Tsum-Tsum T-shirt, by Disney

by Grant Gould (for

by master--burglar
by master--burglar
by Love and Rock Music. (TCW) The first half of "Destroy Malevolence," as Anakin and Padmé make their way towards each other.

The Anakin and Padmé Gallery

Desktop Calendar // March/April 2015




Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones
Screenplay by George Lucas

[Anakin/Padmé segments excerpted/transcribed by Laury_KOS]


ANAKIN and OBI-WAN ride in a windowed elevator attached to the outside of the Senate Building. They are on their way to SENATOR AMIDALA'S apartments. ANAKIN nervously rearranges his robes.

OBI-WAN: You seem a little on edge, Anakin.

ANAKIN: Not at all.

OBI-WAN: I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks.

ANAKIN: You fell into that nightmare, Master, and I rescued you, remember?

OBI-WAN: Oh yeah. (they laugh) You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath.

ANAKIN: I haven't seen her in ten years, Master.

OBI-WAN: She's not the Queen anymore, Anakin.

ANAKIN: That's not why I'm nervous.


PADMÉ and TYPHO rise as OBI-WAN and ANAKIN stop before the SENATOR. OBI-WAN steps forward. ANAKIN stares at PADMÉ. She glances at him.

OBI-WAN: It's a great pleasure to see you again, M'Lady.

PADMÉ: It has been far too long, Master Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again... but I must warn you that I think your presence here is unnecessary.

OBI-WAN: I'm sure the Jedi Council have their reasons.

She moves in front of ANAKIN.

PADMÉ: Annie?? (stares) My goodness you've grown.

They look at each other for a long moment.

ANAKIN: (trying to be smooth) So have you... grown more beautiful, I mean... and much shorter... for a Senator, I mean.

OBI-WAN looks disapprovingly at his apprentice. PADMÉ laughs and shakes her head.

PADMÉ: Oh Annie, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine.

This embarrasses ANAKIN, and he looks down. OBI-WAN and CAPTAIN TYPHO smile.

OBI-WAN: Our presence will be invisible, M'Lady.

CAPTAIN TYPHO: I am very grateful you are here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit.

PADMÉ: I don't need more security, I need answers. I want to know who is trying to kill me.

OBI-WAN: We're here to protect you Senator, not to start an investigation.

ANAKIN: We will find out who is trying to kill you Padmé, I promise you.

He's done it again. He bites his lip in frustration and shame. OBI-WAN gives ANAKIN a dirty look.

OBI-WAN: We are not going to exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner.

ANAKIN: I meant in the interest of protecting her, Master, of course.

OBI-WAN: We are not going through this exercise again, Anakin. You will pay attention to my lead.


OBI-WAN: What??!!

ANAKIN: Why else do you think we were assigned to her, if not to find the killer? Protection is a job for local security... not Jedi. It's overkill, Master. Investigation is implied in our mandate.

OBI-WAN: We will do as the Council has instructed, and you will learn your place, young one.

PADMÉ: Perhaps with merely your presence,the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed. Now if you will excuse me, I will retire.

Everyone gives AMIDALA a slight bow as she and DORMÉ leave the room.

ANAKIN: She didn't even recognise me, Jar Jar. I thought about her every day since we parted... and she's forgotten me completely.

JAR JAR: Shesa happy. Happier den mesa see-en her in longo time.

OBI-WAN: Anakin, you're focusing on the Negative again. Be mindful of your thoughts. She was glad to see us. Now, let's check the security here.

ANAKIN: Yes, my master.


ANAKIN is standing in the living room. He is in a meditative state. It is quiet. We hear DISTANT FOOTSTEPS in the corridor outside the apartment. Suddenly ANAKIN'S eyes pop open. His eyes dart around the room. He reaches for his lightsaber, then smiles and puts it back in his belt.

ANAKIN: Quiet as a tomb. I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her.

OBI-WAN checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled out of his utility belt. It shows a shot of ARTOO by the door, but no sign of PADMÉ on the bed.

OBI-WAN: What's going on?

ANAKIN shrugs.

ANAKIN: She covered that camera. I don't think she liked me watching her.

OBI-WAN: What is she thinking?

ANAKIN: She programmed Artoo to warn us if there's an intruder.

OBI-WAN: It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator.

ANAKIN: I know, but we also want to catch this assassin. Don't we, Master?

OBI-WAN: You're using her as bait??

ANAKIN: It was her idea... No harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me.


ANAKIN and OBI-WAN continue their conversation in the main room of the apartment.

OBI-WAN: You look tired.

ANAKIN: I don't sleep well, anymore.

OBI-WAN: Because of your mother?

ANAKIN: I don't know why I keep dreaming about her now. I haven't seen her since I was little.

