was one of respect.

"Admiral Madine." Han's handshake was firm. "I'd like you to meet someone." He put a hand on Leia's shoulder. "The future Mrs. Solo."

Madine's gaze took in Leia, then her ring; a flicker of recognition crossed his face, and then shock. He looked at Han again. "You've done quite well for yourself." He turned to Leia again. "Padawan. I'm not sure whether to congratulate you on the engagement or worry about you agreeing to spend your life with this guy." He clapped Han's shoulder then gave him a teasing smile. "Are you sure she's going to take your name? Hers still carries a bit more weight."

"Admiral," Leia said, smiling. "I am quite sure Han is familiar with hyphenated last names."

Han turned to her. "Hyphenated?"

She smirked and nodded. He gave her a look that clearly said We'll discuss this later as Madine waved Han into his office, nodding at Leia. "If you will excuse us, we won't be long."

Leia nodded, sitting in one of the hard chairs in the waiting area. Han disappeared into Madine's office, and the door closed behind them.

"So, how are you doing? Any lightsaber burns?" Madine was smiling.

Han gave him a quizzical look. "No. Why?"

"How exactly did you get that ring past Anakin Skywalker?"

Han grinned. "My considerable personal charm."

Madine gave him a dubious look. "Really, Solo."

Han laughed. "Yes, really," he said.

Madine shook his head. "Many times I watched Skywalker lead the 501st into battle. He was only 20 years old at the time and already head and shoulders above the rest of us. Fierce one, he is. On-field and off-field personalities usually differ, but... he is notoriously protective of his kids, especially the girl." He glanced at the door, the one with Leia on the other side. "Impressive. Most impressive." He looked directly at Han again. "Of course an outstanding officer would recognize another one, so maybe there is more here than your considerable personal charm..." He smiled and held out a set of rear admiral's stars. "...which did not earn you these. Only skill and leadership ability did that. You are one of the finest officers I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and I'm predicting that you'll be fleet admiral one day."

Han turned red, a rare occurrence for him, and took the stars, for a moment at a loss for words. Finally, he said, "Thank you," and shook Madine's hand.

"Congratulations, Admiral Solo," Madine said.

Han murmured his thanks again.

"And now I have your first assignment in your new position." Madine pushed a button, illuminating a hologram map above his desk, and pointed to a dot in the Outer Rim. "Tatooine. Are you familiar with it at all?"

"Vaguely so, yes," Han said. "Hutt territory?"

Madine smiled. "Not much longer I hope. The Senate has just voted to allow them to join the Republic if they so choose. Tatooine's citizens have to elect to do so, however, and the Hutts are likely to do everything in their power to stop that from happening. That's where you come in." He pushed a button, disengaging the map. "I need you to take a hundred squadrons to the planet; polling stations will be placed in all the major cities. Mos Espa, Mos Eisley, Anchorhead. There will be a few stations set up in the rural areas as well, to ensure that people living beyond the Dune Sea and Jundland Wastes have the opportunity to get to the polls. Your job and that of your men will be to ensure that Tatooine's citizens are able to vote without harassment or... worse. Tatooine is sparsely populated, only about 200,000 residents total, so we can hope it will not be a difficult job. But you will be stationed at quite a distance from each other and you will need to ensure that the troops are well supplied with provisions, especially water."

"Understood," Han said. "When do we leave?"

"The vote will take place next week. And the Chancellor may increase the number of squadrons that we'll be deploying if her office receives word of heavier threats from the Hutts."

"Are the Jedi going as well?"

"The Jedi will be on standby to reinforce you if needed."

"Alright then." Han saluted. "Thank you, Admiral. It will be done."

"No, thank you... Admiral." Madine returned the salute, and Han left his office, to find Leia waiting for him.


"Master Durothil," Anakin said. "Contact me on Coruscant and let me know what else you need."

"What of the reports of the resistance amassing on Ryloth?" Durothil asked.

"I have it on pretty good authority that the reports are entirely accurate. Masters Windu, Yoda and Ti are on their way to Ryloth now to check things out and hopefully put a stop to this movement for good."

Durothil nodded, then waved to Luke and Leia. "Padawans," he said. "Doing well?"

"Yes, thank you," Luke said.

Durothil turned to Anakin again. "Let me know what happens?"

"Will do," Anakin said. "I'll be in touch."

"Thank you again."

Anakin and the twins left the Jedi training facility and walked down the stone streets of Theed, R2 rolling along behind them. They arrived at the Naberrie residence within a few minutes. Jobal opened the door and enveloped Anakin into a hug. "You made it safely. Good," she said.

"You were worried?" Anakin asked.

"I always do," she said, "especially with this resistance movement."

"I don't think they're going to be a problem much longer," Anakin said.

Jobal had turned her attention to her grandchildren. "My goodness, you've turned into adults overnight," she said, hugging both of them and kissing their cheeks. Then she pulled away, looking wistful for a moment. "How I wish you still lived just down the street, I feel like I've missed so much, I thought your mother might have let go of this public life by now..."

Ruwee entered the room, leaning on his cane. "Ah, Anakin," he said, taking his arm. "Welcome back, son. And Luke and Leia!"

"Hi, Grandpa," Luke said, hugging him. Leia did the same.

"Are we ready?" Anakin asked. "Where are your bags?"

"In the back room," Jobal said. Anakin went quickly and returned with two suitcases, handing one of them to Luke.

"So what is it that my daughter is doing that she can't leave Coruscant even for a day?" Ruwee asked as they left the house.

"Getting a bill out of committee to break up the Banking Clan. And preparing to declare martial law on Tatooine," Anakin replied.

Jobal's eyes widened. "Martial law?"

"It was to be expected," Anakin said. "The Hutts aren't taking too well to the idea that they might not be in charge anymore. Several Navy squadrons are being deployed to handle them. But the problem is contained on the Outer Rim, and Padmé is in no danger, no more than usual."

Jobal nodded, seemingly reassured, then turned to Leia. "So what of these Holonet rumors about you and a Navy captain..." She looked at Luke. "And you and the Princess Organa?"

The twins smiled, and Luke blushed. "Both true," he said.

"The Navy Captain is now a Navy Rear Admiral," Anakin added, and he smiled. "Leia can tell you the rest."

"Daddy! I was coming to that!" Leia protested.

"Coming to what?" Ruwee asked.

"We'll be back on Naboo soon, in Varykino," Leia said. "...planning a wedding."

"A wedding?" Jobal said.

Leia slowly held out her left hand. Her grandmother's eyes widened. "When did this happen?" She looked at her son-in-law. "Anakin?"

He was smiling. "You'll like Han. I promise."

Jobal sighed, turning to Leia again. "You are awfully..."

"...young." The twins finished at the same time. Anakin and the Naberries laughed.

"You've heard that already I guess," Ruwee said. He looked at Anakin.

"Yes, she's heard it," Anakin said. "Han is quite a bit older."

"And Daddy was not happy about that in the beginning," Leia muttered.

Anakin laughed. "I had to adjust," he said, putting a hand on his daughter's shoulder. R2 beeped. "Don't you go telling tales," Anakin told the droid. He replied with a series of beeps. "Yes, I am sure that 3PO will handle that part."

They had reached the docking bay near Theed Palace, and the Ornate, whose ramp descended. "So how did you meet?" Jobal asked as they boarded the ship.

Leia and Anakin looked at each other and grinned, then Leia turned to her grandparents. "Daddy and I had to rescue him," Leia said. "He and his squadron rescued Alys off Sate Pestage's ship. Han allowed himself to be taken hostage so that his squadron would have time to help Alys escape, which they did. Then Daddy and I boarded Pestage's ship and got Han, who was so annoying at the time that I wanted to leave him on board."

Anakin laughed. "Leia pushed him down a garbage chute."

Leia scowled. "He was making a racket with that stupid blaster of his and causing every droideka in the ship to come after us. I had to put him somewhere."

The Naberries were laughing as they strapped themselves in. "I'm afraid to ask," Ruwee said. "But how did he get out of the garbage chute?"

"I got him out," Anakin replied. "Leia did go looking for him after dismantling the clankers."

"I was going to finish the job, even if he was being a twit."

"It didn't take the twit long to convince you to go out with him," Anakin teased.

Leia shrugged. "What can I say? He's persistent."

"And it paid off," Luke said.

"Well, let's get going," Anakin said, indicating to Luke to follow him to the ship's cockpit, then turning to the Naberries. "I think Han will still be on Coruscant, although I understand that he is leading the naval squadrons who are deploying to Tatooine. You'll probably get to meet him before he leaves." He disappeared into the cockpit, followed by Luke.


Padmé could throw a good party. To some degree her career in politics was probably aided by that fact, as being able to entertain could easily sway some undecided voters. But in Anakin's opinion, the parties without an agenda attached, without the pressure of persuading Senators to support an upcoming bill, were the best. Padmé looked ten years younger tonight, in a sleeveless red gown with her hair in one long braid woven with gold cord. She almost looked young enough to be mistaken as a sister of Leia, who wore a similar dress, but in white, and the same hairstyle. Padmé's relaxed mood of the past few days had continued, and she smiled and laughed as she circulated among their guests: her parents and Pooja. Obi-Wan. Bail and Breha Organa, and Alys, who had managed to pull Luke into a corner for a private, seemingly intense conversation. Mon Mothma. A handful of senators, including Senator Sihin of Ord Mantell and his wife. Admiral Madine, Lando and Chewbacca.

The only person having more fun than Padmé was Leia, who stood with Han, getting the attention and chatting with nearly every guest, occasionally displaying her ring. The Holonet had run its headlines that morning announcing the engagement, and reporters seemed to be competing to see who could write the most fairy-tale-like story. "The Admiral and the Padawan" was Anakin's favorite headline so far, although he had had to laugh, thinking that the Holonet gossips had not had this much fun with a romance since his secret marriage to Padmé had been made public. He reminded Leia that they would lose interest and she would not have to duck cameras so often as soon as the gossips found a newer scandal, some Senator caught with his pants down, and that would probably happen within a week. She congratulated him on the amount of progress he had made since the day he had scolded her for kissing Han in public.

Anakin did not know who had started the round of spoons clinking on glasses, but the sound echoed through the room like chimes, Leia leaned in to kiss Han, and everyone in the room applauded. Han held up his glass and said, "Happy birthday to my beautiful bride and her twin brother. I plan to make your 20th year in this galaxy the best one you've had."

Someone said "Hear, hear!" and glasses clinked together.

Anakin managed to find Padmé near the entrance to the kitchen. He put his arm around her shoulders. "So where were we 19 years ago right now? Were we holding them yet?"

She scowled at him. "You were. I was numb from the chest down." The scowl disappeared and she smiled. "It was a frightening day, remember? But it's amazing how well the happy ending almost makes us forget what came before." She looked at Leia, then Luke, and Anakin's eyes followed hers.

"Nineteen years seems like such a long time," he said. "But such a short time all the same."

"I know," Padmé replied. She stood on tiptoe to kiss him. "We shouldn't hide from our guests, darling."

He smiled mischievously. "No. That comes later."

Padmé walked over to her parents, who stood near Han and Leia.

"You haven't lost your touch," Ruwee said.

Padmé smiled. "I come by it naturally," she said, glancing at her mother.

Jobal touched Padmé's bare shoulder. "You should retire when your term is up. Come back to Naboo, entertain this way for fun. I wondered if you knew how to have fun anymore."

Padmé glared at her. "Mom. I'm only 46. I'm not retiring."

"I had thought when you married Anakin that you would leave public life and raise a family. Then the twins were born and..."

"The war had just ended, the Republic had been saved by the skin of its teeth from becoming a dictatorship, and I couldn't leave."

"Anakin did most of the work raising the twins while you were shuttling back and forth to Coruscant."

