Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Episode 1x18: Mystery of the Thousand Moons


1) Be careful. A droid sets off a virus bomb in the facility, activating the alarms. Padmé, inside the facility in her biosuit, frantically comms Anakin, who's outside. Each are relieved the other is all right. Padmé informs Anakin she's going to stop any droids who will try to break free from the facility and release the virus into Naboo's environment. Anakin urges her to be careful.


2) Goodbye, Anakin. Anakin and Obi-Wan rush to Iego to find a cure for the Blue Shadow Virus. After being thwarted in their first escape attempt by the network of armed satellites surrounding Iego, they receive a holographic transmission from Padmé and Ahsoka. Both are now infected with the virus, and obviously extremely ill. Anakin watches with increasing distress as Ahsoka tells him Naboo is safe now, and Padmé pleads with him that the bunker they're in never be opened. Weak and near tears, she tells Anakin goodbye, and clearly wants to say she loves him - but Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are there, and before she can finish she's suddenly racked by a series of coughs, and the transmission cuts off. Anakin cries out in dismay. He storms off the Twilight ready to try to charge straight through that satellite barrier, waiting on a plan be damned. Obi-Wan tries to urge him to wait, which the highly distressed Anakin does only very grudgingly.


3) See you soon? After Anakin and Obi-Wan return with the cure, Padmé and everyone else who survived the infection are being loaded onto stretchers into gunships. Anakin, across the landing platform, immediately runs across upon seeing her, heedless of Obi-Wan's presence. She awakens and smiles at the sight of him. He tells her she should be okay in a few days. Padmé tells him she never lost faith in him - and that his Padawan performed brilliantly. She asks if she will see the General soon, discreetly joining hands with him. Anakin, softly smiling, replies "Of course... my lady."


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