OBI-WAN: Dreams pass in time.

ANAKIN: I'd rather dream of Padmé. Just being around her again is... intoxicating.

OBI-WAN: Mind your thoughts, Anakin, they betray you. You've made a commitment to the Jedi order... a commitment not easily broken... and don't forget she's a politician. They're not to be trusted.

ANAKIN: She's not like the others in the Senate, Master.


JAR JAR bows and goes out. As he passes ANAKIN, he flashes a dazzling smile... PADMÉ is in a very bad mood.

PADMÉ: I do not like this idea of hiding.

ANAKIN: Don't worry. Now that the Council has ordered an investigation, it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find that bounty hunter.

PADMÉ: (frustrated) I haven't worked for a year to defeat the "Military Creation Act" not to be here when its fate is decided.

ANAKIN: Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.

PADMÉ: Pride?!? Annie, you're young, and you don't have a very firm grip on politics. I suggest you reserve your opinions for some other time.

ANAKIN: Sorry, M'lady. I was only trying to...

PADMÉ: Annie! No!

ANAKIN: Please don't call me that.

PADMÉ: What?

ANAKIN: Annie...

PADMÉ: I've always called you that... it is your name, isn't it?

ANAKIN: It's Anakin. When you say Annie it's like I'm still a little boy... and I'm not.

PADMÉ: I'm sorry, Anakin. It's impossible to deny you've... (looks him over) ...that you've grown up.

PADMÉ smiles at ANAKIN. He becomes a little shy.

ANAKIN: Master Obi-Wan manages not to see it...

PADMÉ: Mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we would like. It's the only way we grow.

ANAKIN: Don't get me wrong... Obi-Wan is a great mentor. As wise as Master Yoda and as powerful as Master Windu. I am truly thankful to be his apprentice. Only... although I'm a Padawan learner, in some ways... a lot of ways... I'm ahead of him. I'm ready for the trials. I know I am! He knows it too. He believes I'm too unpredictable... Other Jedi my age have gone through the trials and made it... I know I started my training late... but he won't let me move on.

PADMÉ: That must be frustrating.

ANAKIN: It's worse... he's overly critical. He never listens! He just doesn't understand! It's not fair!

PADMÉ cannot suppress a laugh. She shakes her head.

PADMÉ: I'm sorry... You sounded exactly like that little boy I once knew, when he didn't get his way.

ANAKIN: I'm not whining! I'm not.

PADMÉ just smiles at him. DORMÉ laughs in the background.

PADMÉ: I didn't say it to hurt you.

ANAKIN: I know...

There is a brief silence. PADMÉ comes over to ANAKIN.

PADMÉ: Anakin...

They look into each other's eyes for the first time.

PADMÉ: (continuing) Don't try to grow up too fast.

ANAKIN: I am grown up. You said it yourself.

ANAKIN looks deep into PADMÉ'S eyes.

PADMÉ: Please don't look at me like that.

ANAKIN: Why not?

PADMÉ: Because I can see what you're thinking.

ANAKIN: (laughing) Ahh... so, you have Jedi powers too?

DORMÉ is watching with concern.

PADMÉ: It makes me feel uncomfortable.

ANAKIN: Sorry, M'lady.

ANAKIN backs away as PADMÉ turns and goes back to her packing.


ANAKIN and PADMÉ, dressed in Outland peasant outfits, get up and head for the door where CAPTAIN TYPHO, DORMÉ and OBI-WAN are waiting to hand them their luggage. DORMÉ is dressed to look like Senator Amidala.

DORMÉ: It's not me, M'Lady. I worry about you. What if they realize I'm not you?

PADMÉ: (looks to Anakin) Then my Jedi protector will have to prove how grown up he is.

DORMÉ and PADMÉ smile. ANAKIN frowns as OBI-WAN pulls him aside. They head off toward the giant Starfreighter.


PADMÉ: Suddenly, I'm afraid...

ANAKIN: I'm kinda scared too. This is my first assignment on my own. Don't worry, we have Artoo with us.

The two laugh.


ARTOO takes one last big suck and heads away from the food line. The SERVER shouts after him angrily. The little droid moves past groups of eating or sleeping EMIGRANTS and comes to where ANAKIN is sound asleep. The young Jedi seems to be having a nightmare. He is very restless.

ANAKIN: No, no, Mom, no...

He is sweating. PADMÉ leans over to wipe some of the sweat from his forehead. He wakes up with a start, then realises where he is. PADMÉ simply looks at him. He stares back, somewhat confused. ARTOO fills up two bowls with mush.

ANAKIN: (continuing) What?

PADMÉ: You seemed to be having a nightmare.

ANAKIN looks at PADMÉ a little more closely, trying to see if he has revealed any of his secrets. She hands him a bowl of mush and bread.