Padmé whirled on her as if she had been slapped. Her eyes blazed. "That is not true and that is not fair, not to either of us. They are Jedi, he and Obi-Wan are in charge of their training, of course he has had a greater role in that regard."

Ruwee put a hand on his wife's arm. "Dear..." he began.

"I'm sorry," Jobal said. "I had to say it."

"And do you wonder why she doesn't come back to Naboo very often?" Ruwee said.

"Even if that were possible," Padmé snapped. "Why would I want to come home and listen to you give me a lecture?"

Jobal sighed. "I mean no harm. I just never wanted you to go into politics. You were insistent." She looked around the room. "But here you are, running the Republic and running it well. And putting yourself in constant danger..."

"And that's the real issue isn't it?" Padmé said. Her voice softened. "Mom, I'm probably safer now than I was as Senator. I'm much more heavily guarded now. Taking me out would be more trouble than it's worth."

"What's going on?" Anakin asked, approaching Padmé and putting his arm around her.

"Nothing," she said, and stepped away from him, touching his arm. "I need to talk to Breha, I've barely said hello to her."

Anakin gave his in-laws a confused look. "What was that about?"

"Jobal wants Padmé to retire," Ruwee said.

Anakin managed to suppress a laugh. "Good luck with that," he said.

"Don't you get tired of this life, Anakin?" Jobal said.

"I'm used to it by now," he replied. "And Padmé would be miserable if she were forced home and out of action." He stroked his goatee. "I don't even know what's next for her after both of her terms are up, assuming she wins next time, which I think is a pretty good bet. She'll probably stay on as advisor to the next Chancellor the way Bail and Mon Mothma have done."

Jobal sighed. "When you're right, you're right. She isn't me. She wouldn't be happy sitting at home." She looked at her husband. "Can I blame your mother for this? For getting her into the Legislative Youth and encouraging her to run for Princess of Theed?"

"Blame whoever you want," Ruwee muttered, watching his daughter circulate among her guests. He turned to Anakin. "When does Han leave for Tatooine?"

"Early in the morning," Anakin replied.

"Well, best of luck to him," Ruwee replied.

"He'll handle the Hutts," Anakin said. "Of that I have no doubt."


Chapter 10

The blast of hot air hit Han and Lando like a furnace as they walked down the ship's ramp, followed by their squadron. "Damn," Han muttered.

"I feel like I'm back on Socorro," Lando said.

"Lucky you," Han said sarcastically.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Lando replied in the same tone.

Han turned to the men behind him, continuing to walk backwards as he talked. "So once we're settled here, we'll have all the polling stations monitored and it will just be a matter of ensuring that people are not harassed en route to the polls," he said. "That might be a challenge. This place can be a little rough."

"Which place?" Lando asked.

Han turned around and waved a hand ahead of him, indicating the spaceport several yards away. "Mos Eisley. It's a haven for criminals. Smugglers. Gamblers." He looked at Lando. "Come to think of it, it's a haven for guys you'd probably like."

Lando rolled his eyes. "Thanks," he said.

"Anyway, it's a pit. Leia has an aunt and uncle not too far from here, between Mos Eisley and Anchorhead. I've been asked to personally escort them to the polls if at all possible."

"Are you going to be able to do that?"

"I hope so," Han said, taking out his canteen and taking a long swallow of water. "Drink your water. Dehydration happens three times as fast in this climate." He turned to his men again. "You as well."

"I've already had that lecture," Lando said. "And heard it at least ten times when you gave it to the other men."

"It takes that many lectures to get the information through your thick skull," Han said. "Are you going to drink some water or not?"

"Alright, alright," Lando said, taking out his own canteen.

"Good. I don't feel like carrying you back to the ship after your veins dry out from this heat." They began the slow walk towards Mos Eisley, shielding their eyes from the sun and the sudden gust of hot desert wind. When the wind stopped, Han pointed to his right. "There is the polling station, right at the entrance to the city." It was a makeshift adobe hut, medium in size, with two humans standing at the entrance with blasters. "Locals," Han said. "Hired to guard the place until we arrive."

"Oh," Lando said as they approached the hut. Han extended his hand to one of the men. "I'm Admiral Solo. This is Captain Calrissian, and this..." He said, indicating the men behind him, " the 681st legion. We'll take it from here."

The guards shook Han's hand and then saluted. "Yes, sir," they said. Then one of them mumbled, almost too low for Han and Lando to hear, "The Republic pays handsomely. Made more in a week here than I normally make in a month on the farm. This is one way to win votes..." Then they walked away slowly, entering a cantina half a block away.

"Alright," Han said, entering the empty hut. "Let's do this. Voting should start in a few hours, and will continue for the next planetary rotation. We'll take turns sleeping and standing on post. Commander Cata." Han indicated the corner of the room, which had enough space to set up a sleep mat. "You sleep first."

"Yes, sir." The commander nodded and went to the spot Han indicated.


The door opened and Han stared at the weathered, tired face of Owen Lars.

"So you are Leia's Navy officer friend," Owen said cautiously.

"I hope so," Han said. "I'm Han Solo. This is Lando Calrissian." He indicated Lando who stood to his right.

Owen said nothing, just gazed at the two disdainfully. "My upstart Jedi brother didn't think Beru and I could get to the polls unless he sent you to help?"

"With all due respect, Mr. Lars, the Hutts are not happy slugs lately. We're trying to ensure Navy protection for all Tatooine's citizens. It has nothing to do with your ability or lack thereof to protect yourselves."

Owen stared for another moment, then said, "I'll be back." He left and returned a couple of minutes later with his wife, both of them carrying blasters. Owen held up his. "This will protect us from Jabba's thugs."

Han smiled. "I'll tell you what. If we run into any of them, you shoot first, and Lando and I will cover you."

Owen held his gaze and nodded. "I like you, son."

"Good," Han said. He beckoned them towards his waiting speeder. "Follow me. Time to vote the Republic in."

"You know," Owen said as he climbed in the back of the speeder, with Beru behind him. "The chances of major changes happening overnight are about as good as water flowing in that river bed over there. The one that's been dry for a thousand years."

"Never tell me the odds," Han said, starting the speeder.

"The Navy has been given a nickname by some of the locals in Mos Eisley," Beru added as they cruised through the desert. "Amidala's secret police."

"I didn't know we were a secret," Lando said.

"There are a few who are trying to insinuate that the Chancellor's office and the Senate wants a dictatorship of another kind, that we would be replacing one totalitarian state with another," Beru said. "And that at least the Hutts are the evil we know, so they are saying. But that's only a few, and again, Mos Eisley. Anchorhead is a much friendlier place."

Han looked at Lando. "Those boys who were holding down the fort for us? They were from Anchorhead. One was from one of the farms near here."

"Biggs Darklighter," Owen said. "I know he was hired at one of the voting booths. Local boy. A good one. He's interested in enlisting himself, but his family hasn't been able to spare him."

"Maybe if this vote goes through..." Beru began.

"Trust me, you will be much better off," Han said. "And by all means contact me if there is any issue with the Navy, including local boys wanting to enlist."

Owen and Beru looked at each other uncomfortably. "Owen is reluctant to use any...connections," Beru said. "Of course if very many people here found out that the Chancellor is his sister-in-law, we might never be left in peace again, so we've kept that information private. But that's not the only issue. We can survive on our own, and prefer to do so, as opposed to constantly accepting Anakin's help."

"What if it's help he wants to give?"

"That isn't the point."

"Oh," Han said. "OK, how is this... if you have need of a contact in the Navy, call Lando. He isn't family, so no one, including you, could accuse you of taking advantage of family connections."

Both Larses were silent for a moment, then Owen reluctantly mumbled, "OK, then." A couple of minutes later, Han deftly parked the speeder in front of the voting station outside Mos Eisley. Lando escorted the Larses inside, and they returned several minutes later.

"Well, it's done," Owen muttered. "Let's see what good it does."

"Has it been busy today?" Han asked Lando as the three climbed back into the speeder.

"It's been steady," Lando replied. "Cata said it's been nonstop people."

"Good," Han said, starting the speeder again and steering it back towards the open desert and the homestead.

"I know the Republic will want some information on moisture farming," Han said.

"What sort of information?" Owen asked.

"How it's done. What exactly is the process for extracting water from the soil? Where does the difficulty come in and why?"

"I can provide that, but I don't know why the Republic needs it," Owen said.

"Farming assistance is part of the Senate budget," Lando replied. "A part which I would assume would increase. There are programs that can provide equipment, transportation, marketing, subsidies."

Owen nodded slowly, saying nothing.

"The subsidies have helped many people on other Republic worlds to survive, especially in hard times," Han added.

"This is Tatooine. We have hard times and harder times. No easy times," Owen said. "We take what the planet gives us."

"You've lived without democracy for so long that you no longer remember what you're missing," Han said. Then suddenly his tone changed. "Uh-oh. I have a bad feeling about this."

"What?" Lando asked.

Han pointed straight ahead of him, where several swoop bikes came towards them at a rapid speed. On the swoop bikes were large humanoids, humanoids wearing masks and carrying an array of weapons. Vibroblades and vibroaxes. Clubs. Blasters.

"Stang." Lando muttered, then turned to the Larses. "Get down. Now."

Beru obeyed, but Owen looked around Han's shoulder to see. "Oh kriffing no." He aimed his blaster, fired a volley of shots, then ducked down next to his wife.

Han drove the speeder directly into the middle of the bikers, he and Lando both firing several rounds from their blasters as they drove. A few of the humanoids fell, but it seemed that for every one that they killed, three more appeared behind them on bikes.

Han turned and whispered fiercely to Owen, "If anything happens to us, take this speeder and get out of sight as quickly as you can. My men will contact Coruscant if we don't come back to the polling station, so you two just cover yourselves, do you understand?"

"Absolutely," Owen said, firing another round out the side of the speeder. At that moment several of the humanoids attacked them directly.

Owen covered Beru with his body and continued to fire directly ahead of him, not looking in his peripheral vision at all, for several minutes until he suddenly realized that the air had gone silent and there was no longer anyone in front of him, trying to climb into the speeder.

He stood up and looked into the front of the speeder. Han and Lando were gone.

Oh. Stang. Not good. He and Beru looked at each other, not speaking, then he climbed into the front of the speeder and gunned it. Passing the dead bodies of several of the humanoids, Owen drove quickly to the homestead and ran inside, to the back room, to his com station, with Beru on his heels.

"I need a transmission to the Jedi headquarters on Coruscant, for Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker," Owen said quickly.

"That'll cost you, sir," the operator said.

"I don't care, you idiot, put me through!" Owen snapped.


"It is done," Padmé said, unable to suppress a grin. "The Banking Clan is no more. It is now several independent banking operations."

"...who can safely be deregulated if the Senate so chooses," Bail finished.

Anakin grinned as well. "That is great news," he said. "You could call Tonith back in and offer to put his bill back on the floor."

Padmé laughed. "I don't think that's necessary, darling," she said. "The next step is to capture Ventress, then we can officially announce that the resistance is no more."

Anakin was no longer smiling. He turned to the window, stroking his goatee.

"What is it?" Padmé asked.

He turned back to her. "I don't know how safe it will be to bring Ventress in alive," he said. "We will need a place to put her in isolation, and with at least one ysalamari. You do want her brought in alive?"

Padmé nodded. "Of course, if that's possible."

"Does Master Windu know this?"

"I told him," Padmé replied.

"A place to hold her won't be a problem, I just wanted to make sure you were fully aware."

"That she's no ordinary prisoner? I am more than aware, Anakin."

"OK," he said. His comlink buzzed. "It's headquarters," he said, and answered it.

"Master Skywalker," the padawan said. "Incoming transmission for you, sir. From your brother on Tatooine."

Anakin's eyes widened. "Send him through," he said.

