Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Episode 2x04: Senate Spy


1) Home. After a long tour of duty, Anakin surprises Padmé one evening on her veranda. He spins her around in his arms, and announces he brought home dinner. He's bemused when Padmé's heart flutters at calling her apartment "home." She says she thinks she has something too, something she saved for a special occasion. Anakin tells her he can't think of an occasion more special than an evening alone with her, and they snuggle together on her couch.


2) Duty calls. Sometime later, Anakin and Padmé stand on the veranda, holding each other as they stare out at the cityscape. He agrees he wishes it could "always be like this," but as they turn to embrace more cozily, Anakin's communicator beeps. He admits he's been ignoring it all evening and should go before Obi-Wan comes looking for him. Padmé says she understands, but is clearly unhappy. Anakin tells her not to take it personally, that duty comes first, especially in wartime. He kisses her on the cheek before he leaves, Padmé still looking unhappy.


3) So much for not arguing with her. After being briefed about the Clovis situation, Anakin seeks Padmé out at the Senate the next day. Despite her words, she's still clearly sore about the previous evening. Tension increases in their conversation as she realizes he's only there on "Jedi business" and Anakin asks about her history with Clovis. She decides to reverse her refusal to spy on Clovis upon learning he's working with the Separatists, and grows angrier when Anakin - worried that it's too dangerous - tries to order her not to take the mission. She throws back at him his words from the night before: don't take it personally, duty comes first in wartime.


4) Whatever is necessary. Anakin and Padmé stand before the Jedi Council as she accepts her mission. Anakin looks stricken as Padmé briefly details her "close" history with Clovis. He tries to convince the Council that Clovis is too dangerous for Padmé to go on this mission, but she insists she can handle him. Anakin solemnly vows to protect her.


5) Jealousy. As they prepare to depart for Cato Neimoidia, Anakin - in disguise as a Naboo pilot - has no choice but to watch in jealous frustration as Padmé's ex tries to put the moves on her. He pulls several stunts to keep them from getting close: breaking a seat restraint so they can't sit together, and sharply banking the ship several times to knock Clovis away from Padmé when the latter attempts to kiss her. (Not that Padmé looked particularly eager to engage him anyway, though.)


6) It's not what you think... Padmé has just discovered the secret hologram, but before Anakin can arrive to retrieve it, Clovis returns. Padmé enthusiastically embraces him to hide the disk in her hand - just as Anakin walks in. Anakin is clearly furious, but Padmé manages to communicate to him over Clovis's shoulder that he needs to take the stolen disk from her, which he does with the Force. Anakin still looks pained at the sight before him as he leaves, Padmé remaining in Clovis's arms. When Padmé tells Clovis that "duty comes first, no matter how we feel," she's clearly referencing her disagreement with Anakin.


7) Getting her out of here. After dropping the disk with Artoo, Anakin finds a nearly unconscious Padmé arguing with Clovis. Anakin angrily orders the other man to get away from her if he wants to live, and leans at her side. Clovis tells him she's been poisoned and Anakin declares he's taking her to Coruscant. He ignores Clovis's request for the disk so he can get the antidote from Lott Dod; Anakin would rather "negotiate in person." Clovis continues to beg, because Dod will kill him if he finds out Padmé took the disk - but he relents, telling Anakin she needs to be saved because he loves her. Clovis leads as Anakin takes Padmé in his arms and carries her down the stairs, where Clovis holds Dodd at gunpoint until he gives up the antidote. Anakin carries Padmé into her ship. As they reach the top of the ramp, Clovis hurries up behind them, begging for the disk, but Anakin cheerfully - and coldly - denies him, leaving him there on the landing platform. Hmm, you don't think Anakin took that love declaration a little personally, do you? ;)


8) Never. As the ship takes off, Anakin sets Padmé down carefully and gives her the antidote. Padmé slowly comes to, saying she's sorry. Anakin gazes softly at her, telling her that the mission was a success. But I made you doubt me, Padmé protests, to which Anakin firmly replies "Never." (While the rest of us, thinking of a certain RotS scene, wince at the knife twisting in our chests...)


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