PADMÉ: (continuing) Are you hungry?

ANAKIN: Thank you.

PADMÉ: We went into lightspeed a while ago.

ANAKIN looks into PADMÉ'S eyes.

ANAKIN: I look forward to seeing Naboo again. I've thought about it every day since I left. It's by far the most beautiful place I've ever seen...

PADMÉ is a little unnerved by his intense stare.

PADMÉ: You were just a little boy then. It may not be as you remember it; time changes your perception.

ANAKIN: I think time has given me much more mature feelings to enhance my perception.

PADMÉ: It must be difficult having sworn your life to the Jedi... not being able to visit the places you like...or do the things you like...

ANAKIN: Or be with the people I love.

PADMÉ: Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi.

ANAKIN: Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love.

PADMÉ: You have changed so much.

ANAKIN: You haven't changed a bit. You're exactly the way I remember you in my dreams. I doubt if Naboo has changed much either.

PADMÉ: It hasn't...

ANAKIN: I can't wait to breathe the sweet breeze that comes off the rolling hills. Whenever I try to visualise the Force, those hills are what I see.

ANAKIN looks at PADMÉ when he says this.

ANAKIN: (continuing) I love Naboo.

There is an awkward moment.

PADMÉ: (changing the subject) You were dreaming about you mother earlier, weren't you?

ANAKIN: Yes... I left Tatooine so long ago, my memory of her is fading. I don't want to lose it. Recently I've been seeing her in my dreams... vivid dreams... scary dreams. I worry about her.

PADMÉ gives ANAKIN a sympathetic look.


The speeder bus pulls up and stops. PADMÉ, ANAKIN, and ARTOO get out. The great courtyard stretches out before them, and they see the rose-colored dome of the palace on the far side. ARTOO WHISTLES. They pick up their gear and start to cross the courtyard. ARTOO trundles behind them.

ANAKIN: If I grew up here, I don't think I'd ever leave.

PADMÉ: (laughing) I doubt that.

ANAKIN: No, really. When I started my training, I was very homesick and very lonely. This city and my Mom were the only pleasant things I had to think about... The problem was, the more I thought about my Mom, the worse I felt. But I would feel better if I thought about the palace - the way it shimmers in the sunlight - the way the air always smells of flowers...

PADMÉ: ...and the soft sound of the distant waterfalls. The first time I saw the Capital, I was very young... I'd never seen a waterfall before. I thought they were so beautiful... I never dreamed one day I'd live in the palace.

ANAKIN: Well, tell me, did you dream of power and politics when you were a little girl?

PADMÉ: (laughing) No! That was the last thing I thought of. My dream was to help in the "Refugee Relief Movement." I never thought of running for elected office. But the more history I studied, the more I realised how much good politicians could do. So when I was eight, I joined the "Apprentice Legislators", then later on became a Senatorial advisor, with such a passion that, before I knew it, I was elected Queen. Partly because I scored so high on my education certificate, but for the most part it was my conviction that reform was possible. I wasn't the youngest Queen ever elected, but now that I think back on it, I'm not sure I was old enough. I'm not sure I was ready.

ANAKIN: The people you served thought you did a good job. I heard they tried to amend the Constitution so you could stay in office.

PADMÉ: Popular rule is not democracy, Annie. It gives the people what they want, not what they need. And, truthfully, I was relieved when my two terms were up. So were my parents. They worried about me during the blockade and couldn't wait for it all to be over. Actually, I was hoping to have a family by now... My sisters have the most amazing, wonderful kids... but when the Queen asked me to serve as Senator, I couldn't refuse her.

ANAKIN: I agree! I think the Republic needs you... I'm glad you chose to serve. I feel things are going to happen in our generation that will change the galaxy in profound ways.

PADMÉ: I think so too.

ANAKIN and PADMÉ walk toward the palace. ARTOO continues to follow.


SIO BIBBLE signals. All the other ADVISORS and ATTENDANTS bow and leave the room.

SIO BIBBLE: (to Anakin) What is your suggestion, Master Jedi?

PADMÉ: Anakin's not a Jedi yet, Counsellor. He's still a Padawan learner. I was thinking...

ANAKIN: (nettled) Hey, hold on a minute!

PADMÉ: Excuse me! I was thinking I would stay in the Lake Country. There are some places up there that are very isolated.

ANAKIN: Excuse me?! I am in charge of security here, M'Lady.

SIO BIBBLE and QUEEN JAMILLIA exchange a look. Something is going on here.

PADMÉ: Annie, my life is at risk, and this is my home. I know it very well... that is why we're here. I think it would be wise for you to take advantage of my knowledge in this instance.

ANAKIN: (takes a deep breath) Sorry, M'Lady.