"Right away," came the reply. Anakin set his comlink into the transmitter near Padmé's desk, and Owen's frantic image appeared. "Anakin. I wondered how much hell I was going to get before they let me talk to you."

"None, I hope," he replied. "Owen, are you alright? What's going on?"

"Beru and I are fine," he said. "We got to the polls, we voted, that went well. But we ran into some trouble on the way back."

"What kind of trouble?"

"Jabba's hired gang. The one that rides swoop bikes."

Anakin looked down and away from a moment, muttering "E chu ta." Then he looked at Owen's hologram again. "And what happened?"

"Beru and I got away. But the naval officers who escorted us... they were taken."

Padmé had been standing behind Anakin, but at this she sat down, putting a hand to her forehead. Bail took a couple of steps closer to Anakin and the hologram.

"Taken where?" Anakin asked.

"I wouldn't know for sure, but I'm going to guess Jabba's palace."

"Owen..." Anakin asked cautiously, obviously afraid of the answer. "Which naval officers?"

Owen met Anakin's eyes. "Anakin, I'm afraid Leia's fiance was one of them. The other was his friend the Socorran."

Anakin swallowed. Owen continued. "I'm sorry, I called you as soon as I could, it's just happened within the past half hour or so. I had my blaster and tried to hold them off, I was trying to protect Beru at the same time..."

Anakin held up his hand. "You did the best you could. I'm glad you and Beru are alright." He stood. "I'm on my way, I'll leave within the next few minutes. Stay inside and keep your blaster close."

"Is the vote going to get called off, even temporarily?"

Padmé looked up. "No," she said. "We will not be intimidated. That would be exactly what the Hutts want. In fact, I am going to send more squadrons and order those already on Tatooine to step up efforts to get people to the polls."

"I'll bring Obi-Wan and the twins, and I'll have other Jedi on standby to join me if needed," Anakin said.

Owen nodded. "Alright, I'll see you here at some point then."

"Yes," Anakin said. "Stay safe. Please." He shut his comlink off and looked at Padmé and Bail. "This is not such a surprise," he said. "But it's Han..."

Padmé nodded sadly. "I know."

Anakin opened his comlink again. "Obi-Wan, do you copy?"

"I copy, Anakin. Everything alright?"

"No. We need to leave for Tatooine." He quickly explained what happened, and heard Obi-Wan sigh audibly through the com. "I'm in a training room at headquarters, with the twins. They've been sparring a bit. Do you want me to tell Leia?"

Anakin frowned. "She'll take it as well from you as she will from me, and there's no point in keeping her in the dark."

"Alright, I'll do it. We'll meet you at the Ornate in 15."


Luke, Leia and Obi-Wan were already on board the Ornate when Anakin arrived. "How bad is this?" Luke asked his father.

Anakin frowned. "We won't know until we get there, but if Jabba has them..." He didn't finish. Leia, who was standing in front of a window, her back towards them, flinched. Anakin went to her, put his hands on her shoulders, turning her around to face him.

"Princess," he said quietly. "We will find Han. I promise."

She looked at him and didn't say anything. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears. Anakin hugged her; her breath hitched and a couple of tears escaped, splashing into Anakin's tunic, but the moment passed quickly. She pulled away from him. "Let's just go," she said. "We don't know how much time we have."

"You are right," Anakin said. He kissed her forehead and gave her shoulder a squeeze, then moved towards the cockpit. "Luke," he said, beckoning his son to follow, then turned to Obi-Wan. "We'll land between Mos Eisley and Anchorhead this time."

Obi-Wan nodded, strapping himself in, as Anakin and Luke went into the cockpit and started the ship.


"Damn, this place stinks," Lando muttered. He and Han were being shoved roughly by the humanoids, blaster barrels jammed into their backs.

"Not sure I can smell," Han said. "I think I got hit in the head too hard."

Lando glanced at Han, worried. Han had held off a vibroaxe but been smacked in the forehead with a club, and his temple was bleeding.

"You are badly injured if you can't smell this," Lando muttered.

"It's not that bad," Han said. "I do smell something that smells like frak."

"That's the Hutt smell," Lando replied.

Han and Lando could hear Jabba's voice as they were brought before his dias. "At last we have the mighty Admiral Solo."

"Whatever," Han snapped. "Sad to be losing control of the planet, you stupid barve?"

Jabba laughed. "I have not lost control of it yet, Admiral," he said. "Chancellor Amidala should have never tried to encroach on my power. And you and Captain Calrissian will demonstrate by example. With your execution."

"Execution?" Lando said.

"The mighty Jabba has decreed that you will be terminated tomorrow morning." The protocol droid standing next to Jabba said.

"Good," Han muttered. "I hate long waits."

"You will be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the pit of the mighty sarlacc, where you will learn a new definition of pain by being digested slowly over a thousand years."

"On second thought," Han muttered. "Let's pass on that." He looked at Jabba. "You are making a mistake by challenging the Jedi and the Chancellor's office. Don't be a fool."

Jabba laughed out loud. "Boy, I was fighting Jedi and winning when the Jedi Order was 100 times larger than it is now. And Chancellor Amidala knows better than to betray me." He looked at the humanoids. "Take them away!"


The land skiff floated a few feet above the sand and was bustling with an assortment of beings: the humanoids who had captured Han and Lando. Gamorreans. Twi'lek dancing girls. Pets of various species. Droids. An astromech serving drinks. A couple of protocol droids, neither as chatty as the one that Anakin built.

Leia, will I see you again? Han wished he had the ability to reach out through the Force. Then he stopped the thought in its tracks. No time for that. Whining and wondering gets you nowhere. Look for a solution instead. The humanoid thugs carried blasters. They had taken his and Lando's when they were captured.

The skiff stopped, and a narrow board extended from the side. A plank. "I guess we really are pirates now," Lando muttered sarcastically.

"Just shut up and watch for my signal. We're going to find a way out of this."

Lando looked at him skeptically. "Since when did you become the optimist?"

"It's not optimism, pal. It's called a will to survive. Look for yours."

They were pushed out onto the plank by the humanoids shoving blasters into their spines. At the end of the plank, they looked down into what initially appeared to be an ordinary sandpit. Then the mouth opened, revealing a wet pink tongue and several long, pointed teeth.

One of the protocol droids spoke, its voice magnified over the desert. "The mighty Jabba hopes that you will do your duty as officers of the Republic Navy and die honorably. He says that if you have any last words or wish to beg for mercy, you may do so at this time."

"I have some 'last words'," Han muttered, then he looked up at the dais and shouted. "Kiss my ass."

The humanoids gave a shove, and Han and Lando were forced off the edge of the plank. The sarlacc gaped its jaws at them, but they clung to the edge, their legs dangling over the pit, refusing to fall in. The humanoids stepped on their fingers; Han felt two of his crack, and he winced, but forced himself to hold on. Lando fell, grabbing onto Han's leg at the thigh.

"Hey, Han..." he said.

"Saying your last words now?" Han muttered, struggling to hang on.

"No," he said. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I think we're getting some help."

Han cocked his ear, and heard the roar of a speeder coming towards them. He grinned.

"What?" Lando said.

"Only one person in the galaxy drives a speeder that way. Anakin is here." He looked down at Lando. "You think you can jump over to that sand bank?"

Lando hesitated. "I'm no Jedi."

"Give it a shot. If my leg breaks, we both fall into that slug's mouth."

"Yeah." The speeder pulled up next to the land skiff as Lando took a leap, landing on the edge of the bank, his legs dangling precariously next to the sarlacc's mouth, his hands failing to grip the edge of the pit, slipping in the sand.

The sarlacc grabbed his boot. Lando's eyes widened; he was too frightened even to yell. The four Jedi had jumped from the speeder and come towards him.

"Han is on that side!" he shouted.

Luke, Leia and Anakin jumped onto the plank. Obi-Wan extended his arm. "Take my hand, Captain Calrissian."

"Yes, sir," he said, and reaching up as Obi-Wan reached down, he managed to get a firm grip on the older man's arm. He felt himself being lifted, his pants leg ripped, but he landed safely and firmly on the ground next to Obi-Wan.

Meanwhile, on the plank, the blue blades of Anakin and Luke's lightsabers and the green blade of Leia's lightsaber whirled, and several of the swoop bike gang members fell into the sarlacc pit, their fingers scraping the sand in one last desperate effort to save themselves.

Then it was over. The humanoid gangsters were dead, the droids and creatures stared down from the skiff in horror, Jabba howled with fury. The Jedi disengaged their sabers, and there on the plank, Leia took Han's stubbled cheeks in her hands and kissed him passionately.

"I love you," Han said.

"I know," Leia replied, then touched the wound on his forehead.

"It's a scratch, don't worry."

"Come on," Obi-Wan said, indicating the skiff. "This isn't over yet."

Han held onto Leia's hand with the hand without broken fingers, and they caught up with Anakin and Luke, who were running towards the skiff. "Can someone get me a blaster?" Han asked.

Anakin turned. "They may have all fallen into the sarlacc pit with those thugs, but we'll see what we can do."

Leia let go of Han's hand and jumped onto the skiff. The droids ran towards the corners, and a few Gamorreans appeared from a room at the rear and raised their Thogks at the Jedi, but Leia went directly to Jabba himself, igniting her lightsaber and cutting the slave girls free of their chains. "Run," she told them, indicating the desert. "Grab water and run. Someone will come for you, but you need to get out of here." They nodded, dazed, and obeyed.

Then Leia took one of the long chains and wound it around the Hutt's neck tightly. Jabba gagged, and Leia pulled harder.

Luke Force-pushed two Gamorreans away, slamming them into a wall, and ran to his sister. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Leia breathed heavily as she tugged at the chain. "Hutts are... Impossible." Tug. "To." Tug. "Kill." She tugged hard, Jabba's eyes popped out of his head and he breathed his last.

Luke stared in shock. Then a Gamorrean lifted him from behind.

"Luke!" Leia said, igniting her saber.

Meanwhile Han and Lando had found extra blasters and opened fire on the Gamorreans.

Han shot the Gamorrean holding Luke; he dropped Luke and fell to the floor dead.

More Gamorreans appeared from the rear, near Anakin, who shouted, "Everyone run! Get off this skiff and into the speeder. I'm behind you. Go now!"

They obeyed. Luke and Leia jumped together, followed by Obi-Wan, then the three of them Force-floated Han and Lando down. The last thing they saw was Anakin with his eyes closed and hands raised, and the roof and walls of the skiff tumbling inward.

"Daddy!" Luke called.

The Gamorreans were crushed under the skiff walls. Anakin jumped out of the way, appearing at the edge of the skiff, before getting hit by a large piece of the skiff's metal roof.

He tumbled onto the sand, unconscious.


Obi-Wan jumped out of the speeder, followed by Luke, Leia and Han, and ran to Anakin. Obi-Wan pointed to Luke and said, "Get back in. I need you to drive the speeder."

Luke nodded, backing away, not taking his eyes off his father. Obi-Wan knelt in the sand next to Anakin, with Han on the other side. He put his fingers on Anakin's temples and closed his eyes for a moment. Han took Anakin's wrist in his good hand. "I've got a pulse," he said.

Obi-Wan nodded slowly. "Yes. He's alive. His Force presence is still strong. But he needs medical attention."

Han stood, lifting Anakin. "Is there a hospital near here?"

He wasn't surprised at Obi-Wan's answer. "No," he said. "We'll take him to his brother's house for the time being, and I'll call a medical frigate."

Han nodded, carrying Anakin back to the speeder while Obi-Wan opened his comlink. Han climbed in the back of the speeder next to Leia, who cradled her father's head, staring at his blanched face. "Is he alright?" she asked.

"I don't know," Han said. For a few moments they both gazed at Anakin's unmoving form, concern written on their faces. Luke had started the speeder and they flew through the desert towards Anchorhead, and the Lars homestead on the other side.

