Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Episode 2x19: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back


1) Convincing Anakin. Aware that Padmé holds an influence on Anakin that he lacks, Obi-Wan meets with the two of them together to convince Anakin to use his own sway with Palpatine to plead for mercy for the captive Zillo beast. Anakin is initially resistant, but softens upon hearing her impassioned plea for the beast's help, saying he didn't realize it meant so much to her.


2) Opposite sides. Anakin and Padmé meet with Palpatine in his office. Anakin is caught between his mentor and his wife as the two politicians argue opposite views on diplomacy and the captivity of the Zillo Beast. Padmé argues that diplomacy dictates the need to keep information open; Anakin hedges that wartime makes some secrets necessary (much to Padmé's obvious annoyance). Palpatine argues the beast's captivity is necessary to discover any possible advantage it could give the Republic in winning the war; Padmé argues it's not fair to treat a creature, especially the last of its kind, this way. Again, Anakin refuses to commit to either side, something Padmé calls him out on when they have a private moment. Anakin says he is on her side, but that he thinks the Chancellor has some interesting points. From the responding look on her face, it's clear where Anakin will be sleeping that night. ;)


3) In peril. While on the run from the Zillo beast, there are a few quiet instances where Anakin and Padmé subtly position themselves to protect each other. When the beast appears outside Palpatine's window, Anakin instinctively holds out an arm to shield Padmé. When Anakin is about to fall out of the ship in the beast's clutches, Padmé moves quickly to catch some part of him to stop his fall.


4) Catching Padmé. Anakin and Padmé have fallen from the Chancellor's ship and are sliding down the slope of the Senate building, Padmé ahead of Anakin. As she nears the edge, she reaches desperately to him, crying his name. Anakin manages to use the Force to slow both their descents, straining to keep her from falling completely off the edge. As she dangles precariously, Anakin reaches out and grasps her hand, pulling her up and to safety. Maybe he's escaped the couch after all?



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