SIO BIBBLE: (to Anakin, amused) She is right. The Lake Country is the most remote part of Naboo. Not many people and a clear view of the surrounding terrain.

QUEEN JAMILLIA: Perfect. It's settled then.

ANAKIN glares at PADMÉ. Then QUEEN JAMILLIA gets up, and they all start to leave.


PEOPLE are passing through the little street, OLD MEN are sunning themselves, WOMEN are gossiping, KIDS are playing. ANAKIN, PADMÉ and ARTOO turn onto a side street. ANAKIN is back in his Jedi robes. PADMÉ wears a beautiful simple dress. She stops, beaming.

PADMÉ: There's my house!

PADMÉ starts forward; ANAKIN hangs back.

PADMÉ: What? Don't say you're shy!

ANAKIN: (untruthfully) No, but I...

Suddenly, there are shouts from two little girls, RYOO (age 6) and POOJA (age 4). They come running toward PADMÉ.

RYOO & POOJA: Aunt Padmé!! Aunt Padmé!!

PADMÉ: Ryoo!! Pooja!!

PADMÉ scoops up RYOO and POOJA and hugs them.

PADMÉ: I'm so happy to see you! This is Anakin. Anakin, this is Ryoo, and this is Pooja.

ANAKIN and the GIRLS say hello shyly.

PADMÉ laughs. ANAKIN and PADMÉ go on toward the house. The GIRLS stay and play with ARTOO.


SOLA puts the bowl down on the table, where ANAKIN, PADMÉ and RUWEE NABERRIE (PADMÉ's father) are coming into the room.

PADMÉ: Anakin, this is my sister, Sola.

SOLA: Hello, Anakin.

ANAKIN: Hello.

SOLA sits, as JOBAL NABERRIE (PADMÉ's mother) comes in with a heaped bowl of steaming food.

JOBAL: You're just in time for dinner. I hope you're hungry, Anakin.

ANAKIN: A little.

PADMÉ: He's being polite, Mom. We're starving.

RUWEE: (grinning) You came to the right place at the right time. Sit down, son.

EVERYONE sits and starts passing food.

SOLA: Well, this is exciting! Do you know, Anakin, you're the first boyfriend my sister's ever brought home?

PADMÉ: (rolls her eyes) Sola!! He isn't my boyfriend! He's a Jedi assigned by the Senate to protect me.

JOBAL: A bodyguard?! Oh, PADMÉ! They didn't tell us it was that serious!

PADMÉ: It's not, Mom, I promise. (glances at Jobal) Anyway, Anakin's a friend. I've known him for years. Remember that little boy who was with the Jedi during the blockade crisis?

They nod.

PADMÉ: (continuing) He grew up.

JOBAL: Honey, when are you going to settle down? Haven't you had enough of that life? I certainly have!

PADMÉ: Mom, I'm not in any danger.

RUWEE: (to Anakin) Is she?

ANAKIN: ...Yes... I'm afraid she is.

PADMÉ: (quickly) But not much.


PADMÉ, SOLA and JOBAL are clearing the table.

SOLA: Why haven't you told us about him?

PADMÉ: What's there to talk about? He's just a boy.

SOLA: A boy? Have you seen the way he looks at you?

PADMÉ: Sola - stop it!

SOLA: It's obvious he has feelings for you. Are you saying, little baby sister, that you haven't noticed?

PADMÉ: I'm not your baby sister, Sola. Anakin and I are friends... our relationship is strictly professional. (to Jobal) Mom, would you tell her to stop it?

SOLA: (laughing) Well, maybe you haven't noticed the way he looks at you. I think you're afraid to.

PADMÉ: Cut it out.

JOBAL: Sola's just concerned... we all are.

PADMÉ: Oh, Mom, you're impossible. What I'm doing is important.

JOBAL: You've done your service, Padmé. It's time you had a life of your own. You're missing so much!


PADMÉ throws some things into a bag.

PADMÉ: Don't worry, this won't take long.

ANAKIN: I just want to get there before dark.

PADMÉ goes on packing. ANAKIN looks around the room.

ANAKIN: You still live at home.

PADMÉ: I move around so much, I've never had a place of my own. Official residences have no warmth. I feel good here. I feel at home.

ANAKIN: I never had a real home. Home was always where my Mom was.

ANAKIN picks up a framed hologram.

ANAKIN: (continuing) Is this you?

The hologram shows PADMÉ at age seven or eight surrounded by forty or fifty little green creatures. She is holding one in her arms. They are all smiling hugely.

PADMÉ: That was when I went with the Relief Group to Shadda-Bi-Boran. Their sun was imploding, and the planet was dying. I was helping to relocate the children. See that little one I'm holding? His name was N'a-kee-tula, which means sweetheart. He was so full of life,. All those kids were. I did everything I could to save him, but he died... they all did. They were never able to adapt... to live off their native planet.