Finally Leia looked up at Han. "You need that cut stitched, and your fingers taped."

"It's not my blaster hand, it's no big deal," Han said. But he winced. Leia mentioning his fingers made them hurt again. He looked at them. They were twice their normal size, and various shades of purple and black.

She gave him a half-smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "You do other things with your hands other than hold a blaster," she said.

"Hey," Lando said. "Mixed company."

Han gave an unenthusiastic laugh. "You're hardly mixed company, pal," he said. He met Lando's eyes. "Are you doing alright?"

"I seem to be in better shape than anyone," he said.

"I don't know about that," Han replied. Then the talking ceased, and everyone stared straight ahead, at the open expanse of desert, as Luke drove quickly and silently towards the Lars farm.


Owen and Beru met them outside as the speeder pulled up. "What happened?" Owen asked.

Obi-Wan and Luke lifted Anakin from the speeder. "We ran into some trouble. But Jabba will not be a problem any longer," Obi-Wan said.

Beru's eyes widened. "Anakin..." she said, her voice tinged with fear and sadness. She beckoned them inside. "Come on. You can lay him in the front room."

Obi-Wan and Luke carried Anakin inside, into the room that Beru indicated. The others followed, going into the kitchen, where Beru poured a small bit of water into a bowl and grabbed a cloth. "What happened?" Owen repeated. "What kind of trouble did you run into?"

"Jabba tried to have Han and Lando executed. They were out in the Dune Sea, in a land skiff over a sarlacc pit. Daddy knew the place; he had seen executions there before. We fought Jabba's minions, rescued Han and Lando, then got attacked again. Daddy pulled the roof of the skiff down over a group of Gamorrean guards, and part of it landed on him," Leia said.

"He pulled the roof down?" Owen said, shocked.

Leia nodded, and Owen muttered something that sounded like "damn reckless idiot" before looking at Leia again. "And what did Kenobi mean when he said Jabba would not be a problem any longer?"

"Jabba is dead," Lando replied.

Owen's eyes widened again. "How? Anakin?"

"No," Han said, and grinned. "Leia did it."

A smile appeared on Owen's gruff face. "Somehow I always thought a Skywalker would be the one to eventually take him out."

"Well, taken out he is," she said, then changed the subject. "Aunt Beru, can you tape Han's fingers? Jabba's gangsters broke them."

"I'll do it," Owen said. "I've taped many fingers, including my own. I'll clean off that forehead for you, too." He turned to his wife. "See to Anakin."

She nodded and left the room. Leia kissed Han and stood. "I need to go to my father."

"Yes, you do," Han said. "I'll be in there as soon as I can."

"And Han, if you are contacting Commander Cata..."

He looked up. "Yeah?"

"Someone should go look for those poor Twi'lek girls who were chained to Jabba. I don't know how long they'll last in the desert. I told them to run, because I was afraid the Gamorreans would try to hurt them..."

Han stood, and kissed her forehead. "I'll take care of it. Go."

Leia nodded, left the room, and went to Anakin.


Anakin wasn't sure where he was - a jungle of some sort? It was hot, stifling hot, and there were tall trees, the tallest trees he had seen since... Teth maybe? He was alone, and he needed to find a base, a com station, or some means of wiring one together. He had to contact Coruscant, to see if he could raise Obi-Wan. For some reason he could not remember the mission he had been sent to complete, and that scared him. And he could not remember the last time that Obi-Wan or at least one of the twins had not come with him. Why was he totally alone here?

"You aren't." The voice, strong and distinctly female, came from directly ahead of him, in a clearing between two of the trees, where the sun's rays shone.

"Who's there?" He asked.

"Skyguy. Has it been so long that you no longer remember me?"

Ahsoka emerged, but it was a different Ahsoka. Taller, sharper eyed, her tattooed skin a bit more lined, her lekku now long enough to reach her waist.

Anakin blinked. "Snips," he said, feeling his throat tighten. "You've grown up."

She smiled. "What did you expect? If I had lived, I'd be 36. I couldn't appear to you as a 17-year-old again; I needed to remind you that I was not young enough to be your daughter, as much as you wanted to think..."

"Think what? That I was wiser than you because I was older? Ahsoka, I never thought that, even if I pretended to do so - felt I had to pretend to do so, I was supposed to be your teacher..."

"No 'supposed to be' about it, Master."

Anakin changed the subject. "Where am I and why am I here? Am I dead?"

She shook her head. "No. Not if you don't want to be."

"What is that supposed to mean? Of course I don't want to be! The twins..."

Ahsoka nodded. "Yes. Fatherhood has been surprisingly good for you. It has given you focus. On something outside yourself."

Anakin smiled. "Are you calling me selfish?"

Ahsoka returned the smile. "No. Self-centered."

"Ah..." Anakin said. "You know, you were right. About Leia. Before she was born. I have felt like I was training you again."

Ahsoka's smile widened. "That wasn't me, Anakin, that was you. There was a reason the Council placed us together. We are alike. And she is your daughter through and through." Ahsoka paused. "You have done well. With both of them. You should be proud."

Anakin blinked. "I wish you were here. I've never stopped missing you, Snips. Or regretting that I didn't get to you fast enough."

He felt the hot tears on his cheeks, then something else, a cool wetness, wiping them away.

"Guilt has defined you, Master. And many times it has almost destroyed you. It doesn't matter who reminds you that you did everything you could, or how often. No one can make you believe it. That is a choice that you must make."

"What are you talking about?" More tears fell, and the mysterious coolness that dried them, came again.

"Forgive yourself. If you won't... you might as well join me now. Cross over."

"She is right." The voice was deeper, also distinctly female, and one Anakin had heard recently, although only on a hologram.

"Mom." His throat tightened again, and more tears spilled.

"Ani, I love you. And I'm proud of you. But this is not all that you are."

"Mom... I'm sorry..."

"It wasn't your fault, Anakin." Somehow her voice seemed magnified, as if it were coming not only from her, but from above, like an echo. He felt the comforting coolness drying his tears again. He didn't answer.

She continued. "How could you have known what would happen to me or when? You are not all-powerful, Ani."

"That's what Padmé said," he replied, his voice choked. " the time."

"And she was right." Shmi sighed. "Beru gave you my journal so that you would remember. So that you would have a part of me to hold onto. But also so that you could move on."

"Move on?"

"All the guilt in the world will not bring me back, Anakin. It will not bring Ahsoka back either. What are you accomplishing?"

The tears came faster, as did the coolness against his face. "I don't know," he said.

Then two voices, small but again seeming to come from above him. "Daddy."

He looked down and saw the twins, but not at age 19, at age four. Luke held his stuffed Ewok. "Luke," Anakin said, smiling. "You can't train to be a Jedi if you can't put Wicket down." He looked at Leia, whose soft brown eyes stared up at him, above the hand in her mouth.

"Leia," he said gently. "I thought we were going to stop sucking our thumb?"

Both twins nodded slowly. Luke set the Ewok on the forest's dirt floor, and Leia slowly removed her thumb from her mouth and dangled her hands by her side.

"They are moving on," Shmi said. "Moving where the wind takes them. Letting go of the past as needed. Will you, Ani? Or do you plan to stay here with us?"

Anakin didn't answer.

"What did I tell you before you left Tatooine?" Shmi asked.

"You told me to be brave," Anakin replied.

Shmi smiled. "I also told you not to look back. And you forgot that."

He didn't say anything.

"So what do you want to do?" she said.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to stay here... or do you want to live?"

"Of course I want to live," Anakin snapped.

"Then go," Shmi said. "Live. And know that I love you. But don't look back, Anakin. Don't look back."


"What is happening?" Luke asked. Anakin was shaking, his eyes closed, tears streaming down his cheeks. Beru continued to dip the cloth in cool water and wipe his face.

"He is having a nightmare," Obi-Wan answered. "A horrific one it seems."

"Snips," Anakin murmured.

Leia looked up. "Snips. Ahsoka. Is he dying?"

Obi-Wan shook his head, his eyes closed. "No," he said. "He is alive. But he may be in that ethereal space between worlds."

Leia swallowed, and squeezed her father's hand. Luke did the same, on the other side of the bed. A minute later Anakin began shaking violently, tears coming from his eyes again. "Mom. I'm... sorry... Mom..."

"Shhhh..." Beru said. "It wasn't your fault, Anakin." She wiped down his face again. Anakin appeared to relax, albeit only a little.

Obi-Wan looked at the twins. "Talk to him," he said. "He can hear you."

s "Daddy." They both said, and surprised themselves by saying it in unison. They gave each other weak smiles, each holding one of their father's hands in both of theirs.

Anakin began murmuring again, and the two audible words were "Wicket" and "thumb." Luke and Leia glanced at each other again, not smiling.

"How long has it been since you played with Wicket, Luke?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I was four," he said, looking down at his hands enfolded around that of his father.

"Same time I finally stopped sucking my thumb," Leia said quietly, looking down.

"He is having flashbacks," Obi-Wan said. "And apparently this time, not bad ones."

For a few minutes no one spoke, then slowly, Anakin opened his eyes to slits, looking at his children. "Hey," he said weakly and hoarsely. "What are you two looking so sad about? You didn't think you'd get rid of your old father that easily, did you?"

Both twins hung their heads and wept.


Han met Obi-Wan at the door to the room. "I don't know if you heard," Han said. "But the vote passed. Tatooine is now part of the Republic."

Obi-Wan smiled for a minute, then sighed. "All this was worthwhile then," he said. "We fulfilled the mission."

Han nodded. "We did." He looked past Obi-Wan, to where Anakin lay on the bed, eyes closed, his children's hands gripping his, their tears splashing against his knuckles. "How is...?"

"Anakin woke up for a couple of minutes, spoke to Luke and Leia, then lost consciousness again. I think he'll be alright, but all the same...I'm hoping the medical frigate that I ordered will hurry. He needs more attention than we can give him here." He looked past Han. "I need to contact Padmé."

"I did that already," Han said.

Obi-Wan looked at him, surprised.

"I needed to contact her anyway, to let her know that Lando and I were safe, and give her the status of the vote and the squadrons stationed here," Han said. "And it's not the first time I've had to deliver bad news."

Obi-Wan nodded. "What did she say?"

"She wants him transported to Coruscant as soon as possible, of course. And she wanted to make sure that Leia and Luke were alright."

Another nod. "Of course," he said. "How is your hand?"

Han held up his left hand with the fingers expertly taped. "Hurts like hell but this will take care of it."

"Good. The frigate is fully staffed, someone there should be able to give you something for the pain." He looked towards the door of the homestead. "Either you or Luke will need to fly the Ornate to meet the frigate."

"Lando and I can do it. It's docked near Anchorhead?"

Obi-Wan nodded. His comlink buzzed. "Master Kenobi. We are in orbit over Tatooine, sir."

"Thank you," Obi-Wan said.

Han put a hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. "We'll leave for Anchorhead right now."


On the frigate, the medical droids prodded and examined Anakin as Obi-Wan, Luke and Leia looked on anxiously.

"How is he?" Obi-Wan asked.

"He took a hard blow to the back of the head, sir."

The twins rolled their eyes. "We know that," Luke said, then muttered under his breath, "If droids could think..."

Obi-Wan silenced him with a look, then turned to the medical droid again. "How hard a blow and what effect is it having?"

"We are currently monitoring a small hematoma in the parietal lobe, sir."

"Basic, please," Luke said, sounding exasperated.

Obi-Wan sat down and covered his eyes.

"Uncle Obi-Wan..." Leia began.

Then Luke said quietly, "It's bad, isn't it?"

Obi-Wan looked up and nodded slowly. "A hematoma is a brain bleed," he said.

"Brain bleed?" Leia said. She turned to the medical droid. "This parietal lobe - what functions does that control?"