ANAKIN picks up another hologram. It shows PADMÉ at age ten or eleven. She is wearing official robes and standing between two robed legislators. Her expression is severe.

PADMÉ: (continuing) My first day as an Apprentice Legislator. Notice the difference?

PADMÉ pulls a face. ANAKIN grins. She continues packing. ANAKIN sets the two holograms down side by side - the beaming little girl, and the the stern, unsmiling adolescent.


ANAKIN and PADMÉ walk up the stairs from where the water speeder is parked onto a terrace overlooking a lovely garden.


ANAKIN and PADMÉ stop at the balustrade. PADMÉ looks out across the garden to the shimmering lake and the mountains rising beyond. ANAKIN looks at her silently.

PADMÉ: When I was in Level Three, we used to come here for school retreat. See that island? We used to swim there every day. I love the water.

ANAKIN: I do too. I guess it comes from growing up on a desert planet.

PADMÉ becomes aware that ANAKIN is looking at her.

PADMÉ: ...We used to lie on the sand and let the sun dry us... and try to guess the names of the birds singing.

ANAKIN: I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything's soft... and smooth...

He touches her arm. PADMÉ has become receptive to the way he looks at her but is nervous.

PADMÉ: There was a very old man who lived on the island. He used to make glass out of sand - and vases and necklaces out of the glass. They were magical.

ANAKIN: (looks into her eyes) Everything here is magical.

PADMÉ: You could look into the glass and see the water. The way it ripples and moves. It looked so real... but it wasn't.

ANAKIN: Sometimes, when you believe something to be real, it becomes real. Real enough, anyway...

They look into each other's eyes. He touches her chin.

PADMÉ: I used to think if you looked too deeply into glass, you would lose yourself.

ANAKIN: I think it's true...

ANAKIN kisses PADMÉ. She doesn't resist. She comes to her senses and pulls away.

PADMÉ: I shouldn't have done that.

ANAKIN: I'm sorry. When I'm around you, my mind is no longer my own.

PADMÉ: It's the situation... the stress...

He looks at her.

ANAKIN: ...the view.


PADMÉ and ANAKIN are in the middle of an idyllic hilly meadow, its lush grasses sprinkled with flowers. At a distance, a herd of SHAAKS graze contentedly.

Beyond is the shimmering expanse of the lake. Several other lakes stretch to the horizon. The warm air is full of little floating puffballs. They sit on the grass, in a playful, coy mood, talking. PADMÉ is picking flowers.

PADMÉ: I don't know...

ANAKIN: Sure you do... you just don't want to tell me.

PADMÉ: Are you going to use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me?

ANAKIN: They only work on the weak-minded. You are anything but weak-minded.

PADMÉ: All right... I was twelve. His name was Palo. We were both in the Legislative Youth Program. He was a few years older then I... very cute... dark curly hair... dreamy eyes.

ANAKIN: All right, I get the picture... whatever happened to him?

PADMÉ: I went into public service. He went on to become an artist.

ANAKIN: Maybe he was the smart one.

PADMÉ: You really don't like politicians, do you?

ANAKIN: I like two or three, but I'm not really sure about one of them. (smiling) I don't think the system works.

PADMÉ: How would you have it work?

ANAKIN: We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem, agree what's in the best interests of all the people, and then do it.

PADMÉ: That is exactly what we do. The trouble is that people don't always agree. In fact, they hardly ever do.

ANAKIN: Then they should be made to.

PADMÉ: By whom? Who's going to make them?

ANAKIN: I don't know. Someone.


ANAKIN: Of course not me.

PADMÉ: But someone.

ANAKIN: Someone wise.

PADMÉ: That sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.

A mischievous little grin creeps across his face.

ANAKIN: Well, if it works...

PADMÉ stares at ANAKIN. He looks back at her, straight faced, but can't hold back a smile.

PADMÉ: You're making fun of me!

ANAKIN: (sarcastic) Oh no, I'd be much too frightened to tease a Senator.

PADMÉ: You're so bad!

PADMÉ picks up a piece of fruit and throws it at him. He catches it. PADMÉ throws two more pieces of fruit, and ANAKIN catches them.

ANAKIN: You're always so serious.

PADMÉ: I'm so serious?!

ANAKIN then starts to juggle the fruit. PADMÉ laughs and throws more fruit at him. He manages to juggle them too until there are too many, and he loses control and ducks, letting food fall on his head. They both laugh.

ANAKIN stands in front of a SHAAK, yelling at it and waving his arms. PADMÉ starts laughing as ANAKIN runs in circles, chased by the SHAAK.


The SHAAK crosses in front of PADMÉ, with ANAKIN riding it, facing the SHAAK'S tail. ANAKIN attempts to stand on the galloping SHAAK'S back, but the SHAAK bucks, and ANAKIN loses his balance and falls off. PADMÉ laughs even harder. ANAKIN lies still. Concerned, PADMÉ jumps up and runs to where ANAKIN is face down in the grass.

PADMÉ: Annie, Annie! Are you all right?

She turns him over. He is pulling a stupid face at her and laughing. She yelps in mock fury and takes a swing at him. He catches her arm. She struggles. They roll over in the grass, embracing, and looking into each other's eyes. Suddenly, they become aware of the contact between them. They let go of each other quickly and sit up, looking away.

ANAKIN stands up and holds out his hand to her. She takes it. He pulls her up. And now they are easy together, not self-conscious any more. PADMÉ scrambles up onto the SHAAK behind ANAKIN. She puts her arms around his waist and leans against his back. ANAKIN digs his heels in. The SHAAK starts forward, and they ride away.


NANDI places dessert in front of PADMÉ. TECKLA does the same for ANAKIN. The dessert is some kind of fruit.

ANAKIN: And when I got to them, we went into... aggressive negotiations. (to Teckla) Thank you.

PADMÉ: "Aggressive negotiations," what's that?

ANAKIN: Uh, well, negotiations with a lightsaber.

PADMÉ: (laughing) Oh.

PADMÉ picks up her fork and goes to spear a piece, but it moves! She frowns and tries again - the fruit moves. She looks up at ANAKIN. His eyes are on his plate.

PADMÉ: You did that?

ANAKIN looks up - wide-eyed innocence.


PADMÉ scowls at him. PADMÉ jabs at the fruit - ANAKIN subtly moves his hand and it lifts up from the plate and hovers in front of her.

PADMÉ: That! Now stop it!

PADMÉ laughs. ANAKIN laughs. She reaches out for the fruit - it loops.

PADMÉ: Anakin!!

ANAKIN moves his fingers. The fruit flies into his hand.

ANAKIN: If Master Obi-Wan caught me doing this, he'd be very grumpy.

ANAKIN is pleased. He cuts the fruit into several pieces and sends one back to PADMÉ. She bites it out of the air and laughs.


A fire blazes in the open hearth. PADMÉ is sitting in front of it, gazing at the flames. She looks up as ANAKIN arrives. She makes room for him. Brief pause.

ANAKIN: May I tell you something?

PADMÉ: I don't know.

ANAKIN: Then how can I tell you?

PADMÉ: Maybe you should use your Jedi intuition.

ANAKIN: It doesn't work around you. My mind is always a muddle... I can only think of you.

A fire blazes in the open hearth. PADMÉ and ANAKIN are sitting in front of it, gazing into the flames. She looks up as ANAKIN leans in to kiss her.

PADMÉ: Anakin, don't.

ANAKIN: From the moment I met you, all those years ago, a day hasn't gone by when I haven't thought of you. And now that I'm with you again, I'm in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you makes my stomach turn over - my mouth goes dry. I feel dizzy. I can't breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss you should never have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me. What can I do? I will do anything you ask...

Silence. The logs flame in the hearth.

ANAKIN: (continuing) If you are suffering as much as I am, tell me.

PADMÉ: ...I can't. We can't. It's just not possible.

ANAKIN: Anything's possible. Padmé, please listen...

PADMÉ: You listen. We live in a real world. Come back to it. You're studying to become a Jedi Knight. I'm a Senator. If you follow your thoughts through to conclusion, they will take us to a place we cannot go... regardless of the way we feel about each other.

ANAKIN: Then you do feel something! There's an extraordinary connection between us. You can't deny that.

PADMÉ: Annie, it doesn't make any difference. Jedi aren't allowed to marry. You'd be expelled from the Order. I will not let you give up your responsibilities, your future, for me.

ANAKIN: I was destined to be a Jedi. I don't think I could be anything else. But you are asking me to be rational. That is something I know I cannot do. I wish I could wish my feelings away... but I can't.

PADMÉ: I am not going to give into this. I'm not going to throw my life away. I have more important things to do than fall in love.

There is silence as they stare at the fire. ANAKIN is thinking.

ANAKIN: It wouldn't have to be that way... we could keep it a secret.

PADMÉ: Then we'd be living a lie - one we couldn't keep even if we wanted to. My sister saw it. So did my mother. I couldn't do that. Could you, Anakin? Could you live like that?

Silence for a moment.

ANAKIN: ...No, you're right. It would destroy us.


ANAKIN is on the balcony overlooking the gardens. After a moment, PADMÉ comes onto the balcony behind him. She sees he is meditating and turns to go.

ANAKIN: (eyes closed) Don't go.