"Movement and balance," the droid replied. "The hematoma is a very small one and a patient of Master Skywalker's age has a good chance of making a full recovery, however, the next 24 hours are going to be critical."

"You were being monitored for a hematoma after Ventress injured you," Obi-Wan said.

"And I never formed one," Leia replied. "I was thrown against a wall. Daddy was hit directly on the head."

Luke hugged Leia, and for a few minutes they watched silently as the medical team worked on their father.

Han came into the room, followed by Lando. "The Ornate is docked in the hangar at the far end. What am I missing?"

Leia looked at him but could not find her voice to give him the latest. He understood; he put a comforting hand on both twins' shoulders, then took Leia in his arms.


"Master Kenobi," the medical droid said. "We have contained the hematoma, sir."

Obi-Wan's relief was so palpable that everyone in the room could feel it. "Contained? Meaning permanently?"

"The odds that the containment is permanent are 99 to 1, sir. But Master Skywalker will be out of action for a period of 15 to 150 days."

"That's a broad range," Han muttered.

"Patients recover at different rates, Admiral Solo," the droid said.

"Of course," Han said sardonically.

Luke had fallen asleep in a chair half an hour earlier, his head resting on the edge of his father's bed. Han whispered, "Hey, kid..." but Obi-Wan held up a hand. "I'll move him," he said. And he slowly lifted Luke, who said, "What's happening?"

"Hush, young one, you need your rest. It's been a very long night," Obi-Wan said quietly. Luke fell asleep again, and Obi-Wan carried him to a nearby sleep couch, laid him down and covered him with a blanket.

Han looked at Leia, whose head was lowered, her hand resting atop that of her father.

"It has been a very long night," he said. "And you should sleep too."

She looked up at him, saying nothing, then looked back down. Han had talked her into showering and changing her clothes earlier, and her damp braids hung around her shoulders. He ran his fingers over their coils. "Sweetheart, please," he said.

She didn't answer.

"You're exhausted," Han said. She looked at him again. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, her eyelids were drooping, and he could tell that she was only a few minutes of falling asleep at the edge of the bed the way her brother had. He opened his arms, and she leaned into them, resting her head on his chest.

"We'll be on Coruscant in six hours," Obi-Wan said, returning to his former padawan's bedside and putting a hand on his shoulder. Anakin's eyes moved behind the closed lids, indicating a dream, but it seemed to be a peaceful one. The rise and fall of his chest was even, rhythmic.

"Are you hungry?" Obi-Wan asked Han.

He shook his head.

"Alright," Obi-Wan said. "I'm going to eat and contact the Council. I'll be back."


Anakin's eyes opened slowly and he found Han staring at him. "Hey," Han said cautiously. "You're awake?"

Anakin gave a slow smile. "It would seem that way," he said, then reached up to grip his head. "Stang, that hurt. And I thought I was supposed to be rescuing you."

Han returned the smile. "You rescued me twice. I think it's time I returned the favor." Han looked at the sleep couch behind him, where he had moved Leia after she had fallen sound asleep. When he turned back to Anakin, he found the older man's hand raised to stop him.

"Don't wake the twins," he said.

"They're going to be pissed," Han replied.

"I can handle it. It's not like they've never been angry with me before. And I'm going to guess that they need the sleep."

Han nodded. "They went about 36 hours without any. Luke dropped first, his head next to your hand on that side. Leia still had to be convinced."

Anakin looked amused. "She's stubborn." He put his hand to his head again. "What happened anyway?"

"The short version? You pulled a roof down on your head."

Anakin closed his eyes, and for a split second, Han thought he was losing consciousness again. Then he said, "You'd better give me the long version. Padmé is going to kill me."

"I think she'll just be glad to see you alive," Han said.

"Once she determines that I'm in no further danger, I'll be in for a tongue-lashing that will make this headache worse," he said. He rolled onto his side and tried to sit up, ending up flat on his back again. "Oh, stang..."

"I don't think you'd better try to get up," Han said.

"Yeah, if I didn't know any better, I'd think someone had poured an entire vat of Corellian brandy into my veins. This ship just took a nice spin."

"You pulled a roof down on top of a bunch of Gamorrean thugs. You don't remember? A piece of it landed on you. You were so busy telling the rest of us to get out of the way that you forgot to do the same."

Anakin closed his eyes again. "I remember now, at least about the Gamorreans. And telling you to run. So what happened to Jabba?"

"He's dead."

Anakin opened his eyes. "How?"

"Leia cut loose those Twi'lek girls who were chained to him, then choked him with one of the chains."

Anakin gave a weak smile. "That's my girl."

"I don't think she feels that great about it to be honest."

"It's not ideal, especially for a Jedi, but taking him into custody would be impossible and a lightsaber is useless on a Hutt. They regrow body parts and live a thousand years. And Jabba has been terrorizing the residents of Tatooine for almost a century. Leia did the entire galaxy a great service." He gripped his head again.

"Are you alright?" Han asked. "Do you want me to get a medical droid?"

Anakin nodded slowly, and Han was starting to leave the room when Obi-Wan came in. "Anakin!" He said, rushing to Anakin's bedside. "How do you feel, Padawan?"

"Hello, Master. I feel like a roof fell on my head. How are you?"

"You haven't lost your quick wit. That's a good sign." He put his hands on Anakin's forehead and closed his eyes. "You have a headache and you're dizzy."

"Don't you do anything foolish, old man," Anakin said.

Obi-Wan smiled again. "Just a little healing help from the Force. I can handle it."

"I mean it, Obi-Wan. There is no point in your overdoing it and ending up in a bed next to me."

"I'll be careful, Anakin. I promise. Now stop talking."

Anakin did, and his face visibly relaxed as Obi-Wan channeled the Force's healing powers. When Obi-Wan was done, he slumped in his chair, rubbing his temples, not speaking for a few minutes. Anakin stared at him. "Obi-Wan, if you've hurt yourself on my account..."

"I'm fine, Anakin," he said. "The question is, are you any better?"

"I'm much better. But..."

Obi-Wan held up a hand. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. That's some headache though."


"Really, Anakin, don't fuss."

"Dare I say that you're getting too old for this sort of thing?"

Obi-Wan took his hands away from his face and looked at Anakin. "If I'm too old to use the Force for healing, you're too old to use the Force to tear a roof down."

Anakin managed a laugh. "Fair enough."

A medical droid wheeled in, followed by Han, who said, "We'll be out of hyperspace within the hour."

"Good," Anakin said. He looked at the medical droid. "Any chance I get to walk off this ship instead of getting wheeled off?"

"Absolutely no chance, sir," the droid said. "We cannot yet determine the level to which the hematoma has affected your balance."

Anakin yawned and frowned. "I was afraid of that."

Obi-Wan smiled, stood, and laid a hand on Anakin's shoulder. "Relax," he said.


The frigate docked in the emergency hangar of the Galactic Senate Medical Center, and Anakin was carried off on a stretcher, followed closely by Obi-Wan, the twins, and Han and Lando.

"I still can't believe you didn't wake me up when he regained consciousness," Leia snapped.

Han sighed and squeezed her hand, her fingers laced with his. "Sweetheart, I told you, I wasn't allowed."

"Daddy doesn't outrank you."

"Um, yeah, he kind of does. Besides, rank has nothing to do with it. You needed your sleep. You still haven't slept enough."

Leia gave him a withering look.

On the landing platform stood Padmé in her robes, her hair in one long braid, her eyes puffy from exhaustion. Bail and Alys stood beside her, but they held back as Padmé ran towards the stretcher, making the medical team stop as she leaned over to kiss Anakin. He appeared asleep, but he returned the kiss, then when it ended, opened his eyes and lifted a hand to stroke her cheek. "Are you an angel?" He asked.

Her reply, "You're a funny little boy," came out as a choked sob. She walked with the stretcher into the medical center, her hand firmly gripped in his.

Alys kissed Luke, then took his hand in one of hers and Leia's hand in the other one, walking between them, the way they often had when they were children. Together they followed Anakin's stretcher.


Padmé had booted everyone from Anakin's room, demanding fifteen minutes alone with him while the droids hooked him up to monitors. Lando had returned to Navy headquarters; everyone else marked time anxiously in the waiting area, Obi-Wan standing directly outside Anakin's door.

Obi-Wan felt a hand on his sleeve and turned to find Leia next to him. "You look tired," he said. "You and Luke should both go home and get in bed." He glanced at Luke, who was sitting in the hard plastisteel chairs with his arm around Alys. His eyelids were drooping. Nearby, Han and Bail stood. Han was on his comlink; Bail paced.

"I'm fine," Leia said. "Uncle Obi-Wan..." She suddenly seemed nervous, twisting her ring around her finger.

Obi-Wan rested a hand on her shoulder. "What is it?"

She looked up, and the question came out in a rush. "Am I in trouble with the Council?"

"For what?" Then the realization dawned on him. "Oh. Jabba." He sighed. "Tell me, Leia, do you think you should be in trouble?"

She looked down and fiddled with her ring again. "I don't know."

"Did you kill him in defense, or out of revenge?"

Her answer was barely audible. "Both."


"He condemned Han and Lando to a slow and painful death and was using all of his resources to ensure that that sentence was carried out. Plus what he has done in the past to Daddy, to all of Tatooine... what he would continue to do if we left him alive... and there seemed to be no way to take him into custody..."

Obi-Wan nodded. "You are right about that, and he had committed numerous crimes against the Republic. Had we been able to bring him in, your mother might have sentenced him to death anyway, in spite of the fact that she normally prefers to avoid issuing such an order."

"I saw those poor girls chained to him, his slaves, forced to ensure his smelly sliminess with no possible escape... I may have snapped."

"Can you tell me why you didn't use your lightsaber? Why you choked him with the chains?" She looked up again. "Daddy has said that Hutts are virtually immortal. I could have stabbed him with my saber and he would not have died. It seemed the only way."

Obi-Wan nodded slowly and didn't answer her for a moment. Then he said, "The Council will most likely want to question you. That is normal procedure when a Jedi is responsible for a death. But I can promise you that your father will be firmly on your side." He gave an amused half-smile, which disappeared quickly. "Jabba the Hutt was a well-known and strong enemy of the Republic and he had ordered the execution of two innocent Navy officers. You were not entirely out of line. Master Windu and Master Ti are not as familiar with Hutt biology and they may need some explanation. I will ask you the same questions I asked you here. I want you to answer them honestly. I do not think there will be any punishment other than a verbal chastising."

Leia nodded, continuing to twist her ring. Obi-Wan cupped her chin, forcing her to look up. "Now, will you go home, eat a good meal and get some rest?"

She didn't answer, just glanced at Han, who was still on his comlink.

Padmé emerged from Anakin's room, sniffling and dabbing at her eyes. When Bail approached her, she said, "I had Sovi cancel all my appointments today. The full Senate will convene in the morning; we need to start discussions on farm and medical aid to Tatooine, although there will be no vote until they have a chance to elect their own Senator."

Bail nodded slowly, and Padmé answered his unspoken question. "Anakin is going to be fine, just... out of commission for awhile. His medical droid said it was close though."

"Padmé," Obi-Wan began. "I should have stopped him as soon as I realized what he planned to do."

She looked at him. "Obi-Wan, you know better than that. You did the best you could, and so did Anakin." She turned to Leia, giving her a hug. "Go home, darling. You and Luke. I'll be here the rest of the day."


Chapter 10

Leia joined her brother at their father's bedside. "Where's Mom?" She asked.

Anakin smiled. "Whipping a few Senators into shape," he said.

Leia laughed. "Full session this morning?"

"Yes," Luke said. "About Tatooine."

"I told her to go," Anakin said. "And we can hope she'll nap afterwards."

"I wouldn't count on that," Leia said, taking her father's hand. "How are you, Daddy?"

"Not bad. I stood up for two whole minutes this morning before my knees gave out." He laughed weakly.