PADMÉ: I don't want to disturb you.

ANAKIN: Your presence is soothing.

Brief pause.

PADMÉ: You had a nightmare again last night.

ANAKIN: Jedi don't have nightmares.

PADMÉ: I heard you.

ANAKIN'S opens his eyes and looks at her.

ANAKIN: I saw my mother. I saw her as clearly as I see you now. She's suffering, Padmé. She is in pain...They're killing her! I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect you, Senator. I know I will be punished and possibly thrown out of the Jedi Order, but I must go. I have to help her! I'm sorry, Padmé. I don't have a choice.

PADMÉ: Annie, I told you I wouldn't let you give up your future for me. I'll go with you. That way you can continue to protect me, and you won't be disobeying your mandate.

ANAKIN: What about Master Obi-Wan?

PADMÉ smiles and takes his hand.

PADMÉ: I guess we won't tell him, will we?


ANAKIN stands looking across the desert. PADMÉ comes running out of the homestead after him, followed by OWEN. ANAKIN turns to PADMÉ.

ANAKIN: You are going to have to stay here. These are good people, Padmé. You'll be safe.

PADMÉ: Anakin...

PADMÉ hugs him. ANAKIN walks over to Owen's speeder bike, which is standing close by. ANAKIN swings onto the bike. The engine fires.

ANAKIN: I won't be long.

ANAKIN takes off across the desert. PADMÉ watches him go.


PADMÉ enters the garage where C-3PO sits working.

C-3PO: Hello, Miss Padmé.

PADMÉ: Hello, Threepio.

C-3PO: You can't sleep?

PADMÉ: No, I have too many things on my mind, I guess.

C-3PO: Are you worried about your work in the Senate?

PADMÉ: No, I'm just concerned about Anakin. I said things... I'm afraid I may have hurt him. I don't know. Maybe I only hurt myself. For the first time in my life, I'm confused.

C-3PO: I'm not sure it will make you feel any better, Miss Padmé, but I don't think there's been a time in my life when I haven't been confused.

PADMÉ: I want him to know I care about him. I do care about him.

C-3PO: Don't worry about Master Annie. He can take care of himself. Even in this awful place.


PADMÉ comes in with a tray of food. ANAKIN is standing at a workbench, repairing a part of the speeder bike.

PADMÉ: I brought you something. Are you hungry?

PADMÉ puts the tray down.

ANAKIN: The shifter broke. Life seems so much simpler when you're fixing things. I'm good at fixing things... always was. But I couldn't... (stops working, tears in his eyes) Why did she have to die? Why couldn't I save her? I know I could have!

PADMÉ: Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all-powerful, Annie.

ANAKIN turns and walks away from the bench.

ANAKIN: (angry) I should be! Someday I will be... I will be the most powerful Jedi ever! I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying.

PADMÉ: Anakin...

ANAKIN: (furious) It's all Obi-Wan's fault. He's jealous! He knows I'm already more powerful than he is. He's holding me back!

ANAKIN hurls the wrench across the garage. It CLATTERS to the floor. He looks at his trembling hands. PADMÉ stares at him, shocked.

PADMÉ: Annie, what's wrong?

ANAKIN: I... I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them...

ANAKIN focuses on her like someone returning from far away.

ANAKIN: Not just the men, but the women and the children too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals... I hate them!

There is silence for a moment, then ANAKIN breaks down, sobbing. PADMÉ takes him into her arms.

ANAKIN: Why do I hate them? I didn't... I couldn't... I couldn't control myself. I... I don't want to hate them... But I just can't forgive them.

PADMÉ: To be angry is to be human.

ANAKIN: To control your anger is to be a Jedi.

PADMÉ: Ssshhh... you're human.

ANAKIN: No, I'm a Jedi. I know I'm better than this. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

PADMÉ: You're like everyone else...

PADMÉ rocks him, and ANAKIN weeps.


ANAKIN and PADMÉ continue to listen. The hologram switches off. PADMÉ is looking at the readout on the ship's control panel.

PADMÉ: They'll never get there in time to save him. They have to come halfway across the galaxy. Look, Geonosis is less than a parsec away.

PADMÉ starts to hit buttons and flick switches. ANAKIN puts a hand over hers, stopping her. She stares at him.

ANAKIN: If he's still alive.

PADMÉ: Annie, are you just going to sit here and let him die?? He's your friend... your mentor...

ANAKIN: He's like my father, but you heard Master Windu. He gave me strict orders to stay here.

PADMÉ: He gave you strict orders to protect me...

PADMÉ pulls her hand free and flicks more switches. The engines fire.

PADMÉ: ...and I'm going to save Obi-Wan. So if you plan to protect me, you will have to come along.

ANAKIN grins and takes the controls. THREEPIO and ARTOO come forward from the back of the starship. THREEPIO straps himself into a seat behind PADMÉ.



ANAKIN pilots the starship close to the ground, weaving around towering rock formations.

PADMÉ: See those columns of steam straight ahead? They're exhaust vents of some type.

ANAKIN: That'll do.

ANAKIN pilots the craft straight down into a column, flying through the steam, and landing.


PADMÉ and ANAKIN prepare to leave the starship.

PADMÉ: Look, whatever happens out there, follow my lead. I'm not interested in getting into a war here. As a member of the Senate, maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this mess.

ANAKIN: Don't worry. I've given up trying to argue with you.

ARTOO WHISTLES a plaintive sigh.

C-3PO: My sad little friend. If they had needed our help, they would have asked for it. You have a lot to learn about humans.


ANAKIN and PADMÉ start forward. As they pass, the surface of the pillars seems to pulse slowly and move. High above, WINGED CREATURES grow from the pillars and detach themselves.


ANAKIN turns as one of the WINGED CREATURES attacks him. Lightsaber blazing, ANAKIN cuts down three creatures as PADMÉ exits through a far doorway. He reaches PADMÉ and they both stand on the edge of a short walkway extending over a deep crevasse. The door behind them closes, stranding the two. The walkway retracts and PADMÉ slips and then jumps down onto a conveyor belt leading into the droid factory.


ANAKIN jumps down and slashes more WINGED CREATURES while attempting to reach PADMÉ. PADMÉ makes her way across stamping machines and welders as ANAKIN follows, beating back WINGED CREATURES.


In the gloomy tunnel, ANAKIN and PADMÉ are tossed into an open cart. The murmur of a vast crowd is heard offscreen. GUARDS extend their arms along the framework and tie them so that they stand facing each other.

ANAKIN: Don't be afraid.

PADMÉ: I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life.

ANAKIN: What are you talking about?

PADMÉ: I love you.

ANAKIN: You love me?! I thought we decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie. That it would destroy our lives...

PADMÉ: I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. My love for you is a puzzle, Annie, for which I have no answers. I can't control it... and now I don't care. I truly, deeply love you, and before we die I want you to know.

PADMÉ leans toward ANAKIN. By straining hard, it is just possible for their lips to meet. They kiss.

The DRIVER cracks his whip over the ORRAY harnessed between the shafts. The cart jerks forward. Suddenly, there is a HUGE ROAR and blinding sunlight as they emerge into the arena.


The NEXU springs up and makes to leap up at PADMÉ again. She finally manages to work the chain loose. ANAKIN comes charging up on the REEK.

ANAKIN: You okay?

PADMÉ: (nods, gasping) Sure!

ANAKIN: Jump!!!

The NEXU springs. PADMÉ leaps from the top of the post to land on the REEK behind ANAKIN. The REEK charges away, around the arena. The NEXU bounds after it. The REEK passes the wounded ACKLAY and OBI-WAN. OBI-WAN runs and jumps on the back of the REEK behind ANAKIN and PADMÉ.


ANAKIN and PADMÉ are back-to-back, fighting DROIDS and flying GEONOSIANS.

ANAKIN: You call this diplomacy?

PADMÉ: No, I call it aggressive negotiations!


DOOKU signals the two fighters flanking his ship. They veer off left and right, loop around, and come up behind our heroes' Gunship. To avoid the BEAK-WING fire, the Gunship banks up a steep dune but is still hit. The ship lurches on its side, and PADMÉ and a CLONE OFFICER tumble out.


ANAKIN stares down in horror as PADMÉ hits the ground below.

ANAKIN: (continuing; to pilot) Put the ship down! Down!

OBI-WAN: Don't let your personal feelings get in the way. (to the pilot) Follow that speeder.

The Gunship continues its pursuit of DOOKU's speeder, followed by the TWO BEAK-WING fighters.

ANAKIN: (to pilot) Lower the ship!

OBI-WAN: Anakin, I can't take Dooku alone. I need you. If we catch him we can end this war right now. We have a job to do.

ANAKIN: I don't care. (to the pilot) Put the ship down.

OBI-WAN: You'll be expelled from the Jedi Order.

ANAKIN: I can't leave her.

OBI-WAN: Come to your senses. What do you think Padmé would do if she were in your position?

ANAKIN: (resigned) She would do her duty.


PADMÉ runs to ANAKIN and throws her arms around him. ANAKIN is barely able to stand up.


In a rose-covered arbor overlooking the sparkling lake, ANAKIN and PADMÉ stand before a NABOO HOLY MAN.

THREEPIO and ARTOO stand by, watching, as the HOLY MAN blesses the happy couple and, amid gently falling rose petals, ANAKIN and PADMÉ kiss.



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