Luke smiled. "It was longer than two minutes. You made it across the room."

"Before you and your uncle had to carry me back to bed." He put his hand to his head.

"Do you need something for pain?" Leia asked.

"No, I'm fine," Anakin said. "Your uncle said you were worried about what happened with Jabba."

Leia frowned and sighed. "It probably had to be done. But what I did went against every Jedi teaching you've given me."

He touched her arm. "Leia, listen to me. Hutt negotiations don't lend themselves to any sort of Jedi teaching. Jabba cared about nothing more than maintaining his personal power and control over Tatooine, and he proved it when he captured Han and Lando. My guess is that he planned to use their executions as an example to your mother as to how she did not dare usurp his power. Think about it, what was their 'sentence' for? Trying to enact democracy."

She looked down and did not answer him.

"He really would have been impossible to take into custody," Luke said. "Lightsabers, Force binders, blasters, stunners... any sort of conventional weapons would have been useless."

Anakin looked at his son. "You are right," he said. He turned to Leia again. "I am just sorry that this duty fell on you. But you are a hero. You have done as much to free Tatooine as the Senators who voted to welcome them into the Republic. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Alright?" She nodded slowly. Anakin continued. "The Council will ask you what happened. That is procedure. But the mission on Ryloth takes precedence right now, and among Council members, only your uncle and I are on planet."

"Any progress on Ryloth?" Luke asked.

"We're still waiting to hear from Master Windu on that," Anakin said.

They heard a knock on the door, and it slid open slightly, revealing Han. "Can I come in?"

Anakin nodded, and Leia waved Han inside. He came to the bedside, touched Anakin's arm. "How's it going?"

"Very slowly," Anakin said dryly.

"Now where have I heard that before?" He looked at Leia. "You two even recover alike."

They both smiled. Han continued. "I have some good news and some bad news."

Leia looked down. "Good news first," she said.

"Remember when you told me to send Commander Cata after those Twi'lek girls?"

She nodded.

"He took a squadron out to the Dune Sea. Two of the girls are on a medical frigate with hydration packs. They'll make a full recovery."

She nodded again. "And the bad news?"

Han sighed. "The third girl... she was too dehydrated and sunburned. The medical droids estimated that she was probably starving as well. She didn't make it." He squeezed Leia's shoulders. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

Leia blinked rapidly and swallowed. "You did the best you could," she said.

"Leia," Anakin said. "Thanks to you, neither Jabba nor anyone else will enslave anyone on Tatooine again. You saved the lives of the two girls and who knows how many others."

Han nodded. "All three of them would have died if you hadn't told me what happened. Or if you hadn't cut them free and told them to run. Do you think anyone working for Jabba would have kept them alive?"

They heard a knock on the door again, and it opened to reveal Obi-Wan. "Good morning," he said. "Why all the long faces?" He crossed the room to Anakin's bed and smiled at him. "How are you, Padawan? Ready to take another walk?"

"Sure," Anakin said, hoisting himself up on his elbows. Obi-Wan held up a hand. "I've got some news for you first. I heard from Mace."

Anakin lay back down, his eyes wide. "And?"

"They have positive intelligence on the location of Ventress and expect to be able to bring her in within the next few days."

A slow grin spread across Anakin's face. Luke and Leia smiled as well.

"This means..." Luke began.

"It's over," Anakin said quietly. "It is finally over."

"We should be cautious about saying that, Anakin," Obi-Wan said. "Complacency and overconfidence got the Jedi Order in trouble in the first place."

Anakin did not answer. His eyes were closed, his heart in his throat. Images came to him like a holovid set in slow motion. Ahsoka lying on the floor of the Invisible Hand, the life fading out of her large blue eyes. Bodies of the clones, some with limbs severed, the bodies he had to leave behind, the ones that did not get a proper burial. Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, and Saesee Tinn, murdered by Palpatine's lightsaber, lying on the floor of his office. The Temple in flames.

None of you died in vain. We are defeating the darkness.

Anakin's vision swam red, and then he saw no more.

"Daddy!" Luke said. Leia put her fist in her mouth and made a sound like a squeak. Obi-Wan looked at Han. "Get a medical droid," he ordered, and Han stood and left the room immediately. Obi-Wan opened his comlink. "I need to speak to Chancellor Amidala right away."


In a small cave deep in the Ryloth mountains, Asajj Ventress burrowed herself deep in her furs as she addressed her companions. "The Jedi are on their way," she said. "They have destroyed the foundry. And I plan to surrender."

"Surrender?" Wat Tambor said. "So are we completely done? Is there no hope?"

She smirked. "Silly man. There is always hope if you know where to look for it." The smirk disappeared. "This is a setback, and only a setback. But the Jedi will believe that they have won the war, and that is important." She nodded towards Sly Moore. "Her mind control techniques worked well on Qualkin as well as several other Senators. Free Taa as well, although he was already on our side." She smirked again. "If I surrender, I will be taken in alive, because that is how our Chancellor operates. I will bide my time until I can escape. Meanwhile, you three are in charge of finding any remaining Hutts and anyone else who might join us."

"Hutts?" Shu Mai said.

"Gardulla is still alive and well on Tatooine. Ziro lives in the Uscru District of Coruscant," Ventress replied.

"The Geonosians will continue to support the resistance," Poggle the Lesser said. "In spite of the fact that the Senate may invite us to join the Republic next. We will vote it down."

"Very well," Wat Tambor said.

Ventress closed her eyes. "They are here. I sense them." She opened her eyes and glared at her companions. "Do not disappoint me." She snarled.

They all nodded as Mace Windu's voice was heard outside the cave. "Asajj Ventress. This party is over."

She pulled her hood over her bald head and walked towards the entrance of the cave. "Master Windu. Master Yoda. Master Ti." She threw her lightsaber down, rolling it back into the cave, nudging it with the Force towards Sly Moore. "I am at your service, and that of the Republic."

"Chancellor Amidala sends her regards," Mace said, and the three Jedi ignited their lightsabers as Shaak Ti produced a pair of Force binders.


Obi-Wan and the twins heard the medical droids' reports as if in a dream. "His blood pressure dropped rapidly, which caused him to lose consciousness."

"What of the hematoma? Is it back?" Han asked anxiously.

"No, sir. He is in no danger of anything but overexertion. In fact, the drop in blood pressure is a very good sign, as a hematoma is often accompanied by elevated blood pressure."

The door to the room slid open quickly and Padmé ran in, going directly to her husband's bed and sitting on the edge. "Ani!" She kissed him, first on the lips, then on both cheeks. "Wake up, darling, please..."

Bail entered the room and looked at Obi-Wan. "She insisted on flying the speeder herself, would not let any of her guards accompany her..." He patted his side. "I do still carry a blaster everywhere so at least she let me tag along. I did not know she could accelerate and weave in and out of traffic that way though. It was frightening. How is Anakin?"

Obi-Wan was sighing with relief. "Apparently, better off than the rest of us." The droids hooked Anakin up to another monitor and added an injection to his IV. Padmé stood and opened her arms, pulling her children to her, and they watched as the color slowly came back to Anakin's cheeks. Obi-Wan walked over to stand next to them.

"I am sorry that I frightened you, Padmé," he said.

"No need for an apology. You were frightened too." She continued to stare at her husband, whose eyelids fluttered, then slowly opened.

"What happened?" he murmured, then grabbed his head. "Ow..."

"Injection for the pain coming right away, sir," the medical droid said.

As the droid inserted the medicine in Anakin's IV, he relaxed and reached for Padmé's hand.

"You are all staring at me like you think I'm going to disappear," he said, his dry lips curving into a smile. Luke and Leia were both unable to answer.

"For a moment, Padawan, we weren't sure," Obi-Wan said, swallowing hard. "At any rate, I think we'll skip attempting another stroll around your room, at least for today."

"He should not be upright for the next three standard days, sir," the medical droid said.

Obi-Wan nodded. "Understood," he said. His comlink buzzed. "Kenobi."

"Obi-Wan," Mace said. "The foundry on Ryloth is destroyed and we have Ventress in custody. We are returning to Coruscant. Tell Chancellor Amidala to expect my report later."

"She is with me right now. I will let her know," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin squeezed Padmé's hand, his tired smile widening. "Did you hear that, love? The resistance is defeated."

Padmé nodded slowly, her eyes stinging with tears. She sat on the edge of Anakin's bed again, pulling him into a hug, which he returned with a tight embrace of his own.


"Alright, Anakin, you've got two of us here to help you. Ready to try this again?" Obi-Wan asked.

Anakin glanced at Obi-Wan, then Mace Windu standing behind him, and nodded. "Let's do it."

He slowly raised his head, propping himself onto his elbows, as Obi-Wan and Mace each supported him from behind. He turned, sat on the edge of the bed, then slowly stood.

"How are you feeling?" Mace asked.

"I'm alright," Anakin said.

"Dizzy at all? Any headache?" Obi-Wan asked.

"No and no." Anakin shuffled slowly towards the door. "An improvement from this morning. Han and Luke tried to get me up; it wasn't happening. I felt like a dewback was sitting on my head."

Obi-Wan smiled. "You've never been a morning person anyway."

Anakin smiled back. "I can be a morning person as long as 'morning' does not mean 'before sunrise' or 'before caf.'" He looked at Mace. "So Ventress is in lockup?"

"In isolation with a ysalamari," Mace said. "I have some concerns that she might try to escape, especially if there are any resistance-friendly Senators left."

"At least two of them are jailed," Anakin replied.

Mace nodded. "Yes, but we must be cautious. Neither we nor the Chancellor should assume this is entirely over. I will be very surprised if there were only a handful of Senators friendly to the resistance. Ready to go back to your bed?"

"Yes," Anakin replied. They turned around, shuffling back to the other side of the room.

"We're hoping you'll be ready for a Council meeting next week," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin sighed. "I certainly hope that I'll be out of this place by then."

"If for some reason you aren't, we can meet here," Mace said.

"What are we discussing?"

"All possible locations on former Separatists," Mace said. "Other than prison that is. And we need to question Leia about Jabba the Hutt's death."

Anakin scowled as Mace and Obi-Wan helped him back onto his bed.

"It's protocol, Anakin, you know that. We are on Leia's side," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin sighed, leaning back onto the pillows. "Before you question her, someone needs to pull up research on Hutt physiology, including the fact that they regrow body parts, both external and internal."

"That can be arranged," Mace said. "I can have my Padawan do it."

Anakin looked relieved, and closed his eyes.

Obi-Wan touched his shoulder. "I'll be back later," he said.


"Young Leia," Yoda began. "Explain to us, you should, how Jabba the Hutt died."

Leia stood at the center of the circle in the Council chambers. Surrounding her were the five Council members, including her father, who was pale and moved slowly, but well enough to be released from the medical center the day before.

She gulped. "He had three Twi'lek women chained to him. His slaves. The chains were to keep them from escaping and so that he could yank them to him and drool on them when he wanted."

The Jedi Masters said nothing, just continued to gaze at her. Only Anakin and Obi-Wan's expressions changed at all; they scowled. Anakin looked slightly green.

Leia continued. "I cut the chains, told the women to run, then wrapped the chains around the Hutt's neck until he died."

"Why such a brutal method did you use?" Yoda asked.

Leia glanced at her father, who sent her a message, You're doing fine, tell the truth. She took a deep breath. "It is the only way to kill a Hutt, Master Yoda."

"What do you mean?" Shaak Ti asked.

Leia turned to face her. "Hutts regrow body parts, including internal organs such as hearts and intestines. They can live for a millennia. Cutting off the airway was the only option I had."

"How did you know this?"

Leia nodded towards her father. "Daddy told Luke and me years ago."

"Anakin," Mace said. "Was this part of Luke and Leia's Jedi training?"

Anakin leaned forward slightly. "No," he said. "It was part of their training on why they should avoid Hutts."

Everyone in the room smiled.

"Did you consider taking him into custody?" Mace asked.

"The original plan was to get Han and Lando out of there," Leia said. "We weren't going to bother with the Hutt at all. But he would have captured or attempted to capture the next Navy officers who crossed the path of his minions, or worse, he would have attempted to capture innocent Tatooine citizens who were just trying to exercise their right to vote."

"We were not in a position to take a Hutt into custody," Obi-Wan said. "We did not have the resources to do so." He looked at Leia. "The more important question is, do you feel that you touched the Dark Side?"

She looked down. "I was angry. But I did not kill him because he captured Han and Lando, or the slave women. I killed him to stop the suffering on Tatooine."

No one answered for a minute which seemed an eternity to Leia, then Mace, Yoda and Shaak Ti nodded slowly, and Obi-Wan and Anakin smiled.

"I see no reason to assume that Leia did wrong," Obi-Wan said.

"I agree," Mace said, then looked at Leia. "You are dismissed."

She bowed slightly then turned to leave the chambers, touching her father's shoulder as she walked by his chair. He took her hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

"Now," Mace said, when Leia had left. "The resistance. With Ventress in custody, do we need to search for the remaining Separatist leaders? Tambor, Shu Mai, Poggle the Lesser?"

"They are greatly weakened without Ventress and the Banking Clan," Obi-Wan said.

"I agree," Anakin added. "There is very little they can do alone."

"Poggle has resources," Shaak Ti said.

"He has the power of one family on one planet," Mace said. "It is possible that he could do some damage, but I don't know how likely."

Yoda closed his eyes and murmured "Hmmm..."

"Whatever happens," Obi-Wan said. "Our greatest mistake would be to lead ourselves to believe that all is won - and close our eyes. That is how this resistance gained as much power as they did in the first place."

"I agree," Mace said. "It was a mistake hard learned, in the Clone War and now. One we cannot make again."



Six months later

Han parked outside the Chancellor's private landing platform and was greeted at the door by Leia, who kissed him and handed him a glass of wine. "Good trip?" She asked.

"Excellent," he replied. His gaze took in her soft green silk dress, her hair flowing down her back, held in place by a simple gold headband. "You are beautiful," he said, kissing her again. "You're not so bad yourself," she said. He was wearing the black pants and vest that he almost always wore when he wasn't in uniform.

"So how long before the wedding am I supposed to not see you anyway?"

She laughed. "Just the day of, so you've got about 36 hours."

"Good," he said. "Guess what I brought in? The Falcon. I promised your Dad that I would."

Leia scowled. "I hope you aren't going to spend the entire night on ship talk," she muttered.

Han laughed. "We won't, I promise."

Anakin and Luke emerged from the next room, followed by Padmé. As Anakin shook Han's hand, Han said, "I brought her in; she's on the landing platform." They walked outside, and the mouths of the Skywalkers gaped.

Anakin grinned. "A real YT1300 light freighter. I haven't seen one of these in years."

"I know she doesn't look like much," Han said, "but she's got it where it counts."

"Are you kidding? It's great! A classic!" Anakin said. He walked quickly towards the loading ramp and climbed in, followed by Han.

"What a piece of junk," Luke muttered, then looked at his sister. "Sorry, Leia."

"You don't have to apologize to me," she said. "It's not my bucket of bolts."

Padmé looked amused. "It will be two days from now," she said, taking a sip of her wine.

Leia glared at her. "Mom," she muttered.

Padmé laughed and put an arm around Leia's shoulders. "Don't worry. It's really not so bad being married to someone who likes ships so much. It gives them something to do. And a place to go to get out of your hair."

Leia laughed. "So is that where you send Daddy when you're annoyed with him?"

Padmé smiled and winked. "No, he usually knows when he needs to go without my having to tell him." She looked at her son. "And you're spoiled, Luke. You've spent too much time on Alderaanian royal cruisers."

"It's not my fault," Luke muttered. "Alys' guards have been nuts ever since Pestage kidnapped her. I rarely get to fly her anywhere."

"Can you blame them for being that way?" Leia asked.

Luke sighed and scowled. "No, of course not. But I'm a Jedi."

Han stuck his head out of the ship. "We'll fly her to Naboo tomorrow, then you can see what she can really do," he said.

Leia gave him an indulgent smile, then when Han disappeared back into the ship, she scowled.

"I'm surprised your father hasn't asked to fly the Azure Angel to Naboo," Padmé said.

"The day isn't over yet," Leia said.

"I'm not sure he'd want to take his fighter when only R2 can fit in it with him," Luke said.

The droid, standing a few feet from him, beeped a protest. Luke turned. "Yes, I know you're good company. That isn't the point."

At that moment 3PO came bustling in. "Mistress Padmé, we have three visitors. Chancellor Organa, Princess Alys and Mistress Pooja are here. And Master Obi-Wan called, said he will be here soon."

Padmé smiled. "Good. Show them in. We can eat soon."

The three entered the room; Alys kissed Luke then hugged Leia. "Are you ready for this?" She asked.

"Of course," Leia said.

"Daddy has been watching the preparations. I think it's making him nervous," Alys said.

Bail gave her an indulgent smile. "Be careful. Luke is going to think you're trying to tell him something."

Luke turned red. Padmé waved the server droid over with a fresh bottle of wine. "Don't worry, Bail," she said. "It won't be quite like this when your time comes. A royal wedding for the House of Organa on Alderaan? It will be much worse. Wine?"

"After that statement I may need brandy," he said. He accepted a glass of wine. "Where is the groom? And Anakin?"

"On Han's ship," Padmé said. "I hope they'll be out in a minute but someone might have to sound an alarm."

"Has Uncle Anakin had any more headaches?" Pooja asked.

Padmé smiled. "It's been six weeks since the last one so I think he's permanently healed. His medical droid thinks so too."

Anakin emerged from the Falcon and came inside, his hands and face smudged with engine grease. Padmé sighed. "Ani, what have you been doing to get yourself so dirty before dinner?"

"Just tweaking the hyperdrive a bit," he said. "We're done now, Han should be out in a minute. And the Falcon is ready to fly to Naboo in the morning."

Luke glanced at Leia. "Hope you're going to make it to your own wedding," he said.

"Son, has my mechanical work ever failed?" Anakin asked, smiling.

Luke shook his head. "No," he said.

Anakin winked. "Then the odds are in our favor," he said. "I'm going to shower, I'll be back."

Alys went to Luke and put an arm around his waist. "You're cranky," she said.

"No I'm not," he protested. Then he sighed, returning the embrace, one hand stroking Alys' bare back. "Alright, maybe I am. Sorry."

"What is it? Too much wedding publicity?"

"No, that's on Leia." He glanced at his sister. Han had just come inside, and she had taken his oil-stained hand in hers.

"Just some rumblings, mostly through the Force. Pors Tonith finally got arrested, and Ventress is in jail, but the others that she allied with - Tambor, Shu Mai, Poggle the Lesser - are still at large on the Outer Rim. Daddy is paying that fact no attention, and Uncle Obi-Wan is not paying it much more. I think they both want the resistance to be completely defeated so much that they are trying to will it to happen."

Alys frowned. "And your mother?"

"She only knows what she gets from the spy reports, which these days isn't much, because no one is looking for the former Separatists anymore."

"Why not?"

"The assumption is that without Ventress or the power of the Banking Clan, they are not a threat."

"Oh." Alys scowled, sipped her wine, and glanced at her father and Pooja across the room. Luke smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders. "But never mind all that. This is a happy time."

She kissed his cheek. "Yes. You should try to let it go at least for a few days."

"No ships will be allowed to land on Naboo for half a planetary rotation starting tomorrow night, and for the past couple of weeks, royal security has been very strict on who is allowed to land. Varykino may be more of a real escape than usual this time. Mom wanted to make sure Han and Leia could get married in peace."

"Good," Alys said. "This will be a happy time, and a well deserved one for all of us."


The weather on Varykino could not have been more perfect. The sun shone, the temperature was warm but not too warm, and the breeze was light. Han and Leia would be married on the balcony overlooking the lake, in the same spot where Leia's parents married nearly 22 years earlier. As Leia had requested, the guest list was small. The Organas, Mon Mothma, members of Padmé's staff, the Jedi Council, Han's squadron, the Naberries, and the Larses, who agreed to leave Tatooine long enough to witness their niece's marriage. The Coruscant gossip media were clamoring, and willing to pay good credits, for pictures and reports of the wedding of Leia Skywalker and Rear Admiral Han Solo, but Padmé was only allowing an official wedding photographer and no reporters.

Anakin had dressed early and now stood in his formal Jedi robes at the door to balcony, watching the guests file in, thinking that he was probably more nervous than either Han or Leia. Bail Organa seemed to sense that as well, putting a friendly hand on Anakin's shoulder just before he walked towards his seat. Obi-Wan followed Bail. "How are you doing, Anakin?" he asked.

Anakin shifted. "I'm fine," he said.

"Good," he said. "Relax. And I'll see you in the front."

Anakin nodded, shifting again.

Han appeared a few minutes later, accompanied by Lando, both in their dress whites, Chewbacca just behind them, his fur brushed and shiny.

Anakin smiled, raising one eyebrow. Han pointed to himself. "Good?" he said.

"You look good enough to marry my daughter," Anakin said.

Han laughed. "I hope so."

"Are you nervous at all?" Anakin asked.

"Nah," Han said, then after a snort from Lando and a short bark from Chewie, said, "Well, maybe a little."

The orchestra began to play a traditional Naboo wedding piece, the one that usually preceded the march. Lando put a hand on Han's shoulder. "Hey, pal, I think that's your cue."

Han smiled, and this time Anakin could see his nervousness. He and Lando both nodded to Anakin then walked up the aisle with Chewbacca behind them.

A minute later Padmé emerged on Luke's arm. She wore a sleeveless dark blue silk dress, her hair in an elaborate headdress of silver and flowers. She let go of Luke in order to take Anakin's hands in hers. "Darling," she said.

Anakin smiled and stroked her cheek. "You shouldn't be so beautiful. You're going to steal Leia's thunder."

Padmé laughed. "I doubt that." She gave him a light kiss. "I'll see you in a minute." She took Luke's arm again, allowing him to escort her to her seat.

Anakin watched, now feeling as if he were in a dream, as Leia's bridesmaids, Ryoo, Pooja and Alys walked by in light blue gowns, flowers in their hands and woven into their braids.

Then Leia appeared.

Her gown was simple, long and sleeveless, free of the lace that her mother had worn. Her sandals added a couple of inches to her height, her dark hair was styled more elaborately than her normal crown of braids, a white and gold headdress held the veil that fell to her waist. She carried a large bouquet of white flowers. She was smiling, radiant, hardly seemed nervous at all.

Then Anakin couldn't see.

He felt Leia's palm, then her lips, against his cheek. "Daddy," she said. "No tears until after you walk me down the aisle."

He blinked quickly, then turned and hastily dried his eyes. "Your mother brought extras," he said, holding up the square of white cloth in his hand. "She seems to think I'm going to be a weepy mess before this is over."

Leia gave him an indulgent half-smile. "Is she right?"

Anakin's eyebrows went up. "She usually is," he said. He returned the smile with a watery one of his own. "I'll behave, I promise."

Leia laughed, touched her father's cheek again. "I love you," she said. "And it's not like I'm really going anywhere. Han is stationed on Coruscant. We're going to be two floors below you in 500 Republica."

"For now," Anakin said. The orchestra changed to the traditional Naboo wedding march. "I think they're ready for us," he said, then kissed Leia's forehead just under the headdress. "And I love you. Let's get you married."

The guests stood, and Leia walked down the aisle on her father's arm.


"May this rite be sanctified before the gods, for we gather here in love, in the bonding together of two who have chosen each other as mates for life."

The priest in purple robes issued the official Naboo marriage greeting as Leia waited, her arm linked with her father's. The Holy Man then nodded to Anakin. He kissed Leia's cheek, placed her hand in Han's, and turned to take his seat between his wife and best friend. He took Padmé's hand in his synthflesh one, lacing his fingers with hers, then covered their entwined hands with his organic hand.

The priest made the symbol of the Naboo goddess of love. "Love has its seasons, as does the planet of Naboo," he recited.

"Spring is the season of discovery, in which two people meet, take pleasure in each other's company, and develop an easy friendship which then blossoms into something more: they discover that they have become one mind and one soul and no longer function as well apart as they did together.

Summer is the season of commitment, of growth, of joining together as one body, perhaps creating new life. As plants grow and blossom in the sun, so two people grow and blossom in each other.

In the autumn of love, passion fades to a flame not as bright but more enduring. The fire of initial love has grown into the ease of companionship, of knowing each other's thoughts and finishing each other's sentences. In this season the couple fully understands the meaning of the term 'soulmate.'

In the winter there is parting, but true love never dies, it stands, like bare tree trunks in the snow, waiting for spring to come again.

Han Solo and Leia Skywalker, this is your summer."

He signaled Han and Leia to face each other. Leia handed Alys her bouquet, and took both of Han's hands in hers. The priest then bound their clasped hands in gold silk cloth.

"Do you, Leia, take this man to be your husband, to live together in marriage? Will you love him, honor him, comfort and keep him, as long as you both shall live?"

"I will." Leia's voice was clear without a trace of nervousness or any emotion other than pure joy.

"Do you, Han, take this woman to be your wife, to live together in marriage? Will you love her, honor her, comfort and keep her, as long as you both shall live?"

Han smiled, as widely as any of the guests had seen him smile. "I will."

The priest prompted them to say their vows, and they both pledged each other love, joy, comfort, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, as long as they both shall live. Leia's voice was clear, even, joyous; Han was positively overflowing with happiness, Lando and Chewie wondered if he would be able to stop grinning long enough to talk.

The Holy Man then took the rings from Lando and Alys, held them in the air and blessed them.

"The Circle is perfect, without beginning or end. It is a symbol of life, death, and rebirth, a symbol that light turns to darkness and returns to light again. May your love be perfect and without end. When you reach a time of sorrow, anger or frustration, look to your hands as a reminder that these things shall pass, but your love is enduring."

The gold cloth was removed, and Han took Leia's ring and slid it onto her left ring finger. "Just as this ring has no end, neither shall my love for you," he said. Leia slid Han's ring onto his left ring finger and said the same.

In the front row, Padmé squeezed Anakin's hand tightly. He glanced at her and saw that although she was smiling, her eyes shone with tears.

"In the exchange of vows and rings and the binding of your hands, so are your lives bound to each other," the priest said. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. What the gods have joined together today, let no one put asunder." He looked at Han and smiled. "You may kiss your bride."

Han took Leia's face in his hands and kissed her as the guests clapped and the orchestra began to play the traditional recessional march.

Obi-Wan stood and walked to the end of the aisle, meeting Luke, who stood on the other side. They both ignited their lightsabers, the tips meeting in the air, forming an arch under which the newly married couple would walk.

Han and Leia walked arm in arm under the arch, followed by their attendants, as the guests cheered.


Han held the cake spatula in his hand, looking nervously at Lando and Chewie. "I'm not sure about this," he said. "There was no instruction in the Naval Academy for this one."

"Give it to Leia, she'll do a better job anyway," Lando said, a teasing smile on his face.

"What? She's practiced sectioning cakes with her lightsaber?" Han replied, then looked at his wife, whose eyebrows had gone up. "Uh-oh. Married half an hour and I'm already in trouble." He handed her the spatula, handle out. "Maybe you really should do this. Seriously. I've never cut a cake in my life."

"I could use my lightsaber. We'd have a cauterized cake, and the Holonet would talk of nothing else for weeks," Leia said as she expertly sliced two pieces of cake, laid them on napkins and handed one to Han.

"Told you," Lando said.

"Shut up," Han replied.

Spoons clinked against glasses and everyone cheered. "Tell us how you met," someone called. Leia recognized the speaker as a new midshipman in Han's squadron.

"Oh that's easy," Han said. "Let this be a lesson learned. I made a dumb comment about having never seen a hot female Jedi before, and she pushed me down a garbage chute."

Everyone laughed heartily. Han continued. "I decided to wash the smell off after she agreed to go out with me and..."

Leia held a hand up, a teasing smile on her face. "Wait a minute," she said. "I didn't agree to go out with you until several days later. You waited that long to wash off the essence of Sate Pestage?"

Another laugh from the guests, then Anakin's voice could be heard from the table where he was helping himself to punch, with Luke standing next to him. "I'll vouch for Han," Anakin said. "He showered that same day. Leia was napping. Pushing grown men down garbage chutes tends to sap her energy."

Leia feigned a glare at her father, but it quickly turned into a smirk, which he returned.

Spoons clinked against glasses again and someone said, "Cake!"

Han said, "You don't need to tell me twice," and he and Leia fed each other bites as the holocamera clicked and everyone cheered.

Luke was standing to the side when Alys approached him from the back, put an arm around his waist, and kissed his cheek. "Good party," she said.

He returned the kiss with a light one on her lips. "Mom always does well with these, and she had Grandma and Aunt Sola's help this time."

Alys glanced at Leia, who was now circulating among the guests, Han's hand in hers. "I think they're going to be very happy."

Luke nodded. "So do I," he said.

"The weather could not have been nicer if it had been direct-ordered from the gods themselves," Alys said.

Luke nodded again. Alys cupped his chin, turning him around to face her. "Are you going to dance with me?"

Luke smiled. "As long as it doesn't involve some fancy Alderaanian waltz, I'll try," he said.

Alys laughed. "The orchestra is Nubian. I don't think they know any Alderaanian waltzes."

"We're set then," Luke said, putting an arm around her waist and kissing her again. He stroked her cheek. "Hey," he said, and her eyes met his. "I love you."

She returned the kiss. "I love you too," she said. "What prompted that all of a sudden?"

"Just felt like saying it," he said. "We're at a wedding. I'm in a romantic mood."

"Oh," she said. "Well I can't complain about that." She took his hand and led him towards the dance floor. "Come on."


Padmé caught up with Beru. "Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked.

Beru smiled. "Definitely," she said. "Thank you, Padmé."

"Of course," she said. "We wanted you to come."

"The Darklighters were able to watch the farm for us for a couple of days." Beru took a cautious sip of punch.

Padmé smiled. "What do you think? It couldn't possibly be sweeter than a ruby bliel."

Beru laughed. "It isn't." She looked at Padmé. "My gratitude is not only for the wedding invitation. It's for Tatooine itself. You would not believe the difference you have made there."

Padmé looked at her. Beru continued. "I'm not even sure we understood what freedom meant, until you showed us. With the Hutts out of power, and real law enforcement... the Tuskens are being contained, the chieftain of one of the largest tribes got arrested after another kidnapping, another attempt at a blood rite. The victim was rescued as well, and will make a full recovery."

Padmé blinked. "That is wonderful news," she said.

"And medical care..." Beru continued. "The medical center that the Republic built in Anchorhead... Biggs had the wirt cough a few weeks ago...he would not have made it without access to that center..."

Padmé swallowed, and hugged Beru. "I have been asked a number of times why I would want to hold any political office, much less that of Chancellor," she said. "You have just reminded me of why."

Beru smiled. "Anakin would be impressed at the new conditions on his horrible dust ball," she said.

Padmé laughed. "I'm sure he would. I look forward to telling him about all the changes. Or you and Owen should tell him yourselves."

Beru took Padmé's hand and squeezed it. "It's a beautiful day." She looked at Leia. "She has so much of Shmi in her. So does Luke."

Padmé nodded. "I know. The Skywalker line runs strong."

Both women watched Leia and Han for a moment, then Padmé said, "I wonder where Anakin got to."

Beru pointed a thumb towards the punch bowl. "He's with Obi-Wan."

Padmé looked, and Anakin was with Obi-Wan, as Beru said. They were drinking punch and laughing.

Padmé took Beru's elbow. "Come on," she said. "The cake is disappearing."


"So, Padawan," Obi-Wan said, helping himself to a glass. "Is this punch spiked?"

Anakin smiled, sipping his own punch. "Not heavily. Probably less alcohol in here than in your average Corellian ale."

"Ah," Obi-Wan said. He took a sip of the punch, and watched Han and Leia. "You've done well, Anakin."

"Thanks, but I didn't really do anything."

"Your little girl is leaving home. And you've let her go. Without too much argument. That's a big accomplishment for you."

Anakin looked away, blinking rapidly. "You don't have to put it that way, Master," he said, his voice quavering slightly.

Obi-Wan gave a slight smile and put a hand on Anakin's arm. "I seem to have hit something pretty close to the mark."

Anakin swallowed, sniffed and straightened. "As you are prone to do," he said.

"You know, I might have gotten a little sentimental myself."

Anakin looked at him in surprise. "You?"

Obi-Wan smiled again. "Is it so shocking, Anakin? I love your children as if they were my own."

Anakin touched his shoulder. "I know that, of course, I was just..."

"Old age might have softened me a bit," he said.

"You're not so old, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan laughed. "Am I allowed to remind you of that next time you call me an old man, even in jest?"

Anakin shared in the laughter. "One reminder that I'm not too far behind you should do the trick, if I'm ever foolish enough to pull that one again." Anakin put his fingertips to his goatee. "I'm almost as grey as you are, anyway."

"Or you would be if you'd ever grow a full beard," Obi-Wan said with a wink. He took Anakin's elbow. "Come on, I'm going to guess that you haven't tasted the cake yet, and I doubt anyone in the galaxy has made a sweet that you didn't like."


A few minutes later they were all eating cake and watching Han and Leia dance, or watching Han twirl Leia around, their steps timed as well as if they had been practicing all their lives.

"I didn't know Han could dance," Luke said.

"He didn't learn it in the Naval Academy," Lando said.

Chewbacca barked in agreement. Lando looked at him. "Do you know where he learned to do that?"

Chewbacca barked again. Lando laughed. "He won dance lessons in a sabacc game? You're kidding, right?" Chewbacca barked a negative.

"Who was gambling away a set of dance lessons?" Luke asked.

"Someone who didn't want them," Lando said. "And probably knew he was very bad at sabacc. I'm not too surprised Han went through with them though. He'd think it would make him popular with the ladies."

"I don't think I've seen Leia dance like that," Anakin said.

"She took lessons when she was six, remember, Anakin?" Jobal said.

He smiled. "Oh, yes. I had almost forgotten. That was her one and only real princess stage. She also liked to play queen and tried to make Luke play her handmaiden. He didn't like that too much."

The dance ended to cheers. Leia smiled at the guests, then went to her father and laid a hand on his arm. "Your turn," she said.

Anakin smiled. "I hope I can keep up with you. There were no dance lessons in the Temple."

She laughed. "You'll be fine. Someone should warn Mom though." She looked at Padmé, who was being escorted onto the dance floor by Han. "Corellian waltzing is a little faster than that on Naboo."

Obi-Wan caught Leia's arm. "Save a dance for your old uncle later?"

She let go of Anakin's arm and kissed Obi-Wan's cheek. "I wouldn't have it any other way," she said.

"Good," he said. "I'm not quite as heavy-footed as your father, although he still thinks he can beat me in sparring."

"That's because I can," Anakin said. He was grinning.

"Only in your mind, my very young apprentice," Obi-Wan replied. "And I'll prove it to you as soon as we're back on Coruscant. Now go. The music is starting."

Han and Padmé were already starting the waltz. Leia took Anakin's arm and they followed.



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